- Last 7 days
These numbers may range from 1 to 9999
So that means we won't see a classification/subclass with a range like AZ57482. But is there a limit on the number of digits after the decimal?
(Also, the literal reading of the statement here means that the range in EG9999.293 is invalid—because 9999.293 is greater than 9999.)
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
Nelson said that he would be describing a lot ofthese ideas in an anthology to be released later in 1989called Replacing the Printed Word
It doesn't look like this happened.
library.oapen.org library.oapen.org
I inspired a lot of people with my book Computer Lib, but this gives me no joy,since what they did, and the way they did it, would have happened anyway.
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
Turco argued in 2016 that the problem was of supply more than itwas of demand; while it was certainly the case that the sometimes-bewildering multiplicity of potential user interfaces deployed fordifferent digital editions was one factor putting humanities schol-ars off using them, more significant was that the coding skillsets(or the resources needed to buy these in) was so alien to thosesame scholars that it was discouraging them from producing themin the first place
legal texts frequently get updated
Huh? Is this a reference to, I dunno, draft briefs—or what? Legal texts are pretty static...
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
which saves them from a potentiallypainful application review, from dealing with support for obsoleteclients, and so on
Roy Fielding. 2008. REST APIs Must Be Hypertext Driven. https://www.w3.org/2011/10/integration-workshop/p/hypermedia-oriented-design.pdf
Nope. It's actually https://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-hypertext-driven.
Remember that we want to avoid creating situations in which wemight need to assign a 2 or a 1
Hey! I have seen three cutters assigned to some resources. How can that be, if you can onlyhave up to two cutters?
Call numbers may contain either one or two cutters.
This is the first time I'm seeing this restriction.
Avoid using a 1 unless specifically instructed to do so in the schedules or in the CSM. If youfind that it is absolutely necessary, never use it as the final digit of a cutter because youmight have to use a zero in the cutter for the next resource. Instead, add another digit.And finally, avoid using a 2 if at all possible. Using a 2 can force the use of a 1, which canforce the use of a 0.
onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
A Comprehensive Grammar of the Sanskrit Language
UT has something at PCL published in 2001:
Keil, Carl Friedrich and Franz Delitzsch: Commentary on the Old Testament
UT has 25 volumes at PCL:
The Census of Egypt Taken in 1917
Diehl, Ernst, ed.: Anthologia Lyrica Graeca
UT has three volumes at PCL:
- Sep 2024
blogsystem5.substack.com blogsystem5.substack.com
From reading the book, I learned that Cutler had the same mentality for his OS and, in fact, the system wasn’t ported to x86 until late in its development. He wanted developers to target non-x86 machines first to prevent sloppy non-portable coding, because x86 machines were already the primary desktops that developers had. In fact, even as x86 increasingly became the primary target platform for NT, the team maintained a MIPS build at all times, and having most tests passing in this platform was a requirement for launching.
I'm reminded of the time when it was revealed about 10–15 years or so ago that when Apple switched to x86 from PowerPC, it wasn't the result of a big porting effort. They'd been maintaining portability all along—doing private builds internally that just never saw the light of day. When this came to light, the reaction was huge. People were awed.
A few years ago, when this piece of trivia was brought back to the forefront of my mind again after having not thought about it for years, I was struck by how silly that reaction was. Of course it makes sense that they'd been maintaining portability. There was nothing stupendous about this.
I think this is the one time when I saw and felt the effects of Apple's legendary reality distortion field firsthand. (In every other instance, I hadn't been close enough and so only perceived it from afar and only had other sources to trust that it was a real phenomenon.)
This sounds ridiculous, right? Why wasn’t there a CI/CD pipeline to build the system every few hours and publish the resulting image to a place where engineers could download it? Ha, ha. Things weren’t this rosy back then. Having automated tests, reproducible builds, a CI/CD system, unattended nightly builds, or even version control… these are all a pretty new “inventions”. Quality control had to be done by hand, as did integrating the various pieces that formed the system.
This still describes the way the semiconductor manufacturing world works.
Now, more than 30 years later, NT is behind almost all desktop and laptop computers in the world.
This is sort of an odd remark. Even excluding servers and focusing only on traditional desktop and laptop computers, Windows' dominance is as weak now as it has been at any other point in the last 30 years.
Most desktop and laptop computers? Yeah, probably.
"Almost all"? Surely not.
Each subclass is divided into ranges
You have also noticed the blue bar by this time. The bar indicates the number that is selected, and itcan be moved around by double-clicking.Moving it changes the data in the hierarchy pane. Watch the hierarchy pane as I double-click tomove the bar around the screen.
This characterization is a good case study in the odd (off) conceptualization of computer UI...
A cutter number is a method of representing words or names by a letter of the alphabet, thenby one or more Arabic numerals.
It looks like the answer to my question is "yes".
Some cutters are preceded by a decimal point.
