298 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. If we were observers who routinely traced  every motion of every molecule, we would say, what do you mean that there's randomness in  what's going on? There's no randomness. I can see what every individual molecule does. So  in a sense, that's an example of a place where being an observer of the kind we are is the  thing that causes us to perceive laws of the kind we perceive.

      for - quote - Stephen Wolfram - being the kind of observer we are causes us to construct the kinds of laws we construct - quote - truth - physical laws - relative to species? - Stephen Wolfram

    1. the basic misunderstanding is about what information does what information is information isn't truth this naive view which dominates in places like Silicon Valley that you just need to flood the world with more and more information and as a result we will have more knowledge and more wisdom this is simply not true because most information is junk the truth is a very rare and costly kind of information

      for - quote - Yuval Noah Harari - Most information is junk - dominant Silicon Valley view that information is truth is naive

      quote - Yuval Noah Harari - (see below) - The basic misunderstanding is about what information does what information is - Information isn't truth - This naive view which dominates in places like Silicon Valley that you just need to flood the world with more and more information and as a result we will have more knowledge and more wisdom - This is simply not true because most information is junk the truth is a very rare and costly kind of information

    1. the lost eyelashes of someone who's been in a fire

      Does this still connect to the motif of eyes, where she has lost the ability to see for herself, the truth?



  2. Aug 2024
    1. To be seen — to be seen — is to be — her voicetrembled — penetrated.

      So then to be penetrated, or to engage in sexual conduct, is to deliver truth to one another, to look at one another is not only to have sex with another but also to exchange truth souls

    2. Notthe eyes. I know better than to look the interpreter in the face. Most of theinterpreters are Eyes, or so it's said

      The eyes reveal a sense of truth more than words could ever show. To look the interpreter in the eye, who is an Eye, would be equivalent to confessing a sin or confessing desire.

    1. According toLacan, then, neither psychoanalytic orthodoxy nor academicpsychology recognizes a difference in principle between knowl-edge (psychic life) and the truth by which it is driven onward(the reality to which psychic life must adapt itself)

      Thus Lacan introduces the divide between the real and reality. Hegel and ego psychoanalysis assume that knowledge (the consciousness) and truth can always coincide and have an affinity for each other

    2. e intrinsically interwoven insuch a manner that knowledge will constantly incorporate thetruth that disturbs it, until both are absorbed into each withoutremainder.

      Truth and knowledges relationship

    3. Truth and knowledgeare not related to each other externally here,

      Lacan states that knowledge is the way consciousness understands itself, and it has to adapt to truth.



    1. The song's criticism on mass media is mainly related to sensationalism.

      "Good" things are usually not sensational. They do not demand attention, hence why the code of known/unknown based on selectors for attention filters it out.

      Reference Hans-Georg Moeller's explanations of Luhmann's mass media theory based on functionally differentiated systems theory.

      Can also compare to Simone Weil's thoughts on collectives and opinion; organizations (thus most part of mass media) should not be allowed to form opinions as this is an act of the intellect, only residing in the individual. Opinion of any form meant to spread lies or parts of the truth rather than the whole truth should be disallowed according to her because truth is a foundational, even the most sacred, need for the soul.

      People must be protected against misinformation.

    1. the latest trend in investment to fight online rumors, which is far too focused on technological fixes for what is fundamentally a human problem.

      Often, because misinformation is spread using technological means, we focus on using technology to dampen the spread of rumors. The root of the problem is really a human one, however, so it may help significantly to focus efforts on that locus.

      Link to Swift quote about lies and truth: https://hypothes.is/a/Ys0x_m65Ee6GOPtD0OROJw

