259 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2023
www.jhanley.com www.jhanley.com
the Cloud Run services comprise the container image (Container Registry + Cloud Storage), network transfer to load the container image, the Cloud Run service and network egress bandwidth
- Dec 2022
www.gs1.org www.gs1.org
Scan4Transport is a global standard for encoding transport data on a Logistics Label
A Django project is a high-level unit of organization that contains logic that governs your whole web application. Each project can contain multiple apps. A Django app is a lower-level unit of your web application. You can have zero to many apps in a project, and you’ll usually have at least one app. You’ll learn more about apps in the next section.
www.docker.com www.docker.com
Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application and includes Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, Docker Content Trust, Kubernetes, and Credential Helper
Docker Hub is to Docker what GitHub is to Git
A container packages code and all its dependencies into a single unit, thus letting an application run quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another
www.codecademy.com www.codecademy.com
Postgres itself is a database “server.” There are several ways to connect to Postgres via “clients,” including GUIs, CLIs, and programming languages often via ORMs
www.simplilearn.com www.simplilearn.com
Docker Desktop is a free, easy-to-install, downstream application for a Mac or Windows environment. The application lets you build and share containerized applications and microservices. Docker consists of Docker Engine, Docker Compose, Docker CLI client, Docker Content Trust, Kubernetes, and Credential Helper.
virtual environment has a hypervisor layer, whereas Docker has a Docker engine layer
betterprogramming.pub betterprogramming.pub
A container is a runtime instance of an image
www.freecodecamp.org www.freecodecamp.org
Docker engine is the layer on which Docker runs. It’s a lightweight runtime and tooling that manages containers, images, builds, and more
A Dockerfile is where you write the instructions to build a Docker image
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
Container Image: These are packages of software required by containers that contain the code, runtime, system libraries, and dependencies. Usually they start from an image of an OS like Ubuntu. These images can be built manually, or can be retrieved from an image registry.
Kubernetes is a purpose-built container orchestration solution
While a full dive into container orchestration is beyond the scope of this article, two prominent players are Docker with Docker Compose and Docker Swarm mode, and Kubernetes. In roughly order of complexity, Docker Compose is a container orchestration solution that deals with multi-container deployments on a single host. When there are multiple hosts involved, Docker Swarm mode is required.
www.parkplacetechnologies.com www.parkplacetechnologies.com
type 2 hypervisor is hosted, running as software on the O/S, which in turn runs on the physical hardware. This form of hypervisor is typically used to run multiple operating systems on one personal computer, such as to enable the user to boot into either Windows or Linux.
A hypervisor is a type of software or hardware used to create virtual machines and then run those virtual machines day to day
- Nov 2022
www.prisma.io www.prisma.io
Swagger is a tool implementing the Open API specification which defines a standard, language-agnostic interface for describing HTTP-based APIs.
You can create any location structure you want. You just can't AUTOMATICALLY have locations created based on a Rack, Row, Case structure - you have to make each rack and row manually
all operations are stock moves between locations
www.odoo.com www.odoo.com
rack tracking
www.prisma.io www.prisma.io
generate Prisma Client which provides a programmatic and type-safe API to read and write data in the shape of your application models
with Prisma you never create application models in your programming language by manually defining classes, interfaces, or structs. Instead, the application models are defined in your Prisma schema
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
Orchestration involves provisioning, configuration, scheduling, scaling, monitoring, deployment, and more. Kubernetes is an example of a popular container orchestration solution.
www.freecodecamp.org www.freecodecamp.org
Docker is an open-source project based on Linux containers. It uses Linux Kernel features like namespaces and control groups to create containers on top of an operating system.
