- Dec 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
- Oct 2024
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Erstmals wurde genau erfasst, welcher Teil der von Waldbränden betroffenen Gebiete sich auf die menschlich verursachte Erhitzung zurückführen lässt. Er wächst seit 20 Jahren deutlich an. Insgesamt kompensieren die auf die Erhitzung zurückgehenden Waldbrände den Rückgang an Bränden durch Entwaldung. Der von Menschen verursachte – und für die Berechnung von Schadensansprüchen relevante – Anteil der CO2-Emissione ist damit deutlich höher als bisher angenommen https://www.carbonbrief.org/climate-change-almost-wipes-out-decline-in-global-area-burned-by-wildfires/
- Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project
- attribution
- increasing risk oft wildfires
- global
- CO2-Emissionen von Waldbränden
- land use change
- Natural Environment Research Council
- Global rise in forest fire emissions linked to climate change in the extratropics
- Seppe Lampe
- Matthew W. Jones
- Maria Barbosa
- David Bowman
- Global burned area increasingly explained by climate change
- Transdisciplinary Fire Centre at the University of Tasmania.
- Global Carbon Budget
- World Weather Attribution
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Noch nicht peer-reviewte Studien sprechen dafür, dass die globale Erhitzung die Niederschläge durch den Hurrikan Milton um 20 und seine Windgeschwindigkeit um 10% gesteigert hat. Dles führte zu etwa doppelt so großen Zerstörungen als bei einem nicht von der Erhitzung beteuerten Sturm gleicher Seltenheit. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/11/climate/milton-climate-change.html
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Eine neue attribution studie zeigt komme das die globale erhitzung den haare können helene zweieinhalb mal wahrscheinlicher gemacht und zehn prozent zudem wassermassen beigetragen hat cover die dabei herunter kamen'https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/ouragan-helene-le-rechauffement-rend-ce-genre-devenements-25-fois-plus-probables-20241009_FMIJOIVH4NATVHKB6NZRN6O7KE/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die Niederschläge im Verlauf des Sturms Boris sind durch die globale Erhitzung zweimal wahrscheinlicher geworden. Die Niederschlagsmenge lag um ca. 7% höher, als sie es in der vorindustriellen Zeit gewesen wäre. Das sind die Ergebnisse einer Attributionsstudie von World Weather Attribution. Ähnlich hohe Niederschlagsmengen waren in den betroffenen Gebieten nie zuvor gemessen worden.
Meldung von World Weather Attribution: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/climate-change-and-high-exposure-increased-costs-and-disruption-to-lives-and-livelihoods-from-flooding-associated-with-exceptionally-heavy-rainfall-in-central-europe/
- Sep 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
- Aug 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Am 15. August betrug die Durchschnittstemperatur des Mittelmeers 28,9°, ein neuer Rekord. Zu den Folgen der Erhitzung gehören immer stärkere Stürme. Das Meer selbst wird immer tropischer. Einige angrenzende Regionen sind von.Austrocknung und Wüstenbildung betroffen. Überblicksartikel der Libération. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/quand-mediterranee-en-surchauffe-rime-avec-orages-violents-cyclones-et-incendies-20240823_OTNZ6O67XBER3N6AXSORHJN3IE/
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
- Jul 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Eine extreme hitzewelle in marokko hat in einer stadt im landesinneren an einemTag meh als 20 Todesopfer gefordert. Vorausgegangen. waren mehrere andere Hitzewellen. Sie sind laut einer Studie mit höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit der Erderhitzung durch Treibhausgase zuzuschreiben. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/maroc-une-vague-de-chaleur-sans-precedent-entraine-la-mort-de-plus-de-20-personnes-en-24-heures-20240725_YHPM3UEXSFDYLB7PYXNA5LO5F4/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
- Jun 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
trustoverip.github.io trustoverip.github.io
This enables an extremely beneficial property of TELs; that is, the verifiability of transaction events in the TEL persists in spite of changes to Key States in the sealing KEL. In other words, the verifiability of transaction events persists in spite of changes in the Key State
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
2023 ist so viel antarktisches Meeteis geschmolzen wie nie zuvor seit Messbeginn. Es bedeckte 2 Millionen Quadratkilometer weniger als im langjährigen Durchschnitt, das entspricht der vierfachen Oberfläche Frankreichs. Ein Abschmelzen in diesem Ausmaß ist durch die globale Erhitzung deutlich wahrscheinlicher geworden, wie eine neue Studie der British Antarctic Survey zeigt. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/le-record-de-fonte-de-la-banquise-en-antarctique-un-evenement-au-risque-multiplie-par-quatre-par-le-rechauffement-climatique-20240520_LVEG42DUB5BONPRXYZDTGWQJTQ/
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
81 View upvote and downvote totals. This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Most people are focused on attribution (and rightfully so), but it seems that not much attention is being paid to the share alike part of the CC license. In AI contexts, copyright law is still being tested in court and many things are uncertain. There is a very real risk that training an AI on this site's data will not necessarily be considered "fair use" (it fails the "serves as a substitute for the original" test, among other things), which means there's a risk that the trained model will be considered a derivative work and thus required to carry a license similar to CC-BY-SA 4.0.
