- Oct 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Viele New Yorker Juristen, darunter namhafte Staatsanwälte, unterstützen eine Resolution zur strafrechtlichen Verfolgung der großen Ölgesellschaften. Vorgeworfen wird den Firmen, fossile Brennstoffe über Jahrzehnte verkauft zu haben, ohne über die ihnen bekannten Gefahren zu informieren oder diese zu berücksichtigen. Gefordert wird eine Klage wegen fahrlässiger Gefährdung von Menschenleben. Dazu muss nicht nachgewiesen werden, dass der Tod bestimmter Menschen durch die Konzerne verursacht wurde https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/17/new-york-big-oil-fueling-climate-disasters
- Jul 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Energieminister Ed Miliband wird die britische Delegation bei der COP29 leiten. Anders als bei den letzten konservativen Vorgängerregierungen ist damit wieder eine Top-Level Figur federführend. Die neue Labor-Regierung möchte, dass Großbritannien wieder eine führende Rolle in der Klimapolitik übernimmt https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jul/15/ed-miliband-lead-uk-negotiations-cop29-climate-summit
- Jun 2024
for - podcast - Planet Critical - host - Rachel Donald - The Symbolic Species - Terrence Deacon
Interview - Terrence Deacon - Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley - https://anthropology.berkeley.edu/terrence-w-deacon
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
2023 ist so viel antarktisches Meeteis geschmolzen wie nie zuvor seit Messbeginn. Es bedeckte 2 Millionen Quadratkilometer weniger als im langjährigen Durchschnitt, das entspricht der vierfachen Oberfläche Frankreichs. Ein Abschmelzen in diesem Ausmaß ist durch die globale Erhitzung deutlich wahrscheinlicher geworden, wie eine neue Studie der British Antarctic Survey zeigt. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/le-record-de-fonte-de-la-banquise-en-antarctique-un-evenement-au-risque-multiplie-par-quatre-par-le-rechauffement-climatique-20240520_LVEG42DUB5BONPRXYZDTGWQJTQ/
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Der neueste Lancet Countdown in Europe stellt fest, dass Todesfälle in Verbindung mit Hitze in Europa um 9%, in Südeuropa um 11% zugenommen haben. Im Vergleich zum Jahrzehnt 2003-2012 starben im Jahrzehnt bis 2022 auf 100.000 Menschen 17 mehr direkt oder indirekt durch Hitze. Allein im Sommer 2022 gab es ca 60.000 direkt oder indirekt hitzebedingte Todesfälle. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/05/13/news/the_lancet_cambiamento_climatico_salute-422908978/
- Apr 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Behauptung dea zweitgrößten US-Mineralölkonzerns Chevron, CO2-Neutralität anzustreben, ist nicht durch Tatsachen gedeckt. Eine neue Untersuchung belegt, dass der Konzern mit wertlosen Kompensationen und und Hinweisen auf noch nicht existierende Technologien für Carbon Capture and Storage argumentiert. Chevorn hat im vergangenen Jahr 35,5 Milliarden Dollar Gewinn gemeldet. Chevrons angeblicher Net-Zero-Plan betrifft nicht das CO2, dass durch die vom Konzern verkauften Produkte frei wird. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/24/chevron-carbon-offset-climate-crisis
- expert: Andrés Gómez Orozco
- expert: Rachel Rose Jackson
- carbon dioxide removal
- expert: Steven Feit
- actor: Verra
- carbon offset schemes
- region: Caribbean
- country: Colombia
- 2023-05-24
- actor: Chevron
- compensations
- institution: Center for International Environmental Law.