it’s important to understand some of the fundamental concepts around what a “container” is and how it compares to a Virtual Machine (VM)
www.pcmag.com www.pcmag.com
A "bare metal" virtual machine monitor, correctly called a "hypervisor," directly controls the hardware without using device drivers from another operating system
- Oct 2022
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
microservice typically implements a set of distinct features or functionality. Each microservice is a mini‑application that has its own architecture and business logic
A monolithic application is a single-tiered software application in which different modules are combined into a single program
supabase.com supabase.com
PolyScale is an intelligent, serverless database caching engine which allows low-latency reads from Supabase globally, no coding required
Microservices, or microservices architecture, are the modern methods of designing software applications that compartmentalize the software into chunks of small and independent services
www.odoo.com www.odoo.com
Odoo standard (no cutomizations)
www.odoo.com www.odoo.com
Odoo is a multi-tenant system: a single Odoo system may run and serve a number of database instances. It is also highly customizable, with customizations (starting from the modules being loaded) depending on the "current database"
store.webkul.com store.webkul.com
For Odoo online(SAAS) users, you first need to migrate to the Odoo.sh platform before installing Odoo Multichannel Woocommerce Connector because Odoo restricts third-party software installations on Odoo online(SAAS)
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If the common storage type has to be changed (for example from string to int), a migration of content is perfomed together with any necessary update of the mapping code
blog.bitsrc.io blog.bitsrc.io
With a well-defined versioning strategy, when releasing a non-backwards compatible version, you can keep the existing one and the new one working in parallel for a pre-defined window of time
you will need to accommodate backwards compatibility or support multiple versions of an API running in parallel
www.moesif.com www.moesif.com
GraphQL APIs should prefer evolution over versioning, but overall, nobody has an absolute opinion about either approach
- Aug 2022
Just grow your current revenue by 85% of last year’s growth
Product-value fit
Depends on your stage, churn, and what is fuel for your growth
www.upekkha.io www.upekkha.io
If you’re VC funded, then you “need” to spend the money you raised in 18–24 months, and grow 3–5X in that time, which means a base rate of 10+% MoM
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
WoW Rule is the guideline for the revenue growth of a venture funded SaaS company
www.saastr.com www.saastr.com
Revenue multiples are how much VCs, investors, and ultimately, an IPO and public markets will value each dollar of revenue
Successful SaaS startups grow their MRR at a rate between 10% and 25% monthly growth rate (MoM). You can use these benchmarks as sanity checks for your model but don’t use these numbers to project your growth
incafrica.com incafrica.com
how much of a return your company can generate for investors when all three factors align as hoped
learn.marsdd.com learn.marsdd.com
Distribution (or place) refers to an organization, or set of organizations, that is involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or business user
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Social commerce offers something radically different than traditional e-commerce by carefully blending buying and selling with a sense of urgency across communities
www.quora.com www.quora.com
E-commerce sure is tapping the power of the crowds (think ModCloth, Groupon, FashionStake), but I wouldn’t call this social
what we’re calling online “social commerce” today doesn’t look what we’ve seen traditionally. In fact, so much of what we call “social commerce” is not done within our social graphs - rather it’s just any level of involvement of another human being in a user’s purchase decision
competes with them all but it actually does all the things the petals do in one tool
tomtunguz.com tomtunguz.com
Value chains can also be used to express disruption by vertical integration or disintermediation
While the petal diagram is a great way of describing an ecosystem or a go-to-market strategy, I don’t think it’s a great way to show a competitive landscape because petal diagrams don’t communicate the startup’s unique way of competing in the market
www.venturekit.com www.venturekit.com
a petal competition slide, pioneered by Steve Blank. It’s intended for companies creating a new market.
mediatech.ventures mediatech.ventures
You're innovating, uncovering a different business model, or converging sectors that used to be distinct. Our traditional competition slides are fantastic ways to represent known and familiar considerations but they still lack a means of communicating how you might be doing something that crosses existing markets
Gartner creates incredibly value reports (that you should look through related to what you're doing), but they're not likely ideal for startups
www.storypitchdecks.com www.storypitchdecks.com
Founders often over-estimate their startup’s value and downplay their competitors in the market
www.dreamit.com www.dreamit.com
So, is this the type of company you’d look to fund? Does my company meet the criteria you’re looking for in a new investment?
