- Jul 2024
scholarworks.arcadia.edu scholarworks.arcadia.edu
Dueto the cheaper cost of manufacturing in China, manyU.S. companies have outsourced their labor abroad.This has resulted in a massive trade deficit betweenthe U.S. and China and has led to a loss of around 2.4million jobs since 2013, or almost two-thirds of allU.S. manufacturing jobs
for - stats - US trade deficit with China
stats US trade deficit with China - Due to the cheaper cost of manufacturing in China, many U.S. companies have outsourced their labor abroad. - This has resulted in - a massive trade deficit between the U.S. and China and - has led to a loss of around 2.4 million jobs since 2013, or - almost two-thirds of all U.S. manufacturing jobs
- May 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
pour la coopération c'est la catastrophe nous sommes le dernier pays dernier pays de tous les 00:16:05 pays de l'OCDE dans notre dans la capacité en fait l'indice de coopération il mesure la comment les élèves voient la pratique coopérative et comment ils l'utilisent et alors là on est les 00:16:19 derniers donc je pense que c'est également évidemment du côté des compétences sociales un très gros souci
deuxième point très important c'est le déficit de ces compétences parmi les élèves français alors là je vais parler que des élèves 00:09:59 mais sachez puisque nous sommes des adultes que ça vaut aussi pour nous les adultes les enquêtes auprès des adultes qui sont menées notamment l'enquête PIAC qui est mené par l'OCDE également auprès des adultes montre à peu près exactement 00:10:11 les mêmes déficites he il y a pas de miracle à 18 ans on devient pas complètement différent de ce qu'on de ce qu'on voit chez les adolescents donc par exemple sur l'état d'esprit de développement euh ici ce que je vais représenter donc la la ligne noire c'est 00:10:25 la moyenne de tous les pays de l'OCDE d'accord donc on a standardisé et en fait chaque bâton représente un pays et le pays qui est en gras et la France donc ce qu'on voit c'est que la France 00:10:37 est en dessous de la moyenne des pays de l'OCDE concernant le score d'état d'esprit de développement donc la croyance que l'intelligence c'est quelque chose qui peut évoluer et qui peut s'entraîner et se développer en 00:10:50 fait donc justement c'est important qu'on sache que c'est vrai que l'intelligence peut se développer pour que en fait normalement 100 % des gens g devrai répondre oui d'accord devrait avoir un score d'état d'esprit de 00:11:02 développement vous pourriez vous dire bah oui mais en fait les élèves français ils ont raison ils sont beaucoup plus lucid que les autres non ce n'est pas le cas en fait quand on a un état d'esprit de développement qui n'est enfin quand on ne pense pas que l'intelligence pe 00:11:15 peut se développer on a tort scientifiquement parlant et donc donc la France est plutôt du côté des pays déficitaires
this is whitehead's fallacy of misplaced concreteness
for - key insight - Whitehead's fallacy of misplaced concreteness - adjacency - fallacy of misplaced concreteness - climate denialism - mistrust in science - polycrisis - Deep Humanity
- the worry for Goethe and whitehead is that
- we forget sometimes with the typical scientific method that = we can only ever apply concepts derived from our empirical experience
- and so if we're trying to understand experience as if it were really
- an illusion produced by
- collisions of particles or
- brain chemistry or
- something that we can never in principle experience
- an illusion produced by
- what we're doing is
- applying concepts derived from our experience
- to an imagined realm that
- we think is beyond experience
- but it's not
- This is Whitehead's fallacy of misplaced concreteness.
key insight - Whitehead's fallacy of misplaced concreteness - This helps explain the rising rejection of science from the masses. I didn't realize there was already a name for the phenomena responsible for the emergence of collective denialist behavior
adjacency - between - fallacy of misplaced concreteness - increasing collective rejection of science in the polycrisis - adjacency statement - Whitehead's fallacy of misplaced concreteness exactly names and describes - the growing trend of a populus rejection of climate science (climate denialism), COVID vaccine denialism, exponential growth of conspiracy theory and misinformation - because of the inability for non-elites and elites alike to concretize abstractions the same way that elite scientists and policy-makers do - Research papers have shown that the knowledge deficit model which was relied upon for decades was not accurate representation of climate denialism - Yet, I would hold that Whitehead's fallacy of misplaced concretism plays a role here - This mistrust in science is rooted in this fallacy as well as progress traps - Deep Humanity is quite steeped in Whitehead's process relational ontology and the fallacy of misplaced concreteness requires mass education for a sustainable transition - This abstract concreteness is everywhere: - Shift from Ptolemy's geocentric worldview to the Copernican heliocentric worldview - Now we are told that the sun is not fixed, but is itself rotating around the Milky Way with billions of other galaxies - scientific techniques like radiocarbon dating for dating objects in deep time - climate science - atomic physics - quantum physics - distrust of vaccines, which we cannot see - Timothy Morton's hyperobjects is related to this fallacy of misplaced concreteness. - "Seeing is believing" but we cannot directly experience the ultra large or ultra small. So we have scientific language that draws parallels to that, but it is not a direct experience. - - Those not steeped in years or decades of science have the very real option of feeling that the concepts are fallacies and don't hold as much weight as that which they can experience directly, even though those concepts have obviously produced artefacts that they use, like cellphones, the internet and airplanes.
