101 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. I have some some some colleagues who um kind of think about the Buddhist tradition a lot and we we think about this idea of like what what what does it mean to commit to enlarging your cognitive lyone in particular um with respect to this notion of compassion

      for - adjacency - cognitive light cone - affective light cone? - bodhisattva - bodhicitta - compassion - Michael Levin

      adjacency - between - cognitive light cone - bodhicitta - bodhisattva - compassion - adjacency relationship - Michael Levin's colleagues have spoken about the Buddhist concept of bodhicitta and compassion, and he interprets this from the perspective of expansion of the cognitive light cone provocation - We know that there is a close connection between cognitive and affective so perhaps the terminology should reflect that? - Living organisms will always have problems expanding their light cones too far because nature is designed to eat itself - Hence in order to survive, we must commit the most uncompassion act (from the perspective of the organism we are eating)

    2. I think it's really important for us to develop a science of that like CR like critically important

      for - answer - Micheal Levin - adjacency - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - critically important to develop a science of this

      adjacency - between - multi scale competency architecture - cognitive light cone - hyperobject - awakening / enlightenment - adjacency relationship - At every stage of the multi scale competency architecture, - the living entities at a particular stage may maintain - feedback and - feedforward signals - with any - higher or - lower level systems. - Human INTERbeCOMings and other consciousness are no different - We exist at one level but are both - composed of lower level living parts and - compose larger social superorganism - Indeed, the spiritual acts variously described as - awakening - enlightenment - can be interpreted as transcending level cognitive light cone

    3. I don't think you can prove it but I wonder if what what it would feel like I think is is um synchronicity

      for - topic for further research - higher level of living system - indicator of - Micheal Levin - synchronicity

      Adjacency - between - Jordan Hall / Michael Levin conversation - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - lower level indicator of higher level - enlightenment / awakening Frederico Faggin experience - meditation - adjacency statement - Federico Faggin's experience of inter level awareness was - his profound awakening experience transcending even oneness - That was an indicator event that shattered his belief that he was alone, shuttered in existential isolation - and showed him that he was a part of a much larger system - In general, at the level of humans and human consciousness, - awakening and enlightenment experiences described throughout human history in many different - times and - places - could be interpreted as reaching upwards to a higher level in our lower level cognitive light cone

    4. do you think that this idea of the hyper object might relate to um how an individual cell relates to the whole of the body because the body itself would be outside the cognitive light cone of the cell

      for - question - to Michael Levin - adjacency between hyperobject and cognitive light cone

    1. It’s just math.

      Several links in this article no longer work, making this a questionable source and possibly invalidating the claim behind it.

    2. while the American islucky to get off (unpaid, of course) when her daughter ishome sick with the flu

      Emotional claim with no source.

  2. Jul 2024
    1. This lovely old file cabinet is 52" high x 14-3/4" wide x 27-1/2" deep. Each drawer is 6-1/8" wide x 4-6/8" high x 18-1/4" deep. It has a few scratches on the side, but nothing that can't be touched up. Otherwise, it's in good condition. In the early 80's, I worked on a TV series called "Cassie & Co." starring Angie Dickinson. This (and another antique file cabinet) was purchased and used as set dressing in Angie/Cassie's office. When the show was canceled, I bought the cabinets and have had them ever since. I don't have specific background info on them.


      Sold · Antique 16-Drawer Library Card File Cabinet

      Purchased for $250

      cost per drawer $15.63

  3. May 2024
    1. In his renowned essay,“Battle of the Books” (1698), Jonathan Swift celebrated these texts asmore excellent than moderns realized—and he bequeathed a phraseto describe the honey of the ancients that Matthew Arnold wouldlater make infamous: “sweetness and light.”

      note the "honey of the ancients" description here with a tangential nod to the commonplace tradition

      see: <br /> - https://hypothes.is/a/mCsl9voQEeuP3t8jNOyAvw<br /> - https://hypothes.is/users/chrisaldrich?q=tag%3A%22jonathan+swift%22+tag%3A%22commonplace+books%22

    1. causal order does not refer to the actual ‘real’ causality of the messages



  4. Apr 2024
    1. Yet I’ll not shed her blood,Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snowAnd smooth as monumental alabaster.Yet she must die, else she’ll betray more men.

      Othello doesn't want to ruin or taint her purity and innocence that she sees, but knows he has to take her light. And he acknowledges that even Prometheus cannot bring back that inner light she has. It shows that he sees through her objectification and beauty and sees her invaluable light.

