- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
2023 ist so viel antarktisches Meeteis geschmolzen wie nie zuvor seit Messbeginn. Es bedeckte 2 Millionen Quadratkilometer weniger als im langjährigen Durchschnitt, das entspricht der vierfachen Oberfläche Frankreichs. Ein Abschmelzen in diesem Ausmaß ist durch die globale Erhitzung deutlich wahrscheinlicher geworden, wie eine neue Studie der British Antarctic Survey zeigt. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/le-record-de-fonte-de-la-banquise-en-antarctique-un-evenement-au-risque-multiplie-par-quatre-par-le-rechauffement-climatique-20240520_LVEG42DUB5BONPRXYZDTGWQJTQ/
- Oct 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
appealed so irresistibly to Rachel’s curiosity
Curiosity is an interesting word choice here. It's clear now that Rachel's hysteria was less about losing the diamond and more about seeing the man she loved take it and then lie to her face about it, but curiosity seems to imply she didn't really care that the diamond was stolen at all, like she's doing this not out of a need to be reunited with her property but instead for the same reason we are.
I saw her, and heard her, no more.
It is rather sad that the two characters never met each other again afterwards, similar to the sudden end of the relationship with her and Goffrey. As if the diamond strips all the people away from Rachel one way or the other. Mr Verinder, Goffrey, Franklin, one by one seems to be going away from Rachel. Albeit in Goffrey's case, it might have been a blessing rather than a diamond curse. In general, Rachel seems to be at the center of the diamond 'curse', which begs the question of what is going to follow with regards to the future of that character.