- Sep 2024
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
If any of them is missing or inadequate, the program is proprietary (nonfree)
non-free software = proprietary software
missing any of these = non-conformant license (relative to a free software license)
Users' control over the program requires four essential freedoms.
The first two freedoms mean each user can exercise individual control over the program
Either way, they give the program's developer power over the users, power that no one should have.
www.gnu.org www.gnu.orggnu.org1
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
don't do this experiment philosophically do it experientially it's like undressing at night we take off everything that can be taken off
for BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira
BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira - metaphor - Like taking all our clothes off when we are preparing for bedtime
comment - self knowledge exercise - Rupert Spira - This exercise makes me think of my own thoughts around discovering or rather, rediscovering one's true nature - If we are to discuss the "greater self" from whence we came, then it's tantamount to discovering - the nature nature within - human nature - So anything that is recognized as human nature, cannot be the ground state - The ground state must go beyond anything that depends on the human body - Thoughts and perceptions are mediated by brains and sense organs, both depend on the human body and so - are dependent on human nature - Self knowledge is unmediated and directly experienced - It has the quality of the ground state within us, the nature part of our human nature
one way to make this experiential investigation into the essential nature of our self would be to remove in fact we don't need to remove it would be sufficient to imagine removing everything from us that is not essential to us so i suggest we let's just embark do this investigation for a few minutes
for - BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira
BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira - Remove phenomenological experiences that are transient - that is, have a beginning or end - The fact that they do not last implies that they cannot be part of our essential, unchanging nature
- recognizing the nature within our human nature
- BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira
- BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira - metaphor - Like taking all our clothes off when we are preparing for bedtime
- Jan 2024
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Why should this conversation be separate from other conversations about the work to be done? Design is one consideration alongside frontend and backend considerations, which often all intersect and require the same participants. Shifting this discussion to a separate work item can result in disjointed conversations and difficulty finding where a decision was made.
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
These can then be used to develop a definition that states the essence of the living thing—what makes it what it is and thus cannot be altered; the essence is, of course, immutable.
The Aristotelian method dominated classification until the 19th century. His scheme was, in effect, that the classification of a living thing by its nature—i.e., what it really is, as against superficial resemblances—requires the examination of many specimens, the discarding of variable characters (since they must be accidental, not essential), and the establishment of constant characters.
- Sep 2023
- Jul 2023
- May 2023
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
Devising a prompt (AKA a question) is the key to ChatGPT. I am still uncertain what a good question is in AI's "mind". It might be something "way strange" and "un-questionly".
- Apr 2023
www.mixcloud.com www.mixcloud.com
soundcloud.com soundcloud.com
soundcloud.com soundcloud.com
- Jan 2023
www.interestingreality.com www.interestingreality.com
Baby Playmat and Gym Buying Guide
Babies like being amused, and they frequently learn new skills while playing. Playmats and gyms not only keep little ones entertained, but they can also aid in their growth.
- Oct 2022
soundcloud.com soundcloud.com
- Jul 2022
gist.github.com gist.github.com
1.2 Truth—or, more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality —is the essential foundation for any good outcome.
- Jun 2022
soundcloud.com soundcloud.com
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
futuremusic.com futuremusic.com
- Apr 2022
Batty, M., Murcio, R., Iacopini, I., Vanhoof, M., & Milton, R. (2020). London in Lockdown: Mobility in the Pandemic City. ArXiv:2011.07165 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.07165
- Mar 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @psychmag: This looks very interesting, and several of the speakers have contributed to our Covid coverage https://t.co/pOE34Vy94e and /…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 March 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1486007937818583055
- Feb 2022
www.teachthought.com www.teachthought.com
- Jan 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Yong, E. (2021, December 16). America Is Not Ready for Omicron. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/12/america-omicron-variant-surge-booster/621027/
- society
- South Africa
- individualism
- strategy
- mortality
- previous infection
- is:news
- rapid testing
- hospitalization
- hospital
- severity
- booster
- vaccine
- healthcare
- ventilation
- essential worker
- testing
- COVID-19
- variant
- protection
- policy
- lang:en
- societal level
- Omicron
- mask wearing
- immunity
- transmissibility
- prediction
www.barrons.com www.barrons.com
Nash, D. (n.d.). The CDC Got Lost Trying to Follow the Science. Retrieved January 14, 2022, from https://www.barrons.com/articles/cdc-guidance-covid-isolation-pandemic-51641847943
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Stanford, J. (n.d.). Healthy humans drive the economy: We’re now witnessing one of the worst public policy failures in Australia’s history. The Conversation. Retrieved January 12, 2022, from http://theconversation.com/healthy-humans-drive-the-economy-were-now-witnessing-one-of-the-worst-public-policy-failures-in-australias-history-174606
- technology
- is:webpage
- production
- isolation
- labour
- Australia
- transportation
- child care
- supply chain
- restrictions
- health care
- manufacturing
- COVID-19
- staff shortage
- data
- emergency services
- policy
- economy
- lang:en
- government
- Omicron
- agriculture
- workforce
- essential services
- logistics
- lockdown
- Oct 2021
www.orgroam.com www.orgroam.com
Org-roam’s Design Principle
Appendix D Variable Index
Appendix C Function Index
mathpix.el uses Mathpix’s API to convert clips into latex equations:
Org-roam provides journaling capabilities akin to Org-journal with org-roam-dailies.