      • He says, it is the cause, it is the cause, signifying he is holding on to reason (which is introduced by Iago), instead of following his heart. It shows yet again that reason betrays the true nature of humanity -- and yet we are blinded thinking rejecting passion is the way to retain civility, and thus, humanity.
  5. Mar 2024
    1. Hypomenorrhea

      Hypomenorrhea, characterized by unusually light menstrual flow, can be a normal variation for some women but may also indicate underlying health issues. It’s important to consider various factors when addressing hypomenorrhea:

      • Normal Variation: For some women, light periods are genetic and not a cause for concern. It’s worth investigating family history, as similar patterns may be found among female relatives.
      • Lifestyle Factors: Stress, significant weight changes, and excessive exercise can impact menstrual flow. Ensuring a balanced lifestyle may help regulate the cycle.
      • Contraceptive Use: Hormonal contraceptives can lead to lighter periods as they often thin the endometrial lining, reducing the amount of blood shed during menstruation1.
      • Medical Conditions: Conditions like thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or Asherman’s syndrome can cause hypomenorrhea. Consulting with a healthcare provider is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment.
      • Age-Related Changes: Menstrual flow can naturally become lighter as one approaches menopause or just after puberty due to hormonal fluctuations.


  6. Feb 2024
  7. Jan 2024
    1. 2:00 In the mids of darkness, death, war; humans still can see light, the good, the beauty (stoic philosophy)

      Epictetus would say that there are two handle on a situation; you pick the one (see above). This also aligns to the notion that situations are what they are, it is about your reaction.

      How do you look at things? Do you only look at the bad, the ugly? Or, do you see the good, the light?

    1. At the same time, there is a slither of light that penetrates the dark narrative. Although the protagonists have all led fractured, traumatic lives, they never succumb to the impending desire to give up. Guts embodies stubborn perseverance, and through his struggles, the reader learns to cling onto hope.

      Throughout the dark narrative, there is a slitter of light. They never give up.

    1. Belief of it oppresses me already.Light, I say, light

      In this case, the light motif is about awareness

    2. know not where is that Promethean heatThat can thy light relume. When I have plucked thy roseI cannot give it vital growth again,

      Allusion to Prometheus who brings life in the form of fire. Is fire/light a recurring motif in the story for life and passion?



  8. Sep 2023
    1. 54:30 Max utopian in his head, trust in random people

      • see index zk on Apollonian and Dionysian theory (idealism, good or bad?)

      57:00 inherently, people are good, but they get corrupted (good and evil)

      57:44 “there is some light” (life can be good): see zk 9 section on light & darkness

      • for: bio-buddhism, buddhism - AI, care as the driver of intelligence, Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, care drive, care light cone, multiscale competency architecture of life, nonduality, no-self, self - illusion, self - constructed, self - deconstruction, Bodhisattva vow
      • title: Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
      • author: Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, AI - ethics
      • date: May 16, 2022
      • source: https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/24/5/710/htm

      • summary

        • a trans-disciplinary attempt to develop a framework to deal with a diversity of emerging non-traditional intelligence from new bio-engineered species to AI based on the Buddhist conception of care and compassion for the other.
        • very thought-provoking and some of the explanations and comparisons to evolution actually help to cast a new light on old Buddhist ideas.
        • this is a trans-disciplinary paper synthesizing Buddhist concepts with evolutionary biology
    1. the bodhisattva vial which is which is huge 01:16:56 um it's this it's this commitment it's it's a medical it's the commitment to enlarge your cognitive apparatus to enable bigger goals to enable you to pursue bigger goals with more compassion
      • for: bio-buddhism, bodhisattva vow, compassion
      • comment
        • interesting adjacency between:
          • Buddhism and
          • biology:
        • Adjacency statement
          • The bodhisattva vow is a commitment to enlarge your cognitive apparatus, your cognitive light cone of compassion to enable the pursuit of bigger goals
    1. ou certainly have a light cone that does not belong to any of your pieces
      • for: individual / collective gestalt, Deep Humanity, superorganism, multi-level superorganism, major evolutionary transition, MET, cognitive light cone, umwelt

      • paraphrase

        • a human being certainly has a light cone that does not belong to any of its pieces (ie cells)
        • at the conscious level of a human being, we have
          • goals
          • preferences
          • hopes
          • dreams
          • narratives
        • humans occupy spaces that do not belong to our individual cells, tissues or organs
          • those smaller parts work in
            • physiological space
            • transcriptional space
            • biomolecular space
        • When we were an embryo we worked in morphogenetic space
      • comment

