174 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. 45:00 Social anxiety as more of an attention problem than it is an emotional problem.

      Also see other HealthyGamerGG on how directing attention can help with awkwardness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTrCLOyoRq8

    1. Interesting, when we say "I don't have time", you can in some, if not most, cases replace it with "I am not in the mood for this", because you prioritize other things you feel more like doing.

  2. Jun 2024
  3. Mar 2024
    1. Either from Venice, or some unhatched practiceMade demonstrable here in Cyprus to him,Hath puddled his clear spirit, and in such casesMen’s natures wrangle with inferior things,Though great ones are their object.

      She thinks it must be something political that is upsetting him -- perhaps it shows that relationship between personal and political conflict, the transferrable nature? Or proving Iago's point that emotion sways the most?

    2. ake all the money thou canst. If sanctimonyand a frail vow betwixt an erring barbarian andsupersubtle Venetian be not too hard for my wits and allthe tribe of hell, thou shalt enjoy her.

      Showing that he believes his wills make him the God of the world, that he has ultimate power over the chessboard just through intention alone -- and that is the work of the devil, the rejection of emotion's sway on decision making, and pure reason

    3. ut we have reason tocool our raging motions, our carnal stings, our unbittedlusts. Whereof I take this that you call love to be asect or scion.

      Perhaps his belief that he is uncontrolled by emotion and unconstrainted, and therefore is superior, is what makes him so evil? The detachment of oneself to their biological and true feeling is the work of the devil: reason.

    4. Virtue? A fig! 'Tis in ourselves that we are thus orthus. Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our willsare gardeners

      Iago's main core lies in self-control and motivation -- he believes himself to be a man of simple free will, and unlimited freedom. Unrestrained and in control of the chessboard -- he assumes both the external world and (mistakenly) his internal world are under his control, but they may not be.

  4. Sep 2023
    1. Recent work has revealed several new and significant aspects of the dynamics of theory change. First, statistical information, information about the probabilistic contingencies between events, plays a particularly important role in theory-formation both in science and in childhood. In the last fifteen years we’ve discovered the power of early statistical learning.

      The data of the past is congruent with the current psychological trends that face the education system of today. Developmentalists have charted how children construct and revise intuitive theories. In turn, a variety of theories have developed because of the greater use of statistical information that supports probabilistic contingencies that help to better inform us of causal models and their distinctive cognitive functions. These studies investigate the physical, psychological, and social domains. In the case of intuitive psychology, or "theory of mind," developmentalism has traced a progression from an early understanding of emotion and action to an understanding of intentions and simple aspects of perception, to an understanding of knowledge vs. ignorance, and finally to a representational and then an interpretive theory of mind.

      The mechanisms by which life evolved—from chemical beginnings to cognizing human beings—are central to understanding the psychological basis of learning. We are the product of an evolutionary process and it is the mechanisms inherent in this process that offer the most probable explanations to how we think and learn.

      Bada, & Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism Learning Theory : A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.

  5. Feb 2023
    1. The story on canvassymbolises the importance of traditional law, explains the transmutation of the Moon,and exposes the raw power of human emotion. T

      Notice how in the story of Garnkiny, the Moon Man, and Dawool, that the power of emotion is used as a means of strengthening not only the story, but the memory of the other associated elements.

  6. Jan 2023
    1. When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under hte breath: "free, free, free!" The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes.

      Usually when one abandons their will and gives in they become almost lifeless; however, it is the exact opposite in this situation. This begs the question whether she was hoping something would happen to her husband to set her free.

  7. Sep 2022
    1. How to identify a gut instinctThe best advice I ever got on how to trust my gut and intuition was given to me by a psychotherapist years ago. She suggested whenever I have a gut instinct — good or bad — I should first rate the intensity of my emotions from 1 to 10. If they are on the lower end of the spectrum, I’m more inclined to trust my gut. Emotions — like anger, fear or insecurity — are different from Feelings, because they are usually in reaction to something external and feel like a laser that you want to point at people or things. Feelings — like profound sadness and love — are more of a state of being, and Intuition is an inner knowing. So whenever I have to distinguish one from the other, I first start by rating my emotions. — CD

      Claudia Dawson writes about before going with a gut instinct to rate ones intensity of emotions, and then trusting ones gut more if those emotions are less intensive. This is building a reflective loop into it, without doing away with the instinctive response. Vgl how I ask Y to rate from 1-10 when she feels pain (which she now does by herself too), to better understand her.

  8. Jun 2022
    1. There is even significant evidence that expressing our thoughts inwriting can lead to benefits for our health and well-being. 11 One ofthe most cited psychology papers of the 1990s found that“translating emotional events into words leads to profound social,psychological, and neural changes.”

