2,073 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Feb 2024
  3. Jun 2023
    1. ne serait-il pas mieux de former des citoyens éco-responsables 00:03:18 co-créateur de savoir éducatif qui tient compte du bien commun alors des humains heureux qui vont répondre à leurs propres besoins mais qui sont capables aussi de tenir compte de 00:03:32 l'ensemble des besoins de l'humanité

      C'est aussi ça, la justice épistémique!

  4. Mar 2023
    1. three (of the many) potential confounding factors that often go uncontrolled in OER efficacy research, and which there are strong grounds to believe would impact student learning: the teacher, the support that teachers may receive when they adopt OER, and instructional design.

      Confounding factors or the actual point of the research?

    1. 9.  Grades spoil students’ relationships with each other.
    2. 8. Grades spoil teachers’ relationships with students.
    3. 7. Grades encourage cheating.
    4. 5. Grades distort the curriculum.
    5. 4. Grades aren’t valid, reliable, or objective
    6. 3.  Grades tend to reduce the quality of students’ thinking.
    7. 2.  Grades tend to reduce students’ preference for challenging tasks.
    8. 1.  Grades tend to reduce students’ interest in the learning itself.
    9. A classic

    1. Authenticity Use Wonder Curiosity Responsibility Enjoyment Autonomy Respect.

      Anagram: A War Cure Authenticity Wonder Autonomy Respect Curiosity Use Responsibility Enjoyment

    1. Perhaps tools like ChatGPT signal the start of a revise revolution in OER creation, where the role of an OER creator starts not with creating content but with creating the correct prompts to generate a first draft of content, then spends the bulk of their time revising and validating the content.
    2. So far ChatGPT is failing miserably at making visible how it knows what it knows.
    3. For open educators, this runs counter to the very reason we use OER in the first place. Many open educators choose OER because there are legal permissions that allow for the ethical reuse of other people’s material — material the creators have generously and freely made available through the application of open licenses to it. The thought of using work that has not been freely gifted to the commons by the creator feels wrong for many open educators and is antithetical to the generosity inherent in the OER community.
    1. ALIR - un manuel interactif pour l'algèbre linéaire produit avec PreTeXt  (présentation en français)  Lien vers la RELnorth_eastlien externe  fabriqueREL (2022-23)
    1. November 7, 2013 Stressing for Straight A’s Can we imagine education without grades? Eryn Fitzgerald Alex Enkerli La Petite Cuillère
  5. Nov 2022
    1. Teachers are actually managing something far more important than test scores. They're managing, massaging, inspiring, reinforcing and jollying along the only thing that helps a kid learn, which is the energy and trust in the classroom. Good teachers do it instinctively and constantly, though it's exhausting and painstaking to do. This is the one thing teachers don't get rewarded for or credit for. They care enough to manage the waves of excitement and wonder and fatigue and frustration in their classrooms. They manage the waves and let the particles take care of themselves.
    2. Measurement requires stopping the action, getting outside of it and holding it up against a yardstick, exactly the opposite of the activity that would create products or ship them, make customers happy or move our business forward in any way.
    3. A typical ridiculous, unquestioned business adage is "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it." That's BS on the face of it, because the vast majority of important things we manage at work aren't measurable, from the quality of our new hires to the confidence we instill in a fledgling manager.
    1. Information technology — Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training — Part 2: "Access for all" personal needs and preferences for digital delivery
    2. Information technology — Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training — Part 3: "Access for all" digital resource description
    1. le haricot, symbole de l’alliance à plaisanterie entre les patronymes Traoré et Koné, qui se qualifient mutuellement de « mangeurs de haricots »

