26 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. human murmurations - from - LinkedIn post - https://hyp.is/xHpumACHEe-9MfvNBLN4Cg/www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7183258116195561472/ - then Youtube search for " starling murmurations Italy" - - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-GZV2Af5Fyo

      • Stimulated by the Linked In post that came across my feed this morning and exploring adjacencies with my Living Cities Earth peers, Paul Hawken's book came to mind:
        • Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming
      • and began googling to explore the adjacencies between

      adjacency - between - sparling murmurations - human murmurations - human potential - emergent collective whole system change

  2. Dec 2023
    1. In the neoliberal era, individuals are forced to assume sole responsibility for navigating “every hardship and every difficulty—from poverty to student debt to home eviction to drug addiction.” When the pandemic exacerbated these hardships, it was an uphill battle to build solidarity and convince people to support collective solutions. After a lifetime of being told they were on their own, “a subset of the population” doubled down on individualism. It does not, now, seem surprising to Klein that they essentially said, “Fuck you: we won’t mask or jab
      • for: key insight - anti-vaxxers, key insight - conspiracy theories, key insight - maga, key insight - neoliberalism and failure at collective action

      • key insight: neoliberalism and failure of collective action

        • neoliberalism's continuous assault on society has striped use off any support system, leaving us to fend for ourselves
        • when polycrisis events occur, it provokes a distrust of any attempt at government intervention
        • this is a sign of things to come when climate chaos will accelerate social breakdown
    1. I think government is uh can be and it a Force for good and many of the problems we Face are what social 01:04:07 scientists would call common good or Collective action problems and actually require coordination from government to be addressed so there is a a political philosophy of 01:04:20 course that is increasingly strong in the United States the government is not good for anything
      • for: adjacency - collective action - government - libertarianism - open source movement - commons movement

