53 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework developed by CAST to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. The goal of UDL is learner agency that is purposeful & reflective, resourceful & authentic, strategic & action-oriented.

      This page is for Guidelines 3.0

  2. Jul 2024
    1. How to encourage active learning: 5 TIPS FOR TEACHERS
      1. Create a dynamic and supportive environment:
      2. Support collaborative learning:
      3. Incorporate diverse activities:
      4. Provide clear objectives:
      5. Provide feedback and encourage reflection:
    1. While Universal Design is about creating a common design that works for everyone, we have the freedom to create a design system that can adapt, morph, or stretch to address each design need presented by each individual.

      In the digital context of Inclusive Design, the focus does not have to be on a common design as with Universal Design but a system that can adapt to an individual.

  3. Mar 2023
  4. Aug 2022
    1. honda Martinez has 10+ years of educational experience, working in both public and private school classrooms, teaching children and adults. She has earned her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and Master’s in TESOL Education, along with a certification in Middle School Language Arts. Her ongoing commitment to the educational field drives her consistent professional development in adolescent growth and mindset, classroom management, students with learning differences, giftedness in the classroom, best practices with technology, and UDL practices. She prides herself in being a strong example of modeling The Gradual Release Model – I Do, We Do, You Do. Her foundational pedagogy encourages each of her students to be the best they can be, while supporting and scaffolding them to reach their individual and ever-growing achievements! 
  5. Jun 2022
    1. UDL is not just a premixed alcopop in a can, though perhaps the association with bad undergrad hangovers is why it has yet to take hold at Australian universities?

      Ha ha! This is a very niche joke!

    2. panic and reduction but with planning for hybridity and transformation.

      Such an important point. The role of design - iterative, planned, intentional design - is crucial. ULD cannot be an afterthought.

    3. It wasn’t until 2000 that UD properly established itself in digital education with Rose and Meyer’s book Teaching every student in the Digital Age : universal design for learning. Since then, UDL has become a familiar concept across North American institutions. More recently, whilst it is generally felt that the COVID crisis has improved awareness of accessibility, inclusion and supported wider UDL adoption, the pandemic also created and highlighted more barriers. In Australia, the ADCET was recently launched and partnered with the LX.lab inclusive practices team to support educators to teach in accessible ways at UTS.

      Another interesting reflection - at least based on my own experience - is that UDL was often, initially, popular amongst teachers or educators with a focus on students will special or additional needs. In some ways, this is the exact opposite of what should be happening - as UDL is about designing for all, not making adaptations for differentiation...

    4. Universal

      As an aside, I've always wrestled with the term 'universal' in UDL - simply because it's not universal (as in applicable to all). Instead, it's applicable to as many as possible. I'm conscious that this might be an impossibility - it just seems like the wrong word.

  6. May 2022
    1. Exploring UDL: design with everyone in mind

      Welcome everyone to our reading for June. This month, we're going to focus on looking at UDL, as that's a hot topic in HE at the moment. It's not new, especially to those of us who've worked in school education - but I've never seen it gain traction as much as I think it should! This article by David Yeats (who might be joining us in the reading group) discusses the reasons for this - and more!

  7. Feb 2022
    1. the fact of being strict or severe.

      I"m struck with this being the operational outcome of all the talk around rigour. Institutionally, rigour is touted as necessary for credentials to have credibility or for articulation agreements. But in the classroom it simply equates to making learning difficult in the mistaken belief that creating difficulty is effective gatekeeping.

  8. Dec 2021
    1. In this study, we drew on sociocultural notions of agency – where individual actions are entwined with community goals. A community is comprised of people with shared and individual goals, in their environments, in the midst of a historical context (Wenger 1998Wenger, E. 1998. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref], [Google Scholar]). Due to this web of relationships with people, environment, and history, people do not act autonomously, but according to possibilities within the community. Such possibilities for agency are negotiated over time; actions that strengthen ties to the community constitute investments in the self that in turn, have outcomes for the community as well (Peirce 1995Peirce, B. N. 1995. “Social Identity, Investment, and Language Learning.” TESOL Quarterly 29: 9–31. doi:10.2307/3587803. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]). The financial metaphor in using the word investment is critical – it connotes spent effort that yields dividends. These dividends emerge immediately and over time.

      This helps me consider communities of practice, and unpacking the relational aspects - agency within a context, not autonomous, informed by the context and others. Is there a tension with "groupthink", how to value the diversity in a group, and build stronger not weaker, not defaulting or regressing to a mean?. How do we build a group to be more than the sum of the parts. how does the community work to enhance practice.

  9. Sep 2021
    1. Open Pedagogy, Universal Design for Learning, and Appreciative Inquiry

      Although I'm not teaching at the moment, I have collaborated on some Open Pedagogy activities, most fulsomely on what we've been calling "Open Learning Experience Bingo", a tool you can use to think about the "openness" of educational activities. I also gave a lightning talk about the bingo if you'd rather watch than read.

      Do other readers have examples of open, UDL, or — new to me — appreciative inquiry practices they've been experimenting with or thinking about?

    1. Implementing UDL principles with social annotation

      I've been promoting Hypothes.is, but had not considered it before in conjunction with UDL. More reasons to help persuade faculty it isn't just a novelty.