One of the key elements was "attribution is non-negotiable". OpenAI, historically, has done a poor job of attributing parts of a response to the content that the response was based on.
I feel violated, cheated upon, betrayed, and exploited.
What could possibly go wrong? Dear Stack Overflow denizens, thanks for helping train OpenAI's billion-dollar LLMs. Seems that many have been drinking the AI koolaid or mixing psychedelics into their happy tea. So much for being part of a "community", seems that was just happy talk for "being exploited to generate LLM training data..." The corrupting influence of the profit-motive is never far away.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die späte Hitzewelle in Frankreich in der zweiten Augusthälfte lässt sich mit großer Zuverlässigkeit auf die Emissionen von Treibhausgasen zurückführen. Sie wurde nur möglich durch die hohen Temperaturen der umgebenden Meere und die Trockenheit im Süden Frankreichs, die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung sind. Der Attributionsforscher Davide Faranda stellt im Gespräch fest, dass solche Hitzewellen bei weiterer Erhöhung der Temperaturen häufig vorkommen werden.
- Apr 2024
- 2024-04-26
- process: increasing risk of floodings
- topic: attribution
- region: Arabic peninsula
- study: Heavy precipitation hitting vulnerable communities in the UAE and Oman becoming an increasing threat as the climate warms
- by: Leonie Vogelsang
- institution: World Weather Attribution
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Eine Attributionsstudie von Climate Central ergänzt die Copernicus-Daten für den Februar. In den vergangenen 3 Monaten waren 4,8 Milliarden Menschen von höheren Temperaturen betroffen, für die die globale Erhitzung mitverantwortlich war. Untersucht wurden die Werte von 678 Städten weltweit. Die Luft an der Oberfläche der Ozeane war wärmer als in jedem zuvor erfassten Monat der Geschichte. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/06/climate/winter-february-heat-wave.html
Copernicus-Bulletin: https://climate.copernicus.eu/surface-air-temperature-february-2024
Climate Central-Bericht: https://assets.ctfassets.net/cxgxgstp8r5d/1MIMyO7isC5mLwnx5jvGil/51784bf8aff2c6b18ba166d395fa59ae/Climate_Central_Seasonal_Attribution_Report__Dec_2023_-Feb_2024.pdf
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine extreme Hitzewelle hat in der Sahelzone Hunderte, wahrscheinlich Tausende Menschenleben gefordert. World Weather Attribution zufolge ist die Höhe der Temperaturen eindeutig auf die globale Erhitzung durch Treibhausgase zurückzuführen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/18/lethal-heatwave-in-sahel-worsened-by-fossil-fuel-burning-study-finds
- 2024-04-18
- topic: attribution
- impact: heat deaths
- event: Sahel heat wave April 2024
- expert: Friederike Otto
- process: increasing risk of heatwaves
- by: Jonathan Watts
- institution: Grantham Institute
- institution: Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
- region: Sahel
- event: humid heat in Southern West Africa March 2024
- expert: Kiswendsida Guigma
- event: El Niño 2023/24
- institution: World Weather Attribution
- topic: temperature records
Der Amazonas-Regenwald kommt dem Kipppunkt, an dem er mehr CO2 abgibt als aufnimmt, immer näher. Eine neue Studie sagt vorraus, dass bis 2050 47% des Gebietes geschädigt sein könnten. Von Juni bis Dezember 2023 herrschte dort eine externe Dürre, die einer Attributionsstudie zufolge durch die globale Erhitzung 30mal wahrscheinlicher wurde. https://taz.de/Klimawandel/!5990314/
Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06970-0
Attributionsstudie: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/climate-change-not-el-nino-main-driver-of-exceptional-drought-in-highly-vulnerable-amazon-river-basin/
- process: increasing risk of droughts
- 2024-02-18
- region: Amazonia
- Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system
- Amazon rainforest
- Potsdam Institute for climate impact research
- Boris Sakschewski
- by: Susanne Schwarz
- Climate change, not El Niño, main driver of exceptional drought in highly vulnerable Amazon River Basin
- World Weather Attribution
- Mar 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die als "Episode mediterranéen" bezeichneten Starkregenereignisse und Überschwemmungen in Südfrankreich werden durch die globale Erhitzung verstärkt, allerdings ist die Attribution oft noch nicht sicher. Bisher ungewöhnlich ist auch ihr Auftauchen schon im Februar statt im Herbst. Interview dazu mit der Klimatologin Françoise Vimeux. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/intemperies-en-charente-maritime-et-sur-la-cote-dazur-les-pluies-torrentielles-sont-exacerbees-par-le-rechauffement-climatique-20240309_45BZDCBSOFCAZAWCBS6DAD543I/
- Feb 2024
there's 00:16:20 something that in Psychology is called the fundamental attribution error
for - definition - fundamental attribution error
definition - fundamental attribution error - a psychological condition in which an individual attrbutes a human behavior to an internal characteristic instead of environmental circumstances
