154 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. an organisation, i.e. a set of specialised systemscoordinated to work collectively with the same end in view.

      organization<br /> : specialized systems carrying out concerted actions toward a stated goal or purpose

      Note that even if some members of the organization create statistical noise in their actions, the larger organization may still move in a useful direction

  2. Mar 2024
    1. Résumé de la Vidéo

      La première partie de la vidéo aborde la coopération territoriale et la transition écologique juste. Elle met en lumière l'importance stratégique de ces enjeux, souvent négligés par les médias, et souligne la nécessité d'une collaboration pour réussir la transition sur les territoires. Le rapport présenté est dense et marque le début d'une bataille déterminée pour la coopération territoriale, qui n'est pas une fin en soi mais le commencement d'un travail continu.

      Points Forts: 1. L'importance de la coopération territoriale [00:00:05][^1^][1] * Stratégique pour la transition écologique * Nécessite une collaboration étroite * Début d'un travail continu et déterminé 2. Le rôle du Labo de l'ESS [00:01:43][^2^][2] * Mettre en avant les initiatives de terrain * Construire une coopération territoriale malgré les difficultés * Progresser vers une transition juste 3. Les chantiers coopératifs [00:02:32][^3^][3] * Nouvelle méthode de travail pour le Labo * Convergence des expertises et actions concrètes * Importance de dépasser les limites actuelles 4. La nécessité de la coopération [00:03:25][^4^][4] * Répondre aux tendances négatives actuelles * Travailler ensemble pour créer et innover * Importance de converger les initiatives existantes Résumé de la Vidéo

      La partie 2 de la vidéo aborde la création de partenariats et de coopérations territoriales pour soutenir la santé et la prévention, en mettant l'accent sur l'importance de l'activité physique et de l'alimentation. Elle souligne également le rôle des mutuelles de santé et des acteurs publics dans la promotion de la santé communautaire et la prévention. La vidéo met en lumière les efforts pour intégrer les externalités positives dans les modèles de contribution et valoriser les projets qui bénéficient à la fois aux individus et à la société.

      Points Forts: 1. Partenariats pour la prévention [00:23:21][^1^][1] * Importance de l'activité physique et de l'alimentation * Rôle des mutuelles de santé dans la prévention * Valorisation des projets bénéfiques pour la communauté 2. Coopérations territoriales [00:25:15][^2^][2] * Changement de posture et méthode pour soutenir les coopérations * Partage d'une vision commune du territoire * Développement d'écosystèmes coopératifs territoriaux 3. Financement et accompagnement [00:27:00][^3^][3] * Alliances entre financeurs publics et privés * Soutien aux filières économiques et réseaux de l'économie sociale * Nécessité de développer un plaidoyer pour les coopérations 4. Rôle des collectivités locales [00:28:58][^4^][4] * Vision de la ville de Strasbourg sur la coconstruction des politiques publiques * Importance de l'engagement citoyen dans les coopérations * Illustration des outils de financement participatif Résumé de la vidéo

      La partie 3 de la vidéo aborde la démarche territoriale de la Fondation de France en été 2020, visant à soutenir des coopérations structurantes et l'initiative citoyenne. Elle met en lumière l'approche innovante de la Fondation, qui s'éloigne des appels à projets traditionnels pour favoriser le dialogue et la confiance avec les acteurs locaux. La vidéo souligne l'importance de travailler avec tous les acteurs dès le départ pour une approche systémique du changement et la nécessité d'une nouvelle temporalité dans le soutien des initiatives.

      Points saillants : 1. Démarche territoriale et soutien à l'initiative citoyenne [00:46:01][^1^][1] * Engagement sur des territoires spécifiques * Soutien à l'expérimentation et à la coopération * Approche basée sur le dialogue et la confiance 2. Nouvelle méthode de travail de la Fondation de France [00:47:02][^2^][2] * Pas d'appel à projet, mais une sollicitation d'avis * Importance de l'approche systémique du changement * Posture de questionnement et simplicité dans les relations 3. Impact de la démarche sur les territoires [00:49:01][^3^][3] * Plus de 5 millions d'euros investis et une cinquantaine d'initiatives soutenues * Exemple du quartier de Noailles à Marseille * Équilibre entre engagement rapide et implication à long terme 4. Enjeux et défis de la coopération territoriale [00:52:01][^4^][4] * Reconnaissance des acteurs et des habitants comme partenaires clés * Importance des réseaux thématiques et généralistes * Propositions pour améliorer l'accompagnement et la formation à la coopération territoriale Résumé de la Vidéo

      La partie 4 de la vidéo aborde l'importance de la coopération territoriale et du développement durable. Elle met en lumière le fond d'impulsion jurassien, un outil financier innovant pour soutenir les projets collectifs dans le Jura, et discute de l'impact de ces initiatives sur la transition écologique locale.

      Points Forts: 1. Importance de la coopération territoriale [01:12:00][^1^][1] * Infusion de maturité coopérative dans les territoires * Identification des faiblesses pour améliorer les pratiques écologiques * Réponse précise aux besoins des territoires et de leurs acteurs 2. Le fond d'impulsion jurassien [01:14:32][^2^][2] * Soutien à l'expérimentation de projets collectifs * Doté de moyens financiers pour associations et entreprises * Innovation dans le modèle de financement hybride 3. Impact sur la transition écologique [01:16:57][^3^][3] * Financement de l'accompagnement et des investissements nécessaires * Expérimentations dotées d'environ 30 000 € pour 6 mois à un an * Contribution à une économie durable et à l'avenir du territoire Résumé de la Vidéo

      La partie 5 de la vidéo aborde la coopération territoriale et le développement des compétences et métiers y afférents. Les intervenants discutent de la création de groupes de travail, de l'élaboration de feuilles de route, et de l'importance de la contribution collective pour nourrir le projet. Ils soulignent également l'ambition des chantiers et l'intérêt de qualifier l'existant en matière de formation sur la coopération.