  3. Jul 2024
    1. This is safe to do, because it doesn’t affect any state machine transitions, but merely preserves original 0x00 bytes and delegates their replacement to the parser in the end user’s browser.
    1. Transclusion facilitates modular design (using the "single source of truth" model, whether in data, code, or content): a resource is stored once and distributed for reuse in multiple documents. Updates or corrections to a resource are then reflected in any referencing documents.
    1. I should also mention, that the notion of east/west in verse 1 is also reference to alternative history and sacred texts which reveal that human civilization rose from the east and now sets in the west. criticism against academics and scholars who are paid to rehash and propgandaise an official/revised history, which favours the winners. History is always written by the victors. this also ties into notions of the New world order (satan-west) in conflict with the old world order (God-east). My interpretation of Verse II: "Huh, we born not knowing, are we born knowing all? We growing wiser, are we just growing tall?" Notion of reincarnation ties into this i feel. if you do past-life regression therapy you attain knowledge of previous lives and experiences, the line symbolises an awakening - remembering life before life, life before birth, your life's purpose here on earth. God has a plan for everyone, this universe is intelligently designed as we can see in the fractal universe/mandelbrot set and the notion of consciousness. i see esoteric and occult wisdom in these lines, knowing all things/God consciousness in the notion of the "Akashic records/Library" - universal consciousness reflected in the entire design of this universe and all of creation. it's a scientific fact that memory/knowledge is stored in the universal design - cells/energy/wate, just as energy is not created nor destroyed but transferred.

      Honestly, I can't make a lick of sense from what Mr. X is saying here lol.

      At least the latter part. I understand the previous part.

      Again, as Simone Weil says, media (and especially research) must contain impartial factual knowledge, not opinion and especially not propaganda. Truth is a vital need of the soul.

      No amount of money should be able to buy your soul (making you spread misinformation). It's like making a deal with the devil.

    1. The song criticizes the tendency to rush into judgment without fully understanding the underlying problems. It also emphasizes the value of research and seeking out the truth from various perspectives.

      This is basically critical thinking. Which is also my goal for (optimal) education: To build a society of people who think for themselves, critical thinkers; those who do not take everything for granted. The skeptics.

      See also Nassim Nicolas Taleb's advice to focus on what you DON'T know rather than what you DO know.

      Related to syntopical reading/learning as well. (and Charlie Munger's advice). You want to build a complete picture with a broad understanding and nuanced before formulating an opinion.

      Remove bias from your judgement (especially when it comes to people or civilizations) and instead base it on logic and deep understanding.

      This also relates to (national, but even local) media... How do you know that what the media portrays about something or someone is correct? Don't take it for granted, especially if it is important, and do your own research. Validity of source is important; media is often opinionized and can contain a lot of misinformation.

      See also Simone Weil's thoughts on media, especially where she says misinformation spread must be stopped. It is a vital need for the soul to be presented with (factual) truth.

  4. Jun 2024
    1. created against https://github.com/docker-library/official-images (which is the source-of-truth for the official images program as a whole)
  5. May 2024
    1. “I’ve always wanted to write what to me is beautiful, true, and good, but I’m also interested in inventing new ways to tell stories. I wanted to turn everything inside out.”
  6. Apr 2024
  7. Mar 2024
  8. Feb 2024
    1. It was Nietzsche who warned us, at the end of the 19th century, notonly that God is dead but that “faith in science, which after all existsundeniably, cannot owe its origin to a calculus of utility; it must haveoriginated in spite of the fact that the disutility and dangerousness ofthe ‘will to truth,’ of ‘truth at any price’ is proved to it constantly.”

      Joy quoting Nietzsche

  9. Jan 2024
    1. This is true for other tasks besides design — frontend implementation, backend implementation, QA, etc — would we create unique types for each? Our suggestion here to teams today is often to break down the work into issues, or now tasks, for each uniquely assignable/trackable piece of work. You could do the same for design, where the task or issue is used to track status, discuss progress and maybe even WIP, but is focused on being SSOT for status rather than design.
    2. Personally I think we could get a ton more benefits and would also be able to pull new users into our platform by finding better ways to integrate/link/connect/display Figma in our work item objects. Today the biggest downside for "Design management" is that it's basically just a copy of what's happening inside of Figma that has to be manually kept in sync and requires users to constantly switch back and forth:
  10. Dec 2023
    1. Now consider the World Encyclopedia from the point of view of the ordinary educated citizen—and I suppose in a really modernized state the ordinary citizen will be an educated one. From his perspective the World Encyclopedia would be

      The problem is that the material of such a World Encyclopedia would need to be believed as truth. Many in 2023 certainly don't believe in science, much less "truth". Its a complicated issue of identity, mass movements, and belief systems. Something which might be teased apart by cultural anthropologists?