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
for: SRG - community strategy, TPF - community strategy, epiphany - Indyweb Coalition fair attribution map for all stakeholders
- for SRG and TPF, the citizen launch is the optimal choice as it gives citizens the greatest autonomy.to get the correct framework established before approaching institutional partners for support
epiphany: Indyweb generates detailed and fair attribution and contribution map for all coalition member involved
- Indyweb features will allow for granular attribution to all stakeholders and organizations within a collaborative project
- All contributions are automatically tracked as part of Indyweb workflow via the provenance feature and can be automatically surfaced in granular detail as metadata emergent from the group Indyweb mindplex, the intertwingled shared mindplexs of all participants
- In particular, by using Indyweb's provenance feature, it allows for automatically tracking the exact nature of the contribution
- For a multi-stakeholder coalition like Living Cities Earth, this takes care of fair automatic attribution
- The result is a fair attribution map that shows exactly who contributed and what they contributed
- Nov 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The collection at the Newberry includes a bound copy of “The Federalist” once owned by Thomas Jefferson. Besides penciling his initials in the book, Jefferson wrote those of the founding fathers alongside their essays, which had originally been published anonymously.
Thomas Jefferson wrote the names of the previously anonymous authors of The Federalist next to their essays in his personal copy.
- Oct 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Als Folge der globalen Erhitzung sind Stürme wie derjenige, der zu den Überschwemmungen Ende September in New York führte, um 10-20% feuchter als im 20. Jahrhundert. Das ergibt sich aus einer Attributionsstudie. Die Niederschlagsmenge bei Starkregen im amerikanischen Nordosten hat seit den 50er Jahren um 55% zugenommen. Die Infrastruktur der Stadt lässt sich bisher nicht schnell genug an die Veränderung des Klimas anpassen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/02/new-york-city-flooding-rain-storm-climate-change
- Sep 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Der Sturm Daniel in Libyen Tausende von Todesopfern gefordert, 27 davor in Europa und der Türkei. Der Attributions-Spezialist Davide Faranda stellt ihn im Interview mit der Libération in den Kontext der um 3-4° erhöhten Meerestemperatur und mediterranen HItzewelle im Juli und später Hitzewellen im August und September. Hitzewellen wie Medikane intensivieren sich. Dringend sei eine europaweite Planung von Anpassungsmaßnahmen. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/evenements-climatiques-extremes-en-mediterranee-cet-ete-on-a-vecu-dans-le-futur-20230912_O7A53XIZKZDPZC2NH4RD355GNA/
phys.org phys.org
Die Anzahl tropischer Stürme, die sich schnell intensivieren, bevor sie das Land erreichen, hat sich in den letzten 40 Jahren verdreifacht. Der Hurrikan Itdlia hat möglicherweise am schnellsten von allen bisher bekannten Stürmen verstärkt, weil er seine Energie aus extrem warmem Wasser bezieht. Diese Verstärkung lässt sich der globalen Erhitzung zu schreiben, auch wenn die Zahl der Stürme durch sie nicht zunimmt. https://phys.org/news/2023-08-idalia-potent-intensely-rocket-fuel.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-nwletter via La Repubblica
- Aug 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Waldbrände haben 2023 in Kanada bisher mit 1,4 Milliarden Hektar eine Fläche von der Größe Griechenlands zerstört. Ein Attributionsstudie für die Brände in Québec ergibt, dass sie durch die globale Erhitzung mindestens doppelt so wahrscheinlich wurden wir ohne sie, und dass die Temperaturen, die die Brände begünstigten, 20% höher waren als vor der Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/22/climate-change-canada-wildfires-twice-as-likely
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Sommerliche HItzewellen wie in diesem Jahr in Europa, den USA und China sind durch die globale Erhitzung in ihrem Ausmaß wesentlich wahrscheinlicher geworden. Ohne globale Erhitzung wären eine Welle in China so wie in diesem Jahr nur alle 250 Jahre zu erwarten, in Südeuropa und in Mexiko und den südlichen USA wäre sie „virtuell unmöglich“. Die World Weather Attribution publizierte diese Ergebnisse in einer neuen Attributions-Studie. https://www.repubblica.it/economia/rapporti/energitalia/storie/2023/07/28/news/wwa_le_ondate_di_calore_estremo_negli_usa_e_in_europa_sarebbero_virtualmente_impossibili_senza_il_cambiamento_climatico-409305623/
www.worldweatherattribution.org www.worldweatherattribution.org
- for: extreme weather, realtime extreme weather analysis, World weather attribution
- description
- the World Weather Attribution organization is a group of research institutes that provides robust scientific answers to the question:
- is climate change to blame?