      Points Forts: 1. Création de groupes de travail [01:34:36][^1^][1] * Décision de surseoir à la création immédiate * Attente de la mise en place des groupes * Lancement des chantiers une fois les feuilles de route établies 2. Développement des compétences [01:36:01][^2^][2] * Focus sur le développement des compétences et métiers * Présentation des intervenants et de leurs rôles * Ambition d'aller vers une certification de formation sur la coopération 3. Importance de la coopération territoriale [01:41:40][^3^][3] * Discussion sur l'accompagnement et le développement des coopérations * Création de cartographies pour identifier les acteurs et les besoins * Objectif d'aider les porteurs de projets de coopération à se développer 4. Émergence des écosystèmes coopératifs [01:44:42][^4^][4] * Identification des invariants des démarches coopératives * Construction d'un argumentaire pour soutenir les écosystèmes * Ouverture à la collaboration pour améliorer collectivement les pratiques

  3. Feb 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:16:00][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo est une conférence organisée par l'Institut d'études avancées de Nantes sur le thème "Le Bien Commun, clé juridique du monde qui vient ?". Elle réunit quatre intervenants qui exposent leurs réflexions sur la notion de bien commun et ses implications juridiques, politiques et écologiques. Ils abordent notamment les questions de la propriété, de la gouvernance, de la participation, de la transmission et de la protection des biens communs, en s'appuyant sur des exemples concrets et des propositions innovantes.

      Points forts : + [00:05:39][^3^][3] Corinne Lepage présente la Déclaration universelle des droits et devoirs de l'humanité * Un texte élaboré en 2015 à la demande du Président français * Un texte qui met la notion de bien commun au cœur de sa réflexion * Un texte qui reconnaît les droits fondamentaux, l'équité intergénérationnelle et la préservation des ressources vitales + [00:20:10][^4^][4] Armand Hatchuel expose les enjeux de la gestion collective des biens communs * Une approche qui dépasse la dichotomie entre propriété privée et propriété publique * Une approche qui repose sur la coopération, la créativité et la responsabilité des acteurs * Une approche qui nécessite de repenser les cadres juridiques, institutionnels et cognitifs + [00:43:34][^5^][5] Thomas Perroud analyse les expériences juridiques de reconnaissance des biens communs * Des expériences qui tentent de répondre à la privatisation du monde et à la crise écologique * Des expériences qui se situent à différents niveaux (constitutionnel, législatif, jurisprudentiel) * Des expériences qui présentent des limites et des défis (hiatus, échec, financement, etc.) + [01:11:22][^6^][6] Christian Huglo propose des pistes pour le développement du droit des biens communs * Une piste qui consiste à renforcer la fonction sociale et écologique de la propriété * Une piste qui consiste à favoriser la participation citoyenne et la démocratie environnementale * Une piste qui consiste à reconnaître la personnalité juridique de certains biens communs naturels

    2. coopération peut évoluer si les coopérateurs dirigent les avantages de 00:11:25 matières sélective vers d'autres coopérateurs c'est ça le principe de d'assortiment qu'on va retrouver un peu partout la sortiement résout en partie est importante parce qu'il va résoudre en partie seulement le problème du passager clandestin des gens qui 00:11:37 trichent si vous préférez en permettant à la coopération de s'écouler préférentiellement entre les coopérateurs lorsqu'il y a un assortiment dans ce cas là les coopérateurs que vous voyez ici en vert je crois sur cette figure auront des 00:11:50 gains plus élevés que les passagers clandestins en violet
    3. ont appris que par des études en 00:09:33 biologie moléculaire essentiellement et de former de formulation mathématiques que il y a l'application de règle et de sanction sont essentielles à l'évolution de la coopération il y a des mécanismes de qu'on appelle en anglais de 00:09:46 renforcement de Wind forcement je sais pas comment on traduit des mécanismes de maintien de l'ordre sont présents à tous les niveaux d'organisation biologique
    4. on verra enfin de d'exposer l'intérêt personnel reste important ce qui explique pourquoi c'est la raison pour laquelle des niveaux élevés de coopération chez les 00:04:23 humains ne sont pas possibles ou on ne peut pas être maintenu sur la seule base de ce qu'on appelle des préférences sociales ou des motivations altruistes et de la confiance généralisée envers que les gens se portent envers les uns 00:04:36 et les autres donc ça suffit pas il faut quelque chose de plus au niveau des humains pour maintenir des niveaux de coopération élevés
  4. Dec 2023
    1. if 00:36:19 you really want to make a change you cannot do it as an isolated individual the superpower of our spe is not individual genius it's the 00:36:30 ability to cooperate in large numbers so if you want to really change something join an organization or start an organization but 50 people who cooperate as part of a community of an 00:36:44 organization of a team they can make a much much bigger change than 500 isolated individuals
      • for: leverage point - collaboration, human superpower - collaboration, quote - collaboration, quote - cooperation

      • quote the superpower of our species is not individual genius, it's the ability to cooperate in large numbers.

