107 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Aug 2024
    1. "Correlational neural networks" - looking at learning from multiple perspectives of the same thing to increase representation learning.

      @article{chandar2016neuralcompjour, author = {Chandar, Sarath and Khapra, Mitesh M and Larochelle, Hugo and Ravindran, Balaraman}, date-added = {2024-08-01 10:47:30 -0400}, date-modified = {2024-08-01 10:50:01 -0400}, journal = {Neural Computation}, keywords = {correlation-learning, machine-learning, inductive-bias, autoencoders}, number = {2}, pages = {257--285}, pdf = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Balaraman-Ravindran/publication/275588055_Correlational_Neural_Networks/links/55ed84d308ae21d099c75c00/Correlational-Neural-Networks.pdf}, publisher = {MIT Press}, title = {Correlational neural networks}, venue-short = {NeuralCompJour}, volume = {28}, year = {2016}}

  3. Jul 2024
    1. for - search - google - high resolution addressing of disaggregated text corpus mapped to graph - search results of interest - high resolution addressing of disaggregated text corpus mapped to graph

      search - google - high resolution addressing of disaggregated text corpus mapped to graph - https://www.google.com/search?q=high+resolution+addressing+of+disaggregated+text+corpus+mapped+to+graph&oq=high+resolution+addressing+of+disaggregated+text+corpus+mapped+to+graph&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCTMzNjEzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

      to - search results of interest - high resolution addressing of disaggregated text corpus mapped to graph - A New Method for Graph-Based Representation of Text in - The use of a new text representation method to predict book categories based on the analysis of its content resulted in accuracy, precision, recall and an F1- ... - https://hyp.is/H9UAbk46Ee-PT_vokcnTqA/www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/12/4081 - Encoding Text Information with Graph Convolutional Networks - According to our understanding, this is the first personality recognition study to model the entire user text information corpus as a heterogeneous graph and ... - https://hyp.is/H9UAbk46Ee-PT_vokcnTqA/www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/12/4081

  4. Jun 2024
  5. Nov 2023
    1. Quotas can increase women's representation even without social and economic prerequisites. The adoption of quotas highlights the role of political elites in recruitment practices and the production and mitigation of inequalities in representation
  6. Oct 2023
  7. Aug 2023
  8. Jun 2023
    1. This analysis will result in the form of a new knowledge-based multilingual terminological resource which is designed in order to meet the FAIR principles for Open Science and will serve, in the future, as a prototype for the development of a new software for the simplified rewriting of international legal texts relating to human rights.

      software to rewrite international legal texts relating to human rights, a well written prompt and a few examples, including the FAIR principles will let openAI's chatGPT do it effectively.

  9. May 2023
  10. Mar 2023
    1. Whose values do we put through the A.G.I.? Who decides what it will do and not do? These will be some of the highest-stakes decisions that we’ve had to make collectively as a society.’’

      A similar set of questions might be asked of our political system. At present, the oligopolic nature of our electoral system is heavily biasing our direction as a country.

      We're heavily underrepresented on a huge number of axes.

      How would we change our voting and representation systems to better represent us?

  11. Feb 2023
    1. CAA Raises Eight to Agent by Mia Galuppo

      Kate Arenson, Jessica Brown, Sydney Chance, Emmett Gordon, Ron Jordan, Sydney Lipsitz, Peter Morton and Andi Wong have been upped.

      read on Fri 2022-12-09 7:10 AM

  12. Jan 2023
    1. The requirement, in ordinal representations of number, that the ‘special’ symbol at the ordinal position of the value being represented must be distinct from all other symbols in a sequence clearly invites a meaning to be associated with the special symbol. With such, there was no longer the need for a purely oral explanation of the system, as all of its components were self-contained to the point of being readable many thousands of years later.
  13. Nov 2022
    1. 11/30 Youth Collaborative

      I went through some of the pieces in the collection. It is important to give a platform to the voices that are missing from the conversation usually.