- when an extreme weather event has occurred
- This is usually available days to weeks after the event and informs discussions about climate change while the impacts of the events are still fresh in the minds of the public and policymakers.
- the World Weather Attribution organization is a group of research institutes that provides robust scientific answers to the question:
- Jul 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die meteorologischen Daten ergeben, dass dieser Juli der wärmste der bekannten Geschichte ist - mit einem Abstand zu anderen Juli-Monaten, der Klimawissenschaftler:innen erstaunt. Für UN-Generalsekretär Gutteres hat die „Ära des globalen Kochens" begonnen. Forscher:innen und NGOs wiesen darauf hin, dass eine Begrenzung der Erhitzung auf 1,5° noch möglich ist, dass aber neue fossile Projekte vorangetrieben werden, die eindeutig mit dem 1,5°-Ziel unvereinbar sind.
- institution: Lancet Countdown
- topic: attribution
- NGO: Destination Zero
- expert: Marina Romanello
- expert: Friederike Otto
- process: increasing risk of heatwaves
- expert: Catherine Abreu
- process: global heating
- expert: Karsten Haustein
- expert: Joyce Kimutai
- expert: Zeke Hausfather
- time: 3023-07
www.tagesschau.de www.tagesschau.de
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Sibirien macht gerade die schlimmste Hitzewelle der aufgezeichneten Geschichte durch. Im Juni wurden Temperaturen von über 40 Grad erreicht. damit droht sich das Abschmelzen des Permafrosts – durch die Freisetzung von Methan ein sich selbst verstärkender Prozess – zu beschleunigen. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/siberie-avec-40-c-la-region-connait-la-pire-vague-de-chaleur-de-son-histoire-20230611_QONTZ25VFRASJMR6UT44HXDO7A/
- topic: attribution
- expert: Omar Baddour
- expert: Samantha Burgess
- process: increasing risk of heatwaves
- topic: climate feedback
- institution: Météo France
- institution: Copernicus
- expert: Maximiliano Herrera
- region: Siberia
- institution: WMO
- process: melting of permafrost
- process: increasing risk of wildfires
- institution: World Weather Attribution
- Jun 2023
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Prof Kris Ebi from the University of Washington started off the third day of the conference with a presentation on heatwaves and early action plans. She pointed to the 2021 Pacific north-west “heat dome” event, which resulted in around 800 excess deaths and was later found to be a 1-in-10,000 year event. The rarity of that event means, in effect, “these people died because of climate change,” Ebi said. She added: “Every heat-related death is preventable.”
I hadn't realised the attribution was so clear like this. Wow.