      • adjacency between

        • collective action
        • government
        • commons movement
        • comminutism
        • libertarianism
      • adjacency statement
        • government could be important agent of collective action, except when they are stuck due to competing ideology, especially libertarian views
        • the briefing commons movement of an alternative collection action approach that can compliment government
  3. Aug 2023
    1. At best, we will see new forms of collaboration among large numbers of people toward beneficial ends. The most obvious example is the changing nature of responses to largescale natural disasters. Perhaps we will see this spirit of volunteer and entrepreneurial cooperation emerge to address such pressing issues as climate change (e.g., maybe, the Green New Deal will be crowdsourced)
      • for: TPF, crowdsource solutions, climate crisis - commons, polycrisis - commons, quote, quote - crowdsourcing solutions, quote Miles Fidelman, Center for Civic Networking, Protocol Technologies Group, bottom-up, collective action
      • quote
        • At best, we will see new forms of collaboration among large numbers of people toward beneficial ends.
        • The most obvious example is the changing nature of responses to largescale natural disasters.
        • Perhaps we will see this spirit of volunteer and entrepreneurial cooperation emerge to address such pressing issues as climate change
          • e.g., maybe, the Green New Deal will be crowdsourced.
      • author: Miles Fidelman
        • founder, Center for Civic Networking
        • principal, Protocol Technologies Group
  4. Jul 2023
    1. Civil society is the sector where the power of We thePeople ultimately and properly resides.
      • for: collective action, bottom-up, bottom-up movement, M2W, individual/collective
      • Civil society is the sector where the power of We the People ultimately and properly resides.
      • Consequently, in the fully functioning Ecological Civilization,
        • government and business sectors must be
        • creations of and
        • accountable to
        • a civil society of people who embrace
          • the rights and
          • responsibilities
        • of their citizenship at all system levels from - the local to - the global.
      • We can be citizens of only one locality.
        • But we are all citizens of Earth—and the many levels in between.
      • This must be acknowledged by any truly democratic system of self-governance.
    1. the entire biosphere is made out of 00:41:23 um female desire for no reason no reason to it right night not with an objective of reproducing but just with an objective of wow that's really sexy I like it 00:41:35 and that's a very very good reason isn't it to to save the planet
      • for: climate communication, mass mobilization, collective action, climate messaging, beauty, evolution
      • claim
        • the natural world is sexy, beautiful, and it would be a waste to have it all destroyed
        • the entire biosphere is made out of female desire for no reason to it
          • not with an objective of reproducing
            • but just with an objective of wow that's really sexy I like it
          • and that's a very very good reason isn't it to to save the planet
        • these beautiful qualities that have no Rhyme or Reason to them but are actually to do with creativity and Imagination
          • are not some kind of special thing that human beings impose from some kind of abstract Heaven onto Earth
          • they are actually heaven on Earth
          • they're part of Heaven and they are coming out of our embodied biological being right and this is an amazing thing
            • pity and
            • compassion and
            • generosity
          • and all these things are are traits in primates
            • sharing things and
            • being kind right
          • and so I reckon you know the kind of religious feeling that we need to inculcate
          • it is actually about this feeling inside
            • this kind of surging feeling of
              • inspiration and
              • love and
              • passion
            • and everything is exactly coming to us from our Evolution and
            • it's coming for no reason at all
            • it's just coming from random genetic mutation and the fact that having these feelings doesn't kill you
          • so this is a very good reason I think to save Earth
          • the essence of us is
            • our future and
            • our physical biological being
          • and it's always just a little bit off to the side like tomorrow is just a little bit off to the side of today
            • but I'm going to get there at some point right and
            • I think that's the attitude
    1. Sciences told us that if we want to abide by this 1.5 degree Centigrade uh limit of Paris agreement we have to cut our emissions by 50 00:10:35 percent by the end of this decade by 2030 almost 50 percent so but but there is this is a huge ask and you know I cannot um answer your question because a 00:10:47 million dollar question that a world should come together uh somebody like me sitting in a developing country with its economy struggling I can only hope that that 00:10:58 put together do Collective action we need the transformation of our Energy System
      • for: collective action
      • what the world needs it is to cut the emissions to stay below 1.5 degree centigrade and currently we are 1.2 degrees Centigrade warmer than the pre-industrial and the ipcc Sciences told us that if we want to abide by this 1.5 degree Centigrade limit of Paris agreement we have to cut our emissions by 50 percent by 2030 t but there is this is a huge ask and you know I cannot answer your million dollar question
      • a world should come together somebody like me sitting in a developing country with its struggling economy, I can only hope that Collective action will happen
      • we need the transformation of our Energy System
        • and especially when it comes to the use of air conditioner
      • I'm among the haves I can afford but I feel for the street vendor out at home he cannot afford
      • this year we had a record-breaking Heat Wave and then the record Bridges flooding in Pakistan both extreme events tarnish the economy of the country altogether and those were the front lines or the poorest of the poorest who suffer
      • so I'm gonna say it's a big question mark it's a big question for the developed countries to to take the action to bring the world together at one place
  5. Mar 2023
    1. Another is strate-gic coordination: a great many consumers must make the same productchoices at the same time, with persistence. But this requires a level ofdiligence, focus, conviction, and resistance to greenwashing that doesnot emerge spontaneously. It comes from collective action, most oftenpromoted and organized by civil society organizations.

      // - indeed - coordinated collective action is what is missing here

  6. May 2022
    1. An Introduction to PLAN E Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First-Century Era of Entangled Security and Hyperthreats

      Planetary Boundary / Doughnut Economic Main Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC: Culture, Education

      Although culture and education are chosen as the main categories, Plan E applies to all planetary boundaries and all socio-economic categories as it is dealing with whole system change.

      Visit Stop Reset Go on Indyweb for detailed context graph and to begin or engage in discussion on this topic. (Coming soon)

    2. “low-hanging fruit”

      IPCC AR6 WGIII Chapter 5: demand, services and social aspects of mitigation identifies that up to 45% of mitigation can result from a demand-side socialization strategy and collective action mobilization. This gives us tremendous power of impact to mobilize people. The low hanging fruit can be identified by comprehensive, ongoing, deep, global conversations with the greatest diversity of actors with a common vision collectively searching for the social tipping points, leverage points and idling resources and scaling massively thru the Indyweb as a cosmolocal network (what's light we share, what's heavy we produce locally).

      Climate scientist and realist Professor Kevin Anderson has argued for many years that demand side changes are the only solutions that can be implemented rapidly enough to peak emissions and drop emissions rapidly in the short term (next few years), buying time for reneewable energy solutions to scale globally.

    3. The hyper-response takes the viewpoint that, in the context of the enormous amount of work that needs to be done in a short period of time, Earth’s large human population is an asset if it can be effectively leveraged as part of the hyper-response

      The billions of ordinary people whose potential as appropriate level change actors has remained untapped. It is a significant reservoir of collective agency, an enormous repository of idling resource. It just needs a compelling enough narrative to lower the threshold to participatory collective action.

  7. Apr 2022
  8. Mar 2022
  9. Nov 2021
    1. Social convention, which has for so long worked against us, can if flipped become our greatest source of power, normalising what now seems radical and weird. If we can simultaneously trigger a cascading regime shift in both technology and politics, we might stand a chance. It sounds like a wild hope. But we have no choice. Our survival depends on raising the scale of civil disobedience until we build the greatest mass movement in history, mobilising the 25% who can flip the system.

      This is the core philosophy behind Stop Reset Go, but NOT NECESSARILY just in the direction of civil disobedience. To invest only in that is to put all our eggs in one basket that top down actors will be pressured beyond a certain threshold. It may happen, it may not, or it may just take too long. We must diversify and also invest in systematized bottom-up efforts.

  10. Oct 2021
    1. In the future envisioned here, decentralized networks play the role of governments, municipalities and intentional commons, fostering common goods. It is possible to produce common goods when a big-enough community cooperates to bear the cost of production and its implementation; but this, correspondingly, requires large-scale coordination, and large-scale coordination is generally a very hard problem. In this article we introduce Common Good, a blockchain-based application that solves this problem by enabling the coordination and motivation of different relevant actors for achieving a desired common good, by providing it with a “business model” just as in the profit-seeking sector. Our solution takes inspiration from the Social Impact Bonds (SIB) model.

      A proposal to use decentralized blockchain to make large scale coordination possible.

  11. Aug 2021
    1. Currently, there is no formal or mandated monetary threshold applied to determine what is, or is not, considered material in the sustainability context. Many companies, especially large publicly traded ones, identify their own unique set of sustainability priorities on a regular basis, and include them in their sustainability reports and related disclosures.

      This is an opportunity for collective action to complement corporate action. Such collective action will be more effective if closely coordinated with individual actors as well as broader umbrella sectors, as in this particular case.

  12. Jul 2020
  13. Jun 2020
  14. May 2020
  15. Jan 2019
    1. It should be no surprise recognizing the problematic-theoretical simi­larities between disaster research and its "half-sibling" (e.g., see Wenger 1987), collective behavior. Both disaster research and collective behavior are at a theoretical standstill (e.g., see Aguirre and Quarantelli 1983), and both still rely upon every-day language rather than a broader scheme for describing events (e.g., see Weller and Quarantelli 1973, McPhail 1992). Works by Kreps and Bosworth (1994) and Dombrowsky (1981; 1987), (and perhaps Barton's 1970 classic work) reflect the theoretical attention disaster research needs to build.

      Connects crisis informatics research with collective behavior.

      I wonder though does Neal define collective behavior and collection action differently?

      Look at these citations:

      Quarantelli, E.L. 1985. Emergent Citizen Groups in Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Activities. Final Report 33. Newark, Delaware: Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware

      Turner, Ralph and Lewis Killian. 1987. Collective Behavior. Third Edition. Engle­wood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

      Weller, Jack M. and E. L. Quarantelli. 1973. "Neglected Characteristics of Collec­tive Behavior," American Journal of Sociology 79:665-85.

      Wenger, Dennis. 1987. "Collective Behavior and Disaster Research." Pp. 213-237 in Sociology of Disasters, edited by R. Dynes, B. De Marchi and C. Pelanda. Milan, Italy: Franco Angeli.

    2. Also, with disaster research having strong theoretical ties with the study of collective behavior(Wenger 1987), and with the field of collective behavior often looking at issues related to social change {e.g., riots, social move­ments), another link between disasters and social change has implicitly

      Neal connects concerns about disaster-driven social change and the natural desire for people to respond via some collective action impulse.

      Nice segue into SBTF as collection action motivated by social change

    1. By examiningwork practices, and tracing how those practices are reified in the social-technical organization of a group that is forming and stabilizing as they do the work, we learn not just what this particular group did, but also how the mechanisms by which collective action in digital environments are organizedbottom-up. We also learn how those lessonsaregraduated into prescriptivetop-down direction to sustain and direct future action

      Interesting frame of reference for this study that also helps to unpack the contribution of the SBTF research.

      Perhaps Elinor Ostrom's work could be helpful here too.