- NGO: Corporate Accountability
- expert: Katt Ramos
- NGO: Censat
- Feb 2024
one of the core ways that we're weird is that we think we have a self
for - definition - Weird - stats - Weird countries - greatest sense of self - inspiration - introduce - Sarah Stein Lubrano - Rachell - Indyweb - Indranet
definition - Weird - Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic
inspiration - introduce Rachel and Sarah to Indyweb / Indranet - As soon as I heard Rachel and Sarah talk about the prominent and unique WEIRD feature of sense of self, - I immediately thought that we must introduce them to our work on the Indyweb / |ndranet as our system is designed based on the epistemology that - we are not a thing - we are a process - we are evolution in realtime action - the very use of the Indyweb / Indranet reinforces the reality that we are a process and not a fixed entity - so deconstructs the social construct of the self
- Jan 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Klimabeauftagten der USA und Chinas, John Kerry und Xie Zhenhua, ziehen sich zurück. Der Guardian fast die klimapolitischen Aktivitäten und Versäumnisse beiden Länder zusammen. Beide hätten, stellt Paul Bledsoe fest, erst damit begonnen die Wirtschaften ihrer Länder auf Wege zu viel niedrigeren Emissionen und größerer Klima-Kooperation zu bringen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/21/goodbye-mr-kerry-farewell-mr-xie-end-of-an-era-in-global-climate-politics
- John Kerry und Die Zhenhua
- China
- Harjeet Singh
- 2021-01-24
- DieKlimabeauftagten der USA und Chinas
- Power Shift Africa
- Nicholas Stern
- Liu Zhenmin
- by: Fiona Harvey
- Mohamed Adow
- Todd Stern
- Paul Bledsoe
- John Kerry
- Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
- Rachel Kyte
- Bernice Lee
- Chatham House
- actor: Xie Zhenhua
www.rachaelschroeder.com www.rachaelschroeder.com
- for: Deep Humanity music BEing journeys, BEing journey - music, Rachel Shroeder
- Dec 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zu Beginn der COP28 wurde die Einrichtung eines loss and damage-Fonds entsprechend den kurz vorher vereinbarten Regularien beschlossen. Deutschland und die UAE sind die ersten Einzahler, andere Länder folgen. Damit kann die Konferenz mit einer Erfolgsmeldung beginnen. Die weitere Finanzierung ist allerdings unklar; die zu erwartenden Beträge bleiben weit hinter dem Bedarf zurück. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/30/agreement-on-loss-and-damage-deal-expected-on-first-day-of-cop28-talks
- Oct 2023
claudemariottini.com claudemariottini.com
after Jacob left Laban’s house with his wives Leah and Rachel. Laban pursued him to get back the idols that Rachel had stolen. After Laban was convinced that Jacob had not stolen his idols, Jacob and Laban make a covenant. “Jacob took a stone (ʼben) and set it up as a pillar (massebah) which would be a witness of the agreement they had made on that occasion (Genesis 31:44–45).
When Rachel died, Jacob set up a massebah at her grave; “it is the massebah of Rachel’s tomb, which is there to this day” (Genesis 35:19–20).
Use of a standing stone or massebah (pillar) to mark a grave in Genesis 35:19-20.
Certainly could have been other than to simply mark a location and may have been used to mark and remember the knowledge of Rachel as well as the family's experiences with Rachel, a practice which is still commonplace when visiting burial locations.
Jacob rolled the stone off the opening of a well to water Rachel’s sheep (Genesis 29:10).
- Jul 2023
www.vox.com www.vox.com
- Title
- An end-of-life doula’s advice on how to make the most of your time on earth
- Life is short. Here’s how to cherish every day of it.
- An end-of-life doula’s advice on how to make the most of your time on earth
- Rachel Friedman
- Story on an end-of-life Doula's journey to become an end-of-life doula, and how that enriched her life
- Title
- Apr 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die New York Times berichtet über die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung für die Landwirtschaft in Malawi und über zum Teil erfolgreiche Versuche von Bauern dort, die Lebensmittelproduktion trotzdem aufrecht zu erhalten, zum Teil durch Rückgriff auf lange vergessene Nutzpflanzen. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/27/climate/malawi-farmers-agriculture.html
- Feb 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Nov 2022
www.digitalmedievalist.com www.digitalmedievalist.com
Rachel Bromwich and Simon Evans have recently re-edited Culwch ac Olswen, this time including the text in Welsh and the notes in English, and a glossary.
If you are at all serious about Welsh mythology, you will want Rachel Bromwich’s Triodd Ynys Prydein. Bromwich has a super introduction, all the triads, in English and Welsh, and extensive notes on names. Her notes alone are worth the money.