So is this a matter of...? Taste? Or is there some rule that says which shall be preceded by a decimal and which shall not?
number that may be a whole number or a whole number witha decimal, such as 2301, 111, 756.5,
So the decimal does not indicate the presence (introduction) of a cutter.
Is the rule, then, that if the character following the decimal is a digit, then it's a decimalized classification, and if it's a non-digit (alpha?) then it's a cutter?
onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
The March 1964 issue has a 1964 copyright notice, but the CCE states that its actual copyright date was December 23, 1963.
Sean Dudley pointed out something similar to me—even though a given Black Mask issue might be the January 19XX issue, it was probably actually published and distributed sometime in December. This means that if you have a serialization that began in 1928 that you want to us public excerpts from, if it it ended in the January 1929 issue, then there's a good chance that the whole thing is actually public domain.
onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
UT has a bunch of volumes, including early volumes, that aren't already available and linked from this page.
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
Licklider, J. C. R. 1960. Man-computer symbiosis. IRETransactions on Human Factors in Electronics. HFE-I:4-11, (March 1).
Good, I. J. 1958. How much science can you have atyour fingertips? IBM Journal of Research and Development.2: 282-288, (October 4).
Bush, Vannevar. 1945. As we may think. AtlanticMonthly, (July). Pp. 101-108.
www.cs.princeton.edu www.cs.princeton.edu
I referred (indirectly) to this in an annotation on https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1945/07/as-we-may-think/303881/ as "the PDF". As the first page indicates this is rather a PDF—specifically someone's PDF of the ACM's reprint from 1996 (which can be found hanging off this DOI: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/227181.227186).
The Atlantic's PDF can be found here https://cdn.theatlantic.com/media/archives/1945/07/176-1/132407932.pdf (at least for now).
web.mit.edu web.mit.edu
Handles, in contrast, can be homed on any handle server and transferred at will -- so another organization can take over handles for a merging or dying organization. Handle namespace names are not related in any way to the hostname of their home server except perhaps by coincidence.
This is a superficially attractive argument, but it doesn't hold up.
In practice, links to handles are tied to the domain of the organization operating the handle resolver service. The argument that the handles themselves are durable and can survive the demise of the domain and the org that controls it is not a good one; for everything that makes this true for handles, it's also true for names based on conventional/traditional URLs—
www.doi.org www.doi.org
In order to guarantee persistence, the DOI Foundation has built a social infrastructure on top of the technical infrastructure of the Handle System. Persistence is a function of organizations, not of technology; a persistent identifier system requires a persistent organization, agreed policies and defined processes.
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
I might point out that the definite and formal techniques and procedures provided us by social heritage mostly involve specialized and idealized aspects of the workload and needs of the individual. There apparently never has been an over-all or “system” approach to the problem of assisting the individual in being effective in his over-all problem-solving role.
I find this extremely hard to parse.
- Aug 2024
onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
UT has an incomplete copy of volumes 31 and 32:
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Hey, traveler.
Wayback Machine has a copy of the original HTML version.
Lassila has a copy of the PDF her homepage: https://www.lassila.org/publications/2001/SciAm.html
JSTOR (PDF): https://www.jstor.org/stable/26059207
teresaelsey.medium.com teresaelsey.medium.com
the retailer response is to send me an individual email every time they notice one
It's almost that link rot is a problem that publishers should, you know, do something about...
this is a problem for print books as well as for the ebooks of course, but I think we’re more content to let the URLs in print books function essentially as decoration—as signs that there is scholarship underlying their claims
Should we fix these factual errors?
because every ebook looks like a brand-new ebook, and because you’re reading it on your brand-new eighth-generation Kindle Fire, these kind of factual errors are more jarring than they would be in a print book
In 2010, we thought inserting a picture of the print book index was a reasonable way to do ebook indexes
onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
Truth (New York-based magazine, 1881-1905
Not to be confused with Truth, the British magazine published 1877–1957.
The book Organization and Success (1923) by William Armstrong Fairburn does not seem to be available online.
Fairburn, William Armstrong, et al.: Merchant Sail
UT purports to have it at PCL, but I haven't verified.
Woodroffe, John George, Sir: The Serpent Power
Time and Tide
UT PCL has some of them. https://search.lib.utexas.edu/permalink/01UTAU_INST/9e1640/alma991028908279706011
New York Times Book Review
UT PCL has them, mostly.
Meeke, Mary: Count St. Blancard
UT has a copy that is a facsimile reprint with a newer (still in-copyright) introduction.
Hays, Mary: The Victim of Prejudice
UT has a copy that is a facsimile reprint with a newer (still in-copyright) introduction.
Denison, Charles W.: Old Slade: or, Fifteen Years Adventures of a Sailor
UT has it in their microfilm deposit.
Local file Local file
Nor were we using the pieces in waysinappropriate to their advertised scope of applicability.
Kiczales is fond of the metaphor of implementing a spreadsheet by making each cell its own window under the native platform's windowing system.