    1. is there a way to say what that means about the actual world you're operating in uh when you're dealing with companies 00:35:01 or governments or Davos and these fancy one% Summits or as you alluded to conspiracies earlier as you know the Illuminati qinon typ they believe that there's that seven of you guys in a room and you they're deciding it for everyone 00:35:14 else uh uh for the internet also I think that I think that's wishful thinking they hope that there is somebody in charge truth is much worse it's chaos the truth is chaos
      • for: conspiracy theories - truth is much worse
  11. Oct 2023
    1. seeking to exonerate people who participated in the Jan. 6, 2021, siege of the U.S. Capitol as civic-minded people who were being politically persecuted
  12. Jul 2023
    1. How we arrived in a post-truth era, when “alternative facts” replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence.Are we living in a post-truth world, where “alternative facts” replace actual facts and feelings have more weight than evidence? How did we get here? In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Lee McIntyre traces the development of the post-truth phenomenon from science denial through the rise of “fake news,” from our psychological blind spots to the public's retreat into “information silos.”What, exactly, is post-truth? Is it wishful thinking, political spin, mass delusion, bold-faced lying? McIntyre analyzes recent examples—claims about inauguration crowd size, crime statistics, and the popular vote—and finds that post-truth is an assertion of ideological supremacy by which its practitioners try to compel someone to believe something regardless of the evidence. Yet post-truth didn't begin with the 2016 election; the denial of scientific facts about smoking, evolution, vaccines, and climate change offers a road map for more widespread fact denial. Add to this the wired-in cognitive biases that make us feel that our conclusions are based on good reasoning even when they are not, the decline of traditional media and the rise of social media, and the emergence of fake news as a political tool, and we have the ideal conditions for post-truth. McIntyre also argues provocatively that the right wing borrowed from postmodernism—specifically, the idea that there is no such thing as objective truth—in its attacks on science and facts.McIntyre argues that we can fight post-truth, and that the first step in fighting post-truth is to understand it.
  13. Jun 2023
    1. Current American foundations for the most part are not really geared up to be supporting or encouraging 13- to 19-year-olds. That is where a lot of the low-hanging fruit is.
  14. Apr 2023
  15. Feb 2023
    1. Event Replay: If we find a past event was incorrect, we can compute the consequences by reversing it and later events and then replaying the new event and later events. (Or indeed by throwing away the application state and replaying all events with the correct event in sequence.) The same technique can handle events received in the wrong sequence - a common problem with systems that communicate with asynchronous messaging.
  16. Dec 2022
    1. Imagine what happens when subscribers change activities, interests, or focus. As a result, they may no longer be interested in the products and services you offer. The emails they receive from you are now either ‘marked as read’ in their inbox or simply ignored. They neither click the spam reporting button nor attempt to find the unsubscribe link in the text. They are no longer your customers, but you don’t know it.
  17. Nov 2022
  18. Oct 2022
    1. He felt that the Beards had gonetoo far in making their facts "generally incidental to some conclu-sion that has pre-determined their selection and arrangement." 1

      One can easily leave out bits of evidence or cherry pick evidence to arrive at a given a priori conclusion. The truest thinker or historian will use the fullest context of evidence available at the time to arrive at their conclusion.

      Naturally, additional evidence and emergent effects as history unfolds may change some of these conclusions over time.

  19. Sep 2022
    1. As discussed in Chapter 1, there are many myths and misperceptions sur-rounding who the poor are. The typical image is of someone who haslived in poverty for years at a time, is Black or Hispanic, resides in aninner-city ghetto, receives two or three welfare programs, and is reluctantto work. On all counts, this image is a severe distortion of the reality.

      The authors here do themselves and their public a disservice by repeating the myth up front before trying to dispel it. This may psychologically tend to reinforce it rather than priming the reader to come to believe the opposite.

      A better framing might instead be George Lakoff's truth sandwich: present the truth/actuality, then talk about the myth and then repeat the truth again.

    2. For the great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie–deliberate,contrived, and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts toa prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinionwithout the discomfort of thought.Former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Commencement Address at YaleUniversity, June 11, 1962.
    1. As a reminder, the JSON Schema is not the source of truth for the Specification. In cases of conflicts between the Specification itself and the JSON Schema, the Specification wins.
    1. As a reminder, the JSON Schema is not the source of truth for the Specification. In cases of conflicts between the Specification itself and the JSON Schema, the Specification wins. Also, some Specification constraints cannot be represented with the JSON Schema so it's highly recommended to employ other methods to ensure compliance.
    1. According to Patrick, most leaders are looking for people that will tell them this truth. And when you do that, you'll usually get rewarded and people will listen to what you have to say. However, there are situations where you go to the leader with good intentions & humbly tell them what they can do to improve the organization & they decide they're not interested in that.