        • Since MET implies that these smaller structures of which we are constituted like
          • cells and
          • sub-cellular structures like mitochondria
        • were descended from individual organisms long ago in deep history, those contemporary proxies are occupying their own umwelt
  9. Aug 2023
    1. As for using blue-light-filtering eyeglasses for eye health, for now, Rosenfield says, “there’s nothing to support people buying them.”
    2. The study’s authors found that wearing blue-light filters does not reduce the eyestrain people feel after using computers. The results were inconclusive on whether wearing these specialized lenses before bedtime improves sleep quality.

      eye health

    3. Do Blue-Light Glasses Help with Eyestrain?

      eye health

    1. This is a way to make check lists that are more useful. You only fill the box when your all the way done with the task, when you are about half way done you fill the box half way. I learnedabout this from Adam Savage in his book, "Every Tool is a Hammer". He learned about it when he worked at Industrial Light & Magic.Does it have an official name? (screen shots from his book)

      Adam Savage's book Every Tool is a Hammer shows a checklist which has square bullets which can be partially filled in to show the level of completion. He learned the method when working at Industrial Light & Magic.

      via u/AZORIAN_K129 at https://www.reddit.com/r/NoteTaking/comments/15zgbvr/does_this_technique_have_a_name/

  10. May 2023
  11. Jan 2023
  12. Nov 2022
  13. Aug 2022
  14. Jul 2022
    1. Newton’s discovery of the differing refrangibility of colors indicated to him how telescope lenseswould always produce ill-focused images because of chromatic aberration. In order to avoid the use oflarge lenses, he devised the reflecting telescope

      Because light of different colors refracts at different angles, attempting to focus light using curved lenses will cause the focus point of each to be slightly different and thus not focus in total.

      This chromatic aberration means that one cannot build large functional refracting telescopes.

      As a result of this discovery about chromatic aberration in optics, Isaac Newton built reflecting telescopes instead. A large mirror collects the light and reflects it through a very thin lens, which doesn't accentuate refraction the way very large and thick lenses would have in a refracting telescope.

    1. when we die we go through eight stages according to the buddhist understanding and each of those stages the first four the elements the sort of solidity if you will i we know they're 01:16:07 not solid but from a conventional perspective the solidity elements the liquidity elements the thermodynamic elements the movement the kinetic elements those all dissolve as we die in 01:16:19 the first four and when that fourth one happens there's no more circulation of blood or of air so we don't breathe we have no circulatory you know blood pressure so we're declared clinically dead but 01:16:30 there's four more stages we go through and those are when the mind becomes successively subtler and those are when we get into the non-dual minds that are the most subtle minds and the last 01:16:43 eighth stage it's called worser in tibetan and we translate that as luminosity or clear light it's not light it's not you know but it's the most utter clear clear mind 01:16:57 and that mind if it goes on if we don't die if we meditate on that luminosity and sustain it through our meditation infinitely we can become a buddha and that's why the buddha is 01:17:09 sometimes called a buddhism an enlightened buddha is a deathless state because you don't actually die so those would be the non-conceptual and non-dual minds and just for completeness 01:17:23 those last four minds are called these are technical terms so it won't make much it won't have much give you much understanding white appearance red increase black near attainment and then this worst air this 01:17:35 luminosity so that's kind of the the the road map if you will for for mine and it's not the brain now on the gross level of thinking in our sensory minds there's a very close 01:17:48 connection with you know meant with the brain okay but when you die the brain is supposed to be dead and you're still alive okay and so these more subtle minds 01:18:01 are not related actually to the brain so we could really say that mind is experience it's awareness it's knowing not knowing something but 01:18:12 the act of knowing so the qualities of mind the most important qualities are awareness and clarity so that gives you just some rough idea of the buddhist understanding of mind or consciousness

      Barry gives an explanation of the different levels of mind as the body undergoes death, and particularly, the last 4 of 8 progressively subtler states of mind that are nondual, and therefore, not considered as part of the brain.

  15. Jun 2022
    1. Here we have that exact same illusion. We have two identical tiles on the left, one in a dark surround, one in a light surround. And the same thing over on the right. Now, I'll reveal those two scenes, but I'm not going to change anything within those boxes, except their meaning. 00:07:11 And see what happens to your perception. Notice that on the left the two tiles look nearly completely opposite: one very white and one very dark, right? Whereas on the right, the two tiles look nearly the same. And yet there is still one on a dark surround, and one on a light surround. Why? Because if the tile in that shadow were in fact in shadow, and reflecting the same amount of light to your eye 00:07:35 as the one outside the shadow, it would have to be more reflective -- just the laws of physics. So you see it that way. Whereas on the right, the information is consistent with those two tiles being under the same light. If they're under the same light reflecting the same amount of light to your eye, then they must be equally reflective. So you see it that way. Which means we can bring all this information together to create some incredibly strong illusions.