This is:
Garlan, David, Robert Allen, and John Ockerbloom. “Architectural Mismatch or Why It’s Hard to Build Systems out of Existing Parts.” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering, 179–85. ICSE ’95. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 1995. https://doi.org/10.1145/225014.225031.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
My side projects from 2012-2017 cannot be built or ran because of dependencies. My jsbin repo with lots of experiments cannot be ran anymore. But I have the sqlite database.I forgot to pin dependencies when I was working. It would take a lot of trial and error and effort to get back to where I was.
futuretextpublishing.com futuretextpublishing.com
The act of authorship is an act of taking fluid human thoughts and structuring theminto linear arguments or narratives
I have written down all these thoughts are as ‘remarks’, short paragraphs, of whichthere is sometimes a fairly long chain about the same subject, while I sometimes makea sudden change, jumping from one topic to another, – it was my intention at first tobring all this together in a book whose form I pictured differently at different times. Butthe essential thing was that the thoughts should proceed from one subject to another in anatural order and without breaks.After several unsuccessful attempts to weld my results together into such a whole, Irealised that I should never succeed. The best that I could write would never be morethan philosophical remarks; my thoughts were soon crippled if I tried to force themon in any single direction against their natural inclination.– And this was, of course,connected with the very nature of the investigation. For this compels us to travel over awide field of thought criss-cross in every direction.
This precedes Nelson on hypertext.
I have written down all these thoughts are as ‘remarks’
spurious "are" here
www.philsp.com www.philsp.com
Nash’s Magazine: (about) Nash’s Magazine—UK; Apr. 1909-Sep. 1937 (532 issues); merged with The Pall Mall Magazine, Oct. 1914, as Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine, separated again May 1927-Sep. 1929, re-merged, Oct. 1929 as Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine; Eveleigh Nash, London (1909-1911), Hearst’s National Magazine Company (1911-1937); monthly; standard format, on pulp paper until Feb. 1910, when better-quality coated stock introduced, with more illustrations; became a large-format slick in 1923; mostly fiction, including Algernon Blackwood, William Hope Hodgson, Oliver Onions, Marie Belloc Lowndes (“The Lodger” Jan. 1911).
I can't seem to locate these issues. If I search Hathitrust or lib.utexas.edu, it just gives me Pall Mall. We know from a 1913 issue of Hearst's in which Chesterton's "The Treason of a Jingo" was (re-)published, there is some 1912 issue (apparently September) of Nash's in which the writer Sydney Brooks published "The Conquering English". (Chesterton's piece is a response to Brooks's.) Evidently, it is the September 1912 issue in which Brooks's article appears. However, at the time, Nash's and Pall Mall were still separate. According to Wikipedia, they didn't merge until 1914. And indeed, it looks like there are independent issues for September 1912 of both Nash's and Pall Mall. Viz:
tile.loc.gov tile.loc.gov
E are thinking and talk-ing a great deal now-a-days about placing theright man in the rightjob, about puttinground pegs in roundholes and square pegs in squareholes, and this subject is one ofthe most vital problems that con-fronts us all, whether we workfor others or employ men to workfor us.
Is this a reference to Taylor and the sort of work that the Gilbreth's were doing?
www.xml.com www.xml.com
As seen in the table above, namespace URIs tend to be long and cryptic, with lots of punctuation and case-sensitive text. In this instance the W3C has compounded the problem by adding dates to ensure that the namespace URIs are unique, as if it were likely that the W3C would create another "XSL/Transform" or "xhtml" namespace in the future. While namespace URIs may be guaranteed to be unique, they are also guaranteed to be impossible to remember. Quick, without checking, can you remember if the namespace URI for W3C XML Schema ends with "xmlschema", "XML/Schema", or "XMLSchema"? Was the namespace URI for SVG allocated in 1999, 2000, or 2001?
It's odd that this is considered to be an issue and something that I take to be a consequence of the times.
Does anybody worry about being able to remember the URLs of, say, their Golang imports?
infomesh.net infomesh.net
If HTML had been precisely defined as having to have an SGML DTD, it may not have become as popular as fast, but it would have been a lot architecturally stronger.
Alternative take: if the HTML5 parsing algorithm (and its error handling) had been precisely defined, then HTML would have become as popular as fast (maybe even faster?) while being a lot more cross-compatible.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Phillip Hallam-Baker who "wondered about a tag being added to the get protocol to indicate where the text was being accessed from
There is a set of formats which every client must be able to handle. These include 80-column text and basic hypertext ( HTML ).
TBL says that browsers must be able to handle plain text (and not just that, but 80-column text). I wonder if this mandate appears anywhere else in modern standards (rather than just implemented by convention). It should.
(I am genuinely concerned about the possibility that browsers could/would remove support for plain text.)
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau
www.colbyrussell.com www.colbyrussell.com
attach(target = PocketCastsStarsExport, modules)
Derp. This is the wrong way to do default parameters.