Org-roam provides basic graphing capabilities to explore interconnections between notes, in org-roam-graph. This is done by performing SQL queries and generating images using Graphviz. The graph can also be navigated: see Roam Protocol.
If foo is a function, foo is called with the current node as its argument. Else if org-roam-node-foo is a function, foo is called with the current node as its argument. The org-roam-node- prefix defines many of Org-roam’s node accessors such as org-roam-node-title and org-roam-node-level. Else look up org-roam-capture--info for foo. This is an internal variable that is set before the capture process begins. If none of the above applies, read a string using completing-read. Org-roam also provides the ${foo=default_val} syntax, where if a default value is provided, will be the initial value for the foo key during minibuffer completion.
Click here to get a handle on the behavior of the expansions in multiple context.
Org-roam’s templates are specified by org-roam-capture-templates
Org-roam capture templates are incompatible with org-capture templates.
Org-roam provides extensions for capturing content from external applications such as the browser, via org-protocol.
This simplifies things, won't have to use develop using the dbus spec initially.
Emacs has support for creating and editing encrypted gpg files, and Org-roam need not provide additional tooling.
Cool, and with capture templates, I can probably get sophisticated if I need to. Question is, how essential is it to encrypt everything??
Completions for Org-roam are provided via completion-at-point. Org-roam currently provides completions in two scenarios: When within an Org bracket link Anywhere
What exactly is this???
Going to have to come back to this at a later time and figure out what a "completion" is, although it's probably functions as expected.
Org-roam caches most of the standard Org properties. The full list now includes: outline level todo state priority scheduled deadline tags
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Simone, A., Herald, J., Chen, A., Gulati, N., Shen, A. Y.-J., Lewin, B., & Lee, M.-S. (2021). Acute Myocarditis Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Adults Aged 18 Years or Older. JAMA Internal Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2021.5511
- Jun 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
‘Outrageous’: Why was a US health worker charged with spreading Covid? | New Jersey | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/04/new-jersey-josefina-brito-fernandez-home-health-aide-covid
- May 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Maxmen, A. (2021). Will COVID force public health to confront America’s epic inequality?. Nature, 592(7856), 674-680.
- research
- mortality
- agricultural worker
- is:article
- California
- public health
- healthcare
- immigration
- essential worker
- COVID-19
- income inequality
- economy
- lang:en
- government
- poverty
- agriculture
- life expectancy
- intervention
- inequality
- COVID-19 Equity Project
- health
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- health disparity
- prediction
- wage gap
- Apr 2021
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
European Commission. ‘The European Commission and Austria secure COVID-19 vaccines for the Western Balkans’. Text. Accessed 22 April 2021. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_1826.
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
Roy, B., & Forman, H. P. (2021, April 7). Doctors: Essential workers should get two days of paid leave for COVID vaccine side effects. USA TODAY. https://eu.usatoday.com/in-depth/opinion/2021/04/07/essential-workers-paid-leave-covid-vaccine-side-effects-column/4816014001/
reallifemag.com reallifemag.com
indifference to human drivers
Our week 8 module on Web 2.0 and the gig economy discussed this in more depth, and Barron alludes to this dynamic elsewhere in the article when describing both the typical user of an app like seamless and the typical profile of the gig economy worker who actually delivers their food - I appreciate the critiques of app design and user infantilization he is making here, but the article could have also discussed in more depth how these design choices help these companies to obfuscate and divert attention from the way they impact people besides the consumer. There is a whole class people whose primary interaction with these apps is on the back end- as struggling small business owners dependent on positive yelp reviews, delivery people, and rideshare drivers - maybe that is outside the purview of this article, but it would have been nice to see this angle explored a bit more.
