- Last 7 days
washingtondc.jhu.edu washingtondc.jhu.edu
herbertograca.com herbertograca.com
The first one is about using the code artefacts (classes, variables, modules, …) names to convey both domain and architectural meaning.
“[…] an architecturally evident coding style that lets you drop hints to code readers so that they can correctly infer the design.”
"so that they can correctly infer the design"!
In this diagram, the dependency direction goes inwards, meaning that outer layers know about inner layers, but not the other way around.
- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what we want in our bodies is a mind melt of cells that cells forget about their own little ego and start identifying with a larger Collective of the organ and the way cells do that is through bioelectricity it is what Michael Levan calls a cognitive glue
for - multi-scale competency architecture - groups of individuals coalesce into an individual at a higher level - SOURCE - Youtube - Bioelectric fields: A Paradigm Shift in Biology - Michael Levin - 2025, Jan
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
Transdisciplinary sustainability science is increasingly applied to study transformative change. Yet, transdisciplinary research involves diverse actors who hold contrasting and sometimes conflicting perspectives and worldviews. Reflexivity is cited as a crucial capacity for navigating the resulting challenges
for - adjacency - reflexivity - tool for transdisciplinary research - indyweb - people-centered interpersonal information architecture - mindplex - concept spaces - perspectival knowing - life situatedness - SRG transdisciplinary complexity mapping tool - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10
adjacency - between - reflexivity - tool for transdisciplinary research - indyweb - people-centered, interpersonal information architecture - mindplex - concept space - perspectival knowing - life situatedness - SRG transdisciplinary complexity mapping tool - adjacency relationship - This paper is interesting from the perspective of development of the Indyweb because there, - the people-centered, interpersonal information architecture intrinsically explicates perspectival knowing and life-situatedness - Indyweb can embed an affordance that is a meta function applied to an indyvidual's mindplex that - surfaces and aspectualizes the perspective and worldview salient to the research - The granular information that embeds an indyvidual's perspectives and worldviews is already there in the indyvidual's rich mindplex
- Dec 2024
continuous-architecture.org continuous-architecture.org
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
also what it requires is to recast the individual as a non individual
for - adjacency - post Capitalist spiral - 5 Element Mandala - the individual as non-individual - Michael Levin's - Multi-Scale Competency Architecture - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - Stop Reset Go - Deep Humanity - Individual / Collective Gestalt
Information architecture is a task often shared by designers, developers, and content strategists. But regardless of who takes on the task, IA is a field of its own, with influences, tools, and resources that are worth investigation. In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture really is, and why it’s a valuable aspect of the user experience process.
www.howtomakesenseofanymess.com www.howtomakesenseofanymess.com
www.writethedocs.org www.writethedocs.org
Should we optimize for searching or browsing?¶ Documentarians may have to determine whether users search or browse for content of interest. What you decide may influence how to focus your resources: SEO and search tools or navigation aids. The resolution to this may depend on your users and what they’re looking for… and also your product interface. Some users, those who frequently search online for content, may prefer to search through your documentation (for example, spending 70% of their time on search and 30% navigation). Other users may prefer to use your site’s navigation system (for example, 30% search and 70% navigation). Nonetheless, some documentarians assume that searching is the primary method that all users rely on. Some indicate that it’s important to have both methods available for the users to select what they want to do. Information architecture (IA) helps a docs team to develop content in a structured and comprehensive manner. A navigation methodology can implement the IA of the documentation system. So, if your team has developed a structure for the content, you can use it as a navigation device for your readers. As one person indicated: No documentation should be random pages of text. Readers use the structure to learn relationships between different features, use cases, or topics. Searching and browsing are complementary actions. The method used by any one person may depend on different factors and users may use both. Offer the best of both to satisfy your readers. Search-related resources Search platform tips for documentation websites (WTD Newsleter) Making documentation discoverable in search engines (WTD video) Search engine optimization (SEO) for documentation (WTD page) Information Foraging (Nielsen Norman Group) Navigation- and IA-related resources Many articles available from Nielsen Norman Group Building navigation for your doc site: 5 best practices (WTD video) Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture (UX Booth) How To Make Sense of Any Mess (book by Abby Covert)
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I don't reject the reductionist approach you need the upward causation from the individual molecular components as well as the constraints from the global property of the cells tissues organs and so on
for - Systems perspective - integrate reductionism with global properties - Denis Noble - multi scale competency architecture - Denis Noble - adjacency - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - Denis Noble advocates for
adjacency - between - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - Denis Noble advocates for - adjacency relationship - Michael's multi-scale competency architecture is another way to sum up what Denis is saying
www.mentalfloss.com www.mentalfloss.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we have all of these huge applications that are gathering all this data uh and it's out there and theoretically is our data sort of but in reality they control it and you can't actually link the data to each other you only link to accessing the data through their application
for - quote - silos - internet limitations - location addressed server architecture limitations - silos - cannot link data from each silo - Juan Benet - IPFS
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Oct 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
For writing on a flat surface like a wrapped package (or book), you'd need a Gritzner or an Elliot Fisher Book Typewriter
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
a set of policies and mechanisms that allow competent subunits to form together into some kind of a an emergent Collective that's more than the sum of its parts
for - definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin
definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin - a set of policies and mechanisms that allow competent subunits to form together into some kind of an emergent Collective that's more than the sum of its parts