PocketCastsStarsExport.UPDATE_ENDPOINT = ( `https://api.pocketcasts.com/sync/update_episode_star` )
The history endpoint is https://api.pocketcasts.com/user/history.
See https://github.com/DanEEStar/listening-history-deno/blob/main/src/pocketCasts.ts
chadcomello.com chadcomello.com
I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest Pratt would not have fared well in the #MeToo era.
was about rape, other sexual assault, and harassment. Pratt may very well have been guilty of some or all of these things, but it's not suggested by anything in the preceding passage. (And it's pretty reductive/diminutive of the actual crimes and other transgressions relevant to the#MeToo
label to point to that passage and have a response that is essentially, "lol#MeToo
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Written inPython, Cython
Is this accurate? I don't have a lot of firsthand experience with data science stuff, but usually when looking just past surface-level you find that some Python package is really a shell around some native binary core implemented in e.g. C (or Fortran?).
When I at the repos for spaCy and its assistant Thinc, GitHub's language analysis shows that it's pretty much Python. Is there something lurking in the shadows that I'm not seeing? Or does this mean that if someone cloned spaCy and Thinc and wrote it in JS, then the subset of data scientists whose work can be done with those two packages (and whatever datavis generators they use) will benefit from the faster runtime and the the elimination of figging and other setup?
- Jul 2024
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Eventually, there will be different ways of paying for different levels of quality. But today there some things we can do to make better use of the bandwidth we have, such as using compression and enabling many overlapping asynchronous requests. There is also the ability to guess ahead and push out what a user may want next, so that the user does not have to request and then wait. Taken to one extreme, this becomes subscription-based distribution, which works more like email or newsgroups. One crazy thing is that the user has to decide whether to use mailing lists, newsgroups, or the Web to publish something. The best choice depends on the demand and the readership pattern. A mistake can be costly. Today, it is not always easy for a person to anticipate the demand for a page. For example, the pictures of the Schoemaker-Levy comet hitting Jupiter taken on a mountain top and just put on the nearest Mac server or the decision Judge Zobel put onto the Web - both these generated so much demand that their servers were swamped, and in fact, these items would have been better delivered as messages via newsgroups. It would be better if the ‘system’, the collaborating servers and clients together, could adapt to differing demands, and use pre-emptive or reactive retrieval as necessary.
It's hard to make sense of these comments in light of TBL's frequent claims that the Web is foremost about URLs. (Indeed, he starts out this piece describing the Web as a universal information space.) It can really only be reconciled if you ignore that and understand "the Web" here to mean HTML over HTTP.
(In any case, the remarks and specific examples are now pretty stale and out of date.)
Bluesky and Mastadon don’t feed off our engagement
The first is the extent of power concentration, which contradicts the decentralised spirit I originally envisioned.
And yet this article was published to Medium.
direct.mit.edu direct.mit.edu
This foreword is described in the book as being "written as an article in 1997". There's a brief introduction (8 paragraphs dated December 2002), and then what follows is purportedly that same article, which begins, "The Web was designed to be a universal space of information[...]". The acknowledgements of the foreword, too, says that it "is based on a talk presented at the W3C meeting, London, December 3, 1997".
The same material, including acknowledgement, but sans the 8-paragraph introduction, is available on a webpage titled "Realising the Full Potential of the Web" on the W3C site. https://www.w3.org/1998/02/Potential.html
scholar.google.com scholar.google.com
Reversible_Object-Oriented Intertgfeters
www.cs.vu.nl www.cs.vu.nl
A company as big as Intel could obviously write its own OS if it had to
Just because they "could", it doesn't necessarily mean that they could, IYKWIM.
the Berkeley license provides the maximum amount of freedom to potential users
Inrupt's success will depend on good execution
Dries almost but not quite caught that Solid/Inrupt was doomed.
wryl.tech wryl.tech
Programming models, user interfaces, and foundational hardware can, and must, be shallow and composable. We must, as a profession, give agency to the users of the tools we produce. Relying on towering, monolithic structures sprayed with endless coats of paint cannot last. We cannot move or reconfigure them without tearing them down.
Counterpoint: the judicious use of abstraction is/can be, in some instances, the solution to giving users agency and reconfigurability.
Software that has to be torn down is the result of software built upon bad abstractions. Abstractions are not ipso fact bad. They just need to be chosen on the criteria of whether or not they solve a problem.
Newcomers had a low-cost entry point
The software crisis doesn't just apply to the profession of building software, but to anybody that uses software. Users have little to no control, save for things afforded to them by the author.
curious developers can no longer build software without scaling mountains
It is no longer easy to build software
blog.cloudflare.com blog.cloudflare.com
This is safe to do, because it doesn’t affect any state machine transitions, but merely preserves original 0x00 bytes and delegates their replacement to the parser in the end user’s browser.
kar.kent.ac.uk kar.kent.ac.uk
Cook, Steve J. (1994) The World isn't Software. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, 5 (9).