    2. short reading in class together at the beginning of the semester

      A faculty developer explained how he had faculty annotate a list of places they would like to visit. It was a fun and non-threatening way to introduce annotation. https://youtu.be/yShF-bCcbEo?t=1338

    3. enhance the learning experience of neurodiverse learners, who may feel left behind by traditional reading discussions

      Another example of how time to reflect brings in voices that are excluded from a "lively discussion" in class.

    4. They may link to an image or map online that they think will help their fellow students better understand the reading

      Or they may make such images a private annotation to assist themselves if they are reluctant to share it publicly - especially at the beginning before they have seen other examples of public sharing. Note: instructors can take a lead in providing such examples.

    5. platform through which they can employ the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to improve engagement and accessibility for all learners.
  10. Mar 2021
    1. all members contributed content that ensured the course incorporated principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL); diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); Indigenous pedagogies; and open pedagogy.

      Inclusive from the start

  11. Feb 2021
  12. Jan 2021
    1. The institutional window to support universal design for learning will be most open when faculty are making the transition away from remote and towards residential learning. This transition point will be an opportunity in which the best parts of the pandemic-necessitated pivot to remote learning can be preserved.

      COVID springboard

  13. Oct 2020
    1. Good article about the importance of Universal Design when designing learning opportunities. The authors use plenty of strong sources to back their findings and keep the information concise.


  14. Jun 2020
  15. Nov 2019
    1. Section 508 compliance is discussed to support instructors knowledge of section 508 and how to begin the process of ensuring instructional content is 508 compliant. Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act governs access of media to all persons whether they have a disability or not. Including captions, audio description, and accessible video players are vital to compliance. Compliance with 508 is necessary given that data that illustrates the percent of employees that have need for accommodations to support their learning. This brief article seems highly related to Universal Design of Learning. Rating: 10/10

  16. Aug 2019
    1. And they have largely moved beyond the mental model of universal design (UD) in the physical environment, which is static, bounded, and predictable—instead designing interactions according to UDL, which sees interactions as dynamic, open, and emergent.

      Really interesting point here about the limit of the "curb cut" metaphor.

  17. Apr 2019
  18. Mar 2019
    1. UDL guidelines. As I post this, I do not know whether this website will be included in our future course readings or not. This website practices what it preaches and provides the same content in multiple forms. The viewer can select/choose the manner in which items are displayed. This has essential information, such as the need to provide "multiple means" of engagement, representation, action, and expression when teaching. Rating 5/5

  19. Jan 2019
    1. More forcefully than in any other single class, I realized the importance of universal design for learning (UDL). This curricular design features privilege multiple access points for learning, engagement, and assessment. As Dr. Jennifer Stone puts it, “designing on the front end” with UDL minimizes the need for individual learners to make a special request.

      The incorporation of UDL practices is important for all students.

  20. Nov 2018
    1. The website, EdSurge.com, is where this article was found. This article talks about Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The three principles behind UDL are engagement, representation, and action and expression. This website has an entire section on technology in school.


  21. Sep 2018
  22. Jul 2018
  23. Jun 2018
  24. May 2018
  25. Mar 2018
  26. Feb 2018
    1. that while our collective brains function similarly, the actual networks that invoke what we delineate as understandingand actual learning are highly variable (Sporns, 2011). For instance, research based on simple tasks such as tapping a single finger have shown the significant difference in how different brains process that exact motion (Meyer & Rose, 2002). Additional research continues to clarify how differently each person’s brain processes information. Defined as variability, these recognized differences point us toward designing more diversified opportunities for learning (Meyer, Rose, &Gordon, 2014). This variability comes to light when a teacher considers how to effectively engage and support learning for every learner. UDL is a framework that supports the design of a learning environment or classroom that both expects and accepts thevariability of every learner. In addition, the framework emphasizes context. How the student emotionally connects to the topic, the setting, the mode of delivery, the person delivering the information, and how other learners can alter that student’s acquisition of the information (Daley, Willett, & Fischer, 2014). Creating an environment where learners know they will be able to access and deliver information in a way that fits their momentary or constant needs allows them to approach learning in a more receptive state (Meyer, Rose, & Gordon, 2014). With access to the
    1. Beyond compliance, this effort is a key component of valuing diversity in an educational ecosystem that supports inclusivity and universal design in education.

      accessibility over compliance. Love it.

  27. Jan 2018
    1. Investigating the Connection between Usability and Learning Outcomes inOnline Learning Environments 
  28. Nov 2017
    1. This means developing a flexible learning environment in which information is presented in multiple ways, students engage in learning in a variety of ways, and students are provided options when demonstrating their learning.

      These are also best practices in teaching and learning, which says something about human cognition and motivation generally and how we think about people who need "accommodations." In other words, maybe we all need "accommodations" that serve our need for autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

  29. Oct 2017
    1. Providing students with multiple means of perceiving, comprehending, and expressing their learning not only allows for students to engage with the material in a way that most benefits them

      Accessibility vs. Accommodation... Building accessible courses helps ALL students, regardless of their status of ability, as opposed to accommodating to meet the needs of one student.

    2. Helpful overview of UDL.

  30. Aug 2017
    1. Focusing on the fundamentals of grammar is one approach to teaching writing.

      CUE ELA Protocols +UDL Research and background information that can be used to provide support for the use of the protocols

  31. Jul 2017
    1. Bringing User Experience to Education: UDL and Inclusion for the 21st Century" and my keynote address, which I refer to at the conclusion of the post, is about "Universal Learning Experiences: How UDL and UX Structure Inclusion & Transfer in Education for All." 

      @kgoin Conference