      Koné Diarra Sankaraka

  6. Oct 2022
    1. Our job is to make sure we promote this sense of learning — and learning starts with a question, as we like to say. We are the workflow folks, in that we are enabling just-in-time learning when people truly have an issue and want to get unstuck through Stack Overflow.
    1. en 2018 et 2019, Ubisoft a ajouté à chaque jeu un mode éliminant toutes les missions et tous lescombats, appelé « Discovery Tours », dans le but que les professeurs d’Histoire dans les écoles secondairespuissent utiliser ces jeux dans leurs cours.
    2. Pourtant, cesmêmes chercheurs accordent toute leur attention aux jeux vidéo sérieux qui, ils le reconnaissent eux-mêmes,sont souvent « peu motivants », « amusants » et « divertissants » (c’est-à-dire, offrant un engagement et uneimmersion faibles), contrairement aux jeux vidéo commerciaux ou basés sur le divertissement (Davidson, 2008;Gee, 2008; Granic et coll., 2014; Hamari et Koivisto, 2015).
    3. si l’onsuppose qu’une part importante de nos étudiants ont une motivation intrinsèque pour jouer aux jeux vidéopendant leur temps libre, il vaut la peine d’étudier si cette même motivation et ce même engagement peuventêtre transférés dans le contexte d’un cours, et si ce type d’expérience peut aboutir à des apprentissagessignificatifs
    4. si l’onsuppose qu’une part importante de nos étudiants ont une motivation intrinsèque pour jouer aux jeux vidéopendant leur temps libre, il vaut la peine d’étudier si cette même motivation et ce même engagement peuventêtre transférés dans le contexte d’un cours, et si ce type d’expérience peut aboutir à des apprentissagessignificatifs
    5. En effet, le taux dedécrochage actuel des étudiants dans les cégeps du Québec constitue une préoccupation urgente pour leministère de l’Éducation.
    6. notre recherche a pour objectif de mesurer l’impact de ces jeux vidéo sur l’engagement général,l’apprentissage, l’empathie et le raisonnement critique des étudiants dans un cours en Humanities de niveaucégep et dans un cours du programme de techniques d’éducation spécialisée (TES) de niveau cégep,respectivement.
    7. La volonté d’étudier les jeux vidéo basés sur le divertissement en particulier est motivée par le fait que lesétudiants sont largement plus susceptibles de jouer à ces jeux vidéo en dehors de la salle de classe, précisémentparce qu’ils sont plus populaires, captivants et immersifs, dès leur conception
    8. les jeux vidéo basés sur le divertissement offrent des expériences similaires aux jeux vidéo sérieux, et qu’il estdonc probable qu’ils mènent à un apprentissage significatif
    9. générer des résultats d’apprentissage significatif sous la formed’empathie en utilisant un jeu vidéo basé sur le divertissement, Never Alone (Kisima Inŋitchuŋa)(Upper One Games, 2015), dans le cours « Interactions and Cultural Communities » /« Interactions et communautés culturelles » (351-CC1-AS) du programme de Techniquesd’éducation spécialisée
    10. générer des résultats d’apprentissage significatif sous la forme depensée critique en utilisant un jeu vidéo basé sur le divertissement, Portal (2007), dans le cours« Knowledge » (345-101-MQ) du programme Humanities 101.
    11. peu de recherches ont été faites sur l’utilisation des jeux vidéo basés sur le divertissement et surleur capacité éventuelle à mener à des résultats d’apprentissage semblables à ceux des jeux vidéo sérieux.
    1. 13 h 20 – Ma classe, une plateforme incontournable aux multiples possibilités!   Cet atelier vous fera découvrir le potentiel de Ma classe de l'École ouverte, la plateforme nationale de ressources éducatives numériques. Les animatrices présenteront les grandes fonctionnalités de la plateforme et proposeront différentes activités d'exploration. Notamment, elles guideront les participants à travers des défis pour rechercher, créer et partager des ressources éducatives numériques. Les participants repartiront avec tout le bagage nécessaire pour initier leurs élèves à l’utilisation de la plateforme. Différents outils complémentaires seront également fournis afin qu'ils puissent demeurer autonomes dans leur familiarisation avec la plateforme. Découvrir Ma classe, c'est l'adopter! Il est à noter que pour tirer profit de cet atelier, les participants doivent faire partie d’organismes scolaires dont l’entente de services avec le Ministère est signée et y ayant accès grâce à la connexion par leur portail scolaire, soit Mozaïk (GRICS), Pluriportail (Plurilogic) ou PedNET (Berger-Levrault). Animatrices : Émilie Rondeau-Courtois, Martine Thériault et Manon Légaré
    1. the sky’s the limit for companies that place consumer consent at the center of their digital marketing strategy
    2. Consent: As the only regime to require consent as default with minimal exceptions, Law 25 is by far the most stringent. The GDPR allows for a wider range of justifications, including compliance with legal obligations and public interest. The CCPA does not place consent obligations on companies at all, instead offering consumers the ability to opt-out of dissemination, or invoke the right of erasure once their information has been collected.
    3. in many ways, Law 25 is the most stringent of the three regimes
    4. Impact assessments: Law 25 is broad and requires a PIR to be carried out whenever conditions are met, regardless of the level of risk. The GDPR is less stringent, only requiring assessments in cases where processing is likely to result in a ‘high risk’ to rights and freedoms. Because the CCPA does not specifically focus on accountability-related obligations, it does not mandate impact assessments.