      • author: Yval Noah Harari
      • date: 2023
    1. For citizens,neighbourhoods are the place to live. This is the level at which they get to know each other, build re-lationships and take action to achieve political and socio-ecological change 23
  5. Nov 2023
  6. Oct 2023
    1. Créer les conditions d’une culturede la coopération dans et entreles organisations
    2. Passer d’une « logique du mistigri » à une logique de coopération



  7. Aug 2023
  8. Jun 2023
    1. Im ersten Jahr nach der Invasion der Ukraine im Februar 2022 hat Großbritannien für 19,3 Milliarden Pfund Öl und Gas aus anderen autoritären Petrostaaten als Russland bezogen. Eine Analyse von Desmog ergibt, dass Großbritannien in diesem Jahr für 125,7 Milliarden Pfund fossile Brennstoffe importiert und damit zum ersten Mal die 100-Milliarden-Grenze überschritten hat, obwohl eine Reduktion des Verbrauchs von Öl und Gas dringend nötig ist. Trotz des Embargos verkaufte auch Russland eine Rekordmenge an Öl in diesem Jahr. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/09/193bn-of-fossil-fuels-imported-by-uk-from-authoritarian-states-in-year-since-ukraine-war

  9. May 2023
    1. "Of course, there isn’t any 'God of the Internet.' The Internet works because a lot of people cooperate to do things together."
  10. Apr 2023
    1. Much popularization work remains to put newer evolutionary lessons on par with pop-science selfish-gene logic. But billions of years of harsh testing have taught all living systems to suppress certain sorts of disruptive selfishness. Economists should reflect long and hard on why the systems they study would be any exception.

      Kate Raworth's Donut Economics thesis is a step in the direction of reframing economics towards cooperation and creating a self-sustaining world.

  11. Jan 2023
    1. We all know the eventual answer, which the discovery of genes made possible. Animals were simply trying to maximize the propagation of their own genetic codes. Curiously, this view—which eventually came to be referred to as neo-Darwinian—was developed largely by figures who considered themselves radicals of one sort or another.

      Neo-Darwinism: a modern version of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, incorporating the findings of genetics.

    1. the tragedy of the Commons is not so much that it's Commons per se but that it's a cooperation problem that he described I 00:01:48 think very clearly that environmental degradation is often a social dilemma is often a cooperation problem and be it a commons or not the regulatory structure 00:02:02 or the the social structure can vary but cooperation problems are are important however of course he said his famous line this paper is you know solution is mutual coercion mutually agreed upon and and so that's 00:02:18 institutions right so the solution is institutions and of course we have other people who have said that very clearly and with a lot of wonderful evidence to back it up Elinor Ostrom being at the 00:02:31 top of that list and and her work on common pool resources and contains this fantastic list of sort of key design 00:02:44 elements that have emerged from studying small-scale common pool resource communities and and these are these are factors that tend to make those communities more successful in managing 00:02:56 those resources sustainably so so that's great

      !- mitigating : tragedy of the commons - Elinor Ostrom's design principles - It's often a cooperation problem - it is a social dilemma pitting individual vs collective interest

    1. Much of what they do can be done without eliciting the ire of nation-states. Bike shares, pedestrian zones, insulated buildings, renovated port facilities, congestion fees, car emission limits, furnace specifications, fuel upgrades (from oil to gas to alternative energy) and white paint roofs, for example, are only some of the innovations city officials can promote to effect significant reductions in emissions and pollutants.

      !- cities actions : can be done without eliciting ire of nation state - bike shares - pedestrian zones - insulated buildings - renovated ports - congestion fees - car emission limits - furnace specifications - fuel upgrades - white paint roofs - cities are the right level for focusing on effective global climate action

    2. here states have grown dysfunctional and sovereignty has become an obstacle to global democratic action—as when the United States (or China, France, or Canada) refuses to compromise its sovereignty by permitting the international monitoring of carbon emissions on its soil—cities have increasingly proven themselves capable of deliberative democratic action on behalf of sustainability, as they have actually done in intercity associations like the C-40 or ICLEI. If presidents and prime ministers cannot summon the will to work for a sustainable planet, mayors can. If citizens of the province and nation think ideologically and divisively, neighbors and citizens of the towns and cities think publicly and cooperatively.

      !- claim : cities can mitigate corrupted democracy and foster global cooperation - ie. C40 or ICLEI (also Covenant of Mayors) - cities are not plagued by the problems of state actors who cannot reach any meaningful agreement at COP conferences

  12. Dec 2022
    1. the future I believe is communities where humans come together in groups and we start to cooperate. And the community itself takes on a life of its own. So this is the mentality I believe that we will evolve over time.

      !- future vision : locally cooperative hubs of trust - locally dense cooperation networks

  13. Nov 2022
    1. To "keep things the way they are" is always an option, never the default. Framing this option as a default position introduces a significant conservative bias — listing it as an option removes this bias and keeps a collective evolutionary. To "look for other options" is always an option. If none of the other current options are good enough, people are able to choose to look for better ones — this ensures that there is always an acceptable option for everyone. Every participant can express how much they support or oppose each option. Limiting people to choose their favorite or list their preference prevents them from fully expressing their opinions — scoring clarifies opinions and makes it much more likely to identify the best decision. Acceptance (non-opposition) is the main determinant for the best decision. A decision with little opposition reduces the likelihood of conflict, monitoring or sanctioning — it is also important that some people actively support the decision to ensure it actually happens.

      Four elements to make 'score voting' more a cooperative effort. Status quo is one of the options to choose, not the default if no decision is made, adding options is always possible (meaning no limitative list of options, which would be giving a certain power to the maker of the list), everyone marks support/opposition to all options, not just favourites (score voting) and totals are tabulated (#openvraag how does this avoid 'brainless squid' results?), acceptance (meaning no or low opposition) rather than faving is main factor in decision making. That last one reads as pointing to a balanced dual indicator: the strongest attractor wins given the lowest barrier. So first determine lowest barrier options, than the biggest attractor amongst those.