      Just a few similar initiatives that you might want to check out:

      Storycorps - people can record their stories via an app

      Project Voice - spoken word poetry

      Living Library - sharing one's story

      Freedom Writers - book and curriculum based on real-life stories

    1. Germany was able to memorialize the Holocaust more easily because there were almost no Jews left to deal with or confront in daily life as the memorialization was done. This is not the case with the descendants of slaves in America who are a sizeable portion of the population in the United States.

      <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Morning Edition </span> in What the U.S. can learn from Germany on grappling with sins of the past : NPR (<time class='dt-published'>11/15/2022 08:31:18</time>)</cite></small>

  14. Sep 2022
    1. you can think about the invention of powerful representations and the invention of powerful media to host powerful 00:11:27 representations as being one of the big drivers of last 2,000 years of the intellectual progress of humanity because each representation allows us to think thoughts that we couldn't think before we kind of 00:11:39 continuously expand our think about territory so you can think of this as tied to you know the grand meta-narrative of the scent of humanity moving away from myth and superstition 00:11:51 and ignorance and towards a deeper understanding of ourselves in the world around us I bring this up explicitly because I think it's good for people to acknowledge the motivation for their 00:12:02 work and this is this story of the intellectual progress of humanity is something that I find very motivating inspiring and is something that I feel like I want to contribute to but I think 00:12:16 that if this if you take this as your motivation you kind of have to be honest with yourself that that there definitely has been ascent we have improved in many 00:12:27 ways but there are also other ways in which our history has not been ascent so we invent technology we media technology 00:12:39 to kind of help us make this this climb but every technology is a double-edged sword every technology enables us has a potential de navels in certain ways while debilitating us in other ways and 00:12:51 that's especially true for representations because the way the reputations work is they draw on certain capabilities that we have so if we go all in in a particular medium like we 00:13:03 did with print so the capabilities that are not well supported in that medium they get neglected in they atrophy and we atrophy I wish I knew who drew the picture 00:13:20 because it's it's a wonderful depiction of what I'm trying to express here and even a little misleading because the person the last stage they're kind of hunched over is tiny rectangle we reach 00:13:31 that stage accomplish that stage with the printing press and cheap paper book based knowledge the invention of paper-based bureaucracy paper-based 00:13:44 working we invented this lifestyle this way of working where to do knowledge work meant to sit at a desk and stare at your little tiny rectangle make a little motions of your hand you know started 00:13:56 out as sitting at a desk staring at papers or books and making little motions with a pen and now it's sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen making a little motions with your on a keyboard but it's basically the same 00:14:08 thing we've this is what it means to do knowledge work nowadays this is what it means to be a thinker it means to be sitting and working with symbols on a little tiny rectangle to the extent that 00:14:20 again it almost seems inseparable you can't separate the representation for what it actually is and and this is basically just an accident of history this is just the way that our media 00:14:32 technology happen to evolve and then we kind of designed a way of knowledge work for that media that we happen to have and I think so I'm going to make the claim that this style of knowledge work 00:14:47 this lifestyle is inhumane

      !- for : symbolic representation - language - the representation is closely tied to the media - a knowledge worker sits at a desk and plays with symbols in a small area all day! - This is actually inhumane when you think about it

  15. Jul 2022
    1. And what of those who voted for their opponent? Are they now the enemy? Should they be ignored? Or worse, should they be vilified and punished for voting their conscience?

      This is a new reason to support proportional representation of some kind in elections. It doesn't fix the problem of representatives thinking of certain groups of voters as "the enemy", but it does give "the enemy" a sanctioned voice to defend them.

  16. Jun 2022
    1. share and work on models collaboratively.

      this suggests a journal type of interface

    2. inference to increase the coverage of Wikidata data considerably

      so wikidate can create knowledge by 'thinking' inferring in software.

    3. new form of knowledge asset

      there is going to be a new form of 'object' in software instead of what is there niw?

    1. The Algebra Project was born.At its core, the project is a five-step philosophy of teaching that can be applied to any concept: Physical experience. Pictorial representation. People talk (explain it in your own words). Feature talk (put it into proper English). Symbolic representation.