    5. Privacy by default: Bill 64’s “confidentiality by default” clause is far broader in scope and significantly more stringent than the “privacy by design” concept under the GDPR. The CCPA does not provide for this concept at all, instead taking an “after-the-event” remedial approach. 
    1. Les grands gagnants seront les entreprises qui auront su placer le consentement du consommateur au centre de leur stratégie digitale.
    2. exige qu'une AIPD soit réalisée à chaque fois que la situation le nécessite et quel que soit le niveau de risque
    3. Étant le seul régime à exiger le consentement par défaut avec des exceptions limitées, la loi 25 est de loin la plus stricte.
    4. La confidentialité par défaut : La clause de "confidentialité par défaut" du projet de loi 64 a une portée beaucoup plus vaste et est beaucoup plus stricte que le concept de "confidentialité par conception" prévu par le RGPD. Le CCPA adopte plutôt une approche corrective "après coup".
    5. Toutefois, à bien des égards, la loi 25 est le plus rigoureux des trois régimes.
    1. En cas de non-respect de la Loi, la Commission d’accès à l’information pourra imposer des sanctionsimportantes, qui pourraient s’élever jusqu’à 25 M$ ou à 4 % du chiffre d’affaires mondial. Cette sanctionsera proportionnelle, notamment, à la gravité du manquement et à la capacité de payer de l’entreprise.ENTREPRISES
  7. Sep 2022
    1. This is the story of two companies, each driven by enlightened self-interest, that screwed up a mutual effort to preserve access to free educational resources with a gob-smacking level of tone-deafness.
    2. Created a separate site with a separate URL, hosted by Course Hero, that would have bought them more goodwill at the cost of some easy customer conversion
    3. Selectively sought input from Candela-using educators and campuses about the best way to do this
    4. Announced in advance that the two companies are working on a sustainability strategy to keep the OER accessible for free to students
    5. This was entirely avoidable
    1. Une stratégie visant le rehaussement et la requalification des travailleuses et travailleurs par le soutien à la formation à temps partiel et des initiatives de soutien direct aux personnes qui souhaitent se requalifier devraient aussi être déployées. Il faudrait également, de manière plus générale, axer les stratégies de développement économique autour du développement des compétences des personnes et de l'accessibilité à la formation, croit la Fédération. Les cégeps pourraient, par ailleurs, augmenter leur capacité à offrir aux petites et moyennes entreprises un accompagnement pour préparer leurs équipes à relever les nouveaux défis du marché du travail.
    2. Selon la Fédération, cet enjeu doit faire l'objet d'un projet de société auquel les cégeps pourraient contribuer, dans la mesure notamment où sera faite la promotion du rôle de la formation continue qualifiante offerte au sein du réseau collégial dans le rehaussement du niveau de vie et de la productivité, et dans l'acquisition des compétences du futur.
    3. intégration des personnes immigrantes et de régionalisation de l'immigration
    4. 'intensifier les actions de promotion à l'international, notamment en faisant mieux connaître la réalité des cégeps, le DEC et le Québec comme destination d'études, sera également mise de l'avant.
    5. les cégeps pourraient assurément mieux s'arrimer aux attentes des jeunes, des adultes et des acteurs économiques s'ils pouvaient compter sur une accélération de la révision et de l'élaboration de leurs programmes d'études en adéquation avec le marché du travail ou encore moduler le format de certains programmes
    6. La pandémie a démontré que ce sont les personnes les moins qualifiées qui sont les plus susceptibles de perdre leur emploi lors d'une crise sanitaire, ce qui est également vrai en cas de crise économique. Par conséquent, même si le marché du travail a rarement offert autant de possibilités d'emploi et que les entreprises et organisations doivent composer avec un manque criant de personnel, les jeunes ne doivent pas tomber dans le piège de l'emploi exigeant peu de qualifications afin de toucher rapidement un salaire plutôt que de terminer une véritable formation qui les mènera vers un poste plus satisfaisant à long terme. Ce faisant, en plus d'acquérir une formation générale leur permettant de mieux vivre leur vie citoyenne, ils se protègeront pour l'avenir en s'assurant des perspectives d'emploi plus intéressantes et plus durables. En suivant une telle voie, ils seront en position de répondre aux exigences grandissantes du marché du travail tout en étant aptes à se former de façon continue pour maintenir à jour leur bagage de compétences tout au long de leur vie professionnelle, a indiqué la Fédération.
    1. Le site vise le développement de la compétence suivante : 4PH1, Discuter des conceptions philosophiques de l'être humain.
    1. Prochains thèmes :    - 1 Fidèle au programme    - 2 Pédagogie non-genrée    - 3 Nouvelles pratiques commerciales    - 4 Habiter l'école - Milieu de vie
  8. Aug 2022
    1. To be clear, I don’t see John’s progress as a reflection of my teaching. He discovered how to use speech-to-text tools to help him write. He showed up and worked hard every day in our virtual classroom. He took initiative and persevered— all skills I didn’t teach him.