  14. Aug 2022
    1. On the Internet there are many collective projects where users interact only by modifying local parts of their shared virtual environment. Wikipedia is an example of this.[17][18] The massive structure of information available in a wiki,[19] or an open source software project such as the FreeBSD kernel[19] could be compared to a termite nest; one initial user leaves a seed of an idea (a mudball) which attracts other users who then build upon and modify this initial concept, eventually constructing an elaborate structure of connected thoughts.[20][21]

      Just as eusocial creatures like termites create pheromone infused mudballs which evolve into pillars, arches, chambers, etc., a single individual can maintain a collection of notes (a commonplace book, a zettelkasten) which contains memetic seeds of ideas (highly interesting to at least themselves). Working with this collection over time and continuing to add to it, modify it, link to it, and expand it will create a complex living community of thoughts and ideas.

      Over time this complexity involves to create new ideas, new structures, new insights.

      Allowing this pattern to move from a single person and note collection to multiple people and multiple collections will tend to compound this effect and accelerate it, particularly with digital tools and modern high speed communication methods.

      (Naturally the key is to prevent outside selfish interests from co-opting this behavior, eg. corporate social media.)

  15. Jul 2022
    1. anticipations is key to 01:08:38 everything and attention is key to everything so every organism does that plants and everything else and it doesn't require a central nervous system 01:08:51 and and you i might add to this that not only is every organism cognitive but essentially every organism organism is cooperative to those cooperation and cognition 01:09:03 go hand in hand because any intelligent organism any organism that can act to better its you know viability is going to cooperate in 01:09:17 meaningful ways with other organisms and you know other species and things like that nice point because um there's cost to communication whether it's exactly whether it's the cost of making the pheromone 01:09:30 or just the time which is super finite or attention fundamentally and so costly interactions through time the game theory are either to exploit and stabilize which is fragile 01:09:42 or to succeed together yeah exactly and and and succeeding together cooperation is is is like everywhere once you once you understand what you're looking 01:09:54 for it's in the biologic world it's like everywhere so this idea that we're you know one one one person against all or you know we're a dog eat dog universe i mean it's you 01:10:08 know in a certain sense it's true obviously tigers eat you know whatever they eat zebras or whatever i mean that happens yes of course but in the larger picture 01:10:19 over and over multiple time scales not just uh you know in five minutes but over evolutionary time scales and uh you know developmental time scales and everything the cooperation is really the rule 01:10:33 for the most part and if you need if any listener needs proof of that just think of who you think of your body i mean there's about a trillion some trillion some cells 01:10:45 that are enormously harmonious like your blood pumps every day or you know this is a this is like a miracle i don't want to use the word miracle because i want to get into 01:10:59 whatever that might imply but uh it is amazing aw inspiring the the depth of cooperation just in our own bodies is like that's that's like 01:11:12 evolution must prefer cooperation or else there would never be such a complex uh pattern of cooperation as we see just in one human body 01:11:26 just to give one example from the bees so from a species i study it's almost like a sparring type of cooperation because when it was discovered that there were some workers with developed ovaries 01:11:38 there was a whole story about cheating and policing and about altruism and this equation says this and that equation says that and then when you take a step back it's like the colony having a distribution of over-reactivation 01:11:51 may be more ecologically resilient so um i as an evolutionary biologist never think well my interpretation of what would be lovey-dovey in this system must be how it works because that's so 01:12:05 clearly not true it's just to say that there are interesting dynamics within and between levels and in the long run cooperation and stable cooperation and like learning to adapt 01:12:17 to your niche is a winning strategy in a way that locking down just isn't but unfortunately under high um stress and 01:12:29 uh high uncertainty conditions simple strategies can become rife so that's sort of a failure mode of the population

      The human, or ANY multicellular animal or plant body is a prime example of cooperation....billions of cells in cooperation with each other to regulate the body system.

      The body of any multi-cellular organism, whether flora or fauna is an example of exquisite cellular and microbial cooperation. A multi-cellular organism is itself a superorganism in this sense. And social organisms then constitute an additional layer of superorganismic behavior.

  16. May 2022
    1. Indeed, as David Haskell, a biologist and writer, notes, a tree is “a community of cells” from many species: “fungus, bacteria, protist, alga, nematode and plant.” And often “the smallest viable genetic unit [is] … the networked community.”

      Explore this idea....

      What does it look like quantitatively?

  17. Mar 2022
    1. As a result, members who pursue their own individual interests will also pursue the interests of the organization, as if guided by an invisible hand.  Cooperation pays.  Members capture the benefits of anything they can do to assist the organization.  Within the group, they therefore treat the other as self. 

      Within the group, they therefore treat each other as self.

      But what about when they don't - when people "free-ride". That's a key question. I agree that should we really treat others as ourselves suddenly completely new levels of cooperation would become possible and become easy. However, I think that needs quite a profound ontological shift and that isn't easy.

    1. Descartes said we need an entire new way of thinking. When the scientific method provided that new way of thinking and biology showed that microorganisms caused disease, suffering was alleviated. What forms of suffering could be alleviated, what forms of wealth could be created if we knew a little bit more about cooperation? I don't think that this transdisciplinary discourse 00:19:09 is automatically going to happen; it's going to require effort. So I enlist you to help me get the cooperation project started. Thank you.

