6 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. my father once said the major problems in the world are the difference between how nature works and how people think 01:01:05 now I'd like you to invite you to look at this picture and I invite you to notice that every single one of these 17 development goals 01:01:21 is present in that image i
      • for: quote, quote - Gregory Bateson, sustainable development goals, SDGs, SDGs in one holistic image

      • quote: Gregory Bateson

        • The major problems in the world are the difference between how nature works and how people think
    2. the double bind was an evolutionary principle an evolutionary principle 00:36:26 so that every organism at some point right every organism is in relationship to all these other organisms and all those organisms are always changing a little bit 00:36:40 and so one day the moment comes when that organism cannot do what it used to do to survive if it does what it knows how to do it dies 00:36:54 but it doesn't know how to do anything else
      • for: double bind, definition - double bind - evolutionary, Gregory Bateson - definition of double bind
  2. Mar 2023
    1. The knowledge deficit hypothesis is closely tied to the idea of Homo economicus, an ontological model of the human as rationally self-interested. Historically in Western philosophy “ontology” refers to the study of being, the nature of human being, subjectivity, or what it means to be a self, epitomized in Descartes cogito. This individualized ontology has been extensively critiqued in philosophy and anthropology, but people keep arguing against it because these critiques have had little impact on the material world of economics and politics in which people are still routinely assumed to be rationally self-interested individuals. Edmund Husserl, and later Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1962) developed a highly influential phenomenological critique of the Cartesian subject and the modern self, which influenced Gregory Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972), and subsequent models of the self in deep ecology, ecofeminism, and ecopsychology (see Roszak et al. 1995 for an overview). Phenomenology also inspired work in intersubjectivity such as Martin Buber’s (1970) I-Thou relations, and Emmanuel Levinas’ (1969, 1998) understanding of ethical subjectivity, as well as Bruno Latour’s (2005) development of actor network theory. Latour’s writings have stimulated fruitful dialogues with anthropologies of Indigenous ontologies. Much of this literature is well known within the environmental humanities, but has had little impact more broadly in environment studies and environmental science, and less still in in politics and economics.

      // Interconnecting many thinkers and ideas throughout modern history related to knowledge deficit - knowledge deficit model is closely related to homo economicus, which is based on human beings a rational, self-interested agents - all these inter-relationships are new knowledge to me - this individualized ontology has its roots at least in Descartes and has been extensively critiqued - Edmond Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty critiqued it - Their critique influenced Gregory Bateson, as reflected in his book "Steps in an Ecological Mind" - It also influenced Emmanuel Levinas' understanding of ethical subjectivity and Bruno Latour's actor network theory - Latour's work influenced anthropologies of Indigenous people - This knowledge is well known with field of environmental humanities, but little known in the world of politics and economics

  3. Feb 2023
    1. Bateson defines schismogenesis as a “creation of division.”

      Definition of = schismogenesis

      • Gregory Bateson defines this in his book Steps to an Ecology of Mind,
      • defines schismogenesis as = a “creation of division.”
      • The term derives from the Greek words σχίσμα skhisma, “cleft,” (borrowed into English as schism), and γένεσις genesis, “generation” or “creation.”
      • Bateson claimed that we human beings define ourselves and each other through schismogenesis.
  4. Jul 2016
    1. never heard of Bateson before reading Musicking, but I’ve added some of his writings to my reading list!

      There are multiple reasons to start reading Bateson. It’s never too late. In anthro, he was mostly cited for his Iatmul work with a passing remark about Double-Bind and maybe something about comms. But he’s this intriguing character who only gets airplay when someone digs a bit deeper.