      The five step philosophy of the Algebra Project: - physical experience - pictorial representation - people talk (explain it in your own words) - feature talk (put it into proper English) - symbolic representation

      "people talk" within the Algebra project is an example of the Feynman technique at work

      Link this to Sonke Ahrens' method for improving understanding. Are there research links to this within their work?

  17. May 2022
    1. “By the way,” she wrote, “in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.” She went on, “If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”

      —Abigail Adams, March 1776, in a letter to her husband John Adams serving in the Continental Congress


      all men would be tyrants if they could.

  18. Apr 2022
  19. Feb 2022
  20. Dec 2021
    1. Eric Topol. (2020, November 28). This will go down in history as one of science and medical research’s greatest achievements. Perhaps the most impressive. I put together a preliminary timeline of some key milestones to show how several years of work were compressed into months. Https://t.co/BPcaZwDFkl [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1332771238771630080

  21. Nov 2021
  22. Oct 2021
    1. Before the use of computers, scientific knowledge was mainly recorded on paper, using three forms of notation: written language, images, and tables. Written text combines plain language, domain-specific vocabulary, and shorthand notation such as mathematical formulas. Images include both drawings and observations captured in photographs, radiographs, etc. Tables represent datasets, which are most often numerical.

      On the relationship between media, representation, communication and thinking, this part remembers me of Bret's Victor Media for Thinking the Unthinkable

      In some talk, I don't remember if this one, Victor says that using printing media as the main medium for communication is kind of an historical accident. It could be sound, or other media as main representation/communication vehicle.

      On my own memories, I remember thinking the relationship between representation and processing/cognition in my early undergrad years as a freshmen, when I saw the two notations for derivates (Leibnitz's and Newton's) and how both make some kind of operations easier (or not). The example I came with, to explain such insight to my postgrad education sciences students later, without appealing to calculus was multiplying in roman numbers versus in arabic ones (and example I would find years later is also employed by Victor)

  23. Sep 2021
    1. it is telling that the top two picks are the fairest skinned

      Sad, but true. Boston might be a liberal city that aims to welcome all, however the reputation of being a racist city has left many POC feeling left out and not welcomed in the city.

    2. One of the most heartbreaking realizations of the mayoral campaign was learning why she didn’t run until she took office. As a daughter of Roxbury, she didn’t believe it was possible

      Kim Janey, City Council President & Acting Mayor, didn't believe it was possible for her to run for mayor of Boston. "I just didn't think I could. You can't be what you can't see."

    1. Creating a community network ontology is therefore about much more than just knowledge representation. It also requires us to think about how this conceptual knowledge model affects real-world knowledge creation and application processes, in our case concerning participatory community network mapping. Its participatory nature means that we need to think hard about how to explicitly involve the community in the construction, evolution, and use of the ontology.
    1. Before beginning this piece I'm reminded to note some advice given to me by Rick Kurtzman at Creative Artists Agency (CAA) on reading scripts: If you're not going to act on having read (a script), then why bother having read it in the first place?

      He meant to make notes, write coverage, create writer lists for rewriting, producer lists for selling, director list for directing, casting lists. One should tell people about the (good) things one read. Make your reading produce something.

  24. Aug 2021
    1. The Attack on "Critical Race Theory": What's Going on?


      Lately, a lot of people have been very upset about “critical race theory.” Back in September 2020, the former president directed federal agencies to cut funding for training programs that refer to “white privilege” or “critical race theory, declaring such programs “un-American propaganda” and “a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue.” In the last few months, at least eight states have passed legislation banning the teaching of CRT in schools and some 20 more have similar bills in the pipeline or plans to introduce them. What’s going on?

      Join us for a conversation that situates the current battle about “critical race theory” in the context of a much longer war over the relationship between our racial present and racial past, and the role of culture, institutions, laws, policies and “systems” in shaping both. As members of families and communities, as adults in the lives of the children who will have to live with the consequences of these struggles, how do we understand what's at stake and how we can usefully weigh in?