Adjacency - between - cognitive glue - multi scale competency architecture - human species - Jordan Hall - cognitive glue destresses goal seeking activities - adjacency relationship - Cognitive glue is a general concept that applies to the entire spectrum of the biosphere - Michael goes on to give examples with rats and other biological contexts like cells - This is an important question for humans at two levels: - first, at the level of the individual human - second, at the level of human groups - Jordan Hall brings the conversation to the cognitive glue at the human social level in which - anyone who has worked in a group context knows that when there is a flow, there is signaling taking place - that is at a higher group level not present at the level of the individual that destresses goal seeking activity
I think it's really important for us to develop a science of that like CR like critically important
for - answer - Micheal Levin - adjacency - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - critically important to develop a science of this
adjacency - between - multi scale competency architecture - cognitive light cone - hyperobject - awakening / enlightenment - adjacency relationship - At every stage of the multi scale competency architecture, - the living entities at a particular stage may maintain - feedback and - feedforward signals - with any - higher or - lower level systems. - Human INTERbeCOMings and other consciousness are no different - We exist at one level but are both - composed of lower level living parts and - compose larger social superorganism - Indeed, the spiritual acts variously described as - awakening - enlightenment - can be interpreted as transcending level cognitive light cone
the inside and the outside
for - adjacency - inside / outside - complexity / simplicity - multi scale competency architecture - black box - example - human consciousness
adjacency - between - inside / outside - black box - multi scale competency architecture - complexity / simplicity - adjacency relationship - inside / outside complexity /simplicity relationship articulates - the black box phenomenal prevalent in design and also - what Michael has been talking about with the complexity naturally found at lower levels of multi scale competency architectures - As he noted earlier, in this lab experiments, - it's practical to make use of the higher level signals in the living system - and virtually impossible to make use of trying to manage the lower level system signals - I like to think of human consciousness in the same terms - What appears to consciousness are signals like intero-ception signals of hunger that creates the thought ' I'm hungry, I want to get some food ' - whilst countless lies level signals that operate all the cells in our body are invisible
- adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - cognitive light cone - hyperobject - awakening / enlightenment
- answer - Micheal Levin - adjacency - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - critically important to develop a science of this
- adjacency - cognitive glue - multi scale competency architecture - human species - Jordan Hall - cognitive glue destresses goal seeking activities
- definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin
- adjacency - inside / outside - complexity / simplicity - multi scale competency architecture - black box - example - human consciousness
- Aug 2024
we do feel at least most of us, most of the time feel like some kind of unified, centralized inner perspective
for - self - as unified, centralized inner perspective - Michael Levin - adjacency - self - as unified, centralized inner perspective - multi-scale competency architecture - Buddhism - spiritual practice - self actualization - illusory body - illusory self - enlightenment
adjacency - between - self - as unified, centralized inner perspective - multi-scale competency architecture - self actualization - Buddhist practice - illusory body - illusory self - enlightenment - awakening - adjacency relationship - Indeed, from both the mundane and the spiritual, religious perspective, the unified self as a fundamental assumption - "self-development" and "self-actualization" are terms that are only meaningful if there is a unified self - Is the Buddhist ideas of - awakening - enlightenment and \ - penetrating the illusion of self - based on a kind of experiencing of the multi-scale competency architecture itself? - What does "spiritual awakening" mean in the context of multi-scale competency architecture? - For instance, WHO is it that actually awakens? - Is it consciousness from the SAME level, a lower level or ALL levels of the multi-scale competency architecture that a multi-cellular conscious, sentient being such as a human INTERbeCOMing? - If it includes consciousness from lower levels, then it may be billions or trillions of cellular consciousnesses that are awakening to the higher order consciousness it composes!
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
boundaries between cells, creatures and ecosystems are real but permeable. The bi-directional exchange of energy, information and matter across these boundaries is the communication that makes life possible.
for - adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - communication between levels - intrinsic to natural flows of life
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Jul 2024
reallifemag.com reallifemag.com
In 1996, technology historian Jennifer S. Light compared the talk of “cyberoptimists” about virtual communities to city planners’ earlier optimistic predictions about shopping malls. As the automobile colonized U.S. cities in the 1950s, planners promised that malls would be enclosed public spaces to replace Main Streets. But as Light pointed out, the transition to suburban malls brought new inequities of access and limited the space’s functions to those that served commercial interests.
A comparison of urban development privatisation and internet development corporatisation
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - personal health - metabolic disease - insulin resistance caused by mitochondria dysfunction - interview - Dr. Robert Lustig - health - dangers of sugar in our diet
summary - Robert Lustig is a researcher and major proponent for educating the dangers of sugar as the root cause of the majority of preventable western disease - He explains how sugar and carbs are a major variable and root cause of a majority of these diseases - It is useful to look at these bodily dysfunctions from the perspective of Michael Levin, in which all these diseases of the body are problems with lower levels of the multi-scale competency architecture - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=michael+levin%2C+multi-scale+competency+architecture
- Robert Lustig
- health - heart - dangers of sugar in our diet
- disease from the perspective of dysfunction of lower levels of multi-scale competency architecture
- heart health
- personal health - metabolic disease - insulin resistance caused by mitochondria dysfunction - interview - Dr. Robert Lustig
- May 2024
media.dltj.org media.dltj.org
You need something that will help you show documents that will help you map to those understandings, those contexts that people bring to the information very quickly. And documents are also the way the internet works, right? You want to be able to use the sorts of affordances that the engineers understand. Rest APIs, JSON documents, cache control. Because those are things that engineers know that will let this stuff work fast. It will also let you hire people who know how the internet works and don't have to understand all the complex crazy stuff that we call children, heritage people do, they make it possible.