www.dreamit.com www.dreamit.com
when an investor sees a Magic Quadrant, they'll think:Can your company actually only differentiate its product on two axes? Does your product beat the competition on just two key benefits or strategies?If that's the case, and your product isn't much different from your competitors, why will people buy it or use it?
cristianmunteanu.medium.com cristianmunteanu.medium.com
The axis should illustrate massive trends, the resulting map should be based on industry insights, the overall image should convey a vision of where the industry is heading and the importance of that magical space the startup identified and aims at. Failing to do so shows founders’ lack of sound industry knowledg
this slide actually tells us more about the startup itself, rather than the competition
much better than the SOM is built from the bottom up
blog.hubspot.com blog.hubspot.com
count up all the potential customers that would be a good fit for your business and multiply that number by the average annual revenue of these types of customer in your market
TAM refers to the total market demand for a product or service. It’s the maximum amount of revenue a business can possibly generate by selling their product or service in a specific market
startupfalcon.com startupfalcon.com
number of customers that you are able and willing to target
calculate TAM by running a bottom-up analysis of your industry
thesupplychainlab.blog thesupplychainlab.blog
modern trade is still in the very early stages of development. The numerous traditional trade outlets (e.g. small groceries, mom-and-pop shops, dukas or souks) remain the biggest segment of the market
visibility in the supply chain remains one of the biggest challenges. As outlets are small, contributing low volume, hardware and software costs are major stumbling blocks. African companies are increasingly assessing mid-tech solutions and identifying the “appropriate technology” for their operation
carta.com carta.com
A post-money SAFE sets a fixed ownership percentage for the investor, but a pre-money SAFE does not
- Apr 2022
www.techtello.com www.techtello.com
Companies that succeed do not ask “What exists”. They ask “What’s possible” and then determine how to get there
"what if?"
when done correctly, (cold or warm) outbound is not the same as email marketing- it’s not a mass blast campaign
emilyandblair.com emilyandblair.com
you are focussing all of your efforts in a very defined range of products or services, and this helps you to be 100% committed to this and dominate that part because your competition is too busy focussing on the main niche
incafrica.com incafrica.com
for emerging businesses, how can they stand out from their competitors in a way that people learn to know and trust them? The answer is distinction
enterprisersproject.com enterprisersproject.com
In its simplest sense, automation is about each individual part performing the same repetitive steps over and over again
- Mar 2022
I usually recommend that SaaS companies go with the Free Trial approach because it’s easier to implement in the product and coordinate with sales and marketing efforts
www.supplychainbrain.com www.supplychainbrain.com
leverage legacy IT assets, while simultaneously preparing their tech stack for the future? What will allow them to capitalize on industry momentum and let their teams achieve more? The answer is orchestration.
Products that require customization and heavier duty setup are less equipped for true bottom up motions where a user can sign up for free, and find value immediately
- Feb 2022
SNHU did not invent all its tactics. But what it has done, with laser focus, is ensure that its hundreds and hundreds of processes are tailored to the job students are hiring the school for
scet.berkeley.edu scet.berkeley.edu
four part process to experimentation: hypothesis generation, design, execution and analysis
- Dec 2021
www.getstoryshots.com www.getstoryshots.com
it’s the boring stuff that matters the most
It transforms our understanding of customer choice in a way that no amount of data ever could, because it gets at the causal driver behind a purchase
Jobs are multifaceted. They’re never simply about function; they have powerful social and emotional dimensions
- Jun 2021
flutter.dev flutter.dev
StatelessWidgets are useful when the part of the user interface you are describing does not depend on anything other than the configuration information in the object
the rough equivalent to a View is a Widget
flutter.dev flutter.dev
central idea is that you build your UI out of widgets. Widgets describe what their view should look like given their current configuration and state
- May 2021
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
We know we can't hold a lot of things in our mind at once. While you’re focusing on deep work, minimise the number of things in your mind. Don’t connect to everything else.
- Apr 2021
All you need is an email address or phone number associated with an account and you will get a magic link or one-time password each time you want to log in. As soon as you click the link, you'll get redirected to the app and you'll already be logged in. After that, the magic link isn't valid so no one else can use it.
