7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. May 2024
    1. In contrast, a relay is an entity that passes along encrypted messages without understanding or decrypting them. It's focused on network routing only.

      Mediator is a "smart" relay, in that it knows the adressee and can relay with that in mind.

      Relay, on the other hand, does not know the destination, it works deterministicly. Iff that relay would always route messages to Bob, then Alice doesn't need to tell anything specific to the relay.

    2. Two Dimensions
  3. Apr 2024
    1. web security is provided at the transport level (TLS); it is not an independent attribute of the messages themselves

      I.e., in web, parties that reside on the ends of an encrypted channel authorize each other. Whereas data that's passed between them does not have this authorization built in.

      Taking a reverse approach, akin to having locks on data and not a channel, we can have authorization on data and not the channel.

  4. Jun 2021
    1. DID infrastructure can be thought of as a global key-value database in which the database is all DID-compatible blockchains, distributed ledgers, or decentralized networks. In this virtual database, the key is a DID, and the value is a DID document. The purpose of the DID document is to describe the public keys, authentication protocols, and service endpoints necessary to bootstrap cryptographically-verifiable interactions with the identified entity.

      DID infrastructure can be thought of as a key-value database.

      The database is a virtual database consisting of various different blockchains.

      The key is the DID and the value is the DID document.

      The purpose of the DID document is to hold public keys, authentication protocols and service endpoints necessary to bootstrap cryptographically-verifiable interactions with the identified entity.