      Hosts: Melissa Giraud & Andrew Grant-Thomas

      Guests: Shee Covarrubias, Kerry-Ann Escayg,

      Some core ideas of critical race theory:

      • racial realism
        • racism is normal
      • interest convergence
        • racial equity only occurs when white self interest is being considered (Brown v. Board of Education as an example to portray US in a better light with respect to the Cold War)
      • Whiteness as property
        • Cheryl Harris' work
        • White people have privilege in the law
        • myth of meritocracy
      • Intersectionality

      People would rather be spoon fed rather than do the work themselves. Sadly this is being encouraged in the media.

      Short summary of CRT: How laws have been written to institutionalize racism.

      Culturally Responsive Teaching (also has the initials CRT).

      KAE tries to use an anti-racist critical pedagogy in her teaching.

      SC: Story about a book Something Happened in Our Town (book).

      • Law enforcement got upset and the school district
      • Response video of threat, intimidation, emotional blackmail by local sheriff's department.
      • Intent versus impact - the superintendent may not have had a bad intent when providing an apology, but the impact was painful

      It's not really a battle about or against CRT, it's an attempt to further whitewash American history. (synopsis of SC)

      What are you afraid of?

  25. Jul 2021
  26. Mar 2021
  27. Feb 2021
    1. Using a terminus to indicate a certain outcome - in turn - allows for much stronger interfaces across nested activities and less guessing! For example, in the new endpoint gem, the not_found terminus is then wired to a special “404 track” that handles the case of “model not found”. The beautiful thing here is: there is no guessing by inspecting ctx[:model] or the like - the not_found end has only one meaning!
    2. A major improvement here is the ability to maintain more than two explicit termini. In 2.0, you had the success and the failure termini (or “ends” as we used to call them). Now, additional ends such as not_found can be leveraged to communicate a non-binary outcome of your activity or operation.
  28. Jan 2021
    1. Weingarten. E., Chen. Q., McAdams., Yi. J., (2016). From Primed Concepts to Action: A Meta-Analysis of the BehavioralEffects of Incidentally Presented Words. Psychological Bulletin 2016 (142) pp 472-497.

  29. Nov 2020
  30. Oct 2020
    1. In 2018, according to the Pew Research Center, ninety-seven per cent of all tweets posted by American adults about national politics were posted by ten per cent of tweeters. A disproportionate number of the people in Twitter’s town hall are the sorts of people who were eligible to vote in 1820, before the first, Jackson-era expansion of the electorate: the wealthy, the educated, and the hyperpartisan. Twitter isn’t the future of American democracy; it’s the past.

      Wow! This is a damning statement. It certainly makes me rethink staying on the platform.

    1. James Bronterre O’Brien, told the people:‘Knaves will tell you that it is because you have no property, you are unrepresented. I tell you on the contrary, it is because you are unrepresented that you have no property …’16

      great quote

  31. Sep 2020
    1. Access and representation in tech isn't a pipeline or qualification problem. It's a white supremacy problem.
  32. Aug 2020
  33. Jul 2020
  34. Jun 2020
  35. Dec 2019
    1. This led to the motivation of learning distributed representations of words existing in low-dimensional space (Bengio et al., 2003).

      Sobre maldição da dimensionalidade. Agora, o que seria representações distribuídas das palavras em espaços de menor dimensão? Isso me lembra de PCA e afins.

  36. Apr 2019
  37. Mar 2019
    1. UDL guidelines. As I post this, I do not know whether this website will be included in our future course readings or not. This website practices what it preaches and provides the same content in multiple forms. The viewer can select/choose the manner in which items are displayed. This has essential information, such as the need to provide "multiple means" of engagement, representation, action, and expression when teaching. Rating 5/5

  38. Feb 2019
    1. Defining social role as the enactment of rights and duties attached to a given status, 'We can say that a social role will involve one or more parts and that each of these different parts may be presented by the performer on a series of occasions to the same kinds of audience or to an audience of the same persons

      So there is not one performance of self; there are many performances of self, playing out in tandem with others.