- the worry for Goethe and whitehead is that
- adjacency - Whitehead's fallacy of misplaced concreteness - Timothy Morton's hyperobjects
- climate change - knowledge deficit model - Whitehead
- misplaced concreteness
- Making the abstract real
- adjacency - fallacy of misplaced concreteness - climate denialism - mistrust in science - polycrisis - Deep Humanity
- key insight - Whitehead's fallacy of misplaced concreteness
- science communication - climate change - Whitehead - fallacy of misplaced concreteness
- Oct 2023
www.brookings.edu www.brookings.edu
Doleac, Jennifer. “New Evidence That Lead Exposure Increases Crime.” Brookings (blog), June 1, 2017. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/new-evidence-that-lead-exposure-increases-crime/.
A brief meta analysis of the evidence provided by three different studies on the effects of lead exposure to children and the increased incidence of their potential adult criminal behavior.
Compare this with the levels of insanity induced in TEL production discussed in https://doi.org/10.1179/oeh.2005.11.4.384 (or alternately at https://environmentalhistory.org/about/ethyl-leaded-gasoline/) via https://hypothes.is/a/7MBWvHW7Ee6a8dvvDy9Aqw
- Mar 2023
brill.com brill.com
“increased knowledge tends to strengthen our position on climate change, regardless of what that position is” (Hoffman 2015:5)
- Quote
- increased knowledge tends to strengthen our position on climate change, regardless of what that position is
- (Hoffman 2015:5).
- Quote
If the facts don’t fit the frames in your brain, the frames in your brain stay and the facts are ignored or challenged or belittled” (Lakoff 2014: xiv).
//Quote - If the facts don’t fit the frames in your brain, the frames in your brain stay and the facts are ignored or challenged or belittled - (Lakoff 2014: xiv).
“increased knowledge tends to strengthen our position on climate change, regardless of what that position is” (Hoffman 2015:5).
// quote - increased knowledge tends to strengthen our position on climate change, regardless of what that position is” - (Hoffman 2015:5). - The wealth of information available on the internet and through social media does not make us better informed, but simply makes us more certain that we are right - (Hoffman 2015:45)
The knowledge deficit hypothesis is closely tied to the idea of Homo economicus, an ontological model of the human as rationally self-interested. Historically in Western philosophy “ontology” refers to the study of being, the nature of human being, subjectivity, or what it means to be a self, epitomized in Descartes cogito. This individualized ontology has been extensively critiqued in philosophy and anthropology, but people keep arguing against it because these critiques have had little impact on the material world of economics and politics in which people are still routinely assumed to be rationally self-interested individuals. Edmund Husserl, and later Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1962) developed a highly influential phenomenological critique of the Cartesian subject and the modern self, which influenced Gregory Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972), and subsequent models of the self in deep ecology, ecofeminism, and ecopsychology (see Roszak et al. 1995 for an overview). Phenomenology also inspired work in intersubjectivity such as Martin Buber’s (1970) I-Thou relations, and Emmanuel Levinas’ (1969, 1998) understanding of ethical subjectivity, as well as Bruno Latour’s (2005) development of actor network theory. Latour’s writings have stimulated fruitful dialogues with anthropologies of Indigenous ontologies. Much of this literature is well known within the environmental humanities, but has had little impact more broadly in environment studies and environmental science, and less still in in politics and economics.