- May 2021
phirephoenix.com phirephoenix.com
In 1962, a book called Silent Spring by Rachel Carson documenting the widespread ecological harms caused by synthetic pesticides went off like a metaphorical bomb in the nascent environmental movement.
Where is the Silent Spring in the data, privacy, and social media space?
- Oct 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
“Where is he now?” she asked, giving free expression to her one dominant interest–the interest in Mr. Blake. “What is he doing? Has he spoken of me? Is he in good spirits? How does he bear the sight of the house, after what happened in it last year? When are you going to give him the laudanum? May I see you pour it out? I am so interested; I am so excited–I have ten thousand things to say to you, and they all crowd together so that I don’t know what to say first. Do you wonder at the interest I take in this?”
And since when has Rachel been so willing to simply trust a stranger, who says he has the answers? I had the impression that she was more discerning,more matter of fact, more skeptical than that.
I think it's interesting that every male character is fond of Rachel.
She tells me, in the prettiest manner, that my letter has satisfied her of Mr. Blake’s innocence, without the slightest need (so far as she is concerned) of putting my assertion to the proof
At first I got confused as to who Erza was calling Miss Verinder, but with this added context, it made it clear that he ment Rachel. At least for me, this was a rather unexpected turn of events for Rachel and Franklin. The truth slowly comes to light and old characters are been brought back together. Maybe we will have a good ending after all, and the curse of the moonstone will not come to fruition? Interested to see how the story between the two turns out.
appealed so irresistibly to Rachel’s curiosity
Curiosity is an interesting word choice here. It's clear now that Rachel's hysteria was less about losing the diamond and more about seeing the man she loved take it and then lie to her face about it, but curiosity seems to imply she didn't really care that the diamond was stolen at all, like she's doing this not out of a need to be reunited with her property but instead for the same reason we are.
I saw her, and heard her, no more.
It is rather sad that the two characters never met each other again afterwards, similar to the sudden end of the relationship with her and Goffrey. As if the diamond strips all the people away from Rachel one way or the other. Mr Verinder, Goffrey, Franklin, one by one seems to be going away from Rachel. Albeit in Goffrey's case, it might have been a blessing rather than a diamond curse. In general, Rachel seems to be at the center of the diamond 'curse', which begs the question of what is going to follow with regards to the future of that character.
- Sep 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
Clack, you’re dying to hear the end of it–I won’t faint, expressly to oblige you
The mutual enmity between Clack and Rachel is evident. The question is -- who or what started it? It is very reasonable to assume, based on Clack's language, that her overt hatred towards Rachel has caused Rachel to hate her in return (who wouldn't?). But I'm wondering if Rachel's always had some kind of a "sinful" inclination (which could perhaps explain why she, of all, has the Moonstone) that triggered the conservative mind of Miss Clack to develop envy and detestation.
Bring a chair, Godfrey. I like people to be opposite to me when I talk to them
Interesting physical representation of the imbalance between them. Rachael says she likes to see people she talks with on her level, but the next line talks about how it doesn't suit Godfrey and it's to his disadvantage.
“Miss Verinder appears to be a little out of temper about the loss of her Diamond,” remarked the Sergeant. “It’s a valuable jewel. Natural enough! natural enough!”
Dismissal of Rachel's sudden change in temper towards Mr. Franklin in particular is written off as hysterics typical of women by the men in charge. Also ignored in favor of social customs rather than seen as something to be paid attention to
I have to tell you, as Miss Verinder’s mother, that she is absolutely incapable of doing what you suppose her to have done
I wonder here if she means incapable as in she wouldn't be smart enough to put together a plan like this, or incapable as in she could never decieve her mother like this. As we've seen before she doesn't always know her daughter perfectly, and neither does Betteredge for that matter. What could Rachel be hiding, and why?
There is not the least fear of a refusal from any of the three
I understand Godfrey and Franklin cooperating easily, but Rachel has been difficult and distraught this entire process. I'm not saying her emotional distress isn't valid given her loss, but it seems kinda odd of her mother to assume she'd be fine with it given how cold she's been towards the officers and Franklin.
Nothing goes right, father; nothing is like what it used to be. I feel as if some dreadful misfortune was hanging over us all
Sounds like the curse of the Moonstone, which should be rightfully cast on the family, if Rachel has, in fact, stolen the stone!