This is wrong. This guest editorial actually appears in Volume 6 (not Volume 5).
ianhenderson.org ianhenderson.org
feed-published-at is not a standard HTML attribute. validators will complain about it. but i couldn't find an alternative i liked.
As nayuki notes[1], XHTML is usable, and XHTML, being XML, supports namespaces, and this is like the one place where they're perfectly suited and not clunky.
I like to call it inverse vandalism (when vandalism is destroying things just because one can, then inverse vandalism is making things because one can).
holzer.online holzer.online
how do I get to this number between 0 and 1? Well, by simply reading on in the spec. There is some some pseudo code, which is easily translatable to Javascript (which I'm doing here in form of a literate program
www.boddie.org.uk www.boddie.org.uk
We decided that we would like to see better documented code included within web pages for convenient browsing. The motivation behind this peculiar aim is to be able to include high quality documentation alongside working code, hopefully making it easier for programmers to produce more maintainable, readable programs.
awesomekling.substack.com awesomekling.substack.com
In the time we’ve spent together working on this, a strong team culture has formed. The culture is highly optimistic and everyone has a “can do” attitude.
It would be useful to track down the misleading statement that Mozilla PR released that suggested that neither party was receiving kickbacks with the new Pocket integration. The reality is that that there was money changing hands related to the decision to integrate Pocket (NB: this was pre-Pocket acquisition by Mozilla), but the statement was worded just so to merely suggest that no money was changing hands without ever explicitly stating so—the idea being no doubt that they could claim plausible deniability wrt any false statements and blame the reader/listener for misunderstanding. The problem with this is that it backfired because it was so successful that Mozilla programmers who weren't in-the-know themselves took the statement to mean exactly the thing implied, and then they took to all sorts of public fora and "refuted" people using the PR piece, only these duped employees were explicitly claiming that there wasn't anything untoward going on, rather than the way the PR statement merely implied it. Plausible deniability moot.
(I was hoping after stumbling upon this old piece that I'd see the statement here, which would allow me to trace the contamination to e.g. HN comment threads around the same time, but this isn't the statement. It's a good clue as to when, precisely, it might have been issued.)
www.teamten.com www.teamten.com
Just write the stupid dispatch manually and get on with the real work.
- Jun 2024
software.rochus-keller.info software.rochus-keller.info
Dear wanderer:
You're looking for http://software.rochus-keller.ch/screenshot_oberon_ide_0.5.1.png
software.rochus-keller.info software.rochus-keller.info
Dear wanderer:
You're looking for http://software.rochus-keller.ch/screenshot_oberon_system_in_debugger.png
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
They never end up in the terminal, because that is a huge jump in complexity, usability, and frustration
I've been saying for years that if, say, the Gnome project wrote a new terminal emulator and replaced the default desktop terminal emulator with it and they made sure that the new one had a scrollback buffer that made your call-and-response session with the machine look more like iMessage/SMS bubbles that people are more comfortable with, people would be a lot less reluctant to use it. Once you've done that, replace Bash with an even better shell (in the same vein as the overhaul I just mentioned—not merely with something as conservative as fish or zsh), and you could magnify that effect 10x.
The real problem is:
public perception upon showing someone a terminal window—that they immediately adopt the thought, "Uh-oh. I don't know about this computer stuff, and I shouldn't be here"
the fact that the default terminal emulators do evoke that feeling
and the fact that tech folks are okay with this (and defensive of it, even)
the right knowledge to make a full-stack app
Worth considering Brooks's distinction of essential versus incidental complexity. It's especially worth considering the instances where the "incidental" part comes from being incidental to the fact that if it were easier, there it would make a lot of people unhappy for reasons that I call "the consultant effect".
what I call the command line wall
See also: Philip Guo on "command-line bullshittery".
writing code for its own sake
we need to stop harassing normal nurses, teachers, and therapists to code
I'm not saying everything Mao did was great, but this was a pretty good program. I'm sure he had very little to do with it.
I actually don't want to talk about how advances in AI will affect professional developers. With all due respect, we have it pretty good.
Even those of us who are professionals don't always have the right knowledge to make a full-stack app for ourselves.
showing historical borders or tidal patterns
Isn't that problem better fit for a solution with linked data—not by an app?
He painted a vision of applications that could be used by dozens of users rather than thousands or millions. This is an absurd target population both then and now.
It's interesting, because there's tons of software out that has exactly one user, and then it drops off sharply for x>1 and then goes back up when you get into, what, I dunno, the hundreds?
what I've called the barefoot developer
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
most of these notebooks run entirely in the browser
except for the part that doesn't because it runs on the server and uses the browser as a thin client
This approach of interleaving documentation and source code is called literate programming and was first proposed by Donald Knuth in 1984. He argued that all code should be written in these linear, readable documents. See Chris Granger's Eve project for a beautiful example of mixing prose and code.
