62 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. Choose the label design and barcode type, enter your data, adjust the dimensions and click Download. It's that simple :)

      barcode-generator-online.com: a handy tool if your need to generate high-quality barcodes.

  2. Jun 2023
    1. Retail Fit Out Companies In Dubai

      Get the perfect retail fit out with NAAM Creations. Our experienced craftsmen have decades of experience creating amazing spaces that are tailored to your needs. Upgrade your space today with retail fit out companies in dubai. Visit us online today to get started.


      Shop smarter with NAAM Creations - the premier retail kiosk manufacturer! From mall kiosks to outdoor kiosks, we have the perfect solution for your needs. Let us customize your kiosk today and promote your brand to a whole new level.


      We are the best retail and office fit out companies in Dubai with a team of fit out contractors specializing in eye catching Interior, Office, and retail fit outs

  3. Feb 2023
  4. Sep 2022
    1. The different barcode types can be categorized as one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D). While one-dimensional barcodes consist only of lines and are usually scanned horizontally with laser scanners, two-dimensional codes make use of vertical space as well and can only be scanned with devices that contain a camera, such as imager scanners or smartphones.

      Aparently, there a lot of barcode types

  5. Aug 2022
    1. modern trade is still in the very early stages of development. The numerous traditional trade outlets (e.g. small groceries, mom-and-pop shops, dukas or souks) remain the biggest segment of the market
  6. Jul 2022
    1. Point of sale software is someting that’s integral to modern retail. Learn how to build POS software of your own and make your business more efficient and convenient to both your staff and customers.

      Point of sale software is someting that’s integral to modern retail. Learn how to build POS software of your own and make your business more efficient and convenient to both your staff and customers.

  7. Mar 2022
  8. Feb 2022
    1. Der im Projekt „Smart Data Web“ erstellte öffentliche Teil des Wissensgraphen wurde zudem zum Aufbau eines Siemens-internen Corporate Knowledge Graphen genutzt. Dazu wurden relevante Teilmengen des öffentlichen Wissensgraphen extrahiert und in das ge-schützte Siemens- Netzwerk transferiert. Die internen Datenbanken von Siemens wurden nach RDF konvertiert und zusammen mit dem SDW KG in eine geschützte Datenbank geladen. Weiterhin wurden vom Anwendungsfall getriebene Abfragen erstellt, welche in-terne und offene Daten kombinieren. Der Corporate Knowledge Graph (CKG) ermöglicht eine einheitliche, konsistente und elegante Verknüpfung interner und externer Informatio-nen, ganz im Sinne einer „Enterprise-Intelligence“-Lösung. Über den CKG können Infor-mationen, im konkreten Fall zu Zulieferern, aggregiert und konsolidiert abgerufen und für die Einkaufsabteilungen von Siemens dargestellt werden. Dabei werden interne Kennzah-len, z. B. zum Projektvolumen und zu Bewertungen einzelner Lieferanten, mit aktuellen, automatisch gesammelten, firmen-, produkt- und standortbezogenen Ereignissen aus Nachrichten und anderen Textdatenquellen verknüpft, sodass die Anwender eine Gesamt-sicht auf entscheidungsrelevantes Wissen erhalten

      Projekt „Smart Data Web“ Corporate Knowledge Graph (CKG) - ermöglicht eine einheitliche, konsistente und elegante Verknüpfung interner und externer Informationen, ganz im Sinne einer „Enterprise-Intelligence“-Lösung

      Semantische Verknüpfung/Ontologie:

      Dabei werden interne Kennzah- len, z. B. zum Projektvolumen und zu Bewertungen einzelner Lieferanten, mit aktuellen, automatisch gesammelten, firmen-, produkt- und standortbezogenen Ereignissen aus<br /> Nachrichten und anderen Textdatenquellen verknüpft

      Potential: eine Gesamt- sicht auf entscheidungsrelevantes Wissen erhalten.

  9. Jan 2022
  10. Oct 2021
    1. Rachel Quednau is the program director for Strong Towns, an urban planning think tank focused on incremental development. She writes that Spirit Halloween's business model is based on utilizing otherwise unusable retail space. "Today's Spirit is pretty much a bottom-feeder business that works only at the expense of other stores," Quednau writes. "If there weren't vacant storefronts, this business wouldn't exist."

      This is awfully inflamatory. Why exactly is this company a bottom-feeder? How does it work at others' expense? It's utilizing an underutilized resource and providing some income to landlords that they otherwise wouldn't have.