      Useful reminder, connected to our goals and roles, as learning pros. Some of us celebrate when people empower themselves through learning. Yet, some people have issues with the fact that there hasn't been an intervention.

      My little quip:

      People learn despite teachers.

    1. In an academic article published in the Journal of Consumer Research, leading experts define inclusion as follows: “Inclusion refers to creating a culture that fosters belonging and incorporation of diverse groups and is usually operationalized as opposition to exclusion or marginalization.”2 This definition is chock-full of great terms to unpack, but one of the most essential is belonging.
    1. Test ways to build earned credentials (certificates, badges, coursework) into degrees; build banks of experience (on-the-job training, internships) that earn credit; admit students simultaneously to two- and four-year institutions; guarantee transfer agreements so students don’t take numerous courses that don’t transfer into a four-year degree; set goals for meaningful employment upon graduation; and work collectively to measure our progress and hold ourselves accountable for the outcome.
    2. Many need to flow in and out of jobs and education, rather than pursue a degree in two or four years.
    1. Teach 2: Time out (hooks, 2003, p. 13) illustrates hooks’ candidadmission of burn-out among educators. She addresses not only thecommon urge for time away from teaching, but also the objectiveneed. hooks (2003) connects the fatigue experienced by classroomeducators to issues of race and class in “the corporate university class-room” (p. 21). To support her argument, she describes her own feelingsof liberation teaching outside of the classroom.

      Sounds like #EdTech is ready for #Teach2.

    1. Harris said this model is often better for the textbook authors OpenStax works with, whom Harris called "the long tail" behind the minority of financially successful academic authors -- those who wouldn't necessarily sell enough units to make a lot in royalties, but who are committed to their work nonetheless.
    2. Michael Spinella, executive director of the Textbook and Academic Authors Association
    3. "We are fully committed to providing affordable, high-quality learning solutions for students," Joyner said. "We are excited to think openly and collaboratively with key partners like OpenStax to ensure that we, and our authors, are able to reach as many students as possible in new and highly accessible ways."
    1. The 10th edition of Organic Chemistry will include an increased focus on diversity and representation, an enhanced visualization program, new practice problems, and relevant real-world applications.
    2. Organic chemistry is a required course for pre-medical students and is also one of the most challenging science courses students take.
    3. John sought to publish Organic Chemistry as a free textbook in honor of his son Peter.
    1. honda Martinez has 10+ years of educational experience, working in both public and private school classrooms, teaching children and adults. She has earned her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and Master’s in TESOL Education, along with a certification in Middle School Language Arts. Her ongoing commitment to the educational field drives her consistent professional development in adolescent growth and mindset, classroom management, students with learning differences, giftedness in the classroom, best practices with technology, and UDL practices. She prides herself in being a strong example of modeling The Gradual Release Model – I Do, We Do, You Do. Her foundational pedagogy encourages each of her students to be the best they can be, while supporting and scaffolding them to reach their individual and ever-growing achievements! 
    1. Politique documentaire Ensemble des objectifs et processus pilotant la gestion de l’information, incluant la politique d’acquisition, la politique de conservation et la politique de médiation des collections. La politique documentaire est une partie intégrante et essentielle du projet d'établissement, permettant de répondre aux missions de la structure et aux attentes des usagers.
  9. Jul 2022
    1. “It is not the role of a colonial institution like Queen’s to determine who is or is not Indigenous,” Murray Sinclair said in announcing plans for the council.
    1. We don’t expect National Defence or health care to promote growth: we just accept that territorial integrity and a healthy populace are good things.

      Been making that point about health (especially since, like education, it's a provincial jurisdiction). It's easy to think of perverse incentives if a profit motive dominates education and health. Physicians would want people to remain sick and teachers would prefer it if learners required more assistance.

      Hadn't thought enough about the DND part. Sure gives me pause, given the amounts involved. Or the fact that there's a whole lot of profit made in that domain.

      So, businesspeople are quick to talk about "cost centres". Some of them realize that those matter a whole lot.

    1. When leaders teach is almost as important as what they teach.

      The part identified by Entrepreneur (via HR Dive.).

    2. Fortunately, it doesn’t take special talent or training or even a lot of time to teach in the same way that star managers do. Simply follow the precedent they’ve set. Learn what to teach, when to teach, and how to make your lessons stick.

      Sounds easy!

    1. DeLong: Yes. I was pleased and hurt by a letter I once received from a student after I kept talking about getting feedback. “Professor DeLong, you’ve always encouraged us to speak truth to power. So this is my effort to do so. When I attend your class I find myself anxious and fearful. I’m afraid you will use your humor to humiliate me or make fun of me in some way. I know you are well known as a great teacher, but I haven’t been able to connect with you. I know most students look forward to your course, but you need to know that you can hurt students without knowing it.” Even though a hundred students might write thank-you notes, this is the one I ruminate on. And by the way, I didn’t know who that student was. They did not sign their name.
    1. Embrace epistemological humility. Let me say upfront that for me this one is, ah, aspirational. I speak with great confidence about educational research results all the time, sometimes when I shouldn’t.
    1. While Brave Search does not have editorial biases, all search engines have some level of intrinsic bias due to data and algorithmic choices. Goggles allows users to counter any intrinsic biases in the algorithm.
  10. Jun 2022
    1. Even though the Hope Center “culture” was studied by the firm Just Strategies starting in late 2020, Goldrick-Rab said that many of the concerns that employees shared with Inside Higher Ed were news to her.