Linked Data—and web architecture in general—as a hirable engineering skill
If you can hire engineers that don't immediately need to know the intricacies of cultural heritage metadata, you can expand the pool of entry-level people you can hire and then train up on the cultural heritage details as needed.
- Apr 2024
www.e-flux.com www.e-flux.com
But stepping back even further, one can only see this imagined software as an enhancement to Latour’s larger model of interplay in his actor-network theory, a theory that does not need software or special equipment to exist. The activity in a spatial environment is not reliant on the digital environment. It may be enhanced by a code/text-based software, but a spatial software or protocol can be any platform that establishes variables for space as information
Compared to the relative trickle of space made by special practitioners, these technologies produce a fire hose blast. The most radical changes to the globalizing world are being written in the protocols or softwares of infrastructural space.
On the one hand, Alexander expands the repertoire of design to include activity. But on the other, he quickly codifies and taxonomizes that activity. He mimics the object of this own critique by reforming the artificial with a “natural” corrective—instead of the tree, the semi-lattice becomes the placeholder. Despite his attempt to incorporate active form and information, Alexander only creates another immobilized form.
In his 1965 article “The City is not a Tree,” he critiqued what he deemed to be the infrastructural or organizational template of many settlements and cities. A “tree,” in Alexander’s parlance, is a branching structure in which sets are either completely disconnected from one another or entirely contained within one set without overlapping sets. The branches do not grow together but emanate separately from a single trunk.
We are not accustomed to the idea that non-human, inanimate objects possess agency and activity, just as we are not accustomed to the idea that they can carry information unless they are endowed with code/text-based information technologies. While accepting that a technology like mobile telephony has become the world’s largest shared platform for information exchange, we are perhaps less accustomed to the idea of space as a technology or medium of information—undeclared information that is not parsed as text or code. Indeed, the more ubiquitous code/text-based information devices become, the harder it is to see spatial technologies and networks that are independent of the digital. Few would look at a concrete highway system or an electrical grid and perceive agency in their static arrangement. Agency might only be ascribed to the moving cars or the electrical current. Spaces and urban arrangements are usually treated as collections of objects or volumes, not as actors. Yet the organization itself is active. It is doing something, and changes in the organization constitute information. Even so, the idea that information is carried in activity, or what we might call active form, must still struggle against many powerful habits of mind.
This capacity seems to finally fulfill the dream of artists and architects of the mid- to late twentieth century, among them Jack Burnham, Cedric Price, Archigram, and Christopher Alexander, who experimented with a cybernetic apparatus for modeling space.
leemor.medium.com leemor.medium.com
“Cells may not know civilization is possible.
for - quote - multiscale competency architecture - quote - book - Emergent Strategy - Adrienne Maree Brown
- Cells may not know civilization is possible.
- They don’t amass as many units as they can sign up to be the same.
- No — they grow until
- they split,
- complexify.
- Then they interact and intersect and discover their purpose
- I am a lung cell!
- I am a tongue cell!
- and they serve it. And they die.
- And what emerges from these cycles are
- complex organisms,
- systems,
- movements,
- societies.
adjacency - between - Adrienne Maree Brown quote - Michael Levin - adjacency statement - Adrienne's quote is the subsumed under Levin's term of multi-scale competency architecture (MSCA)
snarfed.org snarfed.org
Whether ActivityPub or ATProto or webmention, the underlying technical protocol a community uses to interact online is a poor way to judge who they are and whether you might like them.
- Mar 2024
off-planet.medium.com off-planet.medium.com
science has transformed our understanding of time.
- It’s not an exaggeration to say that
- science has transformed our understanding of time.
- But as well in conjunction with this
- it has transformed- the concept of who we are.
- From biology we have learned that
- there is no such thing as race,
- we are all fundamentally one species
- (with contributions from a few other sister species, Denisovans and Neanderthals).
- And from physics we can say that
- we are literally the space dust of the cosmos
- experiencing itself in human form.
- we are literally the space dust of the cosmos
for - language - primacy of - symbolosphere - adjacency - language - science - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - complexity - social superorganism - major evolutionary transition - worldviews - scientific vs religious - Michael Levin - multi-scale competency architecture
adjacency - between - deep time - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - social superorganism - complexity - major evolutionary transition - complexity - adjacency statement - Deep time narrative has potential for unifying polarised worldviews - but citing purely scientific evidence risks excluding and alienating large percentage of people who have a predominantly religious worldview - Language, the symbolosphere is the foundation that has made discourse in both religion and science possible - Due to its fundamental role, starting with language could be even more unifying than beginning with science, - as there are large cultural groups that - do not prioritize the scientific worldview and narrative, but - prefer a religious one.<br /> - Having said that, multi-scale competency architecture, - a concept introduced by Michael Levin - encapsulates the deep time approach in each human being, - which withing Deep Humanity praxis we call "human INTERbeCOMing" to represent our fundamental nature as a process, not a static entity - Each human INTERbeCOMing encapsulates deep time, and is - an embodiment of multiple stages of major evolutionary transitions in deep time - both an individual and multiple collectives - what we can in Deep Humanity praxis the individual / collective gestalt
- It’s not an exaggeration to say that
- adjacency - language - science
- Micheal Levin
- language - primacy of
- symbolosphere
- multi scale competency architecture
- worldviews - scientific vs religious
- adjacency - language - science - multi-scale-competency architecture - Michael Levin - social superorganism - major evolutionary transition
- Feb 2024
www.carare.eu www.carare.eu
phys.org phys.org
for - adjacency - microscopic biology - macroscopic ecology - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - Jonas Wickman - micro-to-macro
paper details - title - Eco-evolutionary emergence of macroecological scaling in plankton communities - author - Jonas Wickman - Elena Litchman - date - feb 15, 2024 - publication - Science VOL. 383, NO. 6684
reference - https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk6901
summary - This is a very interesting finding that links rules in the micro world to behavior in the macro. - It is relevant to Michael Levin's research on multi-scale competency architecture
question - how would this impact the micro relations between - the microscopic world of humans - the normal macroscopic world of humans
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Able to see lots of cards at once.