    2. I shall be concerned only with the participant’s dramaturgical problems of presenting the activity before others.

      Only concerned with the presentation of self and not with self itself as we may define it internally. Goffman's definition of self relies upon the reception of another interactant.

    3. e may also note that an intense interest in these disruptions comes to play a signifi cant role in the social life of the group

      Are we then more defined by what bends or breaks our barriers than the barriers themselves?

    4. The individual’s initial projection commits him to what he is proposing to be and requires him to drop all p re te n c e s of being other things

      You must follow-through, it seems or else the whole charade falls through.

    5. In Ichheiser’s term s1, the indi vidual will have to act so that he intentionally or unintention ally expresses himself, and the others will in turn have to be impressed in some way by him

      Self, then, lies not only in one individual; an interaction seems to be required an and impression made in order for a conception of self to exist. At least, according to Goffman.

    1. Years of metrics-driven growth, lucrative manipulative systems, and unregulated platform marketplaces, have created an environment where it makes more sense to be fake online — to be disingenuous and cynical, to lie and cheat, to misrepresent and distort — than it does to be real.

      I'm not sure I wholly agree with his statement but I do believe it is important to consider. To me, I believe different environments enhance aspects of ourselves already present. I don't believe these sites are fully responsible for our own actions. That said, I agree, in some ways, that we are being incredibly manipulated into being the worst versions of ourselves in online spaces. It's more profitable to bring out the worst in us than the best--at least, that's what Big Business seems to believe. I find it hard to believe, though, that we can be all that much more fake online than in-person--if you really think about it. We are always modulating ourselves and our reactions to accommodate those around us. We are constantly being told not to be ourselves through social, academic, professional, etc. conditioning. Does anybody really know who they are? Do you? I just don't think it's apt or fair to say that we are being anymore fake online when there's no proof we were ever being real before.

    1. he names of simple ideas tlie least doubtful. c8. Fr

      So, Locke is trying to establish somewhat of a hierarchy of language based in clarity. Names of simple substances are closest to the Truth of the substance. "Philosophical" words are furthest from Truth because what the concepts/things they represent are most difficult to nail down. I wonder, then, if we can translate this to exploring the human--do we have a hierarchy of understanding? Or a hierarchy of Truest representation?

    1. Locke argues that all ideas arc mental combinations of sense perceptions and 1hat words refer not directly to things but to menial phenomena, the ideas we retain and build from sense impressions.

      Like Locke, Karen Barad is pushing against the idea of words as representational of things, with her performative model?

      "A performative understanding of discursive practices challenges the representationalist belief in the power of words to represent preexisting things" (Barad 802).

      In what ways does performance differ from "mental phenomena"? Mental = internal only where performance = internal and external?

      Side note: every time someone says phenomena, I hear this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ytei6bu7kQ

  39. Jan 2019
    1. epresentations and entities to be represented.

      Cf. Muckelbauer's Future of Invention, where the Model is an entity to be represented and representations are Copies or Simulacra.

      Muckelbauer points out that a Copy, while true (or truer) to the Model to a certain extent, does less than a Simulacrum, which is just 'off' enough from the Model to have a distinct existence, to function in a different way. When Barad (a few lines below) questions whether these representations function accurately, she's questioning the purpose of the Copy, where its only role is to emulate the original. To me, it seems that an inaccurate representation might prove more interesting, to take on life of its own, separate from the Model.

    2. likeness

      Likeness: The external form or outward appearance of something; esp. a shape, form, or appearance which resembles that of a particular thing; a guise, a semblance.


      ...as opposed to...

      Real: Having an objective existence; actually existing physically as a thing, substantial; not imaginary.


      Interesting that "objective existence" requires separation, removal from others, where likeness requires a subject to be modeled after.

    3. For ex-ample, does scientific knowledge accurately represent an independentlyexisting reality? Does language accurately represent its referent? Does agiven political representative, legal counsel, or piece of legislation accu-rately represent the interests of the people allegedly represented?

