- Sep 2024
github.com github.com
- Jan 2023
humansandnature.org humansandnature.org
In our real world of corrupted, minimalist democracy, we privilege individual, special-interest thinking and ask citizens to do no more than express their private preferences. We confound opinion and knowledge and sometimes even seem to think that by denying expert science we honor “democratic” thinking (as if shared ignorance and democracy were the same thing). In this corrupted version of democracy, “now” trumps “later,” today takes precedence over tomorrow, and no one takes responsibility for that greater democracy about which Edmund Burke spoke—the democracy that encompasses not only the interests of the living, but the interests of those who are gone and those as yet unborn. Generational thinking can only be cultivated in a setting of prudent deliberation; contrarily, our short-term present-mindedness shrinks the temporal zone.
!- claim : we live in a corrupted and minimalist democracy with the consequence that we lack generational thinking - privilege individiual, special-interesting thinking - only ask citizens to express their private preferences - confound opinion and knowledge - we even deny expert science, believing it is tantamout to democratic thinking !- claim : within this minimalist, corrupted version of democracy, present thinking trumps future thinking - we do not apply generational thinking aka Edmund Burke - Burke's idea of generational thinking conceptualizes an ideal democracy that encompasses past, present and future generations - generational thinking requires a space of prudent deliberation rather than present-mind thinking only
- Oct 2021
infinitysquares.carrd.co infinitysquares.carrd.co
“Bring your attention back to the present moment, and make a deliberate choice to engage in the action that would reduce the gap separating your current life from your ideal life.”
“You have set the intention. Now it's time to act.”
medium.com medium.com
Today, I noticed that Michal Korzonek has expanded on his concept of minimalist journaling.
Michal’s Medium page has this in the masthead: One square = one day of your life. What will you draw in yours? ✨ https://infinitysquares.carrd.co/
miro.com miro.com
Integrating the minimalist journal in an interface for system thinking of the personal, social, economic, political, and ecological as nested holobionts.
betterhumans.pub betterhumans.pub
How to create your own habit dashboard that motivates you to stick to any habit
- Sep 2021
bauhouse.ca bauhouse.ca
This project is an initial prototype of an application for a minimalist journaling system as conceived by Michal Korzonek.
Mark Wagnon shared this site for personal growth, community development, and global connection when I was talking about an idea to build an app for a Minimalist Journal.
- Apr 2021
www.metacritic.com www.metacritic.com
Incredible Mandy is a great example of design by subtraction, focusing on puzzle-solving and atmosphere and eschewing mechanics which do not contribute to the developer’s singular vision.
- Feb 2021
hyperallergic.com hyperallergic.com
The tech takeover corresponds with shrinking possibilities. This evolution has also seen the rise of a seeming aesthetic paradox. Minimalist design reigns now that the corporations have taken over the net. Long seen as anti-consumerist, Minimalism has now become a coded signal for luxury and control. The less control we have over our virtual spaces, the less time we spend considering our relationships with them.
Interessante laatste zin. Hoe minder we eigen controle hebben, zeggenschap, agency, hoe minder we ons bezighouden met de aard van de relatie. Die relatie kan verschillende vormen hebben.
github.com github.com
The blog that's almost nothing
- Apr 2020
falcon.readthedocs.io falcon.readthedocs.io
Falcon tries to do as little as possible while remaining highly effective.
Falcon is a minimalist WSGI library for building speedy web APIs and app backends.
- Feb 2020
github.com github.com
suspect that cancan might be overkill for your project
github.com github.com
- Dec 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Some people exist in the school-of-thought where if you cannot express at least minimum viable functionality in your Readme, your module is too big.
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
The chosen approach pushes a lot of complexity out of the core. As a result it might take more code to achieve certain functionalities. This is the price of flexibility. And that's the primary design goal of Reactabular.