ZK practice inspired by Ahrens, but had practice based on Umberto Eco's book before that.
Broad subjects for his Ph.D. studies: Ecology in architecture / environmentalism
3 parts: - zk main cards - bibliography / keywords - chronological section (history of ecology)
Four "drawers" and space for blank cards and supplies. Built on wheels to allow movement. Has a foldable cover.
He has analog practice because he worries about companies closing and taking notes with them.
Watched TheNoPoet's How I use my analog Zettelkasten.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Dubbed “litigation terrorism” by Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel prize-winning economist. ISDS is a corporate tribunal system
for - litigation terrorism - ISDS - corporate tribunal system - Michael Levin - multi-scale competency architecture - example - adjacency - evolutionary biology - corporate law - climate crisis
adjacency - between - corporate law - climate crisis - evolutionary biology - cultural evolution - adjacency statement - Biologist Michael Levin's multi-scale competency architecture of evolutionary biology seems to apply here - in the field of corporate law - Corporations can be viewed as one level of a social superorganism in a cultural evolution process - Governments can be viewed similiarly, but at a higher level - The ISDS is being weaponized by the same corporations destroying the global environment to combat the enactment of government laws that pose a threat to their livelihood - Hence, the ISDS has been reconfigured to protect the destroyers of the environment so that they can avoid dealing with their unacceptable externalizations - The individual existing at the lower level of the multi-scale competency architecture(the corporation) is battling to survive against the wishes of the higher level individual (the government) in the same multi-scale competency architecture
me, Amin Taha + Groupwork and Pierre Bidaud of the Stone Masonry Company,
for - new stone age - stone age renaissance - stone architecture - practitioners - Amin Taha - Steve Webb - Pierre Bidaud
for - sustainable architecture - a new stone age - the return of stone - meme - a new stone age
story details - Title: Why the time is ripe for a return to stone as a structural material - Author: Steve Webb - Date: 2023, May 29 - source: https://www.ribaj.com/intelligence/stone-as-a-structural-material-embodied-carbon-sustainability
meme - new stone age
summary - Stone buildings have lasted millenia. Compared to steel, concrete and CLT, post-tensioned stone has the least embodied energy of all. - Could we also modernize ancient animal and human powered labor to create a low carbon stone building industry? -
- Jan 2024
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
for - multi scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - evolutionary biology - rapid whole system change - adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality
adjacency - between - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - progress trap - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality - adjacency statement - The idea of multi scale competency architecture can be extended to apply to the cultural level. - in the context of humanity's current existential poly /meta/ perma crisis, - rapid whole system change - (a cultural behavioural paradigm shift) - is required within a few short years - to avoid the worst impacts of - catastrophic, - anthropogenic - climate change, which is entangled with a host of other earth system boundary violations including - biodiversity loss - fresh water scarcity - - the driver of evolution through major evolutionary transitions in individuality has given rise to the level of cultural superorganisms that include all previous levels - progress and its intended consequences of progress traps play a major role in determining the future evolutionary trajectory of our and many other species - our species is faced with a few choice permutations in this regard: - individually regulate behaviour aligned with a future within earth system boundaries - collectively regulate behaviour aligned with a future within earth system boundaries - pursue sluggish green growth / carbon transition that is effectively tinkering at the margins of rapid whole system change - BAU - currently, there doesn't appear to be any feasible permutation of any of the above choices - There is insufficient worldview alignment to create the unity at scale for report whole system change - individual incumbent state and corporate actors still cling too tightly to the old, destructive regime, - creating friction that keeps the actual rate of change below the required - Stop Reset Go, couched within the Deep Humanity praxis and operationalized through the Indyweb / Indranet individual / collective open learning system provides a multi-dimensional tool for a deep educational paradigm shift that can accelerate both individual and collective upregulation of system change
- rapid whole system change
- evolutionary biology
- Deep Humanity
- Major Evolutionary Transition
- Michel Levin
- Stop Reset Go
- Indranet
- multi scale competency architecture
- Facilitating Evolutionary Transition
- Indyweb
- adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - rapid whole system change - stop reset go - Deep Humanity - Indyweb - Indranet - major evolutionary transition in individuality - MET - superorganism - cumulative cultural evolution of individuality
www-centredeterre-fr.translate.goog www-centredeterre-fr.translate.goog
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
bc-as.org bc-as.org
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
www.cycle-terre.eu www.cycle-terre.eu
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
bc-as.org bc-as.org
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
bcmaterials.org bcmaterials.org
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
eartharchitecture.org eartharchitecture.org
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
docdrop.org docdrop.org
grenoble architecture school
for - architectural school - earthen building - Grenoble Architecture School - https://www.grenoble.archi.fr/#
adobe which is the 00:32:14 probably the most forgotten uh earth and technique uh in contemporary architecture
for - adobe - forgotten earthen technique in contemporary architecture
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - Badgir - passive cooling - passive air conditioning - passive HVAC - sustainable architecture
chipsandcheese.com chipsandcheese.com
Terascale’s SIMD engines
OLD AMD SIMD architecture
docdrop.org docdrop.org
So we're good with three-dimensional space, but imagine if we had a primary sense of our own blood chemistry.
for - adjacency between - primary sense of cellular metabolism - experiences of deep contemplative practice of Rainbow Body - adjacency statement - As per Father Francis Tiso's research into the Tibetan deep contemplative Dzogchen phenomena of Rainbow Body at the time of death as well as rigpa, Trekcho and Togal, he speculates that - such deep contemplations can potentially result in a primary sense of cellular and even subatomic processes taking place within the human body. - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FsDyu39FCAMk%2F&group=world - It seems that the multi-scale competency architecture would be a good scientific framework to explore these questions.