      I love the triple-slam here. Science, language, the law (specifically representative democracy, in this case): all of these rely on representations to communicate, therefore all are suspect.

    1. For ex-ample, does scientific knowledge accurately represent an independentlyexisting reality? Does language accurately represent its referent? Does agiven political representative, legal counsel, or piece of legislation accu-rately represent the interests of the people allegedly represented?

      I love the triple-slam here. Science, language, the law (specifically representative democracy, in this case): all of these rely on representations to communicate, therefore all are suspect.

    2. epresentations and entities to be represented

      Cf. Muckelbauer's Future of Invention, where the Model is an entity to be represented and representations are Copies or Simulacra.

      Muckelbauer points out that a Copy, while true (or truer) to the Model to a certain extent, does less than a Simulacrum, which is just 'off' enough from the Model to have a distinct existence, to function in a different way. When Barad (a few lines below) questions whether these representations function accurately, she's questioning the purpose of the Copy, where its only role is to emulate the original. To me, it seems that an inaccurate representation might prove more interesting, to take on life of its own, separate from the Model.

    1. epresentational.

      Maybe not in complex patterns or language, but would the fact that they were using colors at all make it representational on some level?

    2. They either represent someaspect of the shaman’s vision or are enculturated versions of that vision

      Similarly stated on pg. 11 how images are just a representation of our conception: "Thus, with the cave art, a drawing of a bison is understood to be a representation of the artist’s conception of a bison."

  40. Dec 2018
  41. Nov 2018
    1. For tech firms, he argued in one interview, a goal should be to “have positive content pushed out about your company and negative content that’s being pushed out about your competitor.”

      Reminds me a bit of an old adage within CAA, but this one is far more toxic than the positive version that CAA used. Theirs amounted to occupying executives with CAA client meetings and material so they just didn't have time to handle other talent.

  42. Aug 2018
    1. Car le fait numérique aura à tout le moins fait émerger un nouveau rapport à l’image : sceptiques même à l’égard de la posture du sceptique — celle que favorisent notamment les discours complotistes qui pullulent à l’ère de la postvérité — les artistes et les écrivains explorent les potentialités d’un fait photographique qui ne peut avoir, par nature, de statut ontologique pur. Travaillant l’objectivité comme un effet rhétorique, ils déploient des mécanismes de détournement dont la valeur heuristique est essentielle : mythomanie n’est pas mensonge. Certes, la notion de vérité est en crise (bien plus que l’image), mais toute exigence heuristique n’a pas disparu, bien au contraire : si « réel » il y a, c’est bien celui que l’on a construit par nos récits et nos images. C’est ainsi que l’on se détourne d’un régime de la représentation pour s’orienter vers un régime métaréflexif dans lequel il s’agit de faire sens avec nos différents référents culturels — qu’ils soient photographiques, littéraires ou picturaux.
    1. Recognizing the mediating role of the digital work environment in enabling users to meaningfully collaborate is a critical step to ensuring the success of these systems.

      "Activities are collaborative"

      Activity representations are also crucial here, as is the "mediating role of the digital work environment" for collaboration.

      Flag this to connect to the Goffman reading (Presentation of Self in Everyday Life) and crowdsourcing/collective intelligence readings.

  43. Jul 2018
    1. ast. Moving from a quantitative time to a qualitative one, the Printer Clock tells time through the activities of others and the variety of pictures reveals the multiplicity of rhythms within that

      Qualitative time as a way to express a new present in some one else's past.

  44. May 2018
  45. Nov 2017
    1. representation of race and gender in our culture
    2. having students do a basic Google image search for terms like “doctor” “teacher” “baby”

      It may sound obvious but it actually works. Just did it with each of these three words (on DuckDuckGo) and the results, though unsurprising, bring home the point. Tried switching on the Canadian filter, to check if their might be a difference, and it mostly reorders the results, for some reason. Also tried “student” and “musician” which provide an interesting contrast. Doing this exercise in class, would probably start by asking learners to write down what they expect to get. (Might even do it in my applied anthro class, tomorrow.)