      Sometimes telling the kind truth works, sometimes it doesn't. You have to decide whether to tell, and what to do if it doesn't go your way. You also have to decide whether the "kind truth" is actually true, or just true for you.

    1. Cf. Mario Bunge (2012), Evaluating Philosophies, Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag, p. 182: The preceding pages suggest an objective yardstick to measure the worth of philosophies: By their fruits ye shalt know them: Tell me what your philosophy is doing for the search for truth or the good, and I will tell me what it is worth.
  20. Aug 2022
    1. But that’s not really how truth works. Truth is essentially an act of trust, an act of faith in some authority that is telling you something that you could not possibly come to realize yourself. What’s a quark? You believe that there are quarks in the universe, probably because you’ve been told by people who probably know what they’re talking about that there are quarks. You believe the physicists. But you’ve never seen a quark. I’ve never seen a quark. We accept this as truth because we’ve accepted the authority of the people who told us it’s true.

      Martin Gurri argues that there's something like a "practical truth" that exists. We believe a quark exists not because we know it ourselves to be true, but because we trust experts that say it is true.

    1. The purpose of this secular knowledge system is not intrinsically about wellbeing, ethics and goodness per se; it is about the search for truth and efficacy—be that for competing ideas about what is good, for the purposes of competitive advantage in commerce or national prestige, or for destructive purposes linked to warfare and security.
  21. andrewbrown.substack.com andrewbrown.substack.com
    1. But the truths of religion appear in the lives of believers, not in their theologies,
  22. Jul 2022
  23. Jun 2022
    1. William James’s self-assessment: “I am no lover of disorder, but fear to lose truth by the pretension to possess it entirely.”
  24. May 2022
    1. The most important thing about writing is discovering novel and non-trivial truths, and determining which of your truths is most important—then imposing order, hierarchy, and linearity—through judgment, decisiveness, and will.

      I can be on board with this. Lovely quote.

    1. When chatting with my father about the proton research he summed it up nicely, that two possible responses to hearing that how we measure something seems to change its nature, throwing the reliability of empirical testing into question, are: “Science has been disproved!” or “Great!  Another thing to figure out using the Scientific Method!” The latter reaction is everyday to those who are versed in and comfortable with the fact that science is not a set of doctrines but a process of discovery, hypothesis, disproof and replacement.  Yet the former reaction, “X is wrong therefore the system which yielded X is wrong!” is, in fact, the historical norm.
  25. Apr 2022
    1. ☠️ Duygu Uygun-Tunc ☠️. (2020, October 24). A bit cliché but ppl will always find it cooler to point out that a given proposal is not the only one/has shortcomings/is not the Truth itself etc. Than making or improving a proposal. I keep being reminded of this every single day, esp on twitter. [Tweet]. @uygun_tunc. https://twitter.com/uygun_tunc/status/1319923563248353281

  26. Mar 2022
    1. I'd wager it's the most frequently told story about ed-tech — one told with more gusto and more frequency even than "computers will revolutionize teaching" and "you can learn anything on YouTube." Indeed, someone invoked this story just the other day when chatting with me about the current shape and status of our education system: the school bell was implemented to acclimate students for life as factory workers, to train them to move and respond on command, their day broken into segments of time dictated by the machine rather than the rhythms of pre-industrial, rural life.

      Audrey Watters starts out a piece on the history of school bells with just the sort of falsehood that she's probably aiming to debunk. Perhaps she would have been better off with George Lakoff's truth sandwich model as starting off with the false story is too often has the opposite effect and leads readers down the road to inculcating the idea further into the culture.

      She doesn't reveal the falsehood until the end of the third graph at which time one's brain has been stewing in falsehood for far too long.