So we're good with three-dimensional space, - but imagine if we had a primary sense of our own blood chemistry. - If you could feel your blood chemistry - the way that you currently see and smell and taste things that are around you, - I think we would have absolutely no problem having an intuitive understanding - of physiological-state space - the way we do for three-dimensional space.
claim - Lifetime practitioners of Tibetan meditation claim they have a primary sensation of their own impending death suggestion - Suggest to Michael Levin to investigate such phenomena from a multi-scale competency architecture perspective - What else can the expert meditators directly experience? And how do they achieve this? How can deep contemplative practice result in such profound experiences? Would expert meditators resonate with Levin's framework?
dougbelshaw.com dougbelshaw.com
Venkatesh Rao thinks that the Nazi bar analogy is “an example of a bad metaphor contagion effect” and points to a 2010 post of his about warren vs plaza architectures. He believes that Twitter, for example, is a plaza, whereas Substack is a warren: A warren is a social environment where no participant can see beyond their little corner of a larger maze. Warrens emerge through people personalizing and customizing their individual environments with some degree of emergent collaboration. A plaza is an environment where you can easily get to a global/big picture view of the whole thing. Plazas are created by central planners who believe they know what’s best for everyone.
- Dec 2023
www.dezeen.com www.dezeen.com
- for: architectural plan - redesign the world, BIG architecture
- Nov 2023
glasp.co glasp.co
楣樑(柱頂楣構) Note: 主要用於古典建築物,是古典柱頭頂部三大主要部份中位置最低的一個,擱在圓柱頂板上,包含以過樑方式橫跨圓柱或角柱的水平橫樑。古典柱頭頂部的另外兩個部份為挑檐和檐壁。環繞門或窗,類似柱頂過樑的鑄模框架,稱為「楣樑飾邊」。環繞拱門外部弧線的裝飾板條,則稱「拱門緣飾」。
example of meta/hypothesis-on-glasp annotation
entablature 楣樑;柱頂楣構
order: 古典建築柱式(style, rule) e.g. Doric order
楣樑(柱頂楣構) Note: 主要用於古典建築物,是古典柱頭頂部三大主要部份中位置最低的一個,擱在圓柱頂板上,包含以過樑方式橫跨圓柱或角柱的水平橫樑。古典柱頭頂部的另外兩個部份為挑檐和檐壁。環繞門或窗,類似柱頂過樑的鑄模框架,稱為「楣樑飾邊」。環繞拱門外部弧線的裝飾板條,則稱「拱門緣飾」。
entablature 楣樑;柱頂楣構
order: 古典建築柱式(style, rule) e.g. Doric order
jarango.com jarango.com
- Sep 2023
github.com github.com
fsu-my.sharepoint.com fsu-my.sharepoint.com
for: social tipping point, multi-scale competency architecture, MET, major evolutionary transition of individuality
Title: Using emergence to take social innovation to scale
- Author: Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze
- publisher: The Berkana Institute
Emergence is how lifecreates radical change and takesthings to scale
- for: multi-scale competency architecture, MET, major evolutionary transition of individuality
Defections from large-scale anatomical goals, such as those that occur due to an inappropriate reduction of gap junctional connectivity [74], present as cancer, cause reversions of cell behavior to ancient unicellular concerns which lead to metastasis and over-proliferation as the cells treat the rest of the body as external environment.
fresh perspective
- cancer can be interpreted as a breakdown in the bodies multiscale competency architecture causing cancerous cells to lose their higher level synchronizing signals and revert to their more evolutionarily primitive forms as individuals that see the body as simply an external environment
adjacency between
- gap junction coupling
- cancer
- healthy tissue coherence
- multiscale competency architecture
- adjacency statement
- gap junction coupling appears to be an evolutionary means of cohering individuals together to form a larger group
- hence, they seem to play a critical role in the continued evolution of more complex multicellular organisms
- their pathologies within multicellular beings destroy multicellular structures and create disease, reverting the organism, or competent multicellular structures of the organism such as tissues and organs back to individualistic behavior, as in cancers
multiscale competency architecture of life
- for: definition, definition - multiscale competency architecture of life, multiscale competency architecture of life, superorganism, MET, major evolutionary transition, question, question - multiscale competency architecture
- definition: multiscale competency architecture of life
- The multiscale competency architecture of life is a hypothesis about the scaling of cognition, seeing complex system-level behaviors in any space as the
- within-level and
- across-level
- competition and
- cooperation
- among the various
- subunits and
- partitions
- of composite agents (i.e., all agents).
- The generalization of problem spaces beyond the traditional 3D space of “behavior” into other, virtual problem spaces is essential for understanding evolution of basal cognition.
- Living things
- first solved problems in metabolic space, and evolution then pivoted the same kinds of strategies to
- solve problems in
- physiological,
- transcriptional, and
- anatomical space,
- before speed-optimizing these dynamics to enable rapid behavior in 3D space.