      BEing journey 5 shadow and light

  16. Apr 2022
    1. Light exhibits certain behaviors that are characteristic of any wave and would be difficult to explain with a purely particle-view. Light reflects in the same manner that any wave would reflect. Light refracts in the same manner that any wave would refract. Light diffracts in the same manner that any wave would diffract. Light undergoes interference in the same manner that any wave would interfere. And light exhibits the Doppler effect just as any wave would exhibit the Doppler effect. Light behaves in a way that is consistent with our conceptual and mathematical understanding of waves. Since light behaves like a wave, one would have good reason to believe that it might be a wave.

      Wave behaviors of light: a. it reflects b. it refracts c. it diffracts d. undergoes interference e. exhibits Doppler effect

  17. Mar 2022
    1. The ecliptic is tilted towards the north in the southern hemisphere,and towards the south in the northern hemisphere. Many people inthe southern hemisphere prefer housing with north-facing windowsand balconies and that take advantage of the light and warmth of theSun. Venture north of the equator, and that preference is for south-facing properties. First Peoples of the world follow the samepreference, with homes, villages and cities constructed to takeadvantage of the Sun.

      Many cultures in the world face their windows, balconies, and other architecture to take advantage of the sun (for light and warmth). Because the ecliptic is tilted towards the north in the southern hemisphere and towards the south in the northern hemisphere, people in the north of the equator prefer south-facing properties and people south of the equator prefer north-facing properties.

    2. Far fromcity lights, we joked about the Starlight Motel as we lay in our swagsnext to a small fire and watched the nightly show of the great river ofstars moving slowly over us. We watched the twinkling stars,shooting stars, and pointed out the Southern Cross and other greatconstellations.

      The fact that a city dweller must go out to the countryside to see the stars in the skies makes cities and their light pollution a direct form of cultural erasure for indigenous peoples who use the stars for cultural purposes like stories, storytelling, memory and other oral means.

    1. two-thirds of common large moth species have declined over the last 40 years in some parts of world. One of main reasons for the decline is light pollution (an increase in artificial light in moth habitats).

      Artificial Light pollution endangering moth species

  18. Oct 2021
    1.  Thought is electromagnetic light and energy which contains all the colors and their frequencies [6]. 

      Remember that when a egg and sperm connect in birth, there is a light explosion! Thought is electromagnetic light. When we are conceived, we are thoughts brought to light!

  19. Sep 2021
    1. oud. In Burma in recent times monks rose at daybreak "when there is light enough to see the veins in the hand".'

      An interesting definition of daybreak. Our current definitions of daybreak are not too dissimilar.

  20. Aug 2021
    1. La literatura light, como el cine light y el arte light, da la impresión cómoda al lector, y al espectador, de ser culto, revolucionario, moderno, y de estar a la vanguardia, con el mínimo esfuerzo intelectual.

      Aunque comprendo el disgusto del autor por lo que llama "literatura, cine y arte light". No lo comparto completamente, ya que está desvalorizando el espectáculo actual, basado en lo que considera bueno, suficiente, válido y que vale la pena. Y eso, es muy subjetivo.

  21. Jun 2021
  22. Nov 2020
    1. If the light is not quite so bright, chronic exposure over days to weeks can cause permanent damage. This is thought to be due to what is called photo-oxidative damage

      Just as one would expect, it appears that antioxidants can protect against this type of damage. Note that the study was in rats, but we have every reason to think it would work in humans. In particular, several studies showing that dietary antioxidants protect skin from sunlight in humans; it's should be essentially the same thing for the eyes.

    1. Rosemary enhanced the protective efficacy of AREDS and led to the greatest effect on the retinal genome in animals reared in high environmental light. Chronic administration of rosemary antioxidants may be a useful adjunct to the therapeutic benefit of AREDS in slowing disease progression in AMD.

      This is not in the least surprising. Dietary antioxidants also protect the skin during sunlight exposure.

      Oxidative stress likely also plays a role in diabetic retinopathy. It plays a role in the aging process itself. That said, there is probably a limit to protective powers of antioxidants. Nonetheless, I don't think that that limit has ever been realized in any population. I doubt we've even come close in rats.