      Reduktionismen wie Descartes' method. Zweifel, die unter anderen zu unserer dichotomischen Sichtweise geführt haben, bringen uns dazu, neue Akteure (hier im biolog. Bsp. der Mikroorganismen) zu finden. Was sind die nächsten Akteure? Welche Kollektive sind von Belang? Und wie ließe sich das ANT des Kooperativs beschreiben? Eine erste Antwort auf diese Frage deutet nur auf die Antwortbedingung - es muss eine empirische Beschreibung sein

    2. the tragedy of the commons is a multiplayer prisoner's dilemma. And she said that people are only prisoners if they consider themselves to be. They escape by creating institutions for collective action. And she discovered, I think most interestingly, that among those institutions that worked, there were a number of common design 00:12:04 principles, and those principles seem to be missing from those institutions that don't work.

      collaborative institutions relying on common design principles are seen helping to avoid the tragedy of commons

  18. Jan 2022
    1. https://www.noemamag.com/the-other-invisible-hand/?utm_source=indieweb&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=indieweb

      Raw capitalism mimics the logic of cancer within our body politic.

      Folks who have been reading David Wengrow and David Graeber's The Dawn of Everything are sure to appreciate the sentiment here which pulls in the ideas of biology and evolution to expand on their account and makes it a much more big history sort of thesis.

    2. in Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” which has a chapter called “How the Americans Combat Individualism by the Principle of Interest Rightly Understood.” Despite our ambient certainty that it is natural, Tocqueville describes individualism as a newfangled phenomenon. The word “individualism” itself entered the English language largely through translations of his work. Somehow, our leaders are educated into the error of dangerously discounting this “enlightened self-interest” (also a term Tocqueville invented). 

      Alexis de Tocqueville coined the ideas/phrases "individualism" and enlightened self-interest.

    3. We need ways to detect and suppress parasitic gains — for example, massive corporations like Amazon that pay zero taxes towards the upkeep of the infrastructure their profits depend on, or likewise billionaires who pay lower tax rates than nurses.
    4. Speaking of such lessons, Wilson and John Gowdy write, “the invisible hand metaphor can be justified … for humans in addition to nonhuman species, [only] when certain conditions are met.”

      Which conditions? How broad are they?

    5. And contrary to that science-denying slogan of Margaret Thatcher’s, that “there is no such thing as society,” no human has ever survived or thrived without a tribe or society.

      Is this a general feature of the conservative far right of constantly denying our humanity and care for each other?

    6. Charles Darwin wrote an entire book about humans being social creatures. He wrote that any Hobbesian human would be an “unnatural monster.”

      Relate this back to Graeber/Wengrow's thesis.

    7. Unfortunately, the ideas most economists use have been too influenced by “methodological individualism,” rather than the more scientifically supported view of us as a super-social, super-cooperative, intensely interdependent species. Often, this economics-style individualism is of the Thomas Hobbes variety, which paints humans in “a state of nature,” waging a “war of all against all.”

      This statement in the framing of biology is quite similar to the framing in anthropology and archaeology that David Graeber and David Wengrow provide in The Dawn of Everything.

      Perhaps we should be saying (especially from a political perspective): Cooperation is King!

    8. Only certain kinds of self-organizing complex systems enable collectively beneficial results.

      Which? How?

      Is there a way to (easily) evolve these into political or economic contexts?

    9. There’s no real argument about the fact that “the evolution of cooperation is central to all living things.” That’s the first line of a Nature Ecology & Evolution paper by the biologists Nicholas Davies, Kevin Foster and Arvid Ågren, and it expresses an utterly uncontroversial view among biologists. The paper examines a “central puzzle”: “Why does evolution favor investment in cooperation rather than self-serving rebellion that would undermine a particular genome, organism or society?”

      This view of cooperation within evolutionary frameworks goes back to Richard Dawkins in the 1970s. Was their prior art/work on it prior to The Selfish Gene?

    10. And protecting life-supporting cooperation requires suppressing certain kinds of selfishness. Biologists, unlike many economists, grasp when the “greed is good” ethos gets deadly.

      At what scale might such cooperative efforts fail?

      Look at the scale of the bitcoin bros using crypto and bitcoin as a completely selfish endeavor. Has this reached a scale for social failure? (Separate from the end date at which the bitcoin/crypto system completely fails and collapses?)

  19. Nov 2021
    1. until we have a full political understanding of the business and 00:27:11 importance of managing the climate crisis we're not going to get this and that understanding means we're actually all in this boat together it is true that the developing nations are likely 00:27:25 to suffer much more than the developed nations but nevertheless we are talking about a future for humanity that is looking very bleak if we draw a comparison with the 00:27:37 really poor management of this covet 19 pandemic i would say once again there the governments of the world did not understand that if they had acted quickly we could well have seen this 00:27:51 pandemic over in a few months and instead we saw the governments of the world all acting independently and really all over the place there's no real political understanding 00:28:03 and until we get that i think we're really not going to get the action that's needed

      Climate change interventions need global teamwork. The lack of global cooperation in handling the covid pandemic stretched a problem that could have been resolved in a matter of months to years. Climate change is suffering the same lack of global collaboration and coordination.

    1. we could look at at these sort of transitions in a sort of a two-dimensional uh graph in a sense and so we can start out and say okay groups can have more or 00:09:22 less conflict within them and groups can have more or less cooperation occurring within them and so if they are 00:09:34 down here in the left hand lower quadrant you basically are looking at more or less individuals so competitors so conflict not so much cooperation 00:09:48 if you move to the right hand side you start to form simple groups again individuals may come together to reap certain benefits and these benefits can be as simple as sort of 00:10:01 a selfish herd reducing predator risk predation risk and so on so not necessarily a lot of overt cooperation not necessarily a lot of 00:10:14 conflict going on then as you move to the upper left-hand quadrant you have groups that are now societies in other words there there might be rules as to who belongs 00:10:27 to the group uh there might be more cooperation within that within that group but also more conflict in the sense that the cooperation is producing benefits 00:10:38 and there may be conflicts over who is required to actually produce the benefits and how those benefits are actually shared within that group and then finally 00:10:49 uh if you can reduce that conflict uh such that everyone everyone more or less cooperates and doesn't doesn't there's the in any senses conflict with each other you can 00:11:02 actually turn the group into or the society into a coherent uh single organism at which point you may go back and start the whole process again

      Situatedness of modern human societies within this two dimensional graph is interesting. Although the images shown are of multi-cellular organisms, it can equally apply to smaller living units such as autonomously living genes, mitochondria or eukaryotes.