- Mar 2021
www-sciencedirect-com.remote.baruch.cuny.edu www-sciencedirect-com.remote.baruch.cuny.edu
Goolsbee, Austan, and Chad Syverson. ‘Fear, Lockdown, and Diversion: Comparing Drivers of Pandemic Economic Decline 2020’. Journal of Public Economics 193 (1 January 2021): 104311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpubeco.2020.104311.
blog.metrolinx.com blog.metrolinx.com
metrolinx. (2020, November 19). How COVID has impacted transit – Metrolinx releases ridership map covering all GO Transit rail routes. Metrolinx News. https://blog.metrolinx.com/2020/11/19/how-covid-has-impacted-transit-metrolinx-releases-ridership-map-covering-all-go-transit-rail-routes/
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
the Activity component is the heart of TRB
- Feb 2021
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
That's the whole point of an abstraction layer—to isolate your business logic from a subsystem's mechanics
www.quora.com www.quora.com
So the hard and unsolvable problem becomes: how up-to-date do you really need to be?
After considering the value we place, and the tradeoffs we make, when it comes to knowing anything of significance, I think it becomes much easier to understand why cache invalidation is one of the hard problems in computer science
the crux of the problem is: trade-offs
- Jan 2021
rpp.tommycodes.com rpp.tommycodes.com
there are 13 regional Public Health Networks(RPHNs), that plan, trainfor, and respondto public health emergencies based on CDC’s 15 Preparedness Capabilities
Where are these based?
there are 13 regional Public Health Networks(RPHNs), that plan, trainfor, and respondto public health emergencies based on CDC’s 15 Preparedness Capabilities
Where are these based?
October 30, 2020
Has this been updated?
October 30, 2020
Has this been updated?
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
Making literal grids. Like X columns with Y gap between them homegrown framework stuff. grid-gap is wonderful, as gutters are the main pain point of grid systems.
publish.obsidian.md publish.obsidian.md
Interpret at least 5 significant “events” which best demonstrate this change.
Compare and contrast the conditions and consciousness of the following relative to the WASP male “winners”
List and interpret the most significant issues found in the document itself and place each in a valid and revealing historical context.
Is it appropriate to define the European people occupying British North America as “American” prior to 1763?
Is it appropriate to define the European people occupying British North America as “American” prior to 1763?
Between the first days of the European Invasion of North America and the ratification of the constitution there were both winners and losers here. List, in rank order, the most significant groups of winners and losers. What factors best explain the relative conditions of the groups on your lists? Connect causes and consequences to each. Were these outcomes inevitable? If so, why?
Subject = American Conquest EQ = Who won and lost and why? Activities:
bandcamp.com bandcamp.com
Terrifying in its bleakness, Elegy is a record dedicated to its portrayal of loneliness, telling a story with firm roots in tension contextualised by the title’s disheartening implications.
A dedicated sponge in the blank countenance of empty space and flat time, I'd say.
www.govinfo.gov www.govinfo.gov
reimbursements which do not exceed ex-penses actually incurred and which do not rep-resent a gain or benefit to the household
all loans other than educational loans onwhich repayment is deferred
all educational loans on which paymentis deferred, grants, scholarships, fellowships,veterans’ educational benefits, and the like
any income in the certification periodwhich is received too infrequently or irregu-larly to be reasonably anticipated, but not inexcess of $30 in a quarte
any gain or benefit which is not in theform of money payable directly to a household
Household income for purposes of the supple-mental nutrition assistance program shall in-clude all income from whatever source exclud-ing only—
This explains what income you can exclude when calculating your eligibility.
the household’s income (after the exclu-sions and deductions provided for in sub-sections (d) and (e) of this section) exceeds thepoverty line,
ahousehold shall be ineligible to participate inthe supplemental nutrition assistance programif—
This is how you determine if you are eligible for SNAP.
rpp.tommycodes.com rpp.tommycodes.com
United States of America
This the name of the country I live in.
supersede section 238 of Public Law 116–94.
Very true.
This is in US dollars, not Canadian.