  23. Oct 2020
  24. Sep 2020
    1. Researchers offer first proof that Ultraviolet C light with a 222 nm wavelength — which is safer to use around humans — effectively kills the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

      Take Away: Most germicidal ultraviolet (UV) lamps emit a wavelength of around 254 nm. While these are very effective means of sterilization, they are also damaging to human skin and eyes and therefore are used in unoccupied spaces. However, a recent study has shown that a safer form of UV light at a wavelength of 222 nm is effective in killing SARS-CoV-2 virus in vitro.

      The Claim: Researchers offer first proof that Ultraviolet C light with a 222 nm wavelength — which is safer to use around humans — effectively kills the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

      The Evidence: The authors reference the safety of 222 nm UV light, and there are many studies to support this claim. 222 nm UV light has been shown to not cause DNA damage or skin lesions even at higher doses and for longer exposure times than used here (1, 2).

      In the study referenced, researchers at Hiroshima University exposed SARS-CoV-2 virus to low dosage 222 nm UV light and subsequently measured the amount of viable virus (3). They found that exposure of 0.1 mW/cm^2 for 30 seconds reduced the amount of viable virus by 99.7%. However, as the authors note, this study was performed using virus plated on a dish in a hood, and translation of these results to a public setting is unclear. For instance, in a hospital, there are many different types of surfaces and direct/consistent exposure to the UV light might not be feasible. While this study is promising, additional studies need to be done before promoting this as a safe and effective means of killing SARS-CoV-2 in an occupied environment.

      Sources: 1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6059456/

      2) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/php.13269

      3) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196655320308099#:~:text=Results,after%20a%205%2Dmin%20irradiation.

  25. Jun 2020
  26. May 2020
  27. Jan 2020
    1. Since water is denser than air, and the reflection is diffuse. A lot of light is internally reflected, thereof, increasing the probability of absorption at surface.

      The light is reflected back inside the water, because of the total internal reflection:

      • water is denser than air
      • angle of incidence is greater than the so-called critical angle

    2. This is because the light now has a layer of water to go through. And due to the reflectance of water, not all light at the air-liquid-interface (border between air and water) goes through the water. Some of it is reflected.

      Wet things become darker, because of the water consistency, reflectance that doesn't let all the light to transmit through it.

      The probability of light getting transmitted is: 1 - R1 (reflectance at the air-liquid interface)

    3. There are two types of reflection (two ways the wave can be thrown back). Specular Diffuse

      Two types of reflection:

      1. specular - light leaves the surface at the same angle it hits it
      2. diffuse - hitting light is scattered into all angles when reflected
  28. Dec 2019
  29. Jul 2019
    1. The realization of this truth dissolves the beliefs in distance, separation and otherness. The common name we give to this absence of distance, separation and otherness is love and beauty. It is that for which everyone longs – not just those of us that are interested in non-duality but all seven billion of us. In this realization true knowledge and love are revealed to be one and the same – the experiential realization that the true nature of the apparently inside self and the apparently outside world are one single reality made out of the transparent light of Awareness, that is, made out of the intimacy of our own being.
  30. May 2019
    1. Natural light is the grace of nature to human beings, but natural light has uncontrollable shortcomings. People hope to see the deep ‘Liao’, which is unknown to the night, with the eyes of the night. It’s for this reason we explored, what would we have to do in order to make the artificial light infinitely close to the natural light, while controlled by people? This gave us a glimpse of the existence of the LUXON bulb.

      the existence of the LUXON bulb.

    2. We will provide you with the following LED LIGHTINGLong Life – long operational life time expectations // Energy Efficiency – much better energy efficiency // Ecologically Friendly – much more eco-friendly // Durable Quality – LED illumination can withstand rough conditions // Zero UV Emissions – close to no UV emissions // Design Flexibility – powerful flexible design features // Operational in extremely cold or hot temperatures // Light Disbursement – achieve higher application efficiency // Instant Lighting &100% Dimmable // Low-Voltage – can run on low-voltage power supply. This time, in the name of light, we will do better than any lighting!We also provide other electronic accessories, such as socket adapter that can convert ordinary bulbs into sensing bulbs, decorative LED strips, drones for beginners and car emergency tools to save you from danger. It is rich in product and is selected by you.

      The profile of LUXON LED Light bulb

  31. Feb 2019
    1. Madonella.

      Meaning "little Madonna" or "small Madonna." What is fascinating about this reference is the history behind the Madonnelle street shrines (little Madonnas) in Rome/other Italian cities. These little Madonnas were seen as the protectors of the communities in which they looked over (literally believed to be protecting them from evil). Also, lamps in front of the shrines were lit at night to guide passer-bys through the darkness, and, unlike other Madonna icons, these little Madonnas gazed directly at the viewer, establishing "a personal connection between the two." Maybe not such a ridicuous bluestocking figure to compare Mary Astell to afterall?

