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  1. Nov 2020
    1. Egress filtering involves monitoring egress traffic to detect signs of malicious activity. If malicious activity is suspected or detected, transfers can be blocked to prevent sensitive data loss. Egress filtering can also limit egress traffic and block attempts at high volume data egress.
    2. Data Egress vs. Data IngressWhile data egress describes the outbound traffic originating from within a network, data ingress, in contrast, refers to the reverse: traffic that originates outside the network that is traveling into the network. Egress traffic is a term used to describe the volume and substance of traffic transferred from a host network to an outside network.


    3. Data Egress MeaningData egress refers to data leaving a network in transit to an external location. Outbound email messages, cloud uploads, or files being moved to external storage are simple examples of data egress. Data egress is a regular part of network activity, but can pose a threat to organizations when sensitive data is egressed to unauthorized recipients.Examples of common channels for data egress include:EmailWeb uploadsCloud storageRemovable media (USB, CD/DVD, external hard drives)FTP/HTTP transfers

      [[Definition/Data Egress]]

    4. What is Data Egress? Managing Data Egress to Prevent Sensitive Data Loss

      [[What is Data Egress? Managing Data Egress to Prevent Sensitive Data Loss]]

    1. How can I create Internet ingress and egress security patterns for AWS

      [[How can I create Internet ingress and egress security patterns]]

    2. What do Egress and Ingress Mean in the Cloud?

      [[What do Egress and Ingress Mean in the Cloud?]]