See also Raskin on: * The Woes of IDEs * Comments are more important than code
"Computational notebooks"Listed as a notebook interface on Wikipedia, which seems like a much worse name to me. have emerged as one of the best solutions to the problem
there's no infrastructure to guide them step by step through what the code does and in what order
When you want to show someone a single function or a quick experiment, it's too much to ask them to install a bunch of command line crap.
flak.tedunangst.com flak.tedunangst.comflak1
A response of sorts to commit robbery.
It looks like it's this:
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
our founder, Dan Whaley, transitions to the role of President and Chief Product Officer
briefer.cloud briefer.cloud
some non-technical people are just scared of any monospaced writing with syntax highlight
An obvious question arises: why not just not format it like that?
How many people could you trick into using a conventional CLI if the text entry and output weren't in a window that looks like a traditional terminal emulator? What if the commands were more humane (like a step up from PowerShell) and the screen looked like you were interfacing with a not-explicitly-human agent on the other end of a messaging-like app?
what I call "SQL-by-mouse"
www.colbyrussell.com www.colbyrussell.com
This doesn't allow easy creation of bookmarklets like:
javascript:(`foo <b>bar</b>`)
We need explicit detection/support for these.
www.frank.computer www.frank.computer
there is also an honesty problem when contents change or update without record
To underscore this, I've also settled on characterizing this as a problem of honesty. I put it in terms of lying—i.e. people lying about the identity (URL) of their work (Web resources).
URLs should not be considered reusable/recyclable—at least for the duration of the original publishing authority's continued renewal and control of the domain where it appeared (and even then...)
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
The ratio of time spent on precedence parsing in compilers to utility feels very low
blog.luden.io blog.luden.io
because there is no compilation step
That (a compilation step) is not why you get advance warning of the sort the interviewer means when you're programming in C++ and Java. It's static typechecking that's responsible for that. You can have static typechecking without also requiring compilation.
I went back to Dmitry and asked him if my understanding of “everything is a table” was correct and, if so, why Lua was designed this way. Dmitry told me that Lua was created at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and that it was acceptable for Pontifical Catholic Universities to design programming languages this way.
- May 2024
ehrmanblog.org ehrmanblog.org
Take three different translations of any book – say, The Brothers Karamazov or Madame Bovary – and compare them to see how many times they have entire sentences exactly the same. Never, or almost never.
I'm curious if Bart has ever actually tried doing this exercise.
- Apr 2024
pudding.cool pudding.cool
basic necessities, like electricity or a quiet place to study
not a bad start at a rubric
- Mar 2024
www.russellbeattie.com www.russellbeattie.com
plus a strict Content Security Policy ruleset which disallows scripting
Again, you don't need that...
What does "secure" mean?
data:// urls
What's a "data:// url"?
WACZ - Web Archive Collection Zipped - is used by the WebRecorder project, which seems to be an active effort to create an open standard for web archiving, though you wouldn't realize it by the design of their website. I almost thought it was also a dead 1990s effort until I saw the August 2022 update.
What? Neither one of those links are particularly sparse and both have the marks of modernity.
Pretty cool.
That's it? Where's the analysis.
whoever came up with Apple's property list format didn't really understand how XML and/or SGML-like tags actually worked. Does it make sense to you that p-lists have stuff like <key>WebResourceData</key> instead of simply just <WebResourceData> ? It's like they were confused
rather than separating out the various media types - css, images, icons, etc., the browsers just dump them all into a single folder
a CSP header on the index page to prevent malicious scripts from running
Browser's don't need the author to put CSP headers on the page [sic] or the server response to prevent scripts from running. They can just not run the scripts.
Linux is the only OS that actually pays attention to a text-file's MIME type
What does this even mean?
just think how happy TBL will be to finally have Phase 2 completed after 30 years
Not mentioned explicitly by this author, and he does say "completed" here, but it's not the case that TBL never got around to Phase 2. The original WorldWideWeb.app did do document editing.
Using a standard set of semantic HTML and CSS as the underlying markup for documents solves these problems
It doesn't solve anything re using Git for version control. Any problems that exist with docx is going to exist with this propos, too.
nearly impossible to version using git
Not really.
Rich text, such as bold and italic, among other examples, shouldn't be optional or considered extraneous to language. The fact that computing technology has gone so long ignoring these essential parts of communication is bewildering. You can send a text message from your phone including a variety of customizable emojis in various skin tones, but basic text formats used for literally hundreds of years are either impossible to enter, or lost in transmission. There's more than subtle a difference between, "You really should do something," and "You really should do something". Having to write out ideas using plain text with weird symbols such as _ this _ or * this * is truly a loss, and in the 21st century, completely inexcusable.
I disagree.
You really should do something
There are almost-invisible-to-the-naked-eye mistakes in the markup here. Notable? Telling?
The problem is that HTML can now do so much, that any attempts to create a consumer-focused app to edit it soon get unfocused and unusable.
