22 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2025
www.opte.org www.opte.org
for - visualization - internet routing - IPv4 vs IPv6 - to 2023 - The Opte Project
- Sep 2024
github.com github.com
mount IndexController do # all methods will be mounted automatically, it's just an example of refinement get '/hello', :hello_world end
github.com github.com
- May 2024
didcomm.org didcomm.orgDIDComm1
Two Dimensions
- Dec 2022
On the other hand, some of the most significant problemswith the Internet today relate to lack of sufficient tools fordistributed management,especially in the area of routing.In the large intemet being currently operated, routingdecisions need to be constrained by policies for resourceusage. Today this can be done only in a very limitedway, which requires manual setting of tables. This iserror-prone and at the same time not sufficientlypowerful. The most important change in the Internetarchitecture over the next few years will probably be thedevelopment of a new generation of tools formanagement of resources in the context of multipleadministrations.
Internet routing problems
This was written in 1988, and is still somewhat true today.
- Nov 2022
www.allerin.com www.allerin.com
Six types of IoT network protocols
[[Article: Six types of IoT network protocols]]
- Jan 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
import { goto } from '$app/navigation'; function routeToPage(route: string, replaceState: boolean) { goto(`/${route}`, { replaceState }) } replaceState == true will replace the route instead of adding to the browser history. So, when you click back, you will not go back to the route you came from.
- Nov 2020
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
Svelte-routering is a great library, I think this is one of the best Routing libraries on the internet that helps us to add the routing functionality in our SPA with a minimal effort, but personally I recommend using this library if you want to create a small application with just a couple of pages and also you don't want to have all the power of a Framework. However, if you are open to use a framework, Sapper is a great option, even if you planning to create a medium size project, with Sapper you will have great control of your application.
github.com github.com
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
Leverages hash-based routing, which is optimal for SPAs and doesn't require any server-side processing
- Jul 2020
www.azurestandard.com www.azurestandard.com
Oh, but there’s so much more to see than just where our current Drops are located. Below, you’ll find maps showing where our delivery routes go. If you live along one of these routes (even if no Drop already exists in your area of the route), you can get an Azure delivery
- Jun 2020
indepth.dev indepth.dev
n an enterprise environment, you would likely use the express router and the code would probably look a little less verbose
- Mar 2020
phd.rubensworks.net phd.rubensworks.net
Not only are public transport datasets useful for benchmarking route planning systems, they are also highly useful for benchmarking geospatial [13, 14] and temporal [15, 16] RDF systems due to the intrinsic geospatial and temporal properties of public transport datasets. While synthetic dataset generators already exist in the geospatial and temporal domain [17, 18], no systems exist yet that focus on realism, and specifically look into the generation of public transport datasets. As such, the main topic that we address in this work, is solving the need for realistic public transport datasets with geospatial and temporal characteristics, so that they can be used to benchmark RDF data management and route planning systems. More specifically, we introduce a mimicking algorithm for generating realistic public transport data, which is the main contribution of this work.
- Jan 2020
- Jan 2019
Local file Local file
The routing protocol developmentcontinues to progress in two parallel directions: conventional routing (Named-data Link State Routing,NLSR [4]) and update-less greedy routing (Hyperbolic Routing, HR [3]) (Section 5.1)
The routing protocol development continues to progress in two parallel directions:<br> Conventional routing (Named-data Link State Routing,NLSR [4]) and Update-less greedy routing (Hyperbolic Routing, HR [3])
- Aug 2015
wwwtlc.iet.unipi.it wwwtlc.iet.unipi.it
It is not bound to aspecific layer three addressing scheme (for example, a changefrom IPv4 to IPv6 would be completely painless, but evennon-IP schemes, such as IPX, would go).
Then how does it route?
github.com github.com
A stub-only implementation of Babel =================================== Babel is a loop-avoiding distance vector protocol that is suitable for both wired and wireless networks documented in RFC 6126.