// Interconnecting many thinkers and ideas throughout modern history related to knowledge deficit - knowledge deficit model is closely related to homo economicus, which is based on human beings a rational, self-interested agents - all these inter-relationships are new knowledge to me - this individualized ontology has its roots at least in Descartes and has been extensively critiqued - Edmond Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty critiqued it - Their critique influenced Gregory Bateson, as reflected in his book "Steps in an Ecological Mind" - It also influenced Emmanuel Levinas' understanding of ethical subjectivity and Bruno Latour's actor network theory - Latour's work influenced anthropologies of Indigenous people - This knowledge is well known with field of environmental humanities, but little known in the world of politics and economics
// abstract - summary - Rationalist approaches to environmental problems such as climate change - apply an information deficit model, - assuming that if people understand what needs to be done they will act rationally. - However, applying a knowledge deficit hypothesis often fails to recognize unconscious motivations revealed by: - social psychology, - cognitive science, - behavioral economics.
- Applying ecosystems science, data collection, economic incentives, and public education are necessary for solving problems such as climate change, but they are not sufficient.
- Climate change discourse makes us aware of our mortality
- This prompts consumerism as a social psychological defensive strategy,
- which is counterproductive to pro-environmental behavior.
- Studies in terror management theory, applied to the study of ritual and ecological conscience formation,
- suggest that ritual expressions of giving thanks can have significant social psychological effects in relation to overconsumption driving climate change.
- Primary data gathering informing this work included participant observation and interviews with contemporary Heathens in Canada from 2018–2019.
- Husserl
- terror management theory
- Hoffman
- Merleau-Ponty
- information deficit model
- consumerism
- Emmunuel Levina
- quote
- ritual practices
- Information deficit model
- Gregory Bateson
- Bruno Latour
- George Lakoff
- overconsumption
- sustainable consumerism
- Homo Economicus
- Martin Buber
- Quote
- Latour
- pro-environmental behavior
- knowledge deficit model
- Jan 2023
www.imperial.ac.uk www.imperial.ac.uk
“Humans are not computers” “The mistake we make with the climate movement is we assume that humans are information processors,” said Mr Eno, “as if they are computers and if we stick enough data in, they are bound to respond in one way or another – and that clearly hasn't worked.
!- Humans are not computers : Comment - The Information Deficit model in climate communication has not worked
- Jun 2022
globalecoguy.org globalecoguy.org
It is now impossible for the world’s leaders to say that they “didn’t know” that this was going on, and that we didn’t have the power to prevent it all along. We scientists have been working hard, collecting evidence, writing reports, and presenting it all to the world’s leaders and the broader public. No one can honestly say that we haven’t been warning the world for decades.
And therein lies the great mystery. How is it that with this specific way of knowing, we can still ignore the overwhelming science? It's not just a small minority either, but the majority of the elites. As research from Yale and other leading research institutions on climate communications have discovered, it is not so much a knowledge deficit problem, as it is a sociological / pyschological ingroup/outgroup conformity bias problem.
This would suggest that the scientific community must rapidly pivot and place more resources on studying this important area to find the leverage points for penetrating conformity bias.
the need for incentives to favor actions and implementation of existing commitments over more negotiations the issue of longer-term visioning is a repeated ask especially through a 00:09:21 greater engagement of youth and decision making as they have a greater stake in the future
deliver on the promises to regain trust. The youth must have a role to architect the future they will be living in.
everywhere environmental injustices abound and this is another aspect of this conference which is very central to our thinking the environmental injustice's current and future have given rise to a growing 00:06:25 trust deficit in our various conversations and consultations towards stock 150 four kinds of trust deficits have manifested themselves between developed and developing countries between states and non-state 00:06:38 actors across generations and with marginalized groups such as indigenous peoples women and local communities with a breakdown of trust and the unfulfilled promises on commitments 00:06:50 there's a growing impatience and sometimes even anger to write the wrongs of years of consumption choices production patterns and finance flows that have resulted in a degrading planet 00:07:02 and growing inequity ill health mistrust and hopelessness for the many and a good life for the few
Correcting the trust deficit is critical. So many have lost faith when promises are repeatedly broken.
