13 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. After relevance comes the "plateau period" where a lot of practice is being done with a lot of mistakes; there seems to be little progress. Most people give up here.

      You need a growth mindset and just continue.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. The worry most people have with this suggestion is that children are going to get discouraged if they fail. But that is not necessarily the case, and I think teachers, parents, and other adults have a great opportunity to help prevent this. If we demonstrate that needing to put down a book for awhile is not a failure, then we can help children become more willing to experiment and to try things which are currently just out of reach.

      This is the concept of growth mindset; and we need to teach that to our children in any way possible. It has been shown in studies that growth mindset has a positive causal influence on academic and financial success (I cannot state sources, but I know I've come across this)

      Note to self: Research this later.

  3. May 2024
    1. on a vraiment de quoi au niveau 00:20:48 scientifique on a de quoi prouver que agir sur l'état d'esprit de développement c'est possible et ça a des effets sur la réussite scolaire des élèves
    2. deuxième point très important c'est le déficit de ces compétences parmi les élèves français alors là je vais parler que des élèves 00:09:59 mais sachez puisque nous sommes des adultes que ça vaut aussi pour nous les adultes les enquêtes auprès des adultes qui sont menées notamment l'enquête PIAC qui est mené par l'OCDE également auprès des adultes montre à peu près exactement 00:10:11 les mêmes déficites he il y a pas de miracle à 18 ans on devient pas complètement différent de ce qu'on de ce qu'on voit chez les adolescents donc par exemple sur l'état d'esprit de développement euh ici ce que je vais représenter donc la la ligne noire c'est 00:10:25 la moyenne de tous les pays de l'OCDE d'accord donc on a standardisé et en fait chaque bâton représente un pays et le pays qui est en gras et la France donc ce qu'on voit c'est que la France 00:10:37 est en dessous de la moyenne des pays de l'OCDE concernant le score d'état d'esprit de développement donc la croyance que l'intelligence c'est quelque chose qui peut évoluer et qui peut s'entraîner et se développer en 00:10:50 fait donc justement c'est important qu'on sache que c'est vrai que l'intelligence peut se développer pour que en fait normalement 100 % des gens g devrai répondre oui d'accord devrait avoir un score d'état d'esprit de 00:11:02 développement vous pourriez vous dire bah oui mais en fait les élèves français ils ont raison ils sont beaucoup plus lucid que les autres non ce n'est pas le cas en fait quand on a un état d'esprit de développement qui n'est enfin quand on ne pense pas que l'intelligence pe 00:11:15 peut se développer on a tort scientifiquement parlant et donc donc la France est plutôt du côté des pays déficitaires
  4. Apr 2024
  5. Feb 2022
    1. Dweck shows convincingly thatthe most reliable predictor for long-term success is having a “growthmindset.” To actively seek and welcome feedback, be it positive ornegative, is one of the most important factors for success (andhappiness) in the long run. Conversely, nothing is a bigger hindranceto personal growth than having a “fixed mindset.” Those who fearand avoid feedback because it might damage their cherishedpositive self-image might feel better in the short term, but will quicklyfall behind in actual performance (Dweck 2006; 2013).

      Carol Dweck shows that the most reliable predictor for long-term success is what she calls having a "growth mindset" or the ability to take feedback and change.

      This seems related to the idea of endergonic reactions and the growth of complexity as well as the idea of the meaning of life.

      What do these systems all have in common? What are their differences? What abstractions can we make from them?

      Relate this to https://hypothes.is/a/pdWppIX5EeyhR0NR19OjCQ

  6. Dec 2021
    1. In her book Meaning in Life and Why it Matters (2010), the US philosopher Susan Wolf has argued, against Taylor, that even if Sisyphus is feeling fulfilled, owing to the nature of the activity in which he is engaged, his feeling fulfilled is not reasonable. She argues that the object of an agent’s feeling of fulfilment is represented in the mind of the agent as being something that is objectively good. In the case of Sisyphus, even if he is fulfilled, he misrepresents the source of his fulfilment as good. So Wolf argues that the meaningfulness of an activity or goal is a function not only of one’s being fulfilled in engaging in it/pursuing it, but the feeling of fulfilment also needs to be a fitting response to the activity or goal. And it is only a fitting response if the activity or goal is objectively pursuit-worthy. What would render an activity or goal objectively pursuit-worthy? Objective pursuit-worthiness is in part owing to the value of the end or activity coming from outside of oneself. Wolf admits that determining objective pursuit-worthiness is not easy, and involves a process of discovery. A possibility not explicitly endorsed by Wolf (but not rejected by her, either) is that an activity or goal is objectively pursuit-worthy if engaging in that activity is conducive to the cultivation of virtues. My suggestion is that, so long as an activity is generally conducive to developing character traits and intellectual traits that will enhance and not impede the flourishing of both an agent and those with whom they interact, it is objectively pursuit-worthy.

      Intellectual and character growth holistically, in a positive manner. That is the objective worthiness of any task. These goals, must be outlined in any activity undertaken, and their worth must be scaled according to our own standards. Because time is limited, it serves us well to maximise the objective worthiness that we extract from any task/activity/job/career. Thus time frames must also be defined. A multifaceted growth mindset requires a constant reexamination of all these aspect- i.e.- objective worthiness and time frame. An unexamined life is not worth living, and this shall be applied ona daily basis. One must recognise where they lose time, fill those holes, and proceed to extract some meaning from it.

  7. Oct 2020
    1. Learning & Development Best Practices from the Top Silicon Valley Companies

      Interesting read about what top tech companies are doing to promote a growth mindset within their company. From Google to Amazon each company has a different approach that is working for them.


  8. Sep 2017
    1. The major situations for growth mindset are: When we do not know an answer When we make error When we experience failure When we are anxious.

      Moments that are prime for "Growth Mindset"

  9. Sep 2016
    1. It's far better, Dweck says, to encourage a growth mindset, in which children believe that brains and talent are merely a starting point, and that abilities can be developed through hard work and continued intellectual risk-taking.
  10. Mar 2016
  11. Aug 2015
    1. The most common bit of concrete advice offered by Dweck and others enamored of the growth mindset is to praise kids for their effort (“You tried really hard”) rather than for their ability (“You’re really smart”) in order to get them to persevere. (Google the words “praise” and “effort” together: more than 70 million hits.)

      I think the author has understated how feedback works in incremental theory. Neither feedback option is better. They should be connected to the stated learning outcome. The key feature is feedback shoudl not be about the student or pleasing the teacher but about the goal.