      That I can see there's nothing bad or predatory about what they're doing. If they didn't have physical space, they would (and probably are) sell directly online or pay larger rents in other spaces.

      Thousands of pumpkin patches and Christmas tree lots follow the same pattern for ages.

  11. Mar 2021
  12. Feb 2021
    1. For years, retailers, no matter what time of day or year, have offered sales and advertisements that lure bargain-drooling customers in the doors.
    2. Retailers use a combination of promotional pricing, fake pricing, and price anchoring to form a comprehensive psychological pricing strategy that creates a pricing trigger that minimizes the sales cycle significantly
    3. So, where did J.C. Penney go wrong? Well, while we admire their attempt to change, they attempted to destroy over a century’s worth of price conditioning consumers have been through with department stores and pricing in general. They weren’t completely off base, as consumers with more and more access to information (comparison shopping engines, consumer reports, etc.), are beginning to realize that the value of products is determined much differently than a sticker would suggest. Yet, assuming that most soccer moms (and dads) wouldn’t fall prey to the colorful print ads tucked within the comics section in the Sunday paper, overlooks how much the majority of consumers value “winning” the retail game. Simply, deflating the perceived value causes customers to value the actual product less.
  13. Jan 2021
  14. Nov 2020
    1. Hundreds of food retailers now partner with e-commerce fulfillment companies like Instacart and Shipt to manage the logistics of their delivery and pickup services. But in offloading those operations to third parties, grocers have also outsourced much of the customer experience. They're also ceding control of valuable data about online shopping behavior.

      L'eterno dilemma della distribuzione

    2. "Instacart generates so much traffic and online has grown so much since the pandemic [began] that you simply have to be there to capture that customer base," said Shields. "Simply put, these grocers are willing to give up control of the customer experience and the data that they may gather just to capture those customers because it’s a necessity for them."

      "non abbiamo scelta"

    3. For some supermarket chains, the solution lies in controlling more of the operations and customer experience, but still using a third-party service where it makes sense to do so. Sprouts Farmers Markets, for example, recently began accepting online orders directly through its website even as it continues to court business through Instacart's platform. The natural foods grocer uses Instacart's order-management technology as part of its e-commerce platform, but gains insight and control over the customer experience.

      soluzioni miste di delivery

  15. Oct 2020
  16. Sep 2020
  17. Aug 2020
  18. Jul 2020
    1. I pretty much just use the free version, but since I was paid for Jury Duty, $5 by the way, I HAD to upgrade to the deluxe edition. which was $40. Not in total though, $40 for federal, for State, and for E-filing. That's $120, because of $5. Nice.
    2. I don't like the fact that turbo tax isn't actually free anymore. You have to pay in order to get more money back. I was told this time that I had no choice but to upgrade to deluxe otherwise they wouldn't be able to file some of my taxes because it's not covered under the free package, so I was going to lose out on over $300. I got charged for upgrading to deluxe, I got charged for filling with a state I don't live in and then I got charged more for having them take the money out of my tax refund. It's completely unfair that they're charging me extra money for paying with my own tax refund.
    3. I been using turbo tax for like 5 years now.. Every year the predatory UI gets worse and worse. It constantly badgers you for more service for simple returns, it locks you in to benefits when you are just trying to see if one tax stance is better than another, IT NEVER LETS you go back and undo any PRODUCTS unless you want to delete your whole return. I think part of my frustration is the terrible tax laws we have in this country but for petes sake if you cant let me add up itemized deductions and compare them to a standard deduction WITHOUT locking into a product, you honestly have a terrible product. Just be honest with your pricing instead of trying to trick people into these products and HOLDING THEIR HOURS OF CLERICAL WORK HOSTAGE. WHAT A JOKE.
    1. What I like most about Credit Karma Tax is that there is absolutely no up-sell. They either do it for free or they cannot do your returns at all. They don't play games where they take all your information and then tell you “oops, sorry, you have to pay to get that.”
  19. May 2020
  20. Apr 2020
  21. Oct 2019
  22. Feb 2019
    1. The increasingly political consumer

      consumer persona

    2. “Customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator by the year 2020.”
    3. What disrupted the retail industry was not technology specifically, but how digital tools helped some companies deliver exceptional experiences.
    4. Especially as digital customer care and CSR become focal points for retailers, online forums and social media are now one of the most powerful tools for consumers.