  27. Feb 2022
    1. But, as Wilhelm von Humboldt, founder of theHumboldt University of Berlin and brother to the great explorerAlexander von Humboldt, put it, the professor is not there for thestudent and the student not for the professor. Both are only there forthe truth. And truth is always a public matter.
  28. Jan 2022
    1. Oh, I just figured out a workaround for my project, in case it helps someone. If you want the source of truth on the prop to come from the child component, then leave it undefined in the parent. Then, you can make the reactive variable have a condition on the presence of that variable. eg: <script> let prop; $: prop && console.log(prop); </script> <Child bind:prop/> Might not work for every use case but maybe that helps someone.
  29. Dec 2021
  30. Nov 2021
  31. Oct 2021
  32. Sep 2021
    1. The point of my research is to reflect on the portfolio ideas that I have and then push myself to criticize them. Any idea that can’t stand up to scrutiny wasn’t a good idea in the first place. The power of investing is being able to get behind those ideas you have with conviction you’ve earned through doing the work. “Take one simple idea, and take it seriously.” (Charlie Munger)

      The conviction that leads to investments needs to be checked if it is grounded in truth

    1. The Uncomfortable Truth is the Difficult and Unpopular Decisions are Now Unavoidable.

      Topic is relevant across a span of global issues. Natural resources are Finite.....period! Timely decisions are critical to insure intelligent use of resources. DENIAL is the enemy and 800lb gorilla in the room. Neoliberisim and social dysfunction feed on any cognitive dissonance and poop it out as "crap". True believers of American Capitalism (yes there is a difference) have become "cult-like" and drink the fluid of the cult to the very end, human consequence is of no concern.

      Point being: Reality is always elusive within a cult controlled (authoritative) mindset. Cult members are weak sheep, incapable of individual logic/reason. Authority can not be challenged. -- Denial, a human defense mechanism has been and is the common denominator in all personal and global conflict. Denial can be traced throughout modern history and rears its ugly head whenever the stakes are high.

  33. Aug 2021
  34. Jul 2021
  35. Jun 2021
  36. May 2021
  37. Apr 2021
    1. όταν ακούμε τους πολιτικούς να λένε ότι για την αντιμετώπιση της επιδημίας «ακολουθούν πιστά τις οδηγίες της επιστήμης», δεν εννοούν παρά μόνο ότι «ακολουθούν τις οδηγίες κάποιων συγκεκριμένων ειδικών», οι οποίοι έχουν επιλεγεί να συμμετέχουν στις ειδικές κρατικές επιτροπές ειδικών όχι μόνο με επιστημονικά αλλά και με πολιτικά κριτήρια.

      Αυτές οι ρησεις των πολιτικων αρχηγών παιζονται στην λαϊκή αγνοια περί της επιστημης, των δυνατοτήτων (διαψευσιμότητα) και των αδυναμιών της (peer-review).

    2. Οταν δεν συμβαίνει αυτό, όταν δηλαδή οι επιστήμονες αθετούν ή, έστω, παραβλέπουν την αναγκαία μεθοδολογική και διαφωτιστική λειτουργία τους, τότε από ερευνητές της πραγματικότητας μετατρέπονται σε «ειδικούς», που αναλαμβάνουν τον ρόλο -αλλά όχι και την ευθύνη- της επίλυσης διάφορων προβλημάτων τα οποία, ενώ σχετίζονται με την επιστημονική τους αρμοδιότητα, ταυτόχρονα την υπερβαίνουν, λόγω των επιπτώσεων που θα έχουν στη ζωή των ανθρώπων οι «λύσεις» που εισηγούνται.

      "Ειδικοι" != Επιστημονες

  38. Mar 2021
    1. But what about the variants? That six-fold drop in neutralizing antibodies? The scary headlines warning about immune escape and vaccine resistant variants? There are things to worry about there, but not necessarily in the way they are being reported.

      Zeynep has spoken about these troubling headlines in other places. She shouldn't lead with them, but instead should focus on the better version, then talk about the alternate perspectives, and finally reiterate the positive news again. In other words, she should use George Lakoff's Truth sandwich here.

  39. Feb 2021
    1. Lethe

      One of the five rivers of the underworld of Hades, also known as the river of unmindfulness. Everyone who drank from it experienced complete forgetfulness. The word literally means 'oblivion', and is related to the Greek for 'truth' (aletheia) which means 'unforgetfulness'. So there is some kind of connection between Lethe and concealing the truth. At the same time, if the shades in Hades didn't drink from Lethe (and thereby have their memories erased), they would never have the chance to be reincarnated.