- Dec 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hu, C., Zhu, K., Huang, K., Yu, B., Jiang, W., Peng, K., & Wang, F. (2020, November 30). Using Natural Intervention to Promote Subjective Well-being of COVID-19 Essential Workers. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mc57s
- Nov 2020
dylanvann.com dylanvann.com
const useEffect = (subscribe) => ({ subscribe })
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
medium.com medium.com
The crux of this pattern is to introduce an index.js and internal.js file.
news.sky.com news.sky.com
Coronavirus excess fatalities: How pandemic is impacting the lives and deaths of those who don’t have COVID. (n.d.). Sky News. Retrieved October 15, 2020, from https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-excess-fatalities-how-pandemic-is-impacting-the-lives-and-deaths-of-those-who-dont-have-covid-12103141
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
von Gaudecker, H., Holler, R., Janys, L., Siflinger, B. M., & Zimpelmann, C. (2020). Labour Supply during Lockdown and a “New Normal”: The Case of the Netherlands. IZA Discussion Paper, 13623.
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. ‘COVID-19 and the Labor Market’. Accessed 6 October 2020. https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13650/.
- lower wages
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- men
- is:report
- frontline workers
- microdata
- social insurance
- disadvantaged minorities
- essential workers
- policy makers
- researchers
- Hispanics
- demographic market
- American Community Survey
- COVID-19
- safety net policy
- lang:en
- less educated
- labour market
- immigrants
- lockdown
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Yuan, Yuan, Muzhi Guan, Zhilun Zhou, Sundong Kim, Meeyoung Cha, and Yong Li. ‘Disruption in the Chinese E-Commerce During COVID-19:A Case Study of the Beidian Platform’. ArXiv:2009.14605 [Physics], 22 July 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.14605.
- Sep 2020
CNN, R. K. (n.d.). A “tidal wave” of Covid-related workplace lawsuits could be on the way. CNN. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/11/business/coronavirus-lawsuits-covid-impact-on-workplace-invs/index.html
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Izadi, E. (n.d.). College newspaper reporters are the journalism heroes for the pandemic era. Washington Post. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2020/09/19/coronavirus-college-newspapers/
- Aug 2020
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Bhattarai, A. (n.d.). Grocery workers say morale is at an all-time low: ‘They don’t even treat us like humans anymore’. Washington Post. Retrieved 14 August 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/08/12/grocery-workers-coronavirus/
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Did California’s Shelter-In-Place Order Work? Early Coronavirus-Related Public Health Effects. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved August 8, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13160/
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Immigrant Key Workers: Their Contribution to Europe’s COVID-19 Response. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved August 7, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13178/
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Von Gaudecker. H. M., Holler. R., Janys. L., Siflinger. B., Zimpelmann. C. (2020). Labour Supply in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence on Hours, Home Office, and Expectations. Institute of labor economics. Retrieved from: https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13158/
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www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Plosz J. (2020, June 22). How the Coronavirus Recovery Is Changing Cities. Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2020-city-in-recovery/
americanethnologist.org americanethnologist.org
Good Vibes: The Complex Work of Social Media Influencers in a Pandemic. (n.d.). American Ethnological Society. Retrieved May 31, 2020, from https://americanethnologist.org/features/pandemic-diaries/pandemic-diaries-affect-and-crisis/good-vibes-the-complex-work-of-social-media-influencers-in-a-pandemic
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- is:news
- classification
- lockdown
- work
- social media
- staff
- influencer
- essential worker
- follower
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Lancet, T. (2020). The plight of essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet, 395(10237), 1587. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31200-9
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Tian, H., & Bjornstad, O. N. (2020). Population serology for SARS-CoV-2 is essential to regional and global preparedness. The Lancet Microbe, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2666-5247(20)30055-0
- May 2020
epthinktank.eu epthinktank.eu
Dumbrava, C. & Sabbati, G. (2020, March 30). The impact of coronavirus on Schengen borders. European Parliamentary Research Service Blog. https://epthinktank.eu/2020/03/30/the-impact-of-coronavirus-on-schengen-borders/
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Devereux, H. (2020 May 04). Thousands of seafarers are stranded aboard ships, with no end to their shift in sight. The Conversation. http://theconversation.com/thousands-of-seafarers-are-stranded-aboard-ships-with-no-end-to-their-shift-in-sight-137324
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kornack, J., Williams, A. L., Johnson, K. A., & Mendes, E. M. (2020, May 8). Reopening the Doors to Center-Based ABA Services: Clinical and Safety Protocols during COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ctxkf
- Apr 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
purposes are grouped into 5 categories (strictly necessary, basic interactions & functionalities, experience enhancement, measurement, targeting & advertising)
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Colombo, R., Wallace, M., & Taylor, R. S. (2020, April 11). An Essential Service Decision Model for Applied Behavior Analytic Providers During Crisis. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/te8ha