- May 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die April-Hitzewelle in Spanien, Portugal und Nordafrika lässt sich auf die globale Erhitzung zurückführen. Sie folgte auf eine mehrjährige Dürre. Die World Weather Attribution Group hat errechnet, dass ein solches Ereignis in der vorindustriellen Zeit so unwahrscheinlich war, dass es praktisch nicht zu ihm kommen konnte. Die Steigerung der Extremtemperaturen ist dabei schneller, als es die Klimamodelle voraussagen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/05/april-mediterranean-heatwave-almost-impossible-without-climate-crisis
PA zur Studie: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/extreme-april-heat-in-spain-portugal-morocco-algeria-almost-impossible-without-climate-change/
- Apr 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die World Weather Attribution Group hat in einer Studie nachgewiesen, dass die große Dürre an Horn von Afrika ein Ergebnis der Erhitzung der Erde durch Treibhausgase ist. Von der Dürre sind 50 Millionen Menschen direkt und weitere 100 Millionen indirekt betroffen. Ohne die Erhöhung der Temperaturen hätten dieselben Regenverhältnisse nicht zu einer Dürre geführt. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/27/human-driven-climate-crisis-fuelling-horn-of-africa-drought-study
- region: Horn of Africa
- expert: Cheikh Kane
- institution: World Weather Attribution Group
- institution: enya Meteorological Department
- expert: Friederike Otto
- attribution
- expert: Joyce Kimutai
- institution: Grantham Institute for climate change and the environment
- institution: Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre,
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Feb 2023
archive.org archive.org
Attribution to Defoe is based on internal textual relationship to his works of proven authorship together with supporting external evidence. Cf. J. H. Moore. Defoe in the pillory. Bloomington, Ind., 1939, p. 126-188. However, see also P.N. Furbank and W.R. Owens, The canonisation of Daniel Defoe, for a refutation of Defoe's authorship of this work
- Jan 2023
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Daten des britischen Wetterdiensts: 2022 war das bisher wärmste Jahr in England und Großbritannien. Die hohen Temperaturen wurden durch die Treibhausgase in der Atmosphäre um den Faktor 160 wahrscheinlcher gemacht. Ausführliche Datenanalyse bei Carbon Brief.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Rekordtemperaturen in UK in diesen Sommer wurden durch die globale Erhitzung 160 Mal so wahrscheinlich gemacht wir vor der Industrialisierung. Mit ähnlichen Temperaturen ist jetzt alle drei bis vier Jahre zu rechnen, am Ende des Jahrhunderts bei einem mittleren Emissions-Szenario jährlich.
- Aug 2022
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
Paleography is the study of the history of handwriting. It involves 3 skillsets: attribution (establishing date/place of origin by comparison); literacy (learning to read unfamiliar scripts); and description (distinguishing between scribes).
- Jul 2022
steadyhq.com steadyhq.com
Otto sagt zu den Ergebnissen: „Hitzewellen sind die Extreme, die in einer sich erwärmenden Welt am stärksten zunehmen. Solange der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen anhält, werden solche Ereignisse zu immer alltäglicheren Katastrophen.“
Kurze und gute Darstellung der Attributions-Studie zur Hitzewelle in Indien und Pakistan. Wichtig ist sich die Aussage zu Hitzewellen als.der schlimmsten unmittelbaren Folge der Erhitzung.
- May 2022
3stages.org 3stages.org
when we attribute a quote to a person, we are not just saying "I believe this"; we are also saying "this person supports my belief." If we attribute the quote to the wrong person, that claim is false.
Commonplace Books, Quotation and Misquotation Sources, Researching Quotes Sources for good quotations and for researching questionable quotes.
A wonderful resource of quotation related material online.
- Oct 2021
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Kartik Agaram's essay on "habitability"
Kartik points out that "http://akkartik.name/post/habitability is not written by me. It's a long quote from an essay by Richard Gabriel."
- Jul 2021
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
Brief summary of what AR Intervention and AR Induction means.
three locus of focus
yaleclimateconnections.org yaleclimateconnections.org
transcription.si.edu transcription.si.edu
While Phyllis Diller created much of her own material, she also used jokes from other writers. Sometimes she purchased several jokes at a time from one writer, while in other circumstances fans mailed her jokes. Many of these contributors were wives and mothers from across the country who had similar experiences to share with Diller. When a gag was contributed by a writer other than Diller, the index card with the gag notes the name of the writer and often how many jokes were obtained and at what price.
- Jun 2021
oeidsanders.pressbooks.com oeidsanders.pressbooks.com
History of Computer Aided Language Learning Infographic by E-learning Infographics is included on the basis of fair use as described in the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Open Education
Attributions for non original content can be handled many ways - due to the brevity and simulated nature of this example, I managed them this way. But as in the original OER, a full attributions page would eventually become necessary for clean attribution and decluttered document layout.
