2 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2022
the need for incentives to favor actions and implementation of existing commitments over more negotiations the issue of longer-term visioning is a repeated ask especially through a 00:09:21 greater engagement of youth and decision making as they have a greater stake in the future
deliver on the promises to regain trust. The youth must have a role to architect the future they will be living in.
everywhere environmental injustices abound and this is another aspect of this conference which is very central to our thinking the environmental injustice's current and future have given rise to a growing 00:06:25 trust deficit in our various conversations and consultations towards stock 150 four kinds of trust deficits have manifested themselves between developed and developing countries between states and non-state 00:06:38 actors across generations and with marginalized groups such as indigenous peoples women and local communities with a breakdown of trust and the unfulfilled promises on commitments 00:06:50 there's a growing impatience and sometimes even anger to write the wrongs of years of consumption choices production patterns and finance flows that have resulted in a degrading planet 00:07:02 and growing inequity ill health mistrust and hopelessness for the many and a good life for the few
Correcting the trust deficit is critical. So many have lost faith when promises are repeatedly broken.