When we hand things off, there are usually a set of concerns that we communicate explicitly. But as humans, the things that stoke our anxieties and erode our confidence in others are often the tacit concerns that we’ve failed to communicate but somehow expect people to ‘just know’
- Mar 2021
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
delivering C2C parcels within short distances (metro) profitably seems like a difficult problem to solve
centralized vs decentralized vs distributed systems
i can't recall where i first saw this graphic - some time mar '21
www.abivin.com www.abivin.com
A point-to-point system connects a set of locations directly with all locations interacting with each other, i.e. a simple pickup up and drop off system
www.mobilemarketer.com www.mobilemarketer.com
send a courier straight from collection to delivery, point to point
Hub-and-spoke is the dominant logistics model because it is the only cost-effective way of sending a package over 10 miles. The downside of hub-and-spoke is that it is not very flexible. Delivery times are determined by other deliveries within the network and on a delivery route
Consumers must still wait a day or many days for their orders, which are then delivered at a time that suits the courier, not necessarily the customer
www.inboundlogistics.com www.inboundlogistics.com
ZigBee, a wireless communication system that uses radio waves to link M2M technology
Technological advances have reduced the footprint of communications equipment, making it possible to fit cellular and satellite components into one device, which keeps equipment costs down
traditional tracking devices such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and bar codes remain relevant
mix of real-time tracking devices and those offering point-to-point information, depending on the asset and route traveled
- Feb 2021
we failed, mostly because they could not understand our non-asset-based business model or grasp that a small company from the region could actually compete with the giants of the industry
We wore many hats and customized our services to suit whoever gave us business
scrappy :)
Airborne gave us enough credibility to knock on other doors. I realized that the prime competitors in the logistics and courier business feared one another more than they would fear us. So we sold our services as being provided by safe, neutral hands
Overseas Express Carriers ( OEC )
We’d been given access to similar systems from FedEx and Emery, but without permission to use them for our own Middle Eastern customers
we had to operate under a freight-forwarding umbrella while we waited for a courier company license
An async function simply implies that a promise will be returned and if a promise is not returned, JavaScript will automatically wrap it in a resolved promise with the return value in that function. That would look like writing return Promise.resolve(‘hello’)
- Jul 2020
javascript.info javascript.info
One of the best ways is to use “promises,”
the functions named step* are all of single use, they are created only to avoid the “pyramid of doom.” No one is going to reuse them outside of the action chain. So there’s a bit of namespace cluttering
function that does something asynchronously should provide a callback argument where we put the function to run after it’s complete
sarahtavel.medium.com sarahtavel.medium.com
No matter how large an incumbent may be, they are always vulnerable to a new entrant that makes buyers and sellers happier. In other words, happiness — not scale — is your moat
The marketplace that wins is the marketplace that figures out how to make their buyers and sellers meaningfully happier than any substitute. GMV is irrelevant
zbinworld.com zbinworld.com
education system taught us to be proud of success and be embarrassed by failures and this extends to the business sector
firebase.google.com firebase.google.com
It's possible for a document to match more than one match statement. In the case where multiple allow expressions match a request, the access is allowed if any of the conditions is true
overlapping match statements
If you want rules to apply to an arbitrarily deep hierarchy, use the recursive wildcard syntax, {name=**}
Security rules apply only at the matched path, so the access controls defined on the cities collection do not apply to the landmarks subcollection. Instead, write explicit rules to control access to subcollections
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
all the subcolletions must have the same name, for instance tags
if you only need to display the tags of a single question, use the first schema. If you want somehow to display all the tags of all questions, the second schema is recommended
legacy.reactjs.org legacy.reactjs.org
Applications built with just React usually have a single root DOM node
Elements are what components are “made of”,
a syntax extension to JavaScript
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents
it's an API
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
HTML, the Web's markup language, is specified in terms of the DOM
(DOM) is a cross-platform, language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents. Objects in the DOM tree may be addressed and manipulated by using methods on the objects
the umbrella term "JavaScript" as understood in a web browser context contains several very different elements. One of them is the core language (ECMAScript), another is the collection of the Web APIs, including the DOM (Document Object Model)
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
JavaScript functions are themselves objects — like everything else in JavaScript — and you can add or change properties on them
how can we add or change properties on a function?
