30 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240429112449/https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2310223120 paper from #2023/10/16

      so what do we have: heuristics -> emergence -> complexity -> system evolution

      static persistence, dynamic persistence, novetly generation. Function is a selective pressure “law of increasing functional information” vgl [[Informatiewaarde ligt in verrassing surprisal 20210124072501]]. How does this work vis-a-vis entropy laws vgl [[Definitie van leven 20190715121243]] as entities that reduce entropy in their environment.

      Life as bootstrapping to another level of complexity

      Paper in Zotero

    1. Researchers at TopNonprofits.com calculated the average length of vision statements among a group of 30 nonprofits to be just 14.6 words.
  2. Feb 2024
    1. Chesterton’s Fence, described by G. K. Chesterton himself as follows: There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”


  3. Nov 2023
    1. Your comment inspires me to pay more attention to citing and clarifying my claims.

      replying to Will at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/18885/#Comment_18885

      I've generally found that this is much easier to do when it's an area you tend to specialize in and want to delve ever deeper (or on which you have larger areas within your zettelkasten) versus those subjects which you care less about or don't tend to have as much patience for.

      Perhaps it's related to the System 1/System 2 thinking of Kahneman/Tversky? There are only some things that seem worth System 2 thinking/clarifying/citing and for all the rest one relies on System 1 heuristics. I find that the general ease of use of my zettelkasten (with lots of practice) allows me to do a lot more System 2 thinking than I had previously done, even for areas which I don't care as much about.

      syndication link: https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/18888/#Comment_18888

  4. Aug 2023
    1. This is a byproduct of Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection, which states that the rate of change of average fitness in a population (of any collection of organisms) is proportional to the variance in fitness. As such, maintaining variance is key to maintaining adaptability
  5. Nov 2022
    1. Nobody ever says rubber ducky debugging involves writing memos to your preferred duck, after all.

      Seemingly both rubber duck debugging and casual conversations with acquaintances would seem to be soft forms of diffuse thinking which may help one come to a heuristic-based decision or realization.

      These may be useful, but should also be used in combination with more logical, system two forms of decision making. (At least not in the quick, notice the problem sort of issues in which one may be debugging.)

  6. Aug 2022
    1. My humble estimate is that 99% of advice and insights out there is exactly as useful as the two ridiculous examples just mentioned.


    2. When I’m consuming non-fiction content, I try to write down specific experiments I can try that put the things I “learned” into practice. For example, just this morning I read a chapter in Nick Winter’s Motivation Hacker and it gave me the idea to track my happiness in hourly intervals to get a more accurate picture of how much I enjoy certain activities without giving in to the peak-end effect.

      If something is not testable does it really exist?

  7. Jun 2022
    1. If you’re looking for a more precise answer of how much content to capture inyour notes, I recommend no more than 10 percent of the original source, atmost. Any more than that, and it will be too difficult to wade through all thematerial in the future. Conveniently, 10 percent also happens to be the limitthat most ebooks allow you to export as highlights.

      Rules of thumb and useful heuristics like this should appear in the main bod of the text instead of being hidden in the footnotes.



  8. Feb 2022
    1. Just followyour interest and always take the path that promises the mostinsight.

      What specific factors does one evaluate for determining what particular paths will provide actual (measurable) insight?

      Most people have a personal gut reaction about which directions to go in heuristically, but can these heuristics be broken down explicitly to enable better evaluating them? How can they be used to avoid cognitive biases?

  9. Jan 2022
    1. for a lot of people, the issue isn’t not knowing “how” to take notes, it’s not being able to perform the metacognition necessary to determine “what” to take notes on, because getting that “instinct” for “what’s going to be on the test” or later on, “what’s going to be important later” is rarely what “note-taking systems” cover, but really it’s the most important part. Knowing what to pay attention to is way more important than the precise method you used to record the information for later, and that hueristic will vary from field to field, class to class, person to person, and frankly, year to year.
  10. Oct 2021
  11. Sep 2021
  12. Jun 2021
    1. Today, Sass uses complex heuristics to figure out whether a / should be treated as division or a separator. Even then, as a separator it just produces an unquoted string that’s difficult to inspect from within Sass.
  13. May 2021
    1. Examples of this sort of non-logical behaviour used to represent identity can be found in fiction in:

      • Dr. Seuss' The Butter Battle Book (Random House,1984) which is based on
      • the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu in Jonathan Swift's 1726 satire Gulliver's Travels, which was based on an argument over the correct end to crack an egg once soft-boiled.

      It almost seems related to creating identity politics as bike-shedding because the real issues are so complex that most people can't grasp all the nuances, so it's easier to choose sides based on some completely other heuristic. Changing sides later on causes too much cognitive dissonance, so once on a path, one must stick to it.

  14. Mar 2021
    1. We could add heuristics like: is the file inside XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications? if not, is the file inside XDG_DATA_HOME/applications? if not, is the file marked as executable? if not, open with the text editor
  15. Nov 2020
  16. Jun 2020
  17. May 2020
  18. Apr 2020
  19. Nov 2019
    1. Which makes them exactly the kind of programmers companies should want to hire. Hence what, for lack of a better name, I'll call the Python paradox: if a company chooses to write its software in a comparatively esoteric language, they'll be able to hire better programmers, because they'll attract only those who cared enough to learn it. And for programmers the paradox is even more pronounced: the language to learn, if you want to get a good job, is a language that people don't learn merely to get a job.
  20. Jan 2019
    1. Therefore, if disaster researchers wish to improve the theoretical devel­opment of the field dramatically, I argue that we should reanalyze the current heuristic related to the phases.

      Is Neal still making this argument?

  21. Dec 2018
    1. People not only adapt to their systems, they adapt their systems to theirneeds

      Another reference to matching technology to design heuristics -- user control and system/real world needs.

    2. One finding of CSCW is that it is sometimes easier and better toaugment technical mechanisms with social mechanisms to control,regulate, or encourage behavior (Sproull & Kiesler, 1991)

      HCI / interface design heuristics re: user controls, etc.

      See: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/

  22. Jun 2016