- Since every cognitive agent is made of parts, it is essential to have a theory about how
- numerous goal-seeking agents link together into
- a new, larger cognitive system that is novel and not present in any of the subunits.
- The multiscale competency architecture of life is a hypothesis about the scaling of cognition, seeing complex system-level behaviors in any space as the
- adjacency between:
- multiscale competency architecture
- superorganism
adjacency statement
- The concept of multiscale competency architecture is a useful one for considering and organizing the effects of Major Evolutionary Transitions (METs) over evolutionary timescales.
- It links and locates the normative scale in which human consciousness exists to the lower scales of cells and subcellular life below, and to society as a social superorganism above.
- it shows that each human INTERbeing / INTERbeCOMing is not isolated, but is part of a multiscale nexus / gestalt
- I've incorporated this into my SRG presentation.
- is there research on signaling mechanisms exist between different levels?
- in another part of the paper, there is discussion of gap junctions as a way to cohere individual cells into group functionality
- in particular, is there a way for humans consciousness to communicate with lower levels of its body? ie. to tissues, cells or subcellular structures?
- Could the Bodhisattva vow be extended not only at the level of the social superorganism of groups of individual multicellular beings, but also downwards in the multiscale competency architecture to all the trillions of cells and microbes that inhabit each multicellular planetary body?
- if it can, it can be interpreted as taking care of your body through
- healthy exercise
- healthy sleep
- healthy diet
- healthy thoughts and emotions
- no self-harm
- self love but not conceit
- if it can, it can be interpreted as taking care of your body through
- what are the exact biological and evolutionary mechanisms that allow for coherence of individual organisms at the various levels of the multiscale competency architecture and can they be extended to apply to the scale of humans within a social superorganism scale?
- could love be another word for care drive that applies to all the different scales of the multiscale competency architecture?
- do feelings of love and compassion propagate downwards through the multiscale competency architecture and find analogous expression in the appropriate spaces?
- is there research on signaling mechanisms exist between different levels?
- reference
- for: bio-buddhism, buddhism - AI, care as the driver of intelligence, Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, care drive, care light cone, multiscale competency architecture of life, nonduality, no-self, self - illusion, self - constructed, self - deconstruction, Bodhisattva vow
- title: Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
- author: Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, AI - ethics
- date: May 16, 2022
- a trans-disciplinary attempt to develop a framework to deal with a diversity of emerging non-traditional intelligence from new bio-engineered species to AI based on the Buddhist conception of care and compassion for the other.
- very thought-provoking and some of the explanations and comparisons to evolution actually help to cast a new light on old Buddhist ideas.
- this is a trans-disciplinary paper synthesizing Buddhist concepts with evolutionary biology
- AI - ethics
- care light cone
- no-self
- cognitive light cone
- major evolutionary transition
- care drive
- adjacency - superorganism - multiscale competency architecture - MET
- nonduality
- question - multiscale competency architecture - love
- question
- Care as the Driver of Intelligence
- bio-buddhism
- bodhisattva vow
- gap junction - pathology
- Elizaveta Solomonova
- emptiness
- question - multiscale competency architecture
- self - constructed
- superorganism
- self- illusion
- Bill Duane
- adjacency
- Olaf Witkowski
- multiscale competency architecture pathology
- multicellular organisms - pathology - gap junction
- self - deconstruction
- Michael Levin
- multiscale competency architecture of life
- cancer - breakdown of multiscale competency architecture
- Thomas Doctor
- Buddhism - AI
biology uses a kind of multi-scale Competency architecture of nested problem solvers 00:03:24 and that navigation is a really Central concept
- for: multi-scale competency architecture, quote, quote - multi-scale competency architecture
- quote
- biology uses a kind of multi-scale Competency architecture of nested problem solvers and navigation is a really Central concept
- author: Michael Levin
- date: 2022
martinfowler.com martinfowler.com
it is this architecture, the one which is in the heads of those writing the code, that is the most important. In adopting this decentralised approach, where the practice of architectural decision-making is much more dispersed, this problem is in many ways, mitigated
Only true in software architecture. But, in enterprise architecture - that spans domains decentralized decisions create fragmentations.
redhat-cop.github.io redhat-cop.github.io
Structure of Automation
Tuile ┌─────────────┐ ┌──────────┐ │Lansdcape │ 1:N │Type │ 1:N │(déploiement)├──────►│(playbook)├───┐ └─────────────┘ └──────────┘ │ │ ┌──────────────────────────────────┘ │ │ ┌────────┐ ┌───────────────────┐ │ │Function│ 1:N │Component │ └►│(rôle) ├──────►│(task file du rôle)│ └────────┘ └───────────────────┘
ansiblejunky.com ansiblejunky.com
collections contain various modules and Ansible Roles that collectively (intentional use here) serve the end user and must (emphasis on this word) collectively work together, be tested together and be released together.
...collectively work together, be tested together and be released together.
- Jul 2023
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
blog.mozilla.org blog.mozilla.org
www.fosslife.org www.fosslife.org
Communication is important so that the different divisions in the company know which services are available.
Lien à faire avec le modèle de capacité d'affaires.
- Jun 2023
www.indeed.com www.indeed.com
Five core layers: 1. Presentation Layer 2. Application Layer 3. Domain Layer 4. Persistence Layer 5. Database Layer
In the layered architecture pattern, each layer fulfills a specific responsibility and role within the application. Some focus on user interface logic, while others handle the execution of business rules. These layers complement each other's unique purposes, but they aren't explicitly reliant on one another to perform their own tasks.