Consider the following infographic
This would have been selected with SME. I wanted to demonstrate multiple means of representation and use an insert to demonstrate use of Code of Best Practices for Fair Use in OER.
oeidsanders.pressbooks.com oeidsanders.pressbooks.com
Chapter 4 Revision by Colleen Sanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
This is where I would work out, with instructor, what license this revision should bear. I opted for CC BY for now, but that could change depending up on whether the instructor wanted to move into remixing more copyrighted/openly licensed content.
Reference List
I culled the in-text citations to create a structured reference list, then placed it with the conclusions. Students are one click away from the extensively cited works while reading.
Providing attribution for source material
oeidsanders.pressbooks.com oeidsanders.pressbooks.com
Full list of sources cited in this chapter. In real life, these would all be properly formatted citations with links to articles.
oeidsanders.pressbooks.com oeidsanders.pressbooks.com
CMC gives language learners access to more knowledgeable individuals, either native speakers of the target language or more advanced nonnative speakers, than they might be able to encounter in a face-to-face environment, thus increasing their potential ability to learn. Indeed, in some environments, CMC provides the only possibility for access to NSs. (p. 12)
Indented and italicized to offset the quote for navigability and readability.
- May 2021
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Williamson, H. C. (2020). Early Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Relationship Satisfaction and Attributions. Psychological Science, 31(12), 1479–1487. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797620972688
- Apr 2021
www.klimareporter.de www.klimareporter.de
- Feb 2021
www.coursera.org www.coursera.org
Attribution requires knowledge of two facts: who holds the asset, and who has created it and is party to the contract.
Basic functions of blockchain: Attribution
blog.mediachain.io blog.mediachain.io
The velocity of an image online and the amount of knowledge around it have an inverse relationship.
www.stm-assoc.org www.stm-assoc.org
However, we are unable to support one route to compliance offered by Plan S,
The publishers below will not support the Plan S rights retention strategy (RRS). In its simplest form the RRS re-asserts the authors' rights as the rights holder to assign a copyright license of their choice (CC BY informed by their funding agency) to all versions of their research/intellectual output. In the case of the RRS states that the author should apply a CC BY license to their accepted manuscript (AAM) if they cannot afford to pay article processing charges or choose not to apply a CC BY license to the Version of Record (VoR), which they are free to do. Therefore, this statement is either saying the undersigned will not carry publications forward to publication (most appropriate approach), or they will not support the same copyright laws which fundamentally protects their rights and revenue after a copyright transfer agreement is signed by the rightsholder.
Academy of Dental Materials
Acoustical Society of America
AIP Publishing
American Academy of Ophthalmology
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
American Chemical Society
American Gastroenterological Association American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Medical Association
American Physical Society
American Society for Investigative Pathology
American Society for Radiation Oncology
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Hematology
American Society of Clinical Oncology
American Association of Physicists in Medicine
American Association of Physics Teachers
AVS – The Society for Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing
British Journal of Anaesthesia
Budrich Academic Press
Cambridge Media
Cambridge University Press
Canadian Cardiovascular Society
De Gruyter
Duncker & Humblot
Erich Schmidt Verlag
French Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Frommann-Holzboog Verlag
Future Science Group
International Association for Gondwana Research
IOP Publishing
Journal of Nursing Regulation
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT).
Julius Klinkhardt KG
La Découverte
Laser Institute America
Materials Research Forum LLC
The Optical Society (OSA)
Pearson Benelux
SAGE Publishing
Society of Rheology
Springer Nature
Taylor & Francis Group
The Geological Society of America
Thieme Group
Uitgeverij Verloren
Verlag Barbara Budrich
Vittorio Klostermann
wbv Media
Wolters Kluwer
- Jan 2021
fontawesome.com fontawesome.com
Attribution is no longer required as of Font Awesome 3.0 but is much appreciated:
- Nov 2020
blog.getdbt.com blog.getdbt.com
We then estimate the relative weight each touch played in leading to a conversion. This estimation is done by allocating “points” to touches: each conversion is worth exactly one point, and that point is divvied up between the customer’s touches. There are four main ways to divvy up this point:First touch: Attribute the entire conversion to the first touchLast touch: Attribute the entire conversion to the last touchForty-twenty-forty: Attribute 40% (0.4 points) of the attribution to the first touch, 40% to the last touch, and divide the remaining 20% between all touches in betweenLinear: Divide the point equally among all touches
[[positional attribution]] works by identifying the touch points in the lifecycle, and dividing up the points across those touches.