  20. Oct 2021
    1. Would conscripted workers produce as strong an economy as those who could act of their own free will?

      A fascinating economic question.

      What happens if we extend from one or two countries against each other to multiple countries? What happens when we expand this to the entire world?

      As Charles Eliot says in the end:

      A precious lesson of the war will be this: Toward every kind of national efficiency discipline is good, and cooperation is good; but for the highest efficiency both should be consented to in liberty.

  21. Sep 2021
  22. Aug 2021
  23. Jun 2021
    1. But a better path forward is one of true global cooperation based on mutual benefit and reciprocity.

      This is the case for so many human endeavors.

      How might game theory help to ensure it? Are there other factors that could assist as well?

  24. May 2021
  25. Apr 2021
    1. absence of cooperation with the supervisory authority in order to remedy the infringement and mitigate the possible adverse effects of it
  26. Mar 2021
  27. Feb 2021
  28. Jan 2021
  29. Nov 2020
    1. simply assuming that humans adopt norms, however, is not sufficient to predict behavior in a social dilemma, especially in very large groups with no arrangements for communication. even with strong preferences to follow norms, “observed behavior may vary by context because the perception of the ‘right thing’ would change” (de oliveira, croson, and eckel 2009: 19). various aspects of the context in which individuals interact affect how indi-viduals learn about the situation they are in and about the others with whom they are interacting. individual differences do make a difference, but the context of interactions also affects behavior over time (Walker and ostrom 2009). Biologists recognize that an organism’s appearance and behavior are affected by the environment in which it develops.for example, some plants produce large, thin leaves (which enhance photosynthetic photon harvest) in low light, and narrow, thicker leaves (which conserve water) in high light; certain insects develop wings only if they live in crowded conditions (and hence are likely to run out of adequate food in their current location). such environmentally contingent development is so commonplace that it can be regarded as a universal property of living things. (Pfennig and ledón-rettig 2009: 268)social scientists also need to recognize that individual behavior is strongly affected by the context in which interactions take place rather than being simply a result of individual differences.

      +10 and this is culture!

  30. Oct 2020
    1. heterogeneous networks have been found to be effective promoters of the evolution of cooperation, since there are advantages to being a cooperator when you are a hub, and hubs tend to stabilize networks in equilibriums where levels of cooperation are high (Ohtsuki et al. 2006), (Pacheco et al. 2006), (Lieberman et al. 2005), (Santos and Pacheco 2005).
    1. And in the meantime, if less human interaction enables us to forget how to cooperate, then we lose our advantage.

      It may seem odd, but I think a lot of the success of the IndieWeb movement and community is exactly this: a group of people has come together to work and interact and increase our abilities to cooperate to make something much bigger, more diverse, and more interesting than any of us could have done separately.

  31. Sep 2020
  32. Aug 2020
  33. Jul 2020
  34. Jun 2020
  35. May 2020
    1. Collective agency occurs when people act together, such as a social movement
    2. cooperation between two subjects with a mutual feeling of control is what James M. Dow, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Hendrix College, defines as "joint agency."
  36. Apr 2020
    1. The OA CG will still continue driving use cases and requirements, and further discussion of annotation issues that are outside the scope of the Web Annotation WG. It's expected that there will be an ongoing relationship between the two groups, and an overlap of participants.
  37. Mar 2020
    1. It’s perhaps a positive sign that, despite how polarized people are worried that society is, people can pull together and try to get things done and support each other and recognize people who are heroes on the front lines fighting this stuff
  38. Feb 2020
    1. cooperativeness is not considered part of a life history strategy in anthropological research, and has been explicitly excluded as being part of a life history strategy in at least some work in biology

      It is interesting. The level of cooperation, and the number of people involved vastly change the calculation of available energy, so at the very least these two ideas are intimately related.

  39. Nov 2019
  40. Feb 2019
    1. 7. Team Cooperation

      The below reminds me of working in Google Docs, which can indeed be a delightful site for collaboration.

      Still--and perhaps I've just been monastic in my stance while reading Engelbart--I wonder about the power of isolated individual deliberation ahead of or in some other less immediate relation to the cooperation described here.

  41. Aug 2018
    1. Based on key areas of current cooperation between the UK and the EU, these accords should cover: a.science and innovation; b.culture and education; c.overseas development assistance and international action; d.defence research and capability development; and e.space.

      Specific cooperation accords on science & international action

  42. Dec 2017
    1. Although language seems to us so obviously useful that its cost is hard to discern, there is some truth to Thomas Hobbes’s explanation of why humans find it so much more difficult to cooperate than ants do. Ants don’t require a tyrannical monster to enforce cooperation, Hobbes argued in Leviathan (1651), mainly because they don’t talk. They can be harmed but not offended; they can’t make agreements and therefore cannot break them; and they don’t ‘strive to reform and innovate’ – all of which spares them quarrels, disagreements and generally bad feelings.
  43. Dec 2016
    1. I'm most interested in understanding cooperation, that is to say, why people are willing to act for the greater good rather than their narrow self-interest. In thinking about that question, there's both a scientific part of understanding how the selfish process of natural selection and strategic reasoning could give rise to this cooperative behavior, and also the practical question of what we can do to make people more cooperative in real-world settings.    
  44. Apr 2016
    1. Cooperation, sharing with no direct benefit

      Cooperation = open sharing = education

    2. We are naturally creative and curious. We just have to build systems that nurture our inherent abilities. Schools do not do that.