      Not a good sign.

    1. I don’t know anyone who  hasn’t immediately been like “What is this? What is happening here?”

      Maybe part of the problem stems from who these people know.

    1. The call for proposals and review process followed a traditional process (their use of EasyChair works really well for the proposal process), with options built in for presenters to choose asynchronous format.

      Right. Is it the right time to talk about the switch to Pretalx in 2022? I understand some of the reasons behind the experiment. And we can draw lessons.

    1. Le centre de services scolaire de Montréal gère 187 écoles qui accueillent plus de 110 000 élèves.

      Close to 1B$ for 110k learners. Coming from Higher Ed, that'd be the equivalent of two large universities. Maybe I should check the budgets of public universities since 0.5B$ sounds like a lot.

  11. May 2022
    1. ART. 2. - La Société n'admet aucune communication concernant, soit l'origine du langage~ soit la création d'une langue universelle.
    1. Leaders in higher education are mission-driven individuals who want what’s best for students.
    2. only 52% of students agree that when they give feedback, they know their voice is heard.
    3. Eighty-seven percent of students who report feeling understood are satisfied with their experience overall compared to just 45% of students who say their institution doesn’t understand what's important to them.
    1. “Try to be right all the time, but when wrong, get right as soon as you can”

      Felicitous wording, especially in the context of a description as “the correct mindset”.

      Flagging for reuse. (@Gruber has quoted himself frequently on this one.)

    1. faciliter l’accès aux données des systèmes du MES, notamment par rapport à laréussite de groupes ciblés d’étudiants (par exemple, les étudiants en situationde handicap, les étudiants autochtones, les étudiants issus de l’immigration, lesétudiants de première génération3, les étudiants internationaux)
    2. étudiants de première génération sont ceux dont les générations antérieures (parents ou grands-parents) n’ont pas euaccès à l’enseignement supérieur
  12. Apr 2022
    1. Reading might mean listening to an audiobook or using a text-to-speech application.

      Times were occasionally tough for aural people.

    2. professors access to the amount of time a student spends on a reading and how many of the assigned pages they’ve viewed.

      This is one that some readers may feel in their own experiences, even if they're not currently registered as students. Maybe it's my own quirks: I do feel quite a bit of judgment when people realize how long I've spent with a text. One strange (and painful) example came from a Facebook post I wrote, in late 2020. A person (who was already abusive) took a screenshot of my post and highlighted the time which had lapsed after I posted it, mistaking that for the time it took me to write it. Reading in public can generate similar behaviours and feelings. Again, maybe I'm the odd person out. Still, I can acknowledge that I occasionally felt others' assessment of my reading speed when I was reading a text in a metro or classroom. Even if this is an unusual perception, I observe that speed reading accrues social value beyond its practicality.

    3. homework compliance

      A major point in Chloé Collins's text is that traditional annotations risk feeling like a chore, done to fulfill teachers' requirements. In Collins's experience, the collaborative dimension of social annotation helps make it into something learners do for themselves.


  13. Mar 2022
    1. Dans la science ouverte, une publication reste un tout que l’on ne modifie pas. Donc, les REL se rapprochent plutôt de la logique de l’Open Source.
    2. Les REL sont un exemple de commun numérique, comment se comparent-ils d’autres communs, par exemple à la science ouverte ?
    3. on rappelle aux enseignants qu’au fond, s’ils ont choisi ce métier, c’est bien pour partager la connaissance
    4. à ce jour, il est impossible pour un étudiant qui suit un cours dans une université d’avoir des informations et de se renseigner sur le cours équivalent qui est donné dans une autre université.
    5. projet européen X5-GON (Global Open Education Network) qui collecte les informations sur les ressources éducatives libres et qui marche bien avec un gros apport d’intelligence artificielle pour analyser en profondeur les documents
    6. l’usage des licences est très approximatif. Il nous est arrivé de trouver un même cours ayant de multiples licences, contradictoires, posées par les auteurs, l’Université et l’annuaire lui-même. Ce qui en pratique rend impossible son utilisation autrement qu’en simple document à consulter : on est alors très loin des REL.
    7. Existe-t-il un annuaire qui permet de trouver les ressources éducatives libres ? Non, il n’existe pas d’annuaire, ou plutôt il en existe beaucoup et ils sont peu utilisables.
    8. Un professeur de lycée n’a pas le droit de produire un livre à partir de son cours, parce que le cours ne lui appartient pas

      Situation similaire dans plusieurs syndicats, par exemple les professionnels (bibliothécaires, CP...).