  46. Oct 2017
    1. TarletonGillespiearguesthattensionsbetweenusersandthedesignersoftheTwitteralgorithmarepartoflargerstakesinthe‘politicsofrepresentation.’Itisatensionunderscoredbyaconflictbetweenpeople’swilltoknowandbevisibletoothersandTwitter’simperativetodrawnewusersintonewconversations.Butsignificantly,Gillespienotesthatsuchalgorithmsnotonlyarebasedonassumptionsabouttheimageofapublictheyseektorepresentbutalsohelpconstructpublicsinthatimage.Thesamecouldbesaidofotherplatforms

      En el caso de los Data Selfies, lo que queremos hacer es presentar otra idea sobre nosotros mismos, nuestros gobernantes e instituciones públicas (principalmente). Particularmente por la sensación de no ser representados apropiadamente por la línea de tiempo de Twitter.



  47. Jan 2017
    1. Thisistheideathateachinputtoasystemshouldberepresentedbymanyfeatures,andeachfeatureshouldbeinvolvedintherepresentationofmanypossibleinputs.

      Sounds confusing, but think about the previous example of the picture with the woman and the different layers.

      Think of the input as the picture, and it being represented by may features, like edges, shades, shape, etc.

      Then those generalized concepts or features, being reused across different aspects of the photo, say for different parts where edges exist, or shapes. A very loose comparison is a reusable class that occurs throughout the program .

  48. Sep 2016
  49. Aug 2016
    1. le paradigme de la représentation, il devient impossible de distinguer le réel de l'irréel, la vérité de la fiction. La définition logique de la vérité (Tarsky) est basée sur l'idée selon laquelle il existe une correspondance entre le signifiant et le signifié.

      paradigme performatif : plus de distinction entre réel et irréel, entre vérité et fiction.

  50. Jul 2016
  51. Jan 2016
  52. Sep 2015
    1. we must either distinguish or be hopelessly fuzzy. And is this bad, is it an inhibition to have to work our way though documents before we can talk about whatever we desire? I would argue not, because it is very important not to lose track of the reasons for our taking and processing any piece of information. The process of publishing and reading is a real social process between social entities, not mechanical agents. To be socially responsible, to be able to handle trust, and so on, we must be aware of these operations. The difference between a car and what some web page says about it is crucial - not only when you are buying a car. Some have opined that the abstraction of the document is nonsense, and all that exists, when a web page describes a car, is the car and various representations of it, the HTML, PNG and GIF bit streams. This is however very weak in my opinion. The various representations have much more in common than simply the car. And the relationship to the car can be many and varied: home page, picture, catalog entry, invoice, remote control panel, weblog, and so on. The document itself is an important part of society - to dismiss its existence is to prevent us being aware of human and aspects of information without which we are impoverished. By contrast, the difference between different representations of the document (GIF or PNG image for example) is very small, and the relationship between versions of a document which changes through time a very strong one.
  53. Feb 2014
    1. The other important part of our "language" is the way in which concepts are represented--the symbols and symbol structures. Words structured into phrases, sentences, paragraphs, monographs--charts, lists, diagrams, tables, etc. A given structure of concepts can be represented by any of an infinite number of different symbol structures, some of which would be much better than others for enabling the human perceptual and cognitive apparatus to search out and comprehend the conceptual matter of significance and/or interest to the human. For instance, a concept structure involving many numerical data would generally be much better represented with Arabic rather than Roman numerals and quite likely a graphic structure would be better than a tabular structure.

      Unfortunately as an industry we're stuck here.

  54. Nov 2013
    1. your use of the Website will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party

      Once again, Automattic is asking for your assurances that any content you post on your WordPress site either belongs to you or was posted with the permission of the owner.

      See the “Indemnification," "Copyright Infringement," and “Termination” sections to learn about what could happen if you violate this part of the agreement.