      Community management - innovation opportunity in retail

    1. Retailers feel that the top three concerns are: (1) supply chain management and logistics issues (67%); (2) Labour availability and cost (56%); and (3) tariff costs (48%).

      Brexit concerns

    1. Same store sales – what is the typical brick-and-mortar store for a business type earning? Do these numbers grow year over year? What hurts them? Sales per square foot – what is the average revenue a brick-and-mortar retail business creates for every square foot of sales space? Inventory turnover – how many times does inventory sell out in a given time period? Cost of Goods Sold – what does it cost to purchase the goods sold by a retailer? What do the materials and production process cost? Of course these are only a baseline to set your research against. If you’re interested in digging deeper take a look at some of the opportunities here!

      KEY industry KPIs

    2. Risks As with any business, retail has its risks. A few things to keep in mind: Competition is rough, especially for the small business. Superstores such as Walmart and internet stores such as Amazon offer a breadth of selection and convenience that is tough to beat, and are frequently able to offer products at more compelling prices. Changing consumer trends can have an adverse effect on retailers. For example, technology spending is currently dominating softer goods like clothing - the new iPhone is often considered a “must have” as compared to a nice-to-have new shirt. In certain retail segments even the weather can be risky – consider a clothing store that stocks up on winter inventory only to experience a warmer than expected season. They’re left with overstocked shelves as spring comes in, and might have no choice but to offload product with deep discounts. Economic stress or uncertainty is a constant risk in the retail sector. Put simply, people spend less money when they’re not feeling confident about their incomes.

      Risks of the industry

    3. Smaller retail stores are now shying away from deep inventories with a broad selection of products and are instead focusing on a narrower spread of specialty items.

      focus on narrower product lists

    4. Retail sales were $5.3 trillion in the United States in 2015, a growth of 2% over 2014. In 2009 during the recession sales were $4 trillion. Excluding sales of automobiles, gas and restaurants, 2015 US retail sales were $1.2 trillion. This narrower selection of the retail industry includes general merchandise, apparel, furniture and specialty items, among other things. Internet retail sales grew a whopping 23% in 2015 and the numbers are in line to grow at a similar pace in 2016. Global retail sales were $20.8 trillion in 2015 and are expected to reach $22 trillion in 2016. Some estimates put global sales at $27.7 trillion by 2020.

      size of the retail industry by revenue

    5. What is the Retail Industry?

      What is retail?

    1. As retailers buckle down and prepare for potentially challenging times ahead, supply chain improvements can be a significant growth driver. But rather than just investing in trends like automation smart packaging in reaction to competitors, retailers should think about accumulating long-term competitive advantages through wider supply chain strategies.

      opportunity for innovation: smart packaging, supply chain

    2. With regulation after regulation hitting the market, it’s time retailers had their privacy compliance road maps in place. But compliance can also be a catalyst for reinventing personalization and having honest conversations with consumers. Integrity matters in creating loyalty, especially when it comes to dealing with personal identity.

      opportunity for innovation: privacy

    3. online-to-offline, last-mile delivery, supply chain as a service, social commerce, and the implications of advanced public and private infrastructure.

      opportunities for innovation

    4. They should be able to consistently mine the data they collect, transform their operations to deliver on the brand promise, and adapt to the future of work.

      opportunity for innovation

    5. through innovative offerings, personalization, authentic engagement, differentiated fulfillment,
    1. As such, retailers must now provide a hassle-free, seamless experience for the consumer in order to remain competitive
  23. Jan 2019
  24. www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
    1. no, you know, that is kind of the holy grail for every retail trader.

      trading algorithms

    2. Um, uh, I haven't seen a ton of success where people wanna go after retail and institutional at the same time.
  25. Apr 2017
    1. Overall, department stores employ a third fewer people now than they did in 2001. That’s half a million traditional jobs gone — about eighteen times as many jobs as were lost in coal mining over the same period.

      And this decline is rarely talked about.

  26. Mar 2017
    1. the internet giant is "exploring" the possibility of appliance and furniture stores with a technological angle.

      Not a new idea though.

  27. Aug 2016
    1. The problem, as Taylor explained, is that the rise of e-commerce and social media has lowered the cost of entry for new competitors.

      Sounds like a very quick summary of what Ben Thompson was saying two weeks ago. But, in this case, it’s from “the horse’s mouth”.