    9. En France, quand on parle de ressources gratuites, la première réaction est souvent : mais ça l’est déjà !
    10. pourquoi les instances publiques exercent un vrai soutien pour l’accès libre aux publications scientifiques et pas de soutien du même ordre pour les REL
    11. En France, le chiffre d’affaires net de l’édition scolaire représente 388 millions d’euros par an
    12. Assiste-t-on à un conflit avec les grands éditeurs de manuels scolaires au sujet des ressources éducatives libres. Pourrais-tu nous expliquer la situation ?

      Question inductive

  14. Feb 2022
    1. Le classement du Journal est basé sur cet écart. Le cégep qui obtient le plus grand écart entre le taux de diplomation prédit et le taux de diplomation réel se retrouve en premier rang. L’inverse est aussi vrai.
    1. Developing supportive policy: encouraging governments, and education authorities and institutions to adopt regulatory frameworks to support open licensing of publicly funded educational and research materials, develop strategies to enable the use and adaptation of OER in support of high quality, inclusive education and lifelong learning for all, supported by relevant research in the area;
  15. Jan 2022
    1. les lettres que je reçois des Services adaptés en rendent plusieurs visibles

      Most of us have received those letters, indicating that some learners will require special accommodations. And students learn to fit the description. Reminds me of those learners in my classes who expressed surprise at obtaining a high grade on an assignment.

      For instance, a musician in my ethnomusicology course, back in 2006, came to me with something of a complaint:

      You gave me an A on this assignment!

      Right. What's the problem?

      I have a learning disability!

      Erm... Not in my course, you don't! ;-)

      Students like this musician had done exactly the work required to fulfill the requirements... which didn't match expected requirements (which are overwhelmingly scriptocentric).

      Conversely, some learners assume they'll always get good grades ("I'm an A student!"), typically because their writing style matches academic expectations.

      Surely, there's research on this labelling effect. Now, I'm not saying that it's the only effect coming from these letters (or from "dean's lists"). Accommodations can be particularly important in courses where there's a pressure to perform in a certain way. And it sounds like grade-based rewards are important in several social systems. I'm merely thinking of links between Howie Becker's best-known book and his unsung work.

    2. invisibles

      Making inequalities visible becomes an important task, when we analyze a situation. Even with "visible minority" status, there's work to be done to assess our... visual bias. For instance, learners from indigenous communities may not "look the part". In Canada, this is actually a legal matter as a learner in one of my "intro to anthro" classes described it. (Let's call him "Harry".) Despite coming from a First Nation, Harry didn't have status. His sister did because her appearance fit the description. In fact, Harry's First Nation friend gave us a glimpse of this, live, in the classroom. Harry's friend didn't realize that Harry was First Nation until we started discussing this.

    3. Depuis longtemps, je suis d’avis que la rigueur d’un cours ne se mesure pas à la quantité de connaissances dont l’enseignant fait étalage, mais aux apprentissages que les étudiants font.

      Which can lead to an assessment of pedagogical efficacy. It's funny, to me, that those who complain about "grade inflation" (typically admins) rarely entertain the notion that grades could be higher than usual if the course went well. The situation is quite different in "L&D" (Learning and Development, typically for training and professional development in an organizational context). "Oh, great! We were able to get everyone to reach the standard for this competency! Must mean that we've done something right in our Instructional Design!"

    4. Si certains étudiants réussissent moins bien parce qu’ils étaient moins préparés aux études supérieures, ça ne veut pas dire qu’un cours est rigoureux. Ça indique plutôt que les étudiants n’ont pas été suffisamment soutenus.

      Bears repeating:

      Si certains étudiants réussissent moins bien parce qu’ils étaient moins préparés aux études supérieures, ça ne veut pas dire qu’un cours est rigoureux. Ça indique plutôt que les étudiants n’ont pas été suffisamment soutenus.

      Unexamined use of evaluation tools has led to a notion that academic success is causally linked to potential. It's more than a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's a whole system through which we support some learning experiences more than others and use the results of our assessment of well-supported learning as evidence that we offered proper support.

      As with health, there's a perverse incentive in preventing people from improving. If people learn without institutional help, the institution risks becoming obsolete. So there's a strong push to make sure that the institution will play a gatekeeping role. Some instructors have internalized this enough that they will state, with a straight face, that the role of a teacher is to identify people with potential and support them. Thankfully, many teachers have enough of a passion for learning that we actively try to make ourselves obsolete.

    5. Une distribution gaussienne pour les notes des étudiants n’est pas un indicateur de rigueur.

      Curving grades remains an unquestioned practice, in some contexts. Despite all the debunking which has been done since Terman's (in)famous work...

    6. Une énorme charge de travail pour les étudiants n’est pas un indicateur de rigueur.

      Given learners' current levels of anxiety, Quebec's Action Plan on Higher Education Mental Health could become quite significant. Wonder who's currently finding solutions to these issues. Workload is controversial enough a topic that a "Design Thinking" #SolutionMode might be even more fitting than assessments of what counts as a heavy burden.