  32. Sep 2018
    1. After the sun set to us the base summits--12were of a delicate rosaceous color--passing through13violet or to the deep dark blue or purple of14the night which already circled their lower parts--15For this night shadow was wonderfully blue16reminding me of the blue shadows on snow--17There was an after-glow in which these tints &18variations were repeated. It was the grandest19mt view I ever got-- In the mean while20white clouds were gathering again about the21 about22summits--first of the highest--appearing to23form there--but sometimes to send off an emissary24to imitate a cloud upon a lower neighboring25peak-- You could tell little about the com-26parative distance of a cloud & a peak--till you27saw that the former actually impinged on the latter

      nice description of the change and color of light in the sunset on the mountains.

  33. Aug 2018
  34. Jun 2018
  35. Feb 2018
    1. that works

      I loved the light dancing on the water, a balance of the sky in the distance. I had to do some cloud waiting and several attempts before I caught the light close to me and some farther down river. https://flic.kr/p/FWy669

  36. Oct 2016
    1. April is the cruellest month

      I always saw April as one of the more beautiful months. But sometimes beauty is the greatest cause of pain for those who can't relate to it.

    2. Living nor dead, and I knew nothing, Looking into the heart of light, the silence. Oed’ und leer das Meer.

      This directly links to the epigraph included at the beginning of the poem. It's about Cumaean Sibyl, an oracle and prophetess for Apollo, who made her immortal. In that piece, she is saying all she wants is to die, and I find this section of the poem to directly relate to that. She is neither living nor dead since she was immortal, and the heart of the light could be Apollo as he is the god of the sun and light. The last piece translates to "empty and desolate as the sea," which supports the contrast of life and death we see in the poem. This section can be so strongly connected to that opening piece, I don't see how it could be anything other than intentional.

    3. Doubled the flames of sevenbranched candelabra

      This book brings out a lot of images of light, which is the opposite of death from the first book. The flames rise and doubles which really expresses the emphasis on the rising of the light.

    4. Glowed

      The continued and varied references to light (glowing, radiating, reflecting, fire, etc.) are noticeable and very different from the harsh transition of winter in Chapter I.

  37. May 2016
    1. saw You in perfect expression, even as I see You now -- the Real You, an Attribute of My Self-- perfect.For in Reality You are an Angel of Light, one of My Thought Rays, an Attribute of My Being,ensouled in Earth conditions, with no other purpose (which is no purpose at all, but a necessity ofMy Being) but the final complete expression of My Idea.

      "the Real You, an Attribute of My Self-- perfect.For in Reality You are an Angel of Light, one of My Thought Rays, an Attribute of My Being,ensouled in Earth conditions, with no other purpose (which is no purpose at all, but a necessity of My Being) but the final complete expression of My Idea."

    2. Again I say, this I AM speaking herein is the Real Self of you, and in reading these words it isnecessary that you realize it is You, your own Self, that is speaking them to your humanconsciousness, in order fully to comprehend their meaning.I also repeat, this is the same I AM that is the Life and Spirit animating all living things in theUniverse, from the tiniest atom to the greatest Sun; that this I AM is the Intelligence in you andin your brother and sister; and that it is likewise the Intelligence which causes everything to liveand grow and become that which it is their destiny to be.Perhaps you cannot yet understand how this I AM can be, at one and the same time, the I AM ofyou and the I AM of your brother, and also the Intelligence of the stone, the plant, and theanimal.You will see this, however, if you follow these My Words and obey the instructions hereingiven; for I will soon bring to your consciousness a Light that will illumine the deepest recessesof your mind and drive away all the clouds of human misconceptions, ideas and opinions thatnow darken your intellect, -- if you read on and strive earnestly to comprehend My Meaning.

      This is my True Self speaking to me and my True Self is a part of all that is, the substance that makes up the whole cosmos...