There are four main ways to divvy up this pointing
[[question]] What are the four main ways to divvy up positional attribution]]
- [[first touch]]
- [[last touch]]
- [[fourty-twenty-fourty]]
- [[linear]]
Once you have pageviews in your warehouse, you’ll need to do two thingsSessionization: Aggregate these pageviews into sessions (or “sessionization”) writing logic to identify gaps of 30 minutes or more.User stitching: If a user first visits your site without any identifying information (typically a `customer_id` or `email`), and then converts at a later date, their previous (anonymous) sessions should be updated to include their information. Your web tracking system should have a way to link these sessions together.This modeling is pretty complex, especially for companies with thousands of pageviews a day (thank goodness for incremental models 🙌). Fortunately, some very smart coworkers have written packages to do the heavy lifting for you, whether your page views are tracked with Snowplow, Segment or Heap. Leverage their work by installing the right package to transform the data for you.
[[1. Gather your required data sources]] - once we have data, we need to do two things [[sessionization]] - the aggregation of pageviews / etc into a session
and [[user stitching]] - when we have a user without any identifying information, and then converts - kind of like the anonymous users / signups - and trying to tie them back to a source
1. Gather your required data sourcesSessions:Required dbt techniques: packagesWe want to use a table that represents every time a customer interacts with our brand. For ecommerce companies, the closest thing we can get to for this is sessions. (If you’re instead working for a B2B organization, you should consider using a table of interactions between your sales team and a potential customer from your CRM).Sessions are discrete periods of activity by a user on a website. The industry standard is to define a session as a series of activities followed by a 30-minute window without any activity.
[[1. Gather your required data sources]]
How to build an attribution model
[[How to build an attribution model]]
- [[1. Gather your required data sources]]
- [[2. Find all sessions before conversion]]
- [[3. Calculate the total sessions and the session index]]
- [[3. Allocate points]]
- [[4. Bonus Join in revenue value]]
- [[5. Bonus Join with ad spend data]]
- [[6. Ship it!]]
The attribution data modelIn reality, it’s impossible to know exactly why someone converted to being a customer. The best thing that we can do as analysts, is provide a pretty good guess. In order to do that, we’re going to use an approach called positional attribution. This means, essentially, that we’re going to weight the importance of various touches (customer interactions with a brand) based on their position (the order they occur in within the customer’s lifetime).To do this, we’re going to build a table that represents every “touch” that someone had before becoming a customer, and the channel that led to that touch.
One of the goals of an [[attribution data model]] is to understand why someone [[converted]] to being a customer. This is impossible to do accurately, but this is where analysis comes in.
There are some [[approaches to attribution]], one of those is [[positional attribution]]
[[positional attribution]] is that we are weighting the importance of touch points - or customer interactions, based on their position within the customer lifetime.
transparent attribution model. You’re not relying on vendor logic. If your sales team feels like your attribution is off, show them dbt docs, walk them through the logic of your model, and make modifications with a single line of SQL
[[transparent attribution model]]
The most flexible attribution model. You own the business logic and you can extend it however you want, and change it easily when you business changes
[[flexible attribution model]]
hat’s it. Really! By writing SQL on top of raw data you get: The cheapest attribution model. This playbook assumes you’re operating within a modern data stack , so you already have the infrastructure that you need in place: You’re collecting events data with a tool like Snowplow or Segment (though Segment might get a little pricey) You’re extracting data from ad platforms using Stitch or Fivetran You’re loading data into a modern, cloud data warehouse like Snowflake, BigQuery, or Redshift And you’re using dbt so your analysts can model data in SQL
[[cheapest attribution model]]
So what do you actually need to build an attribution model?Raw data in your warehouse that represents customer interactions with your brand. For ecommerce companies, this is website visits. For B2B customers, it might be conversations with sales teams.SQL
to build an [[attribution model]] we need the raw data - this raw data should capture the [[customer interactions]], and in our case - also partner interactions, or people working with the partner?
Modeling marketing attribution Marketing attribution has long been one of the stickiest problems in analytics. But with raw data, SQL, and dbt a previously complex problem can become beautifully simple.
[[marketing attribution]]
- Oct 2020
www.mattmaldre.com www.mattmaldre.com
Clicking through to the photo, there is no mention of this image appearing on this important announcement. Perhaps the author privately contact the photographer about using his image. Since Ken Doctor is so incredible with his media experience (i’m being serious), I’m fairly certain someone from his team would have contacted the photographer to give him a heads up.
I'm sure I've said it before, but I maintain that if the source of the article and the target both supported the Webmention spec, then when a piece used an image (or really any other type of media, including text) with a link, then the original source (any website, or Flickr in this case) would get a notification and could show—if they chose—the use of that media so that others in the future could see how popular (or not) these types of media are.