Thus, Confucius meditated upon water; and the Confucian Xunzi later attempted to systematize the relationship between water’s various forms and people’s moral qualities. This assumption of a correspondence between the principles which inform both water and human conduct was not limited to the Confucians; it was generally assumed in all early philosophical texts. Nor was the imagery the provenance of any particular school. For example, water which moves forward without force, giving life to everything, is described in Xunzi as ‘wuwei’ (without action) or (doing nothing) a term that is particularly associated with Daoism.
CONTEXT: Shuen-fu Lin addresses "the sage", the person with the highest spiritual attainment who was first emulated and thought of in the Wei-Jin movement, following the Han Dynasty. The sage allows the innate tendencies and has all five of the human emotions addressed in the passage, but "...does not act, complies, and does not implement. He eliminates what leads things astray and gets rid of what confuses them." The sage is addressed as exhibiting qualities of both the Daoist way of life and the Confucianist way. The sage is like the image of water that is an unattainable, sage-like, presence and moral conduct, desired by both Daoist and Confucianist beliefs. "Gentlemen" look at water in awe, gazing upon the perfection of its inaction and lack of effort in attaining its intellect, beauty, and respect. The water has of "ziran", or perhaps, is "ziran" that humans are able to express communion with nature and nonpurposive action. This word is also described as spontaneously existing and being "so oneself" -nothing acting behind them. Water does not decide or dwell for too long, it just exists in movement and in detachment which I think human beings desire greatly.
Cai, Zongqi. Chinese Aesthetics: The Ordering of Literature, the Arts, and the Universe in the Six Dynasties. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004.
RELATE: In 'The Experience of Nature' by Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, human action and thought is addressed as influenced by our setting/environment whether the setting require immediate responsive action or the response take place in a slower, observational method varies. The authors write, "People are particularly aware of information that is visual, that concerns what they see. That does not mean that people interpret the information in visual terms exclusively; rather, visual stimuli are effective in conjuring associated information. The sight of water provides information about potential opportunities which may or may not be visual in themselves" (Kaplan, 4). Reverie from observation that allows self reflection, thought free from distraction, and intuitive action is typically included in our broader categorization of landscape qualities when we discuss as landscape architects. Human reaction to landscape is so much bigger than the texture, color, or even kinesthetic feeling within the place and can be thought of as artwork in addition- prompting development of thought even subconsciously within the the one experiencing.
Kaplan, Rachel, and Stephen Kaplan. The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
- Aug 2018
course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com
Those two sat on either side of Miss Rachel, who, as queen of the day, was naturally the great attraction of the party.
Oh. The Birthday party will start!!! The most interesting part will appear. In fact, the queen of the party --- Miss Rachel who is loved deeply by the Mr. Franklin. And in the party, the Moonstone would be stolen. And I am looking forward to reading how the moonstone would be stolen. And maybe, some important clues would be found later.
- Jul 2018
course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com
Having heard the story of the past, my next inquiries (still inquiries after Rachel!) advanced naturally to the present time. Under whose care had she been placed after leaving Mr. Bruff’s house? and where was she living now?
Blake's account of Rachel is clearly distinct form the other narrators because of their romantic past. He mentions her frequently throughout his narrative. I would like to run a frequency count the number of times he mentions Rachel compared tot he rest of the narratives in the book. I wonder if it is possible to isolate the discussions of Rachel in each character's narrative and then do some topic modeling with the extracted texts to examine how Rachel is discussed by each character.
It distressed me, it did indeed distress me, to hear her say that. She was so young and so lonely–and she bore it so well!
Bruff's impression of Rachel is very different from Miss Clack, but similar to the affectionate tone of Betteredge. I would be interested in running a word frequency count on all of the ways Rachel is described by the different narrators and do a comparison between the words used by the different narrators and also which words they share in her description.
- May 2018
blackboard.gwu.edu blackboard.gwu.edu
The better a designer understands his or her audience and the unique needs of that particular audience, the more efficiently and effectively he or she will be able to develop, design, implement, and evaluate instructional materials in a rapid format.