    3. I AM the Innermost, the Spirit, the animating Cause of your being, of all life, of all living things,both visible and invisible. There is nothing dead, for I, the Impersonal ONE, AM all that there is.I AM Infinite and wholly unconfined; the Universe is My Body, all the Intelligence there isemanates from My Mind, all the Love there is flows from My Heart, all the Power there is, is butMy Will in action.The threefold Force, manifesting as all Wisdom, all Love, all Power, or if you will, as Light,Heat, and Energy “ that which holds together all forms and is back of and in all expressions andphases of life, -- is but the manifestation of My Self in the act or state of Being.Nothing can Be without manifesting and expressing some phase of Me, Who AM not only theBuilder of all forms, but the Dweller in each. In the heart of each I dwell; in the heart of thehuman, in the heart of the animal, in the heart of the flower, in the heart of the stone. In the heartof each I live and move and have My Being, and from out the heart of each I send forth thatphase of Me I desire to express, and which manifests in the outer world as a stone, a flower, ananimal, a man

      God is the substance of all LIfe............

  38. Mar 2016
    1. Steve Ketchel was the finest and most beautiful man that ever lived. I never saw a man as clean and as white and as beautiful as Steve Ketchel.

      He was white and beautiful and represents a brighter and more loving side of the hookers, which results in empathy from the bystanders. He is portrayed as a symbol of the hookers more uplifting past.

    2. “Did I know him? Did I know him?

      She never really answers "Yes", so this indicates that she is trying to avoid being specific and giving a straight answer (because she probably did not know him)

    3. as clean and as white and as beautiful

      The use of adjectives such as "clean", "white" and "beautiful", to describe Stanley, says a lot about what qualities she admires in a man.

    4. “It would be impossible for Steve to have said that,” Peroxide declared.

      Implicitely implying something about Steve's character.

    5. Did I know him? Did I know him?

      Needs to convince herself and the others that she knows him and what he stands for

    6. I never saw a man as clean and as white and as beautiful as Steve Ketchel
    7. Wasn’t his name Stanley Ketchel?”

      They dont even know his name - this could indicate that the important thing is not what his name is (or Jesus' name) but what he stands for. It could also indicate that she desperately needs to believe in something even though she dont know what that means.

    8. We were married in the eyes of God and I belong to him right now and always will and all of me is his.

      ja yes

    9. “What do you know about Steve? Stanley. He was no Stanley. Steve Ketchel

      The girls do not know his real name which indicates that they probably never really knew him at all. This can be compared to Steve = Jesus, because no one really knows Jesus at all. No one really knew him but everyone claims that they do.

    10. “He was more than any husband could ever be

      ja yes

    11. Peroxide blondes = LIGHT, but fake light.

    12. I loved him like you love God
    13. He was like a god


    14. My soul belongs to Steve Ketchel

      her soul belongs to him

  39. Nov 2015
    1. Now, when I said that Substance is Energy, I did not mean that It was energy in the sense that your scientists measure and call electrical or atomic energy. it is Energy in the sense that It is Light. Even so, It is not Light in the sense of It being that energy which emanates from your sun. In terms of the manner in which It is experienced Fourth-dimensionally, it is very similar. It radiates, glows, or fluoresces, yet these are very poor words to describe it. Light, as it is experienced objectively, is seen only as it reflects off of an object. At night, when you look out into the objective universe and there is nothing in the sky to reflect light, the sky appears to be black, except where light is either reflected or generated as planets and stars. Fourth-dimensionally speaking, the Substance which is Light is illumined, apparently, from within. It is not a reflected light. The apparent space between specific manifestations of Mind will not be found to be dark, because the Fourth-dimensional equivalent of what appears to be empty space in the three-dimensional frame of reference, is filled with the omnipresent Substance of Being. Therefore, you will find that even “empty space” is filled with that living Illumination of the Universal Substance which is Light. Further, it must be understood that this Substance which is Light is Love, living Love. You have experienced this already in illumination, and so I know you understand what I am saying.

      Holy, do I every perceive it different than this, Batman!!

      This sounds similar to descriptions of the "other side" given by NDE'ers.

    1. Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good.“2

      "Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good"

    2. Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect.

      "Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect."

  40. Oct 2015
    1. Energy patterns are the Universal Substance existing in an organized manner, but it is not static.

      I always thought of energy patterns as being static - but, if I think of a tree as being a pattern of energy and, from my perspective, the tree does change - it loses its leaves in the Fall and grows them back in the Spring. That's not static at all.

      Later in the book he equates energy to Light

    1. Paul, it is impossible for your world to become integrated if you do not understand what the Substance of that Totality is. This is why we are discussing this point this morning. The only Substance there is throughout the Universe—and throughout all dimensions—is Light. This Light, in Its various aspects, is Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. It is also Intelligence and Substance. In everything you do, I want you to begin to be conscious of this idea that all there is to you—and all there is to everything—is this Light of Living Love. There are not two things going on. This Light is eternally living Itself as the intelligent expression of Conscious Experience, universally and specifically.