      Not only do schools not do that, traditionally they have "taught" creativity and curiosity out of students.

  45. Dec 2015
    1. When Bernie Sanders talks about a 'revolution' in America, he's talking about getting millions of people deeply involved in the political process. I think he's also talking about getting millions of people personally involved, in their communities, in building solutions that don't need government involvement, such as volunteer-based tutoring, mentoring and learning organizations.
    1. In addition, the high sociability, and cooperative nature, of human economic systems, entailed selection pressure for a quality still poorly defined: emotional intelligence [vi]. This is linked, not only to qualities for successful interaction with other people and qualities such as impulse control, but also to some of the “dark triad” traits that have been identified in the research on human psychology: narcissistic, manipulative (subclinical psychopath), and Machiavellian tendencies.

      -- Helga Vierich (in the comments)

    2. Corporate businesses are owned by absentee shareholders who do not participate in managing the enterprises or doing the work. Everyone -- from the CEO down to the office janitor -- works as an "employee" of the corporation. The collective resources of the corporation ensure the collective security of the myriad owners and employees.<br> ...<br> Yet Rand wants to style opulently renumerated corporate managers as rugged entrepreneurs who did all the work themselves. What about the hundreds, thousands of employees who contribute to the collective effort that builds and maintains a "big business"?

      When they moved to Galt's Gulch, did the titans mine their own ore and refine metals in their personal backyard foundries? Build their own airplanes from tree leaves and chewing gum like McGiver? Dig oil wells with their bare hands and crack gasoline over an open fire?

      -- Derryl Hermanutz (in the comments)

    3. I am all for individual life, and individual liberty - those are my highest values. In that I align well with Ayn Rand.Where we part company is in how those values are best served.

      I am clear that cooperation is the most powerful way to serve those values. And I am clear that Axelrod demonstrated that raw cooperation is always vulnerable to cheating, and requires secondary strategies to prevent cheats from dominating and destroying the cooperative. Arguably, many of those who control the flows of capital in today's world can be characterised as using cheating strategies to do so, however lawful those strategies happen to be."

      -- Ted Howard (in the comments)

    4. Taggart and Reardon made their fortunes in the railroad and steel sectors, industries that received massive public subsidies. In the exaggerated black-and-white world that Rand creates, taxation and public accountability over private industry amounts to collectivist tyranny.

      -- Eric Michael Johnson (in the comments)

    5. in 100 percent of LPA societies—ranging from the Andaman Islanders of the Indian Ocean archipelago to the Inuit of Northern Alaska—generosity or altruism is always favored toward relatives and nonrelatives alike, with sharing and cooperation being the most cited moral values. Of course, this does not mean that everyone in these societies always follow these values.

      LPA (Late-Pleistocene Appropriate) - hunter-gatherers

      What makes these violations of moral rules so instructive is how societies choose to deal with them. Ultimately, it all comes down to gossip.

      "Gossip" is central to reputations, group decisions, and fear of ostracism.

