6 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
import { goto } from '$app/navigation'; function routeToPage(route: string, replaceState: boolean) { goto(`/${route}`, { replaceState }) } replaceState == true will replace the route instead of adding to the browser history. So, when you click back, you will not go back to the route you came from.
- Nov 2020
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
Svelte-routering is a great library, I think this is one of the best Routing libraries on the internet that helps us to add the routing functionality in our SPA with a minimal effort, but personally I recommend using this library if you want to create a small application with just a couple of pages and also you don't want to have all the power of a Framework. However, if you are open to use a framework, Sapper is a great option, even if you planning to create a medium size project, with Sapper you will have great control of your application.