      My world cannot be healed unless I come to understand that the totality of all things is Light, which is Love.

      Here he equates Light to Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.

      He gives Paul an exercise. To begin to be conscious, in everything he does, that all there is to him - and to everything - is Living Love (God!!!!)

      There is not two things going on, there is not the perceived drama of life and Living Love. And this is where the practice is important because it the insanity of the world seems to be true.

    2. RAJ: This Light energy, which is constituted of the Christ-consciousness—God’s view of Himself—is what constitutes your consciousness and your experience, Totally and Completely. you must understand that there is nothing else going on—no other Presence but this Light. It is the Light of Living Love.

      Christ Consciousness is God's view of Himself, is what constitutes Light.

      Light constitutes your consciousness and experience totally and completely.

      There is nothing else going on - no other Presence but this Light, the Light of Living Love.

      This is a description of Christ and of Heaven.

    3. Paul, all energy is Light, and Light is the omnipresent energy that constitutes all life forms, all ideas, and all of every aspect of Conscious Being. it is the pure Light that is Love. It is the pure Light that constitutes Substance. It is the pure Light which differentiates Itself according to Intelligence as all that appears and all that is.

      Lot's here in this one paragraph.

      All energy is Light, it is a subset of Light. Light is ever present and constitutes every aspect of Being. Light is Love.

      That means every aspect of Being is Love - and all things are Love.

      Light differentiates itself, according to Intelligence, as all that is.

    4. You were incorrect yesterday when it occurred to you that the only way you can tell you are growing is if you are feeling some discomfort. Discomfort can be an indication of growth, but it is not the only indication of growth. We are entering a new phase of these conversations, and in this phase we are going to be dealing with the Light energy that constitutes your Being.

      Indications of growth on the journey of awakening are not limited to feelings of discomfort.

      Light energy is what constitutes Being

    5. In everything you do, I want you to begin to be conscious of this idea that all there is to you—and all there is to everything—is this Light of Living Love. There are not two things going on. This Light is eternally living Itself as the intelligent expression of Conscious Experience, universally and specifically

      It is all happening at once, Light expressing itself..

    6. Paul, it is impossible for your world to become integrated if you do not understand what the Substance of that Totality is. This is why we are discussing this point this morning. The only Substance there is throughout the Universe—and throughout all dimensions—is Light. This Light, in Its various aspects, is Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. It is also Intelligence and Substance.

      Light IS everything.

    7. This Light energy, which is constituted of the Christ-consciousness—God’s view of Himself—is what constitutes your consciousness and your experience, Totally and Completely. you must understand that there is nothing else going on—no other Presence but this Light. It is the Light of Living Love.
    8. Paul, all energy is Light, and Light is the omnipresent energy that constitutes all life forms, all ideas, and all of every aspect of Conscious Being. it is the pure Light that is Love. It is the pure Light that constitutes Substance. It is the pure Light which differentiates Itself according to Intelligence as all that appears and all that is.

      Light is all there is!

    1. You were correct in your recognition that it is the White Light of Christ which is passing between your hands. It is not another colour at this point. That Light does Its transforming work. It does His work, which is why it is so clear to you that you are not doing it yourself. Nevertheless, your knowing that it is His work that is being done, and that you are, indeed, being His willing servant, will add greater power and potency to your work than has been evidenced prior to this time. Stay with this knowledge. Do not share this particular fact with those whom you are working. They will, nevertheless, feel it and experience it.

      Thy Will not mine.....

    2. Yes, Paul, Maitreya is on this planet, and He will be making Himself known. But the making of Himself known is not that the Person, Maitreya, is here—but the Christ Light, the Christ Energy, the Christ Love is here. It is an active, living Presence. It is here to bathe, wash, and heal the spirit of all mankind on earth.

      Becoming aware of the Christ within, the true Self...

  41. Sep 2015
    1. Every measured physical quantity is defined by its numerical value and its dimensions. We don’t quote c simply as 300,000, but as 300,000 kilometres per second, or 186,000 miles per second, or 0.984 feet per nanosecond.

      0.2999232 meters per nanosecond

  42. Jun 2015
    1. All such arguments involve invent- ing a "back story," a narrative of events preceding those specified in the thema, that explains the motivations of the defendant or plaintiff, thereby casting their actions as described in the tltema in a more sympathetic or invidious light

      Vanessa Beasley: understanding the backstory so well that you're able to paint the picture.

  43. Mar 2015
    1. I began to discover that if I looked with innocence upon all things, a Light began to shine through the things I was looking at. And as I rested more and more in this innocence, more and more, the Light would shine.