      "Moral Origins: The Evolution of Virtue, Altruism, and Shame", Christopher Boehm

  46. Oct 2015
    1. People fail the acknowledgment phase of the apology when they make vague and incomplete apologies (“for whatever I did”); use the passive voice (“mistakes were made”); make the apology conditional (“if mistakes have been made”); question whether the victim was damaged or minimize the offense (“to the degree you were hurt” or “only a few enlisted soldiers were guilty at Abu Ghraib”); use the empathic “sorry” instead of acknowledging responsibility; apologize to the wrong party; or apologize for the wrong offense.
    2. Within the above structure of apology, an effective apology can generate forgiveness and reconciliation if it satisfies one or more of seven psychological needs in the offended party. The first and most common healing factor is the restoration of dignity, which is critical when the offense itself is an insult or a humiliation. Another healing factor is the affirmation that both parties have shared values and agree that the harm committed was wrong. Such apologies often follow racial or gender slurs because they help establish what kind of behavior is beyond the pale. A third healing factor is validation that the victim was not responsible for the offense. This is often necessary in rape and child abuse cases when the victim irrationally carries some of the blame. A fourth healing factor is the assurance that the offended party is safe from a repeat offense; such an assurance can come when an offender apologizes for threatening or committing physical or psychological harm to a victim. Reparative justice, the fifth healing factor, occurs when the offended sees the offending party suffer through some type of punishment. A sixth healing factor is reparation, when the victim receives some form of compensation for his or her pain. Finally, the seventh healing factor is a dialogue that allows the offended parties to express their feelings toward the offenders and even grieve over their losses. Examples of such exchanges occurred, with apologies offered, during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings in South Africa.
    3. Yet the embarrassed smile is more than just a smile; it has accompanying arabesques, muscle actions in the mouth that alter the appearance of the smile. The most frequent one is the lip press, a sign of inhibition. When people encounter strangers in the street, they often acknowledge each other with this modest smile. Just as common are lip puckers, a faint kiss gracing the embarrassed smile as it unfolds during its two-to-three second attempt to make peace.
    4. This view might make sense for solitary species, like the golden hamster, which flees upon being attacked, or territorial species, like many birds, that rely upon territorial arrangements to avoid deadly conflicts. But many mammals, and in particular primates, need each other to survive. Ostracism and marginalization are tickets to shortened lives. Among humans, individuals who have fewer and less healthy social bonds have been shown to live shorter lives, have compromised immune function, and be more vulnerable to disease. Our sociality, and that of many nonhuman primates, requires a mechanism that brings individuals together in the midst of conflict and aggression.
    5. This offers us insight into the true nature of embarrassment: I have discovered that this subtle display—the averted gaze, the pressed lips—is a sign of our respect for others, our appreciation of their view of things, and our commitment to the moral and social order. Far from reflecting confusion, it turns out that embarrassment can be a peacemaking force that brings people together—both during conflict and after breeches of the social contract, when there’s otherwise great potential for violence and disorder. I’ve even found evidence that facial displays of embarrassment have deep evolutionary roots, and that this seemingly inconsequential emotion provides us with a window into the ethical brain.
    6. Dacher documents his research on embarrassment, an often involuntary emotional response to having committed a social faux pas. People all around the world reflexively signal appeasement when they feel embarrassed, which serves as an unspoken acknowledgement of wrongdoing or having broken a social contract. This submissive, apologetic signal serves to avoid or prevent--rather than invite--conflict.  
  47. Sep 2015
    1. The first half of the twentieth century was drenched in the blood spilled by German and Japanese aggression, yet only a few decades later it is hard to think of two countries more pacific. Sweden spent the 17th century rampaging through Europe, yet it is now an icon of nurturing tranquility. Humans have invented the small nomadic band and the continental megastate, and have demonstrated a flexibility whereby uprooted descendants of the former can function effectively in the latter. We lack the type of physiology or anatomy that in other mammals determine their mating system, and have come up with societies based on monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry. And we have fashioned some religions in which violent acts are the entrée to paradise and other religions in which the same acts consign one to hell. Is a world of peacefully coexisting human Forest Troops possible? Anyone who says, “No, it is beyond our nature,” knows too little about primates, including ourselves.
    2. Is it possible to achieve the cooperative advantages of a small group without having the group reflexively view outsiders as the Other? One often encounters pessimism in response to this question, based on the notion that humans, as primates, are hard-wired for xenophobia. Some brain-imaging studies have appeared to support this view in a particularly discouraging way. There is a structure deep inside the brain called the amygdala, which plays a key role in fear and aggression, and experiments have shown that when subjects are presented with a face of someone from a different race, the amygdala gets metabolically active—aroused, alert, ready for action. This happens even when the face is presented subliminally, which is to say, so rapidly that the subject does not consciously see it. More recent studies, however, should mitigate this pessimism. Test a person who has a lot of experience with people of different races, and the amygdala does not activate.
    1. In a first analysis, data showed that people who took less than 10 seconds to decide how much to give gave approximately 15 percent more to the common pool than people who took longer than 10 seconds.

      Public Goods Game

    2. it suggests that maybe these prefrontal regionsthat are really important for decision making have to work a little bit harder when we decidenot to cooperate when we decide to compete or defect at the expense of the other person.
    3. we experience pleasurewhen we cooperate knowing that our cooperation is going to lead to benefits to the peoplethat we’re cooperating with.
    4. they found that reward signalling increased with reciprocated cooperation, inother words if I cooperate and I learn that you have alsocooperated then we’re both benefitting from this mutual cooperation there is greater rewardactivation or reward signalling gets boosted. And then also they found that when peoplecooperate but then are met with not cooperation in other words, unreciprocated cooperationdecreases activation in these reward processing areas.
    5. basketball campers play a basketball shooting game and in one condition it was orientedto be competitive against each other in another condition it was more focused on team playand cooperation. Afterwards he asked the kids how much fun they had, and he found that theyreally found the cooperative team play more fun and more motivating.
  48. Mar 2014
    1. Artaphrenes sent a messenger to Susa with the news of what Aristagoras said, and when Darius himself too had consented to the plan, he equipped two hundred triremes

      Hdt. 5.32 Darius grants 200 triremes to Aristagoras to lead his dastardly assault against Naxos.

    2. This, then, is what Darius said, and after appointing Artaphrenes, his father's son, to be viceroy of Sardis

      Hdt. 5.25 Darius appoints Artaphrenes to governorship of Sardis as he moves to Susa, 510 BCE. The moving of Darius' seat of power from Sardis to Susa sets of the chain reactions of rebellions which follow in the rest of book 5.

    3. The Persians who had been sent as envoys came to Amyntas and demanded earth and water for Darius the king. He readily gave to them what they asked and invited them to be his guests, preparing a dinner of great splendor and receiving them hospitably.

      Hdt. 5.18 Amyntas of Macedon surrenders to the Achaemenid messengers peacefully knowing that the forces of Macedonia are no match for the huge armies of Darius.

    4. Then Darius wrote a letter to Megabazus, whom he had left as his general in Thrace, bidding him take the Paeonians from their houses, and bring them to him, men, women, and children.

      Hdt. 5.14 Darius orders his general Megabazus to capture the Paeonians, furthering the Achaemenid incursion into the Hellespont.

    5. Hdt. 5.11 Darius gifts the gift of governorships to two of his most loyal men, Histiaios/Histiaeus of Miletus and Coes/Koes of Mytilene. 512 BCE

  49. Feb 2014
    1. She gave him a dagger and hid him behind the same door

      1.12. Candaules' wife arms Gyges and hides him in Candaules' bedroom.

    2. Then he asked: “Since you force me against my will to kill my master, I would like to know how we are to lay our hands on him.”

      1.11. Gyges, having failed to persuade Candaules' wife not to force him to make this choice, asks how they will kill Candaules.

    3. Cyrus called together the leading Persians and laid the matter before them, asking them to advise him which he should do. They all spoke to the same end, urging him to let Tomyris and her army enter his country.

      1.206 Cyrus consults his generals and other leading men about Queen Tomyris' response to his marriage proposal.