      11 James W. Pennebaker, “Writing about Emotional Experiences as a Therapeutic Process,” Psychological Science 8, no. 3 (May 1997), 162–66

      Did they mention any pedagogical effects in this work?

      How does this relate to the ability to release thoughts from working memory because they're written down and we don't need to spend time and effort trying to remember them? What are the references for this work? I suspect I've got them linked around somewhere...

      What other papers/work cover these intersections?

    2. We know from neuroscientific research that “emotions organize—rather than disrupt—rational thinking.”8

      Dacher Keltner and Paul Ekman, “The Science of ‘Inside Out,’” New York Times, July 3, 2015, https://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/05/opinion/sunday/the-science-of-inside-out.html.

  9. Apr 2022
    1. Rely on emotional states If you can illustrate your items with examples that are vivid or even shocking, you are likely to enhance retrieval (as long as you do not overuse same tools and fall victim of interference!). Your items may assume bizarre form; however, as long as they are produced for your private consumption, the end justifies the means. Use objects that evoke very specific and strong emotions: love, sex, war, your late relative, object of your infatuation, Linda Tripp, Nelson Mandela, etc. It is well known that emotional states can facilitate recall; however, you should make sure that you are not deprived of the said emotional clues at the moment when you need to retrieve a given memory in a real-life situation

      This section reads as if it was lifted from any of the treatises on the art of memory over the last 2000 years.

      Piotr Wozniak seems to have independently rediscovered the value of the arts of memory from ancient rhetoric.

      He advises to use the "vivid or even shocking" to "enhance retrieval".

      He even goes so far as to recommend that people who use the bizarre to keep those images for their private consumption.

  10. Mar 2022
  11. Jan 2022
    1. n the case of your own states of mind (and unlike the case of states of your own brain), however, you are in a position to observe what no one else could observe-or at any rate, not directly observe. (Others might be said to observe your states of mind indirectly by observing effects of these on your behavior or on instruments scanning your brain.)



  12. Dec 2021
  13. Oct 2021
    1. Visual and auditory brain areas share a representational structure that supports emotion perception https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(21)01283-5

      This portends some interesting results with relation to mnemonics and particularly songlines and indigenous peoples' practices which integrate song, movement, and emotion.

      Preprint: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/254961v4

      Across the world, people express emotion through music and dance. But why do music and dance go together? <br><br>We tested a deceptively simple hypothesis: Music and movement are represented the same way in the brain.

      — Beau Sievers (@beausievers) October 12, 2021
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

      <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Beau Sievers </span> in "New work published today in Current Biology Visual and auditory brain areas share a representational structure that supports emotion perception With @ThaliaWheatley @k_v_n_l @parkinsoncm @sergeyfogelson (thread after coffee!) https://t.co/AURqH9kNLb https://t.co/ro4o4oEwk5" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>10/12/2021 09:26:10</time>)</cite></small>

  14. Sep 2021
  15. Aug 2021
  16. Jul 2021
  17. Jun 2021
  18. May 2021
  19. Apr 2021
  20. Mar 2021
    1. Chapman, G. B., & Coups, E. J. (2006). Emotions and preventive health behavior: Worry, regret, and influenza vaccination. Health Psychology: Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 25(1), 82–90. https://doi.org/10.1037/0278-6133.25.1.82

  21. Feb 2021
    1. he behavior of these infants was quite different when the mother was absent from the room. Frequently they would freeze in a crouched position, as is illustrated in Figures 18 and 19. Emotionality indices such as vocalization, crouching, rocking, and sucking increased sharply, as shown in Figure 20. Total emotionality score was cut in half when the mother was present.

      The attachment and response of these monkeys seemed to distress them emotionally. When the faux mother was removed it created a response that would happen instinctually as it would with a real mother. Linking the emotional experience with the connection felt for the mother surrogate.

    1. The modern sense of "an X about X" has given rise to concepts like "meta-cognition" (cognition about cognition), "meta-emotion" (emotion about emotion), "meta-discussion" (discussion about discussion), "meta-joke" (joke about jokes), and "metaprogramming" (writing programs that manipulate programs).
  22. Nov 2020
    1. Gracious, father! What a fright you gave me! Have you just come home? Why isn’t Charles here to help you off with your coat?

      This paragraph is just an example of the richness of emotions in this short story (two exclamation marks and two question marks). I wonder if emotions can be studied by counting all exclamation marks or question marks in a text (Katherine Mansfield definitely instills rich emotions to her short stories).

  23. Oct 2020
  24. Sep 2020
    1. scarlet

      As always, color is a great indicator of the character's emotion. The gradual change in color corresponds to the change in emotion/mood. Analyzing color helps grab the emotion (it seems the deeper the color is, the stronger the emotion in this case).