    1. Voicing is the act of employees speaking up toconfront what they consider to be bullshit. Em-ployees may ask to see evidence that supports thesuspected bullshit. They may themselves providebullshit-challenging evidence along with alterna-tive statements, and when doing so should becognizant that simple and coherent bullshit willtend to be more appealing than intricate andcomplex truths. Employees may also voice bylaughing at and mocking bullshit. This is a way to“informally show up its emptiness without havingto risk a full-frontal face-off with powerful bullshitartists” (Spicer, 2017, p. 167).
    2. Third, the audience is more likely to find thebullshit appealing if they also find it credible. Akey to credibility is the identity of the personcommunicating the bullshit.

      The higher up, hierarchically speaking, that a person is, the more likely people are to swallow their claims without evidence of truth.

      Hierarchy does not relate to credibility.

    3. Remember that bullshitters, unre-stricted by truth, have more freedom to frametheir statements. They are at liberty to deviseappealing bullshit with three significant charac-teristics. First, the bullshit may offer personalbenefits to the audience. For example, if a scien-tist in a research and development (R&D) depart-ment hears some bullshit from their boss thatsuggests the company is about to double the R&Dbudget, the scientist is likely to find this bullshitappealing. In addition, some employees may alsorelish or need workplace bullshit so as to flourish intheir jobs. They view bullshit as a necessary aspectof organizational life. Trendy jargon, flaky logic,and shallow arguments can be so appealing tosome that they provide them with direction andenergy.
    1. Even worse, Shadow Stat's numbers show so much inflation the past 25 years that, as Jim Pethokoukis points out, it implies the economy hasn't grown at all during that time.

      Important Point

      Real economic numbers validate a 25 year period (or more) of manipulated inflation and low growth economy. INCOME INEQUALITY statistics and recent studies ALL validate fuzzy math, rosy picture for the 1% and stagnant dismal picture for average Americans. Trump based his entire campaign and Presidency on Making America Great Again

      Supporting Link

    2. So which seems likelier: that we're no better off than we were a quarter century ago, or that Shadow Stats is total bunk?

      Great Question

      This is an easy question to answer from my perspective. For me (age 62) and most of my peers, their kids and their peers, we are NO better off than we were a quarter century ago! A large part is the change from Industrial/Manufacturing to Technology and the outsourced labor and manufacturing. America has changed, this is FACT

    3. The intellectual cesspool of the inflation truthers

      Powerful Headline (words) from a Washington Post article under Economic Policy. WORDS.....! Words..... When you study Legal Theory you learn that "words" play a significant role in all aspects of social order.

      Controlling the rhetoric with consistent narrative

      This statement simply implies the use of consistent narrative (story) to allow control of the rhetoric. Narrative can be viewed as believable while Rhetoric is a general pejorative. When the rhetoric is mis or dis-information the narrative must be credible.

      Main stream media (MSM) has held a long-term standing across the world as being credible. This standing is eroding. It has eroded considerably over the last 25 years among critical thinkers and the general population has started to take notice.

      I question everything from MSM especially when narrative is duplicated with identical rhetoric across known government media assets. History is a wonderful thing when searching for Truth. Events in historical time periods can be researched, parsed and studied for patterns based on future evidence and outcomes.

      Information "Spin" is real and happens for one purpose, that purpose is to benefit a position, agenda, person, plan, etc., by manipulating (advertising, PR, propaganda) information. Spin is difficult to refute without hard facts. Spin has a short-term shelf life, but that is all it needs to chart a new course, set the "ball" in motion so to say.

      History allows Truth to overcome Spin.

    4. The Quest for Truth

      The quest for Truth is everywhere and not limited to the economic topics linked here. This is just a topic that started a thought process where I had access to a convenient tool (Hypothesis) to bookmark my thoughts and research.

      Primary thought is: The Quest for Truth. Subcategories would provide a structured topic for the thought. In this case the subcategory would be: US Economy, Inflation

      The TRUTH is a concept comprised of inconsistencies and targets that frequently move.

      Targets (data, methods, people, time, semantics, agenda, demographic, motive, means, media, money, status) hold a position in time long enough to fulfill a purpose or agenda. Sometimes they don't consciously change, but history over time shines light and opens cracks in original narrative that leads to new truth's, real or imagined.

      Verifying and validating certain Truth is very difficult. Why is That?
    1. And essentially, we became what’s called a rent-seeking economy, not a productive economy. So, when people in Washington talk about American capitalism versus Chinese socialism this is confusing the issue. What kind of capitalism are we talking about?

      What kind of capitalism are we talking about?