In software architecture, layers act as individual processes within the infrastructure of an application. These layers typically form a pattern, also called the n-tier architecture pattern.
- May 2023
andrewmalone.blogspot.com andrewmalone.blogspot.com
- Summary
- Interesting built environment sustainable design
- based on ancient Roman residential design technique
- leveraging and adapting this ancient rain water harvesting to accomplish multiple functions in a modern context::
- potable water
- evaporative cooling
- irrigation
- sanitation
- personal hygiene
- Interesting built environment sustainable design
- Summary
www.waubonsee.edu www.waubonsee.edu
Payment Information Centrality Revision Project "Ways to fund your education" (or similar) instead of "Minimize Financial Barriers". "Verified Sources" as a phrase is problematic for users. Desire is to provide assurance to users that there are individualized options yet still have those options located in a more streamlined, centrally located way.
These are the other pages that have similar content: https://www.waubonsee.edu/admissions/costs-and-payments/paying-tuition
- Feb 2023
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
martinfowler.com martinfowler.com
e2eml.school e2eml.school
The second purpose of skip connections is specific to transformers — preserving the original input sequence.
Skip connections serve two purposes. The first is that they help keep the gradient smooth, which is a big help for backpropagation. Attention is a filter, which means that when it’s working correctly it will block most of what tries to pass through it.
www.lesswrong.com www.lesswrong.com
The central object in the transformer is the residual stream.
juliagaisbacher.com juliagaisbacher.com
- Jan 2023
transformer-circuits.pub transformer-circuits.pub
One of the main features of the high level architecture of a transformer is that each layer adds its results into what we call the “residual stream.”Constructing models with a residual stream traces back to early work by the Schmidhuber group, such as highway networks and LSTMs, which have found significant modern success in the more recent residual network architecture . In transformers, the residual stream vectors are often called the “embedding.” We prefer the residual stream terminology, both because it emphasizes the residual nature (which we believe to be important) and also because we believe the residual stream often dedicates subspaces to tokens other than the present token, breaking the intuitions the embedding terminology suggests. The residual stream is simply the sum of the output of all the previous layers and the original embedding. We generally think of the residual stream as a communication channel, since it doesn't do any processing itself and all layers communicate through it.
A transformer starts with a token embedding, followed by a series of “residual blocks”, and finally a token unembedding. Each residual block consists of an attention layer, followed by an MLP layer. Both the attention and MLP layers each “read” their input from the residual stream (by performing a linear projection), and then “write” their result to the residual stream by adding a linear projection back in. Each attention layer consists of multiple heads, which operate in parallel.
www.studysquare.com www.studysquare.com
You could find yourself learning how buildings and structures are put together, as well as the guidelines and building requirements that govern the industry.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Defenders can design their own infrastructure to be im-mutable and ephemeral, as is becoming an emerging trend inprivate sector defense through the practice of Security ChaosEngineering
Immutable and ephemeral as defensive measures
Immutable: unchangeable infrastructure components, such as ssh access disabled by default.
Ephemeral: short-lived servers for single processes, serverless infrastrucure
flexport.engineering flexport.engineering
Deploy engines as separate app instances and have them only communicate over network boundaries. This is something we’re starting to do more.
Before moving to this microservice approach, it's important to consider whether the benefits are worth the extra overhead. Jumping to microservices prematurely is something I've seen happen more than once in my career, and it often leads to a lot of rework.
500ish.com 500ish.com
- Dec 2022
benlog.com benlog.com
we need to consider how the architecture might make the UX suck.
Architecture can make UX suck.
my strong sense is that we’re currently papering over major UX problems that are linked to core architectural properties.
archive.pinupmagazine.org archive.pinupmagazine.org
Through her writing Easterling often forces architects to re-envision their role in the making of space around the world, extolling the virtues of knowing how versus knowing what. She also encourages them to consider creating “active forms” — time-released protocols that manage spatial levers, exchanges, and switches — in addition to “object forms,” or what we commonly think of as buildings.
[[Active form]] consist of dispositions that materialize as new forms.
- Nov 2022
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Amiga had "AREXX ports" which meant you could script desktop software together in ways not possible even today, on any OS.It's not enough that there must exist technically, a possibility. The app vendors much themselves go to the trouble of adding such "scriptability" into their apps.Instead everything is very slick, but very siloed and nowadays tied to a cloud offering, which is great, but it's more often than not locked to that vendor
www.studysquare.com www.studysquare.com
When you select the finest place to study architecture abroad, you will be able to choose from a variety of programs at all levels–bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral.
- Oct 2022
gallica.bnf.fr gallica.bnf.fr
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
microservice typically implements a set of distinct features or functionality. Each microservice is a mini‑application that has its own architecture and business logic
A monolithic application is a single-tiered software application in which different modules are combined into a single program
Microservices, or microservices architecture, are the modern methods of designing software applications that compartmentalize the software into chunks of small and independent services
media.dltj.org media.dltj.org
this story of the Montgomery ward complex, that's that's along the river. And Montgomery Ward is, you know, kind of long gone as a company. But there's this one, the headquarters building was this kind of generic, um, rectangular, modernist building. But they had these four concrete post on the corner and I passed this building all the time. I'd never cared much for it. And then the architecture of the curator on the boat, the docent said that, Well, the reason why that building is the way it is, is that the Montgomery Ward Company sort of prided itself on its egalitarian hierarchy. And they wanted to build their headquarters so that there were no um, VPs fighting over who got the corner office. And so they made a building with no possibility of a corner office at all.