Has anyone in the IndieWeb community got examples of this type of attribution showing on media on their own websites? Perhaps Jeremy Keith or Kevin Marks who are photographers and long time Flickr users?
Incidentally I've also mentioned using this notification method in the past as a means of decentralizing the journal publishing industry as part of a peer-review, citation, and preprint server set up. It also could be used as part of a citation workflow in the sense of Maria Popova and Tina Roth Eisenberg's Curator's Code<sup>[1]</sup>set up, which could also benefit greatly now with Webmention support.
- Sep 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Johan Hellström on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved September 7, 2020, from https://twitter.com/jhnhellstrom/status/1301073768748593153
www.factcheck.org www.factcheck.org
Spencer, S. H. (2020, September 1). CDC Did Not “Admit Only 6%” of Recorded Deaths from COVID-19. FactCheck.Org. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/09/cdc-did-not-admit-only-6-of-recorded-deaths-from-covid-19/
- Aug 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
We mustn’t understate the importance of anyone’s life when it comes to Covid deaths | Matt Beard. (2020, August 26). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/26/we-mustnt-understate-the-importance-of-anyones-life-when-it-comes-to-covid-deaths
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Why has the UK done so badly on Covid-19? There are still no simple answers | David Spiegelhalter. (2020). Retrieved 4 August 2020, from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/02/uk-covid-19-excess-deaths
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Additional Resources
I suggest an additional section titled tools. These tools really helped me in gaining a better understanding of structuring attributions etc.
The Attribution Builder is really helpful when there is uncertainty as to how to proceed with citing sources, especially as citing CC Licenses seems different from scholarly practices.
- Open Attribution Builder, by WA SBCTC, [n.d.]. The Open Attribution Builder is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
- CC “Select your License” tool logic - Beta version, by Wyblib40, 2020. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. (Please note that this workflow logic diagram I created myself in order to get a feel for the new License Chooser tool (2020)
As a result, I end up quoting multiple people, sometimes quoting several people back-to-back, before even writing my reply. In those instances it feels like I'm not properly citing those individuals. I feel like it might seem I'm not providing new readers appropriate context for a given quote. It might also be implied that separate quotes are from the same person, leading to mis-attribution.
- Jun 2020
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Efron, B. (2020). Prediction, Estimation, and Attribution. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115(530), 636–655. https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2020.1762613
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Witt, S., Seehagen, S., & Zmyj, N. (2020). Stress affects the prediction of others’ behavior [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/jbswq
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Prinzing, M., De Freitas, J., & Fredrickson, B. (2020). The lay concept of a meaningful life: The role of subjective and objective factors in attributions of meaning [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6sx4t
kantarainitiative.org kantarainitiative.org
Unless otherwise noted when Contributed, it will be assumed to be made entirely by you with no required attribution or other encumbrances.
- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Fucci, E., Baquedano, C., Abdoun, O., Deroche, J., & Lutz, A. (2020, April 21). Validation of a set of stimuli to investigate the effect of attributional processes on social motivation in within-subject experiments. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nbdj4
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Mandel, D. R., Wallsten, T. S., & Budescu, D. (2020, April 20). Numerically-Bounded Language Schemes Are Unlikely to Communicate Uncertainty Effectively. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9f6ev
- May 2018
www.cyberjustice.ca www.cyberjustice.ca
Sara Couture, auxiliaire de recherche au Laboratoire et cyberjustice et étudiante à la maîtrise en droit des technologies de l’information s’est rendue à Miami afin de participer au concours international Law Without Walls, la fin de semaine du 20 avril! Son équipe, composée de trois autres étudiantes provenant d’universités situées dans différentes régions du monde, a défendu son titre de grande gagnante de LWOW-X, une version en ligne de la compétition.
Surprenant que les collègues de Mme Couture ne soient pas nommés.
Question de justice...
- Aug 2017
www.openwa.org www.openwa.org
This is a tool to help you build attributions. Click the About box to learn more. As you fill out the form, the app automatically generates the attribution for you.
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Authors also have the right to not be attributed if they no longer wish to be associated with the work.
Interesting, to Dan's point. But does the Commons allow this?
- Mar 2017
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
She was the same person. But her situation—her environment—was different, so she acted differently.
No, one afternoon, she rearranged her office. Now, when people came to see her, she had to turn completely around to face them. Her computer was totally out of sight. No more email temptation.