- Mar 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lehnen, N., Glasauer, S., Schröder, L., Regnath, F., Biersack, K., Bergh, O. V. den, & Werder, D. von. (2022). Post-COVID symptoms in the absence of organic deficit—Lessons from diseases we know. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yqar2
- breathlessness
- lang:en
- informational processing
- dizziness
- organic deficit
- organic impairment
- persistent symptoms
- experience
- severe symptoms
- body signals
- post-COVID
- symptom
- fatigue
- perception
- predictive coding
- is:preprint
- experimental paradigm
- long COVID
- brain
- body symptoms
- disease
- rebreathing
- interoception
- COVID-19
- Oct 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Jeong, M., Ocwieja, K. E., Han, D., Wackym, P. A., Zhang, Y., Brown, A., Moncada, C., Vambutas, A., Kanne, T., Crain, R., Siegel, N., Leger, V., Santos, F., Welling, D. B., Gehrke, L., & Stankovic, K. M. (2021). Direct SARS-CoV-2 infection of the human inner ear may underlie COVID-19-associated audiovestibular dysfunction. Communications Medicine, 1(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43856-021-00044-w
- Aug 2021
firstdraftnews.org firstdraftnews.org
Vaccine Misinformation Insights Report: June. (n.d.). First Draft. Retrieved 4 August 2021, from https://firstdraftnews.org:443/long-form-article/vaccine-misinformation-insights-report-june/
- Apr 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Korman, Maria, Vadim Tkachev, Cátia Reis, Yoko Komada, Shingo Kitamura, Denis Gubin, Vinod Kumar, and Till Roenneberg. ‘COVID-19-Mandated Social Restrictions Unveil the Impact of Social Time Pressure on Sleep and Body Clock’. Scientific Reports 10, no. 1 (17 December 2020): 22225. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-79299-7.
- human
- restrictions
- work
- social jetlag
- lang:en
- meals
- is:article
- pressure
- epidemiology
- body
- work-free days
- sleep deficit
- alarm clock
- global
- clock
- regulation
- school
- workdays
- social
- young adults
- Global Chrono Corona Survey
- quantification
- intervention
- sleep
- time
- discrepancy
- COVID-19
- Mar 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Becker, S. P., Dvorsky, M., Breaux, R., Cusick, C., Taylor, K., & Langberg, J. (2021). Prospective Examination of Adolescent Sleep Patterns and Behaviors Before and During COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yzd4m
- Feb 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Catherine Rampell. (2020, December 4). The jobs hole remains very, very deep. Today, the U.S. economy still has a greater jobs deficit than was the case at the very worst point of every previous postwar recession, including the Great Recession https://t.co/jYH1AUqBsV [Tweet]. @crampell. https://twitter.com/crampell/status/1334856009207189507
- Aug 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Vu, Jonathan T, Benjamin K Kaplan, Shomesh Chaudhuri, Monique K Mansoura, and Andrew W Lo. ‘Financing Vaccines for Global Health Security’. Working Paper. Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2020. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27212.
- Jan 2020
www.theglobeandmail.com www.theglobeandmail.com
In the dark: the cost of Canada's data deficit
- Aug 2019
www.heritage.org www.heritage.org
The Urban Institute estimates 10-year spending of $32 trillion, only about half of which would be covered under Sanders’ funding options Mercatus Center’s Charles Blahous estimates a 10-year $32.6 trillion increase in federal spending. Even “doubling all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan.” Economist Kenneth Thorpe of Emory University estimates $24.7 trillion in additional federal spending, and also estimates an average deficit of $1.1 trillion per year. The Center for Health and Economy estimates a 10-year net cost of up to $44 trillion, and an annual deficit of $2.1 trillion.
The estimated costs given by the institutes proved that the "Single-payer" system could not work properly, and it also made the United States a heavy loss.
- Feb 2018
ojs.library.queensu.ca ojs.library.queensu.ca
Transparency is the solution to informational deficits. Ho
Imagino que transparencia es la solución para el déficit de información, pero transparencia del Estado, no del ciudadano.
What we are suggesting here is that ICTs are disrupting the relations between the citizen and the state by giving the state unparalleled access to information about its citizens, while the citizens are not comparably informed about what the state is doing or what it knows
Éste es el núcleo: el Estado tiene acceso a la información, pero no los ciudadanos. No hay balance o mecanismos apropiados de control. Llaman a este fenómeno "déficit informacional"
- Oct 2017
www.factcheck.org www.factcheck.org
The plan will add anywhere from 5 to 7 trillion dollars to our deficit.
- Feb 2017
nymag.com nymag.com
mental and psychological health.
His vocabulary is severely impoverished. With constant repetition of simple meaningless words, e.g., very, very, very, great, great, great. Much of what he said at the presser with PM Abe was senseless blather. He's covering up for a serious cognitive deficit.
- Oct 2015
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
American urban expansion partially steadied the global economy, as the us ran huge trade deficits with the rest of the world, borrowing around $2 billion a day to fuel its insatiable consumerism and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
America's debt is much higher than $2 billion today.. somewhere in the trillions.. is our hunger being fulfilled worth the debt its costing us?