Montgomery Ward complex built with no corner offices
In a reflection of the company's values, its headquarters was built without the possibility of corner offices. The design of the building eliminated them as possibilities.
- Sep 2022
www.livescience.com www.livescience.com
"roundels are the oldest evidence of architecture in the whole of Europe," Řídký told Radio Prague International earlier this year.
architecturenotes.co architecturenotes.co
consider these, but not too early in your design process
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
- Aug 2022
structurae.net structurae.net
socks-studio.com socks-studio.com
Notice the octagonal shape of this rooms which mirrors in some ways the octagonal index cards mentioned by Charles van den Heuvel in his Regents Lecture (2008) which Otlet used to link via subject headings. You'll see here subject headings on the walls of the architecture to match.
link to: - https://hypothes.is/a/8e9hThZ4Ee2hWAcV1j5B9w
Local file Local file
Van Acker, Wouter, and Pieter Uyttenhove, eds. Analogous Spaces: Conference Reader. Ghent University. University library, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-770404.
www.pps.org www.pps.org
I like the way this article talks about the project while also interweaving more general insights that apply to the overall topic of what goes into making a market that people will want to use. You get insight about the topic while also having a tangible example to show how it can be done anchor the ideas to a realistic proposal.
rarehistoricalphotos.com rarehistoricalphotos.com
Monasteries and convents served as models for the dorm and for the campus itself. Walled off from a threatening medieval world, they provided security for contemplation and worship while also serving as a place where learning, the arts, music, horticulture, and other cultural activities might flourish.
College dormitories rooted in monastery and convent styles
docdrop.org docdrop.org
ErnestHemingway once said that good prose is architecture,not interior decorating.
- Jul 2022
onezero.medium.com onezero.medium.com
This is an interesting article. It gives a historical perspective on a societal pattern in which technological changes lead to changes in architecture, which in turn changes how families and communities and societies changes.
The one thing they seem to have overlooked is the existence of a room called a "study". It was a thing, and now, perhaps, the "home office" will become the modern study.
They help us do everything from controlling traffic lights to managing power grids. This is why embedded systems architecture is so important – without it, we wouldn’t have any technology at all.
Have you ever heard about embedded software designing?
This involves designing multiple layers according to the device - Application layer, Middle layer, and Software layer
Here's the practical and technical guide to understand the components that make up an embedded systems architecture.
the six 00:48:41 six big systems i've mentioned can be viewed as a cognitive architecture it's the it's the means by which the society learns decides adapts and 00:48:54 and this society's efforts this is the third underlying position the society's efforts to learn decide and adapt and be viewed as being driven by an intrinsic purpose and that's really key also 00:49:08 because it's not just that we're learning deciding and adapting willy-nilly i mean i mean maybe it seems that way in the world you know in the sense we're so dysfunctional it kind of is billy nilly but 00:49:20 but what really matters is that we learn decide and adapt in relation to whatever intrinsic purpose we actually have as as a society as individuals in a 00:49:34 society it's that it's it's it's it's as i will use the the term uh maybe several times today it's solving problems that matter that really that really 00:49:45 matter that's what we're after
Second Proposition: The six thrusts or prmary societal systems are the cognitive architecture of the superorganism which it uses to sense the world
- Jun 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Gall's Law is a rule of thumb for systems design from Gall's book Systemantics: How Systems Really Work and How They Fail. It states: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.
This feels like an underlying and underpinning principle of how the IndieWeb which focuses on working real world examples which are able to build up more complex systems instead of theoretical architecture astronomy which goes no where.
Reference: John Gall (1975) Systemantics: How Systems Really Work and How They Fail p. 71
- May 2022
www.envoyproxy.io www.envoyproxy.io
the majority of operational problems that arise when moving to a distributed architecture are ultimately grounded in two areas: networking and observability.
- Apr 2022
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Ada Louise Huxtable
Ada Louise Huxtable was an architecture critic and writer on architecture. Huxtable established architecture and urban design journalism in North America and raised the public's awareness of the urban environment. In 1970, she was awarded the first ever Pulitzer Prize for Criticism. In 1981, she was named a MacArthur Fellow. Architecture critic Paul Goldberger, also a Pulitzer Prize-winner for architectural criticism, said in 1996: "Before Ada Louise Huxtable, architecture was not a part of the public dialogue." "She was a great lover of cities, a great preservationist and the central planet around which every other critic revolved," said architect Robert A. M. Stern, dean of the Yale University School of Architecture.
The IPCC authors write that “judicious labelling, framing, and communication of social norms can also increase the effect of mandates, subsidies, or taxes.” Interventions that change the “choice architecture” so people have an easier time taking the cleaner option include: default enrollment in green programs, increasing taxes on carbon-intensive products, and substantially tightening regulations and standards.
Nudging, choice architecture, feedback, rewarding and priming all become important variables to accelerate large scale aggregate of individual actions that can make a difference.
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
Francis Kere. “I grew up in a community where there was no kindergarten, but where the community was your family,” he says. “Everyone took care of you and the entire village was your playground. My days were filled with securing food and water, but also simply being together, talking together, building houses together.”
Agaththi adivasi houses inspiration statement
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Strawberry Hill was a confection, a mock-castle of a fake dynasty complete with a reproduction baronial hall, flourishing the arms and images of putative crusader ancestors on the ceiling.
Strawberry Hill by Horace Walpole Made from Stone, Papiermache and gold leaf! Arguably started the neo gothic revival!
- Mar 2022
Local file Local file