    7. mauvais indicateurs comme gages de rigueur

      Yes! Therein lies the rub. Sounds like arguments for Competency-Based Learning, which is officially what we have in Quebec's Cegep system.

    8. baisser les attentes
    9. L’un des thèmes récurrents pendant les discussions a été celui de la rigueur.

      Not too surprising. It's an important consideration for the Academe. Almost part of the definition. And it's useful that learning pros are tackling such issues instead of jumping to conclusions. In a way, it's an extension of work done in the Sociology of Education since 1918.

    10. Vous pouvez en visionner l’enregistrement sans frais, en fournissant vos coordonnées.

      Interestingly, after signing up, it's even possible to download the Zoom recording video file along with its associated transcription files! Been using [h]'s DocDrop to anchor thoughts to timestamps in videos. Despite issues with YouTube, it's been quite useful as "resources in the open" even when they're not open resources. I'd have preferred that over the registration and download.

      Still, it's less restrictive than I expected.

    1. How To Master Any Language The Best Ways To Learning A New Langauge
    1. Conseil consultatif canadien sur les normes en apprentissage en ligne (CCCNAL)
    1. it's a tricky thing with Max you can spend weeks and refining a patch and afterwards you're the idea is so much gone for yourself that now you have the perfect tool but 00:02:41 you're not interested in using it anymore

      it's a tricky thing with Max you can spend weeks and refining a patch and afterwards you're the idea is so much gone for yourself that now you have the perfect tool but you're not interested in using it anymore


    1. ``We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,'' he said. ``PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.''

      Sounds very different from the verbatim:

      Yeah. And so I just would caution people that think they’re going to walk in here and just and do these. We’ve struggled for a few years here, figuring out how to make a decent phone. The PC guys are not going to just, you know, knock this out. I guarantee it. So, look, welcome, let’s go for it. We can’t stop all that. It’s going to happen, but it’s going to be, I don’t think it’ll be so easy for everybody, as everybody thinks to enter it. It’s a tough space.

    1. Colligan: Yeah. And so I just would caution people that think they’re going to walk in here and just and do these. We’ve struggled for a few years here, figuring out how to make a decent phone. The PC guys are not going to just, you know, knock this out. I guarantee it. So, look, welcome, let’s go for it. We can’t stop all that. It’s going to happen, but it’s going to be, I don’t think it’ll be so easy for everybody, as everybody thinks to enter it. It’s a tough space.

      Indeed, quite different from the paraphrase in that report

      We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,'' he said.PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.''

    1. Ms. Trajano, whom the president referred to as a “socialist.”Later that day, when Ms. Trajano was asked about the president’s remark, she said she didn’t find the label offensive.“I think social inequality must be confronted,” she said. “If that’s being a socialist, then I’m a socialist.”
    1. promised at his inauguration to be a president to all Americans

      Overall, Rogers’s comments contrast messages of unification and defiance, as though they were incompatible. One reading of this metadiscursive approach is that it accepts the very political divisiveness which has defined US-style politics for over two decades.

    2. often warns

      Several of Rogers’s bits of context point to what is habitual to Biden or surprising, given his style of governance.

    3. This is a powerful backdrop for Mr. Biden, who served in the Senate for 36 years. The Capitol was Mr. Biden’s workplace for decades. In this moment, posed among the artifacts that tell the nation’s story, he is both president and tour guide.

      This annotation sounds a bit like the lower third on one of those video explainers…

    4. Here is a transcript of his remarks, with additional context.
  16. Dec 2021
    1. Ressources éducatives libres

      Une période-charnière pour les REL au Québec:

      1. Pascale Blanc (Vitrine technologie-éducation)
      2. Nicolas Boivin (MOOC Littératie financière – UQTR)
      3. Isabelle Laplante (ÉDUQ)
      4. Robert Gérin-Lajoie (EDUlib – UdeM)
      5. Simon Villeneuve (Cégep de Chicoutimi)
      6. Hugh McGuire (Librivox)
    1. (ii) Élaborer des politiques d’accompagnement
    2. créer des REL dans les langues locales, en particulier dans les langues autochtones, qui sont moins utilisées, menacées et pour lesquelles les ressources sont rares ;
    3. Suite à un commentaire de Marcela Morales: les liens entre les différentes versions peuvent s'effectuer par les bilingues, un peu comme l'effet papillon social.

    4. programmes de formation initiale à l’intention des éducateurs

      Rappelle certains points du rapport Éduquer au numérique.

      Puis, lien possible aux collègues des collèges, via Una Daly (CCCOER): https://hyp.is/LydNYEfpEey9gTODlHd8XQ/oer.pressbooks.pub/oeg2021/chapter/english/

    5. Cette page sert de bac à sable pour des annotations (commentaires, glose, interprétation, intertextualité, mots-clic...).