    1. I tried to conceal this as much as possible, that I might not debar him from the pleasures natural to one who was entering on a new scene of life

      A constant struggle for Victor is fighting to conceal the despair that he's putting himself through, trying not to damper other peoples moods.

    1. Happiness felt on the inside, whispered and arrested between ventilator breaths, accompanied by a face without expression, is difficult to understand because it is hard to hear and impossible to see.

      This is very powerful and helping with the idea of how important non verbal communication is, because most times, unless shown, you have no idea how someone is feeling

  25. Aug 2020
    1. However, there is one important point: with the visualisation the feeling must be there too. When someone is seeing him/herself in for example delivering a speech for the first time on stage, they really must let the feeling build up in their hearts, minds and body too. Then the vibrations will do their "magic

      Comment in the article suggested that you should focus on visualizing the action AND emotion

  26. Jul 2020
  27. Jun 2020
  28. May 2020
  29. Apr 2020
  30. Dec 2019
    1. do I not deserve to accomplish some great purpose

      Walton's exploratory ambitions parallel Victor's scientific ambitions, one of many affinities they recognize in each other.

    2. when they were unhappy, I felt depressed; when they rejoiced, I sympathized in their joys

      The eighteenth-century Scottish and British discourse of "sympathy" is especially vivid in the Creature's instinctive opening onto the emotions of others, echoing Adam Smith's arguments in The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759).

  31. Nov 2019
  32. Sep 2019
    1. But when any sorrow of our own happens to us, then you may observe that we pride ourselves on the opposite quality—we would fain be quiet and patient; this is the manly part, and the other which delighted us in the recitation is now deemed to be the part of a woman.
  33. Aug 2019
    1. courageandbeinguncomfortable




  34. Mar 2019
  35. Feb 2019
  36. Aug 2018
    1. Finally, Thorseth points out that Kant’s notion ofreflective judgment is ofpossiblejudgments, in con-trast with actual judgments – where the former referto something virtual in the sense of what ispossiblefor human beings to imagine. For Thorseth, the well-known virtual world of Second Life stands as anexample of a virtual reality in which a key conditionof reflective/possible judgment is met – namely, thatwe are able to avoid the illusion that our purely pri-vate and personal conditions somehow constitute anobjective context or reality
  37. Jul 2018
  38. Apr 2018
    1. Perhaps music and language both evolved out of the need for early humans to communicate their emotional state to other members of the group.

      Were our modern day languages created out of a singled shared language or did each separate group express themselves in different ways that lead to multiple languages today?

  39. Feb 2018
    1. With sentiment analysis software, set for trial use later this semester in a classroom at the University of St. Thomas, in Minnesota, instructors don’t need to ask. Instead, they can glance at their computer screen at a particular point or stretch of time in the session and observe an aggregate of the emotions students are displaying on their faces: happiness, anger, contempt, disgust, fear, neutrality, sadness and surprise.


  40. Oct 2017
    1. Emotion is an important factor in literary works. It is the motive force of creation, the yeast of imagination and the element of artistic charm. Therefore, all literature and art activities are inseparable from emotion. In a sense, there is no art without emotion

  41. May 2017
    1. I cannot believe there is no article nor annotation on AppSo's site...

  42. Mar 2017
    1. I joined #clmooc for fun. 

      Emotion Motivation

    2. I was loving teaching as never before. I was experiencing less and less frustration doing what I loved.

      Identity Self-directed learning. Emotion

    3. The teacher in front of me was also clearly in a hurry "Do you have many more copies to make? I have a class in five minutes?"

      teacher conflict teacher stress teacher panic

    4. With every second passed, my stress level went up. With every minute passed, my anger level went up.


    1. I have been accused of being hyperbolic and of wildly inflating conditions on the ground. I really do call them like I see them

      Call them like I feel them.

      How can we see without feeling?

    1. Survival my friends is a pitiful option.

      emotion life values

    2. I thought the joy in my eyes and the spontaneous victory sign were appropriate. We are in movement.



    3. We have experienced so many of these moments of panic, of fear over the past 4 years.

      panic on the edge

    4. I decided that I would respond to Terry's bravery and speak to the world 'ad hoc' in my turn and have faith in whatever came out of my mouth accompanied by a picture on the wall.

      vulnerability open improvisation emotion

    1. I am becoming aware of the prosthetic aspect of language, of digital technology.

      Reaching out.


    2. I realized that what sold was not the script but the connection of excitement, the acceleration of a heart beat, the comic tone, the sudden absurd eruption in the life of another.

      Facts count for nothing.

      Excitement. - Career? Power? Attachment? Identification? Meaning? Numbers?