Controversy and chaos is good for their platform
You can whip up cover letters in no time using ChatGPT! Just paste in your resume text, position title and company name and ask it to write a cover letter for you. It summarizes your skills really well in context of the position and company. Such a time saver. Like everything else AI does lately, it's absurdly good and in Ryan Reynold's words, "mildly terrifying." I have no idea who actually reads cover letters
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
Software is a brutal industry and appearing to be unintelligent can harm your career badly
social dynamics in tech jobs punish people who say things like, “Uh, this is too complicated to me.”
most of the coding trouble I’ve ever gotten myself into was mainly a result of thinking I was smart
See also: the rise of orthogonal version control systems, aka "language package managers".
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
This comment is close, but it's also about control.
third-bit.com third-bit.com
Safety Tip Always use === (triple equals) and !== when testing for equality and inequality in JavaScript.
maryrosecook.com maryrosecook.com
An example of how not to approach things when aiming to grok.
gitlet.maryrosecook.com gitlet.maryrosecook.comGitlet1
a quick introduction to what happens when you run the basic Git commands
The is the root cause of the issue re failure to understand.
we write functions as functionName rather than functionName(); the latter ismore common, but people don’t use objectName{} for objects or arrayName[] for arrays,and the empty parentheses makes it hard to tell whether we’re talking about “the functionitself” or “a call to the function with no parameters”
www.cs.princeton.edu www.cs.princeton.edu
Its performance is not very different from the system versions of grep, which shows that the recursive technique is not too costly and that it's not worth trying to tune the code.
The occurrence of a do-while instead of a while should always raise a question: why isn't the loop termination condition being tested at the beginning
A Window object represents the actual window of the web browser.
No it doesn't.
is pretty obviously a recapitulation of the W3CDOMWindow
- Feb 2024
www.w3.org www.w3.org
So What Would a Static Site Generator for the Rest of Us Like Like?
Not like a static site generator, that's for sure. Normal people don't a step in between input source code and the output. They don't want a difference between input and output at all. Programmers want a compilation step, because they're programmers.
Not a web developer? Sucks to be you. The vast majority of the static site generator tools out there are run from the command line, powered by things you've never heard of like Node, Grunt, or Babel.
can build a site in a jiff using any number of site builders like Jekyll
- Jan 2024
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Wirth himself realized the problems of Pascal and his later languages are basically improved versions of Pascal -- Modula, Modula-2, and Oberon. But these languages didn't even really displace Pascal itself let alone C -- but maybe if he had named them in a way that made it clear to outsiders that these were Pascal improvements they would have had more uptake.
Modula and Oberon should have been codenames rather than independent projects.
cacm.acm.org cacm.acm.org
"=" to mean assignment and resorting to a special symbol for equality, rather than the obviously better reverse
Pascal largely lost to its design opposite, C, the epitome of permissiveness, where you can (for example) add anything to almost anything
C programmers balk and cry, "JavaScript!"
NB: "Engelbart"
I spend an inordinate amount of time helping the kids set up their build environments
journal.stuffwithstuff.com journal.stuffwithstuff.com
in Java, the vulgar Latin of programming languages. I figure if you can write it in Java, you can write it in anything
One of my favorite turns of phrase about programming. I come back to it multiple times a year.
You can do this with recursive descent, but it’s a chore.
Jonathan Blow recently revisited this topic with Casey Muratori. (They last talked about this 3 years ago.)
What's a little absurd is that (a) the original discussion is something like 3–6 hours long and doesn't use recursive descent—instead they descended into some madness about trying to work out from first principles how to special-case operator precedence—and (b) they start out in this video poo-pooing people who speak about "recursive descent", saying that it's just a really obnoxious way to say writing ordinary code—again, all this after they three years ago went out of their way to not "just" write "normal" code—and (c) they do this while launching into yet another 3+ hour discussion about how to do it right—in a better, less confusing way this time, with Jon explaining that he spent "6 or 7 hours" working through this "like 5 days ago". Another really perverse thing is that when he talks about Bob's other post (Parsing Expressions) that ended up in the Crafting Interpreters book, he calls it stupid because it's doing "a lot" for something so simple. Again: this is to justify spending 12 hours to work out the vagaries of precedence levels and reviewing a bunch of papers instead of just spending, I dunno, 5 or 10 minutes or so doing it with recursive descent (the cost of which mostly comes down to just typing it in).
So which one is the real chore? Doing it the straightforward, fast way, or going off and attending to one's unrestrained impulse that you for some reason need to special-case arithmetic expressions (and a handful of other types of operations) like someone is going to throw you off a building if you don't treat them differently from all your other ("normal") code?
Major blind spots all over.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
My process is very simple. They are way more technical than me. I start off by entering everything into Word
gilest.org gilest.org
There’s not much of a market for what I’m describing.
There is, actually. Look at Google Docs, Office 365, etc. Those are all an end-run around the fact that webdevs are self-serving and haven't prioritized making desktop publishing for casual users a priority.