    1. Une communauté d’apprentissage numérique dans son collège Animation : René Bélanger et Suzanne Mercier (Cégep de Matane) La mise en place d’une communauté d’apprentissage numérique dans son collège amène la mobilisation d’un groupe d’enseignants à innover dans sa pratique ce qui insuffle un vent de changement pour tout le collège. Partage d’expertise, validation de pratique, formation, réflexion sur les enjeux du numérique…
      1. Capacity Building
      2. Supportive policy
      3. Inclusion, equity, quality, effectiveness
      4. Sustainability
      5. International cooperation
    2. Recognizing the leading role of UNESCO in the field of education and in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which calls for the international community to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all,
    3. Wall of Text

      We should build a Wall of Sound for it. https://imgflip.com/i/18jkm2

    4. Welcome to this space, the English annotation sandbox for UNESCO's OER Recommendation.

    1. Self-assessment I've already talked at length about how I use self-assessment. What I'll add is that this work is both part of my approach to the problem of grades and also an end goal in and of itself. Ann Berthoff writes in “Dialectical Notebooks and the Audit of Meaning,” “Learning to look carefully, to see what you're looking at, is perenially acclaimed as the essential skill for both artist and scientist.” Metacognition is a practical skill that cuts across disciplines.
    1. Special note: moral rights may continue to exist in works that have otherwise entered the public domain. See section 2.1.
    2. Indigenous cultural heritage/traditional cultural expressions In some instances, cultural heritage elements that are considered in the public domain under copyright law might be subject to other considerations or restrictions that need to be taken into account. This is especially the case of cultural works, sacred objects, rituals, or other types of traditional cultural expressions and knowledge created by and under the custodianship of Indigenous peoples or local communities. To be clear, these traditional cultural expressions might not be protected by copyright. However, this doesn’t mean that they are necessarily free for reuse or posting on the Internet. In view of the cultural rights or interests and customary laws or protocols that might govern their access and use, these cultural expressions deserve to be treated respectfully. It is recommended not to post them online or allow their re-use without prior consultations with the community(ies) that are their custodian. Cultural institutions have an important role to play to ensure the traditional cultural expressions in their collections are used respectfully and according to the wishes of their holders. Specific platforms, like Mukurtu, labels, like the Traditional Knowledge Labels, can help. If you are interested in exploring this topic in more detail, you can read the outcomes of the desk-based research that Creative Commons conducted on GLAM policies for Traditional Cultural Expressions on this blog post: “Sharing Indigenous Cultural Heritage Online: An Overview of GLAM Policies.”
    3. 4. The copyright holder failed to comply with formalities to acquire or maintain their copyright.
    1. The Treaty of Marrakesh Explained by the World Blind Union. This is a post prepared by the WBU that explains some of the basic points of the Marrakesh Treaty, and how it ought to be implemented nationally. http://www.worldblindunion.org/english/news/Pages/The-Treaty-of-Marrakesh.aspx
    1. The foundation of Open Education is Open Educational Resources (OER), which are teaching, learning, and research resources that are free of cost and access barriers, and which also carry legal permission for open use. Generally, this permission is granted by use of an open license (for example, Creative Commons licenses) which allows anyone to freely use, adapt and share the resource—anytime, anywhere. “Open” permissions are typically defined in terms of the “5R’s”: users are free to Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix and Redistribute these educational materials.
    1. Generally speaking, there are two main ways in which exceptions and limitations are written into copyright law. The first is by listing specific activities that are excluded from the reach of copyright. For example, Japanese copyright law has a specific exemption allowing classroom broadcasts of copyrighted material. This approach, which is more commonly found in civil law countries, has the benefit of providing clarity about precisely what uses by the public are allowed and not considered infringing. However, it can also be limiting because anything not specifically on the list of exceptions may be deemed restricted by copyright. The other approach is to include more flexible guidelines about what is allowed. Courts then determine exactly what uses are allowed without the permission of the copyright holder. While this enables the law to adapt to new technologies and situations, the downside to flexible guidelines is that they leave more room for uncertainty.
    1. One of the most significant international agreements is the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, concluded in 1886. The Berne Convention has since been revised and amended on several occasions. WIPO serves as administrator of the treaty and its revisions and amendments, and is the depository for official instruments of accession and ratification. Today, more than 179 countries (as of June 2, 2020) have signed the Berne Convention. This treaty (as amended and revised) lays out several fundamental principles upon which all participating countries have agreed. One of those principles is national treatment, as described above. That is, all countries must give foreign works the same protection they give works created within their borders, assuming the other country is a signatory. Below is a map showing (in blue) the signatories to the Berne Convention as of 2019.
    1. Adding Examples, Contexts, Discussions to the Recommendation

      Via @Remikalir: laying out what this version of the UNESCO OER Recommendation is all about.