    1. I tend to find myself feeling embarrassed for not having read them, for blogging off the top of my head without reading first


    2. I frantically flicked a few switches on the dashboard. No means of connection, frustration felt and noted.

      emotion frustration

    3. I frantically flicked


    4. desperately seeking

      panic. emotion

  43. Feb 2017
  44. Jan 2017
    1. What Is Emotional Intelligence?

      Three key skills of emotional intelligence -understanding emotion in self and others -harnessing emotion for useful purposes -regulating emotions in self and others

  45. Dec 2015
    1. You are realizing that when that sensation occurs to you in a healing session, it indicates not a three-dimensional point of view on your part, but an awareness of a pervading feeling (distress) in the area of the person you are working with.

      Learn to discern what you are aware of. Is it coming from 3dRef or 4dRef? What is there to be discovered.

    1. The Book of Human Emotions, Tiffany Watt Smith

      Emotions are not just biological, but cultural. Different societies have unique concepts for combinations of feelings in particular circumstances.

      If you know a word for an emotion, you can more easily recognize it, control it -- and perhaps feel it more intensely.

      Emotions and how they are valued also varies across time as well as space. Sadness was valued in Renaissance Europe: they felt it made you closer to God. Today we value happiness, and we may value it too much. Emodiversity is the idea that feeling a wide range of emotions is good for you mentally and physically.

  46. Nov 2015
    1. Emotional responses have very little to do with Reality. In either case, Reality is unfolding Itself perfectly. The only thing that happens when you are feeling good is that it’s easier to take than when you are feeling bad.

      I wonder that Raj is meaning that emotional reactions have noting to do with Reality, Being as they are in the world of ego and 3d, yet feeling bliss, joy, love in Being can also be referred to as emotions.

    2. You will find that as ego fades away, so will feeling good and bad. This is because in the long run, feeling good or bad depends upon how much “ego” has been fed or not fed. This is why so few individuals are able to make the transition from the three-dimensional frame of reference to the being of Fourth-dimensional Man, because in the process, ego is on its way out and that’s b-a-a-a-d news.

      The feeling of good and bad - of duality - is a function of ego.

    3. It is important to begin to see that Being is unfolding Itself successfully, with absolutely perfect precision, no matter how you feel. Emotional responses are illusions, having no relationship to the Actuality of Being. Thus, if you are wise, you will not let your emotional responses signify anything to you regarding Reality.

      Emotional responses are illusions having no relationship to the actuality of Being**.

      This idea flies in the face of what I have believed. How I feel has nothing to do with the perfection of the unfolding of Being.

  47. Jul 2015
    1. indistinct sadness

      I like that he is taking us on a journey of this sadness becoming more clear or perhaps he is just noticing the times when it comes up.

  48. Oct 2014
  49. Nov 2013
    1. The whole of the following sixth book is taken up with the arts for stirring the emotions and causing delight; here nothing is the property of dialectic or of rhetoric. Since rhetoric and di-alectic are general arts, they should therefore be explained in a general fashion, the one in respect to style and delivery, the other in respect to in-vention and arrangement.

      I disagree. The arts of "stirring the emotions" show how to produce this effect in style and delivery. In the end, good rhetoric should "stir the emotions," no matter what the subject or emotion.

    2. The whole of the following sixth book is taken up with the arts for stirring the emotions and causing delight; here nothing is the property of dialectic or of rhetoric.

      Really? What art would they belong to then? And why is emotion and pathos such a huge part of speaking or writing?

  50. Oct 2013
    1. But let masters, also, desire to be heard themselves with attention and modesty, for the master ought not to speak to suit the taste of his pupils, but the pupils to suit that of the master.

      Similar to Aristotle's stirring-emotions-idea.

    1. The actor will also be required to teach how a narrative should be delivered, with what authority persuasion should be enforced, with what force anger may show itself, and what tone of voice is adapted to excite pity

      Acting seems to come from practice and the use of emotion from practice as well. Contrasts with Cicero, emotion is not felt but portrayed

    1. To express emotion, you will employ the language of anger in speaking of outrage; the language of disgust and discreet reluctance to utter a word when speaking of impiety or foulness; the language of exultation for a tale

      Tone of language must match emotions of piece

    1. The written style is the more finished: the spoken better admits of dramatic delivery -- like the kind of oratory that reflects character and the kind that reflects emotion.
    1. In regard to each emotion we must consider (a) the states of mind in which it is felt; (b) the people towards whom it is felt; (c) the grounds on which it is felt.

      Various emotions.

    1. Emotions are all those feelings that so change men as to affect their judgements, and that are also attended by pain or pleasure
  51. Sep 2013
    1. It is not right to pervert the judge by moving him to anger or envy or pity -- one might as well warp a carpenter's rule before using it.