The webdev industry subverts users' ability to publish to the Web natively, and Google, MS et al subvert native Web features in order to capture users.
The users are there.
akkartik.name akkartik.name
"I've been thinking about the problem with division of labor for 7 years now, and I think I've boiled it down to two sentences. Why division of labor is disempowering: 1. (the setup) Power = capability - supervision. 2. Division of labor tends to discourage supervision."
I think this is too pithy. It's hard to make out what applies to which actors and what's supposed to be good or bad; in order for me to understand this, I have to know a priori Kartik's position on division of labor (it's bad), then work backwards to see what the equations are saying and try to reconstruct his thinking. That's the opposite of what you want! The equations are supposed to be themselves the explanatory aide—not the thing needing explanation.
Division of labor is an extremely mature state for a society. Aiming prematurely for it is counterproductive. Rather than try to imitate more mature domains, start from scratch and see what this domain ends up needing."
lobste.rs lobste.rs
Experts without accountability start acting in their own interests rather than that of their customers/users. And we don’t know how to hold programmers accountable without understanding the code they write.
akkartik.name akkartik.name
In a healthy community people do their reading in private, and come together to discuss what they read.
lock.cmpxchg8b.com lock.cmpxchg8b.com
Looking at the screen captures, one thing I like about HIEW is that it groups octets into sets of 32 bits in the hex view (by interspersing hyphens (
) throughout). Nice.
inessential.com inessential.com
(Sounds a little antisocial, sure, but you can imagine good reasons.)
Geez. What?
I'm not even sure Brent actually believes this so much as that he felt the need to post a defense. Or maybe he really does believe it. But it needs no defense.
And the a couple months went by and Apple introduced Swift—decidedly not a scripting language—and eventually Brent bought in almost all the way.
- Dec 2023
www.xml.com www.xml.com
I think librarians, like all users of web-based information systems, should be unpleasantly surprised when they find that their systems haven't been engineered in the common sense ways that make them friendly to ad hoc integration.
webdevelopmenthistory.com webdevelopmenthistory.com
Over thirty years later, in 2021, we finally got to see some of the original source code for the World Wide Web. In June of this year, Berners-Lee put an NFT (non-fungible token) of nearly 10,000 lines of the code up for sale at Sothebys.
This suggests that the source code wasn't available before the NFT auction. It's been public domain for 30+ years.
www.moserware.com www.moserware.com
getting into a position to think
Often when I think about the problem of disruptions, environmental distractions, &c. which often results in total productivity death, I'm reminded of Licklider's "getting into a position to think" quip. It's not what he meant when he said it, and when I read him, I understand what he meant, but I somehow always forget and instead most strongly associate it with the process of eliminating disruptions.
However, after finding the magic number, unzip does not check if the comment length correctly describes the comment that must follow. Rather, unzip only checks to make sure the comment length is small enough to not cause an out-of-bounds read beyond the end of the zip file. This means that unzip tolerates arbitrary data append to the end of a zipfile without even so much as a warning. The zip file spec does not allow this arbitrary data
Yeah, no.
The only way to find the End of Central Directory Record is to do a linear search backwards from the end of the file, but even that is not guaranteed to find it. This is because the comment itself can be anything; it can be any bytes; it can even contain the magic number we're looking for.
It's not that difficult.
Scan backwards for the magic number. If you find it, keep scanning and look for other occurrences. If you only found one, then congratulations: you're done—you found the end of central directory record.
The fact that metadata defining the bounds of the comment block are in the end of central directory record at a fixed offset makes this super easy: for each candidate record, assume that it's a well-formed record and compute the boundaries of the comment block. Also compute what would be the boundaries of the start and end of the central directory record. If any of the boundaries are somehow illegal (e.g. they lie past the end of the file), then clearly this candidate is not the right one. If the offset of any candidate record lies within the boundaries of the comment block defined by an earlier candidate record, then the earlier record takes primacy and the later record should be eliminated as a candidate. Of the candidates that remain, choose the one nearest the end. That's it.
thomasburette.com thomasburette.com
What if there are multiple newlines?
How could this possibly pose a problem...?
hypothes.is hypothes.is
www.iana.org www.iana.org新しいタブ2
Available Formats CSV
This would be a good candidate for WebCSV (also known by the more official but definitely worse name CSVW).
Note that this registry omits things such as
from SSDP (part of the UPnP spec and described on the Cloudflare blog as "poorly standardised"[1] but used nonetheless for various devices, such as Roku[2]).
HTTP Extension Framework
This is RFC 2774.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
it's a miracle actually it's not you know even if somebody's copying something it doesn't mean it's not America it could still be a miracle I'm not precluding a miracle there I'm just saying somebody copied
[Laughter] Said, "Yeah, okay. It's a miracle." And I said, "Actually, it's not— you know, even if somebody's copying something, it doesn't mean it's not a miracle. It could still be a miracle. I'm not precluding a miracle there. I'm just saying somebody copied.
NB: this isn't logically consistent.