      We are starting to see critical thinking and discussion around "hard" but necessary truths. These truths center around complicated concepts, controlled by politicians, MSM and others who would rather not have this discussion. America's general population seems lost, gorging on the dumb-down need to know culture (those that have and can dictate what the rest need to know) and group think, herd mentality.

    1. the “replication crisis,” the realization that supposed scientific truths are often just plain wrong.

      A book on why science is not what it used to be (and workarounds, but not listed in the opening, but many review beneath).

    1. First of all, we want names to exhibit truth and beauty: to be the right names, and to make our code clean and beautiful. At least, this is what we want to think about our code, but naming’s importance is far more practical.
  40. Dec 2020
    1. What can it mean to attribute a truth value to a model?

      There seems to be a consensus around general truth value of models especially when it concerns climate change.

  41. Nov 2020
    1. The Trump team (and much of the GOP) is working backwards, desperately trying to find something, anything to support the president’s aggrieved feelings, rather than objectively considering the evidence and reacting as warranted.

      What do you expect after they've spent four years doing the same thing day in and day out?

    1. it is sometimes said that a statement is vacuously true only because it does not really say anything
    1. I was originally interested in figuring out how you could figure out what’s actually true online.

      Conor was trying to figure out how to find out what's true online with Roam.

  42. Oct 2020
    1. But gossip is not the search for truth. It is a search for approval by attacking the perceived flaws of others.

      Gossip is detached from objective truth. Gossip fundamentally is not about truth, it is about gaining approval (~status?) by attacking perceived flaws in others.

    1. In the next major, we'll start copying the ref onto both the props and the element.ref. React will now use the props.ref as the source of truth for forwardRef and classes and it will still create a shallow copy of props that excludes the ref in these cases. At the same time, we'll add a getter for element.ref in DEV that warns if you access it. The upgrade path is now to just access it off props if you need it from the element.
    1. “What right has she to suspect Me, on any evidence, of being a thief?”

      How is Franklin so oblivious to the hypocrisy here? What "right" does he have to suspect anybody of being a thief in that case? I believe Collins is trying to push the point that we are quick to take our own knowledge for granted while disregarding this fact for others. Again, another reference to the subjectivity of "truth" and the difficulty in distinguishing it from "belief".

    2. I may own the truth–with the quicksand waiting to hide me when the words are written.

      Truth is obviously an important theme in a detective novel. Collins lays the metaphor thick here with the quicksand, conjuring imagery of truth lost in the muddy sands. Rosanna also mentions that she "may own" the truth - but is truth not objective fact? It emphasizes the question of perception versus reality and the epistemology of truth. For Rosanna, truth is what she believed to be true, her truth. She died due to the burden of this truth, fully believing in its validity.

    1. Rationality and transparency are the values of classical liberalism. Rationality and transparency are supposed to be what make free markets and democratic elections work. People understand how the system functions, and that allows them to make rational choices.

      But economically, we know there isn't perfect knowledge or perfect rationality (see Tversky and Khaneman). There is rarely every perfect transparency either which makes things much harder, especially in a post-truth society apparenlty.

  43. Sep 2020
    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: “having spent a few days looking at ‘debate’ about COVID policy on lay twitter (not the conspiracy stuff, just the ‘we should all be Sweden’ discussions), the single most jarring (and worrying) thing I noticed is that posters seem completely undeterred by self contradiction 1/3” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2020, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1308340430170456064

    1. I don’t want to force my opinion on you

      This is false. Betteredge himself confesses during this conversation that his thoughts were "muddled" until "Mr. Franklin took them in hand, and pointed out what they ought to see". Furthermore, wasn't it Franklin who pushed Betteredge to write his recollection in the first place? Franklin's influence on the Betteredge is apparent, putting into question the reliability of his narrative as well as Franklin's motives.

      It again brings up the dichotomy of opinion versus fact, subjective versus objective. This reminds me of "In a Grove" by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, which was adapted into the film "Rashomon" by Akira Kurosawa. Very similar themes and narrative structure.

    2. conforming, or appearing to conform

      I'd be interested to track the use of language used to convey deception like appear, disguise, lie, trick, etc. Even though the narrator promised to tell the impartial truth, I wonder how the language involving truth evolves

    1. Schnuerch, M., Nadarevic, L., & Rouder, J. (2020). The truth revisited: Bayesian analysis of individual differences in the truth effect [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nfm6k