edit: see below section (Custom objects)
name provided to a function expression as above is only available to the function's own scope
rest parameter operator is used in function parameter lists with the format: ...variable
similar to args in python
supports functional programming — because they are objects, functions may be stored in variables and passed around like any other object
most common host environment is the browser, but JavaScript interpreters can also be found in a huge list of other places
firebase.google.com firebase.google.com
only the @firebase/testing Node.js module supports mocking auth in Security Rules, making unit tests much easier
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
There's not a way to do this. What you could do instead is use Cloud Functions HTTP triggers as an API for writing data. It could check the conditions you want, then return a response that indicates what's wrong with the data the client is trying to write. I understand this is far from ideal, but it might be the best option you have right now
it's definitely far from ideal :(
- Jun 2020
firebase.google.com firebase.google.com
An index of groups can help a great deal here:
proandroiddev.com proandroiddev.com
Normalize the database for this case if your data is going to be modified multiple times
Cloud Functions working on the server or WriteBatches working on the client
Duplicated data is a common practice when working with non-relational databases as Firebase. It saves us from performing extra queries to get data making data retrieval faster and easier
normalizing our dabatase will help us. What means normalize? Well, it simply means to separate our information as much as we can
directly contradicts firebase's official advice: denormalize the structure by duplicating some of the data: https://youtu.be/lW7DWV2jST0?t=378
www.geeksforgeeks.org www.geeksforgeeks.org
Denormalization is a database optimization technique in which we add redundant data to one or more tables
firebase.google.com firebase.google.com
Documents in Cloud Firestore should be lightweight, and a chat room could contain a large number of messages
documents support extra data types and are limited in size to 1 MB
In Cloud Firestore, the unit of storage is the document. A document is a lightweight record that contains fields, which map to values. Each document is identified by a name.
Cloud Firestore's NoSQL data model, you store data in documents that contain fields mapping to values
firebase.google.com firebase.google.com
You can use any Firebase Database URL as a REST endpoint. All you need to do is append .json to the end of the URL and send a request
indepth.dev indepth.dev
The section of code with exports.app = functions.https.onRequest(app); exposes your express application so that it can be accessed. If you don't have the exports section, your application won't start correctly
can also think of collections similarly to tables in a SQL Database
NoSQL databases typically perform better and are easier to scale due to the nature of their data access and storage
we’re going to use cloud firestore because it’s easier to work with and more versatile
n an enterprise environment, you would likely use the express router and the code would probably look a little less verbose
Firebase Functions enables you to use the ExpressJS library to host a Serverless API. Serverless is just a term for a system that runs without physical servers. This is a bit of a misnomer because it technically does run on a server, however, you’re letting the provider handle the hosting aspect
Serverless architectures refer to applications that significantly depend on third-party services (known as Backend as a Service or “BaaS”) or on custom code that’s run in ephemeral containers (Function as a Service or “FaaS”). This simply means the application developer does not need to worry about provisioning servers and scaling them but simply relies on infrastructure and services already built for all of that
yalantis.com yalantis.com
Consider the following when picking technologies
offline-first application let’s move to some tools available already for Android platform
what if you really need that backend source of data and what if you want to send some data to it as well? The answer is: make it offline-first – design and write your application as if there was no internet connection at all
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Firebase Database (Real-time database or Firestore)
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- May 2020
www.javatpoint.com www.javatpoint.com
Machine learning has a limited scope
AI is a bigger concept to create intelligent machines that can simulate human thinking capability and behavior, whereas, machine learning is an application or subset of AI that allows machines to learn from data without being programmed explicitly
expertsystem.com expertsystem.com
Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed