- Oct 2023
www.teamten.com www.teamten.com
Does the methodology described here (and the way it's actually described here) adequately address the equivalent of its irreducible complexity problem?
prog21.dadgum.com prog21.dadgum.com
I'm reminded of comments from someone on my team a year or two after Chrome was released where they explained that the reason they used it was because it "takes up less space"—on screen, that is; when you installed it, the toolbars took up 24–48 fewer pixels (or whatever) than the toolbars under Firefox's default settings.
See also: when Moz Corp introduced Personas (lightweight themes) for Firefox. This was the selling point for, like, a stupid amount of people.
jakelazaroff.com jakelazaroff.com
the web has become the most resilient, portable, future-proof computing platform we’ve ever created
as the ecosystem around it swirled, the web platform itself remained remarkably stable
There’s a cost to using dependencies. New versions are released, APIs change, and it takes time and effort to make sure your own code remains compatible with them. And the cost accumulates over time. It would be one thing if I planned to continually work on this code; it’s usually simple enough to migrate from one version of a depenency to the next. But I’m not planning to ever really touch this code again unless I absolutely need to. And if I do ever need to touch this code, I really don’t want to go through multiple years’ worth of updates all at once.
The corollary: you can do that (make it once and never touch it again) if you are using the "native substrate" of the WHATWG/W3C Web platform. Breaking changes in "JavaScript" or "browsers" are rarely actually that. They're project/organizational failures one layer up—someone (who doesn't control users' Web browsers and how they work) decided to stop maintaining something or published a new revision but didn't commit to doing it in a backwards compatible way (and someone decided to build upon that, anyway).
as much as I love TypeScript, it’s not a native substrate of the web
Web components encapsulate all their HTML, CSS and JS within a single file
Huh? There's nothing inherent to Web Components that makes this true. That's just how the author is using them.
That’s the honest-to-goodness HTML I have in the Markdown for this post. That’s it! There’s no special setup; I don’t have to remember to put specific elements on the page before calling a function or load a bunch of extra resources.1 Of course, I do need to keep the JS files around and link to them with a <script> tag.
There's nothing special about Web Components; the author could have just as easily put the script block itself there.
Rather than dealing with the invariably convoluted process of moving my content between systems — exporting it from one, importing it into another, fixing any incompatibilities, maybe removing some things that I can’t find a way to port over — I drop my Markdown files into the new website and it mostly Just Works.
What if you just dropped your pre-rendered static assets into the new system?
although they happened to be built with HTML, CSS and JS, these examples were content, not code. In other words, they’d be handled more or less the same as any image or video I would include in my blog posts. They should be portable to any place in which I can render HTML.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
JSON deserializes into common native data types naturally (dictionary, list, string, number, null).You can deserialize XML into the same data types, but
This is pretty circular reasoning. JSON maps so cleanly to JS data types, for example, because JSON is JS.
It could trivially be made true that XML maps onto native data types if PL creators/implementors put such a data type (i.e. mixed content trees) into their programming systems... (And actually, given all the hype around XML ~20 years ago, it's kind of weird that that didn't happen—but that's another matter.)
sindresorhus.com sindresorhus.com
- if (!(typeof data === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(data))) { + if (!(typeof data === 'string' || isUint8Array(data))) {
Better yet, just don't write code like this to begin with.
code leveraging Buffer-specific methods needs polyfilling, preventing many valuable packages from being browser-compatible
... so don't rely on it.
If the methods are helpful then reimplement them (as a library, even) and use that in your code. When passing data to code that you don't control, use the underlying
instance.The very mention of polyfilling here represents a fundamental misapprehension about how to structure a codebase and decide which abstractions to rely on and which ones not to...
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
For security reasons, the nonce content attribute is hidden (an empty string will be returned).
Yet another awful technical design associated with CSP.
this script runs every minute on a cronjob, and rebuilds my site if the git repo has been updated
Geez, talk about wasteful.
you'd need to wind up with external dependencies, since you'd likely need to rely on javascript
scrape user IP addresses
say you want to print the visiting users IP address - how would you do this on a statically generated website? to be honest i'm not sure. typically, you would scrape a header and display it
utcc.utoronto.ca utcc.utoronto.ca
(I implement this second stock Firefox environment not with a profile but by changing the $HOME environment variable before I run this Firefox. Firefox on Unix helpfully respects $HOME and having the two environments be completely separate avoids various potential problems.)
Going by this explanation, what Siebenmann means by "not with a profile" is "not by using the profile manager". The revelation that you can use an explicitly redefined
is a neat trick, but if I understand correctly still results in a different profile being created/used. Again, though: neat trick.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Much better if C vNext would just permit Pascal- (and now Go)-style
ident: type
declarations. It wouldn't even be hard for language implementers to support, and organizations could gradually migrate their codebases to the new form.
www.texaspolicy.com www.texaspolicy.com
You can see how this would happen after seeing former UT Dean of so-called “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”(DEI) Skyller Walkes, screaming at a group of students
I watched the clip and was prepared to see something egregious.
The characterization of Walkes as "screaming at a group of students" doesn't seem justifiable.
screaming at a group of students
dtinit.org dtinit.org
The important part, as is so often the case with technology, isn’t coming up with a solution to the post portability problem, but coming up with a solution together so that there is mutual buy-in and sustainability in the approach.
The solution is to not create keep creating these fucking problems in the first place.
exple.tive.org exple.tive.org
You can do this trick with the “view image” option in the right-click menu, too – Ctrl-clicking that menu item will open that image in its own new tab.
Not anymore; that menu item has been removed—and you can only use the "Open Image in New Tab" item now.
- Sep 2023
effectivetypescript.com effectivetypescript.com
This is great stuff!
If you consider destructive to be great, then sure, it's great.
twitter.com twitter.com
Yesterday I spent a few hours on setting up a website for my music, but then instead of launching it I created a Substack.
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
A big problem with what's in this paper is that its logical paths reflect the déformation professionnelle of its author and the technologists' milieu.
Links are Works Cited entries. Works Cited entries don't "break"; the works at the other end don't "change".
zero, it is reasonable to delete the grave-stone
No. It is never reasonable.
One response, suggested in Ashman andDavis [1998], is that referential integrityis more of a social problem than a tech-nical problem
This is:
Ashman, Helen. “Electronic Document Addressing: Dealing with Change.” ACM Computing Surveys 32, no. 3 (September 2000): 201–12. https://doi.org/10.1145/367701.367702
marvinh.dev marvinh.dev
If you think about it, even the callback function in a standard Array.prototype.filter() call is a selector.
his changes
With his additional changes
NB: as of this writing, the user jviide has no public esquery repo. The merged pull request is here: https://github.com/estools/esquery/pull/134.
else if (i === key.length - 1)
This redundant check could be taken out of the loop. Since
is already "allocated" at function scope, a single lineobj = obj[key.slice(last)]
after the loop would do the same job, results in shallower cyclomatic nesting depth, and should be faster, too. -
this netted another 200ms improvement
Takeaway: real world case studies have shown, insisting on using
and then transpiling it can cost you over half a second versus just writing a standardfor
loop. -
we know that we're splitting a string into an array of strings. To loop over that using a full blown iterator is totally overkill and a boring standard for loop would've been all that was needed.
Yes! J*TDT applies, which in this case is: Just Write The Damn Thing.
Given that the array of tokens grows with the amount of code we have in a file, that doesn't sound ideal. There are more efficient algorithms to search a value in an array that we can use rather than going through every element in the array. Replacing that line with a binary search for example cuts the time in half.
csarven.ca csarven.ca
Standards are made by those who show up. But.. it is a privilege to have the opportunity to show up.
molodtsov.me molodtsov.me
JavaScrip is an interpreted language, not a compiled one, so by default, it will be orders of magnitude slower than an app written in Swift, Rust, or C++.
Languages don't fall into the category of being either compiled or not. Implementations do. And the misconception of compiled code being ipso facto faster is a common one, but it's a misconception nonetheless (I suspect most often held by people who've never implemented one).
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
This is a good example of something that deserves an upvote on the basis of being a positive contribution and/or provides a thought-provoking insight, even though I don't strictly agree with their conclusions or the opinionated parts of what they're saying; a modern package set of memory-safe implementations is something to consider along with what the failure to produce one will do to the project in the long-term. Whether ripgrep, exa, etc. are objectively or subjectively better than their forebears is a separate matter that is beside the point.
tomcritchlow.com tomcritchlow.com
Tumblr (owned by Yahooath!)
NB: now Automattic (Wordpress)
I was browsing someone’s site yesterday, hosted on Wordpress, yay! Except it was throwing plugin error messages. Wordpress is still too hard to maintain. Wordpress is not the answer.
en.wikisource.org en.wikisource.org
Princes! listen to the voice of God, which speaks through me! Become good Christians! Cease to consider armed soldiers, nobles, heretical clergy, and perverse judges, as your principal supporters: united in the name of Christianity, learn to accomplish all the duties which it imposes on the powerful. Remember that it commands them to employ all their force to increase, in the most rapid manner possible, the social happiness of the poor.
Markham's translation reads:
Hearken to the voice of God which speaks through me. Return to the path of Christianity; no longer regard mercenary armies, the nobility, the heretical priests and perverse judges, as your principal support, but, united in the name of Christianity, understand how to carry out the duties which Christianity imposes on those who possess power. Remember that Christianity commands you to use all your powers to increase as rapidly as possible the social welfare of the poor!
The spirit of Christianity is meekness, gentleness, charity, and, above all, loyalty; its arms are persuasion and demonstration.
Markham's translation reads:
The spirit of Christianity is gentleness, kindness, charity, and above all, honesty; its weapons are persuasion and example
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Whats the total power consumption of all Android devices? Shaving just 1% is probably a couple of coalfired power plants worth of CO2.
This is one of those times that makes me think, "Okay, is this person saying this because they're coming at from a position of principle, or is it opportunism?" I.e., are they just reaching for plausible arguments that will serve as the plausible means in service to their desired ends?
Because whatever that number is, it probably pales in comparison to the waste that has followed from the corruption of the fundamentals of the Web—in which every other site is using SPA frameworks and shooting Webpacked-and-bundled agglomeration of NPM modules down the tubes resulting in 10x the waste associated with the widespread use of e.g. jQuery had 10+ years ago—with jQuery itself being the original posterchild for profligate waste wrt the Web. And yet, I'd bet many of the people supporting the commenter's position here would also be among the ones to celebrate monstrously complicated and bloaty geegaws that exist for the express purpose of letting you use "native" C/C++ libraries in Web apps through transcompilation.
www.baldurbjarnason.com www.baldurbjarnason.com
Bare-bones setups are either presented as temporary – something you grow out of – or as some sort of hair-shirt hippie modernity avoidance thing – a refusal to engage with “modern” web development.
The amount of boilerplate and number of dependencies involved in setting up a web development project has exploded over the past decade or so. If you browse through the various websites that are writing about web development you get the impression that it requires an overwhelming amount of dependencies, tools, and packages.
my theory is that you can get a modern web dev setup without node or a package manager, using only a tiny handful of standalone utilities and browser dev tools
Highlighted by judell here: https://social.coop/@judell/111007954269882776
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Reading through your link I caught myself thinking if I would put up with all those boilerplate nix steps just to add a new page to the site.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
What does "compute-heavy" mean here? How heavy, exactly?
We're setting these chemists up with conda in Ubuntu in WSL in a terminal whose startup command activates the conda environment. Not exactly a recipe for reproducibility after they get a new laptop.
First step: stop perpetuating the circularity of the reasoning behind the belief that Python is good for computational science.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I admire how nimble you are. I aspire to write blog posts at the drop of a hat like this, but I rarely do.
But you wrote this comment.
steveblank.com steveblank.com
I was a great marketer. I was getting feedback from customers, and I’d pass on every list of what customers wanted to engineering and tell them that’s the features our customers needed.
pages.gseis.ucla.edu pages.gseis.ucla.edu
The best way to learn is through apprenticeship -- that is, by doing some real task together with someone who has a different set of skills.
This is an underappreciated truth.
siderea.dreamwidth.org siderea.dreamwidth.org
<ol><oln>(b)</oln><oli>No employer shall discriminate in any way on the basis of gender in the payment of wages, or pay any person in its employ a salary or wage rate less than the rates paid to its employees of a different gender for comparable work; [...]</oli></ol>
Mmmm... I dunno. HTML already has
, and<dd>
. It seems adequate to just (re)-use it for this purpose. That's what a document of statutory law really is—a list of definitions, not an ordered list. They happen to be in order, usually. But what if Congress passed an act that put an item labeled 17 between items 1 and 3? Or π? Or 🌭 (U+1F32D)? (Or "U+1F32D" for that matter?) What fundamental thing is<ol>
communicating that<dl>
would fail at—to the point that it would compel someone to argue against the latter and insist only on the former? -
There is one particular type of document in which the correct handling of the ordinal numbers of lists is paramount. A document type in which the ordinal numbers of the lists cannot be arbitrarily assigned by computer, dynamically, and in which the ordinal numbers of the lists are some of the most important content in the document.I'm referring of course to law.HTML, famously, was developed to represent scientific research papers, particularly physics papers. It should come as no surprise that it imagines documents to have things like headings and titles, but fails to imagine documents to have things like numbered clauses, the ordinal numbers of which were assigned by, for example, an act of the Congress of the United States of America.Of course this is not specific to any one body of law - pretty much all law is structured as nested ordered lists where the ordinal numbers are assigned by government body.It is just as true for every state in the Union, every country, every province, every municipality, every geopolitical subdivision in the world.HTML, from the first version right up to the present version, is fundamentally inimical to being used for marking up and serving legal codes as web pages. It can be done, of course - but you have to fight the HTML every step of the way. You have no access to any semantic markup for the task, because the only semantic markup for ordered lists is OL, which treats the ordinal numbers of ordered lists as presentation not content.
www.infocentral.org www.infocentral.org
This is problematic if we wish to collect widespread metadata for an entity, for the purposes of annotation and networked collaboration. While nothing in the flat-hash ID scheme stops someone from attempting to fork data by changing even a single bit, thereby resulting in a new hash value, this demonstrates obvious malicious intention and can be more readily detected. Furthermore, most entities should have cryptographic signatures, making such attacks less feasible. With arbitrary path naming, it is not clear whether a new path has been created for malicious intent or as an artifact of local organizational preferences. Cryptographic signatures do not help here, because the original signed entity remains unchanged, with its original hash value, in the leaf of a new Merkle tree.
Author is conflating multiple things.
Retrieving desired revisions requires knowing where to look
This is one failure of content-based addressing. When the author controls the shape of identifiers (and the timing of publication), they can just do the inverse of Git's data model: they publish forward commitments--i.e., the name that they intend the next update to have. When they want to issue an update, they just install the content on their server and connect that name to it.
Two previously-retrieved documents cannot independently reference each other because their identities are bound to authoritative network services.
Well, they could. You could do it with an implementation of a URI-compatible hypertext system that uses really aggressive caching.
Any addressable thing will have an identifier.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Hard-Copy Print Options to Show Address of Objects and Address Specification of Links so that, besides online workers being able to follow a link-citation path (manually, or via an automatic link jump), people working with associated hard copy can read and interpret the link-citation, and follow the indicated path to the cited object in the designated hard-copy document.
Link Addresses That Are Readable and Interpretable by Humans
Every Object Addressable in principal, every object that someone might validly want/need to cite should have an unambiguous address
This is a good summation of what the Web was supposed to be about. Strange how 30 years on how little we've chipped away at achieving this goal.
designated targets in other mail items
MIME has ways to refer internally to content delivered in the same message. But what about other (existing) content? Message-ID-based URIs (lot alone URLs) are non-existent (to the best of my knowledge).
I know the
URI scheme exists (I seeimap
URIs all the time in Thunderbird), but they seem unreliable (not universally unambiguous), although I could be wrong.Newsgroup URIs are also largely inadequate.
The Hyperdocument "Library System" where hyperdocuments can be submitted to a library-like service that catalogs them and guarantees access when referenced by its catalog number, or "jumped to" with an appropriate link. Links within newly submitted hyperdocuments can cite any passages within any of the prior documents, and the back-link service lets the online reader of a document detect and "go examine" any passage of a subsequent document that has a link citing that passage.
That this isn't possible with open systems like the Web is well-understood (I think*). But is it feasible to do it with as-yet-untested closed (and moderated) systems? Wikis do something like this, but I'm interested in a service/community that behaves more closely in the concrete details to what is described here.
* I think that this is understood, that is. That it's impossible is not what I'm uncertain about.
or "execute the process identified a the other end."
Interesting that this is considered "basic".
Knowledge-Domain Interoperability and an Open Hyperdocument System
It's this: https://doi.org/10.1145/99332.99351.
(Also available from https://www.dougengelbart.org/content/view/114/.)
www.colbyrussell.com www.colbyrussell.com
case Tokenizer.LDR: return 0x00 * RSCAssembler.U_BIT; case Tokenizer.LDB: return 0x00 * RSCAssembler.U_BIT; case Tokenizer.STR: return 0x01 * RSCAssembler.U_BIT; case Tokenizer.STB: return 0x01 * RSCAssembler.U_BIT;
0x00 * RSCAssembler.U_BIT
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Comparing pancakes to file management is an apples to oranges comparison.
From this point onwards, I'm going to insist that anything that uses the phrase "[...] apples and oranges" omit it in lieu of the phrase "like comparing filesystems and pancakes".
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
You'll likely use some libraries where people didn't use type checkers and wrote libraries in a complicated enough way that the analysis cannot give you an answer.
You've chosen a bad library and complain about how bad that library is. That's dumb. (There's no line of reasoning for the argument being made here that doesn't reveal a double standard.)
The entire premise (you'll "likely" be using libraries you don't want to—as if it's something you're forced into doing) is flawed. It basically reduces down to the joke from Annie Hall—A: "The food here is terrible" B: "Yes, and such small portions!"
jsisweird.com jsisweird.com
And, of course, just to be completely clear, this is valid syntax:let _true = true;_true++;_true; // -> 2
Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?
blog.stephaniestimac.com blog.stephaniestimac.com
also don't ever give someone an unsolicited code review on Twitter. It's rude.)
This reminds me of people who have encountered others complaining about/getting involved with something that the speaker has decided "isn't any of their business" (e.g. telling someone without a handicap placard not to park in a handicap space) who then go on and rant about it and demand that others not to tell them what to do.
In other words:
Don't ever make unprompted blanket criticism+demands like saying "Don't ever [do something]. It's rude." That's rude.
- Aug 2023
abstract.ece.cmu.edu abstract.ece.cmu.edu
Another way I get inspiration for research ideas is learning about people's pain points during software development Whenever I hear or read about difficulties and pitfalls people encounter while I programming, I ask myself "What can I do as a programming language researcher to address this?" In my experience, this has also been a good way to find new research problems to work on.
www.zoon.cc www.zoon.cc
The society as a whole is neither better nor worse off.
Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
Despite its ordinality, the Fourth law is the one most worth keeping in mind.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
people who were wise from the beginning
That is, people for whom their present misfortunes have nothing to do with any past (or present) tendencies of stupidity.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
This is why I build my personal projects in PHP even though I'm not really a fan. I use PHP and JQuery. It'll work basically forever and I can come back to it in 15 years and it'll still work.
When people mistakenly raise concerns about the Web platform being fragile, point to this common meme.
michael.orlitzky.com michael.orlitzky.com
The worst part is that Let's Encrypt is preventing us from building a real solution to the problem. The entire certificate authority system is a for-profit scam. It imparts no security whatsoever. But Google gets its money, so it's happy. That means Chrome is happy, and shows no warnings, so the end user is happy too. That makes the website owner happy, and everyone is happy happy happy. But everything is still quite fundamentally fucked. Before Let's Encrypt, people were at least thinking about the problem
The validity of the author's conclusions notwithstanding, there needs to be a name for this phenomenon.
Previously: https://www.colbyrussell.com/2019/02/15/what-happened-in-january.html#unacknowledged-un-
people.inf.ethz.ch people.inf.ethz.ch
TypeTest(x, obj.type, FALSE) ; x.type := ORB.boolType
The explicit
assignment here is redundant, becauseTypeTest
will have already done it (in this case because the third argument is false). -
IF sym = ORS.ident THEN ORS.CopyId(modid); ORS.Get(sym); Texts.WriteString(W, modid); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf) ELSE ORS.Mark("identifier expected") END ;
This "IF...ELSE Mark, END" region could be reduced by replacing the three lines corresponding to those control flow keywords with a single call to
:Check(ORS.ident, "identifier expected");
I believe that comma thing was added recently.
attainablefelicity.mattkirkland.com attainablefelicity.mattkirkland.com
I do kind of wish I had learned about big-endian dating sooner, though. But alea iacta est and everything.
Not at all (re "alea iacta est"). Get this: you can at any time make new, perfected labels and affix them to the spines, covering the old ones, but leaving them in place—just like you augmented the original manufactured product with first labels. This would not be a destructive act like rebinding all the Novel Novel workbooks.
The sketchbook should be workman-like; it’s not a fussy tool for self expression, it’s a daily tool.
This should be the mindset of people self-publishing on the Web, too. Too bad it's not.
(Yes, my handwriting is atrocious, yes I can read it, yes I apologize to all my grade school teachers who gave me Cs in Penmanship. You tried.)
So crazy seeing this from an art school person.
crussell.ichi.city crussell.ichi.city
throw new Error("panic!"); // XXX
This could be reduced to
throw Error("panic!");
. And nowadays I prefer to order the check fordocument
ahead of the one forwindow
, just because. -
Code for injecting that button and piggy-backing off the behavior of the BrowserSystem module follows.
Need to explain how this IIFE works, incl. the logic around events and
, etc. -
Other elements used in this document include code, dfn, em, and p for denoting inline text comprising a snippet of code, a defined term that is not an abbreviation, inline text that should be emphasized, and a paragraph, respectively.
I failed to cover the use of
tags.` -
as of this writing in 2021
As of today (and for some time before this), and at least as I recall, the status quo with Firefox has changed so monospace text uses the same size as other code, like in Chrome. I may be mistaken, though.
Note that the use of the text/plain+css media type here
NB: this should be "Note the use [...]"
between style tags and not in a script element
Note that I bungled rule in the code block that precedes it, so it looks like it's in hybrid
block. Spot the error:body script[type="text/plain+css"]::before { content: '\3Cstyle type="text/plain+css"\3E'; }
blog.darlinghq.org blog.darlinghq.org
Additionally, with the old wiki, only registered users could edit the wiki. With the new docs, because it's in a repo on GitHub, anyone can contribute to the documentation
This is such a weird fuckin' sentence. It's framed as if it's going from narrow to wide-open, but it's actually the opposite.
cohost.org cohost.org
it asks for the street address of the lot. I have never seen this information printed on any parking lot in my life. it suggests several "nearby" options; they are actually half a mile away. unable to figure this conundrum out even for myself, i sigh and walk her through installing Park Mobile
Instead of opening Google Maps...?
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I know a lot of people (mostly young men with minimal parental guidance) who were total idiots up to about 25
www.colbyrussell.com www.colbyrussell.com
This is a double whammy: at the time, it gets dissmissed almost outright for the reason that, essentially, "everyone has an opinion", and then months or years later when it's evident that it did know better and it the official tack was flawed, it doesn't even get the acknowledgment that, yes, in fact that's the mindset that should have gotten buy-in.
www.w3.org www.w3.org新しいタブ1
I get frustrated whenever I have knowledge (specifically Web Platform knowledge) to solve a problem, but the abstraction prevents me from using my knowledge.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
We really f'ed up the web didn't we?
I think I get what you're saying but I have some difficulty moving past the fact that you're claiming it doesn't need to be a website because it would be sufficient if it was a bunch of hosted markup documents that link to each other.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
With Go, I can download any random code from at least 2018, and do this: go build and it just works. all the needed packages are automatically downloaded and built, and fast. same process for Rust and even Python to an extent. my understanding is C++ has never had a process like this, and its up to each developer to streamline this process on their own. if thats no longer the case, I am happy to hear it. I worked on C/C++ code for years, and at least 1/3 of my development time was wasted on tooling and build issues.
openvault.wgbh.org openvault.wgbh.org
when you have a Dynabook and you have simulations and multidimensional things as your major way of storing knowledge, the last thing you want to do is print any of it out. Because you are destroying the multidimensionality and you can't run them
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
It is not unrealistic to forsee the costs ofcomputation and memory plummeting by orders ofmagnitude, while the cost of human programmers increases.It will be cost effective to use large systems like ~. forevery kind of programming, as long as they can providesignificant increases in programmer power. Just ascompilers have found their way into every application overthe past twenty years, intelligent program-understandingsystems may become a part of every reasonablecomputational environment in the next twenty.
newsroom.ucla.edu newsroom.ucla.edu
A close-up photograph taken by DART just two seconds before the collision shows a similar number of boulders sitting on the asteroid’s surface — and of similar sizes and shapes
Where's that photograph available, and why isn't it either included or linked here?
worrydream.com worrydream.com
This is probably a good place to comment on the difference between what we thought of as OOP-style and the superficial encapsulation called "abstract data types" that was just starting to be investigated in academic circles. Our early "LISP-pair" definition is an example of an abstract data type because it preserves the "field access" and "field rebinding" that is the hallmark of a data structure. Considerable work in the 60s was concerned with generalizing such structures [DSP *]. The "official" computer science world started to regard Simula as a possible vehicle for defining abstract data types (even by one of its inventors [Dahl 1970]), and it formed much of the later backbone of ADA. This led to the ubiquitous stack data-type example in hundreds of papers. To put it mildly, we were quite amazed at this, since to us, what Simula had whispered was something much stronger than simply reimplementing a weak and ad hoc idea. What I got from Simula was that you could now replace bindings and assignment with goals. The last thing you wanted any programmer to do is mess with internal state even if presented figuratively. Instead, the objects should be presented as sites of higher level behaviors more appropriate for use as dynamic components.
I struggle to say with confidence that I understand what Kay is talking about here.
What I glean from the last bit about goals—if I understand correctly—is something I've thought a lot about and struggled to articulate, but I wouldn't characterize it as "object-oriented"...
archive.org archive.org
Computers can be effective tools for participating in the affairs of the world. They can also be used by the "experts" to erect barriers to participation.
www.dreamsongs.com www.dreamsongs.comOUP Book19
1 3 4 5 7 9 8 6 4 2
Why does the number 4 appear twice in the printer's key? Mistake?
Because this PDF does not include outline metadata, I have inserted jump points by highlighting the names of the chapter on the page where that chapter begins for each chapter in the book. These can be filtered by the "chapter heading" tag.
A Personal Narrative: Stanford
A Personal Narrative: Journey to Stanford
Writing Broadside
What We Do
Productivity: Is There a Silver Bullet?
The End of History and the Last Programming Language
Language Size
The Bead Game, Rugs, and Beauty
The Quality Without a Name
The Failure of Pattern Languages
Pattern Languages
Abstraction Descant
Habitability and Piecemeal Growth
Reuse Versus Compression
This is:
Gabriel, Richard P. Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. https://www.dreamsongs.com/Files/PatternsOfSoftware.pdf
www.arp242.net www.arp242.net
a 1985 broadcast of Computer Chronicles (13:50) on UNIX: As for the future of UNIX, he [Bill Joy] says its Open Source Code
That's not what she says (but of course you're already aware of this).
- "open Source Code" (read like German)
- "open-source code"
The claim here is that she's using the latter meaning. She is not. It's the former.
hydra-www.ietfng.org hydra-www.ietfng.org
A Note on the Confinement Problemby B.W. Lampson. In Communications of the ACM 16(10), October 1973
neugierig.org neugierig.org
(This paragraph replaced a more complex one based on a helpful comment from stellalo on HN!)
I wasn’t really thinking about this until sometime in the ’90s when I got an email from someone who said, “Can you tell me if this is the correct meaning of the Liskov substitution principle?” So that was the first time I had any idea that there was such a thing, that this name had developed.[...] I discovered there were lots and lots of people on the Internet having arguments about what the Liskov substitution principle meant.
I used to feel kind of jealous of the electrical engineers because I thought, “At least they have these components and they connect them by wires, and that forces you to really focus on what those wires are.” Whereas software was so plastic that people used to design without thinking much about those wires, and so then they would end up with this huge mess of interconnections between the pieces of the program, and that was a big problem.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Our goal is not to argue about proper nouns
And yet you are arguing (instead of just fixing your mistake). Why?
You even went out of your way to change the post: it used to say "Codecov is now Open Source"[1]. In the time since, you have changed it so "Code is Now Open Source"[2].
This is notable for two reasons: it means that it's not outside the bounds of reasonableness to ask why the post hasn't changed since you've been confronted about the discontent, but it also raises questions about why you made that particular change in the first place. By a reasonable guess, I'd bet it has something to do with the fact that writing it as "Open Source" (rather than merely "open source") does real damage to any argument that the latter is generic and doesn't have any particular significance, thus allowing you to repudiate the OSI and the OSD. Which, of course, means that you guys are total fuckin' slimeballs, since you are now actively taking steps to cover your tracks.
$100,000 at Stanford
www.colbyrussell.com www.colbyrussell.com
JS's birth and (slightly delayed) ascent begins roughly contemporaneous with its namesake—Java. Java, too, has managed to go many places. In the HN comments section in response to a recent look back at a 2009 article in IEEE Spectrum titled "Java’s Forgotten Forebear", user tapanjk writes: Java is popular [because] it was the easiest language to start with https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18691584 In the early 2000s in particular, this meant that you could expect to find tons of budding programmers adopting Java on university campuses, owing to Sun's intense campaign to market the language as a fixture in many schools' CS programs. Also around this time, you could expect its runtime—the JRE—to be already installed on upwards of 90% of prospective users' machines. This was true even when the systems running those machines were diverse. There was a (not widely acknowledged) snag to this, though: As a programmer, you still had to download the authoring tools necessary for doing the development itself. So while the JRE's prevalence meant that it was probably already present on your own machine (in addition to those of your users), its SDK was not. The result is that Java had a non-zero initial setup cost for authoring even the most trivial program before you could get it up and running and putting its results on display. Sidestepping this problem is where JS succeeded.
Fielding actually has a whole section in his dissertation about this ( "Java versus JavaScript").
htmx.org htmx.org
A JSON engineer attempting to meet Level 3 of the Richardson Maturity Model
I love the epithet used here: a "JSON engineer".
bertrandmeyer.com bertrandmeyer.com
It can be amusing to see authors taking pains to describe recommended paths through theirbooks, sometimes with the help of sophisticated traversal charts — as if readers ever paidany attention, and were not smart enough to map their own course. An author is permitted,however, to say in what spirit he has scheduled the different chapters, and what path hehad in mind for what Umberto Eco calls the Model Reader — not to be confused with thereal reader, also known as “you”, made of flesh, blood and tastes.The answer here is the simplest possible one. This book tells a story, and assumesthat the Model Reader will follow that story from beginning to end, being however invitedto avoid the more specialized sections marked as “skippable on first reading” and, if notmathematically inclined, to ignore a few mathematical developments also labeledexplicitly.
Great attitude.
let's keep a universally understood specificcompiler reference language so that all of us, no matter whatour computer, can share what work we have done
blog.bloonface.com blog.bloonface.com
You don’t necessarily know who or what server B blocks or doesn’t block. You may not even know that server C exists or who Adolf is. But all it takes is someone to put a post in server C’s eyeline and they can take it and keep it, and then ignore any and all requests to delete it. Meanwhile, Adolf and his friends Rudolf and Hermann can have a lovely little laugh at your expense in your replies… on their server.
Yes, and people can also get together at the nearest bar, bookstore, coffee shop, library, etc. and snicker while making fun of you over drinks... and there is absolutely no mechanism to stop them or to get around this.
They can also start a small club where they perform skits about how dumb they think you are and then start inviting other people to their twice-monthly Bloonface Is So Stupid get-togethers that are open to the public and write plays and put on stage productions about it. And there is absolutely no mechanism to stop them or to get around this.
it can start making API requests to your server, anonymously, to get your account information and any other public posts you have
If you're giving stuff out to anyone who asks for it, then you're giving stuff out anyone who asks for it.
what is expected of them
Obnoxious application of this turn of phrase.
If your server closes down, and does not run the “self-destruct” command that tells all servers it has ever federated with to delete all record of it, its users and its posts, then they will stay on those servers indefinitely with no simple means of deleting them, or even knowing that they are there. And that’s assuming that the other servers would have honoured that deletion request anyway. Again, a bad actor doesn’t have to.
The fact that this strikes the writer as being notable means there's something crazy afoot wrt to expectations.
If you send me an email to delete all record of your conversations, I can choose to honor it or not. If you send it to my email service provider, you'll have to (a) somehow convince them to do it, and (b) hope that I am relying on them to store my copies, so that in the event they do honor your asinine request, my access is actually severed because I haven't (read: my client hasn't) already e.g. fetched the material in question.
If you have any objection at all to your posts and profile information being potentially sucked up by Meta, Google, or literally any other bad actor you can think of, do not use the fediverse. Period. Even if your personal chosen bogey-man does not presently suck down every single thing you and your contacts post, absolutely nothing prevents them from doing so in the future, and they may well already be doing so, and there’s next to nothing you can do about it.
Compare: if you have any objection at all to your GeoCities pages being sucked up by Yahoo!, AltaVista, or literally any other bad actor you can think of, do not publish to the Web. Period. Absolutely nothing stops your personal chosen bogey-man from sucking down every single thing you post. They may well already be doing so, and there's next to nothing you can do about it.
a bad actor simply has to behave not in good faith and there is absolutely no mechanism to stop them or to get around this
So "bad actor" here means someone who asks for a copy of your stuff, and you send it to them, and then when you decide you don't want to have given it to them and so you tell them to please get rid of it, they say "no thanks, I'll keep it"?
- Jul 2023
So, immediately I was prevented from just doing the bare minimum I hope to expect from JS applications: npm install npm run
Good case study in class of JS/Node category errors.
log.schemescape.com log.schemescape.com
I tried precompiling the JavaScript code to QuickJS bytecode (to avoid parsing overhead), but that only saved about 40 milliseconds (I guess parsing is really fast!).
log.schemescape.com log.schemescape.com
Alternative approach to consider: don't rebuild older posts. Transform them from Markdown into HTML in situ and then never worry about recompiling that post again. You could do this by either keeping both the Markdown source and the output document around, or by crafting the output in such a way that the compilation process is reversible—so you could delete the Markdown source after it's compiled and derive it from the output in the event that you ever wanted to recover it.
log.schemescape.com log.schemescape.com
The problem with this approach is that output files never specify their dependencies. Looking at it from the other direction, if I modify this post's Markdown file, the only change to Goldsmith's initial data model is the content of this Markdown file. The problem is that this one input file could impact numerous output files: the post itself, the Atom feed, any category/keyword index pages (especially if keywords are added or removed), the home page, and, of course, the archive page.
This is a good summary of the problems affecting static site generators (and program compilers) generally.
log.schemescape.com log.schemescape.com
Has tons of native packages... but is it portable to Windows?
Note than jart has been doing a bunch of interesting stuff with truly cross-platform binaries in the form of Actually Portable Executables and has settled on embedding Lua.
Python for tools and scripts JavaScript on the web
Nah. Use JS for your scripts, too. Python is far from "ubiquitous".
it's a shame because I really like C# and the .NET standard library
You can, by the way, target the design of the .NET APIs in your non-C# program and then just fill your own re-implementation that works just well enough to service your application's needs. This strategy is way too undervalued.
C/C++ support cross-compiling through a painful process of setting up an entire compilation environment for the target.
That leaves C#
There's also Java which supports AOT compilation to native via Graal. I haven't done a comparison, but I would think it's similar in bloat to the experiments with C#.
Obviously, it's not fair to compare the compile-to-native languages to scripting languages
Sure it is! Particularly since those "scripting" languages also contain compile-to-native code generators of their own—they just execute at runtime rather than ahead of time. (Although, in the case of QuickJS, which was covered in an earlier episode of a related series[1], it permits you to you to use it just like ahead-of-time compilers.)
the Rust SDK is disappointingly heavy
Yes. The Rust team had the opportunity to fix more than one thing wrong with C++, one of them being very important to making hacking on Gecko more approachable—the heft of the build requirements—and they went the opposite direction. Major fumble which should have resulted in a vote of no confidence to anyone thinking clearly (i.e. not intoxicated by hype).
To put it succinctly: Rust blew it.
log.schemescape.com log.schemescape.com
What about an old laptop?
Almost certainly, I'd bet.
Would a newer Raspberry Pi hit the sweet spot between performance and cheapness?
Almost certainly, I'd bet.
though I worry what will happen as the language continues to evolve beyond QuickJS's implementation
Just because the technical committee adds more stuff to the language spec, it doesn't mean you have to use those things. Whatever exists now will exist as a subset of the future version, so just stick with that. (You probably don't need the difference, anyway.)
I'll admit that md2blog hasn't been optimized. It always regenerates the entire site, and it's written in JavaScript. On my desktop computer, I can build my site in maybe 1 second. On the Raspberry Pi (admittedly using a much simpler JavaScript runtime), it took over 6 minutes!
This shouldn't be the case, "written in JavaScript" or not. I suspect it's rather a consequence of the dependencies. Large parts of Firefox circa 15 years ago were written in JS and ran on similar-ish hardware and executed in an interpreter rather than a JITting VM that should, when measured, work out to be less performant than QuickJS.
On the other hand, I am aware of the (original?) Pi's deficient floating point handling, which involves emulating floating point operations with software routines—and JS numbers are all, in theory, IEEE 754 doubles, but QuickJS is a capable runtime that should be smoothing over that wrinkle behind the scenes—and I have no idea if the Pi used here has the same limitation in the first place.
Navigating large C files in Vim was slow (frequently, I could see the screen re-drawing individual lines of text)
This seems odd, especially so since the experience using w3m was described as "pretty snappy". What's Vim doing wrong?
Installing packages and opening web pages in w3m was pretty snappy, but compiling QuickJS was a rude awakening. I typed make and then left to do something else when it became apparent that it might be a while. Later, I came back, and it was still compiling! With link-time optimization, it took almost half an hour to build QuickJS.
bwl-website.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com bwl-website.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
a factor of 10 did go into faster responses to the user’s actions
We've seen the opposite trend in the last 10 years or so.
a reusable component costs 3 to 5 times as much as a good module. The extra money pays for: · Generality: A reusable module must meet the needs of a fairly wide range of ‘foreign’ clients, not just of people working on the same project. Figuring out what those needs are is hard, and designing an implementation that can meet them efficiently enough is often hard as well. · Simplicity: Foreign clients must be able to understand the interface to a module fairly easily, or it’s no use to them. If it only needs to work in a single system, a complicated interface is all right, because the client has much more context. · Customization: To make the module general enough, it probably must be customizable, either with some well-chosen parameters or with some kind of programmability, which often takes the form of a special-purpose programming language. · Testing: Foreign clients have higher expectations for the quality of a module, and they use it in more different ways. The generality and customization must be tested as well. · Documentation: Foreign clients need more documentation, since they can’t come over to your office. · Stability: Foreign clients are not tied to the release cycle of a system. For them, a module’s behaviour must remain unchanged (or upward compatible) for years, probably for the lifetime of their system. Regardless of whether a reusable component is a good investment, it’s nearly impossible to fund this kind of development.
a reusable component costs 3 to 5 times as much as a good module. The extra money pays for: Generality[...] Simplicity[...] Customization[...] Testing[...] Documentation[...] Stability[...] ¶ Regardless of whether a reusable component is a good investment, it’s nearly impossible to fund this kind of development.
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
In a true docu-ment-centered system, you start aspreadsheet by just putting in columns(e.g. with tabs)
archive.computerhistory.org archive.computerhistory.org
This is part of a collection "Smalltalk-related technical papers and reports" https://www.computerhistory.org/collections/catalog/102739344
Linked to from here https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36833755
Local file Local file
Some applications, likeMicrosoft Word, come with a sophisticated customization sub-system that allows users tochange the menus and keyboard accelerators for commands. However, most applicationsstill do not have such a facility because it is difficult to build.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Maybe part of the problem is that I'm grossly under-estimating the amount of work involved in "post an interesting technical article to it once or twice a year" for people who don't already spend a lot of their time writing.
Writing is one thing. Writing for a public audience (read: writing persuasively) is another thing. Case in point: "how much push-back this one [blog post] gets", which comes as a surprise to Simon, he says.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
my advice is very much focused on "working for ambitious technology companies"
Good start at an ontology for different kinds of work? Samsung Austin Semiconductor, for example, does not fall within the class that Simon calls "ambitious technology companies", despite nominally being a "tech" company and ostensibly "ambitious".
www.w3.org www.w3.org新しいタブ1
This post presumes that a given candidate is looking for career in show business. There's no good reason to make that logical leap.
Bank managers (or HR folks at tech companies for that matter..) don't seem to be getting told to curate the equivalent of a GitHub profile. (LinkedIn notwithstanding—Microsoft, stop trying to make "fetch" happen.) Why should a software engineer?
flak.tedunangst.com flak.tedunangst.com
pulling some code that could be inline into a function allows someone to more easily replace that function
There are shades of OO ideology in this, unintentionally.
As anyone familiar with software development knows, the difficulty of adding new features or modifying existing ones grows very quickly, much faster than linearly, with the total number of features. They interfere with one another. By reducing the number of shipped features, we reduce the difficulty of modification. Anybody can do it (or have somebody do it for them).The more users we try to appease out of the box, the harder things become for those we haven’t served yet. A more rigorous analysis would attempt to model costs and benefits, do the math, etc. I’ll leave it at noting that the combination of the 80/20 rule and superlinear complexity growth means we probably aren’t amortizing as much effort as we would hope by adding every feature to a single code base.
Simple but non-obvious truth.
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
“It’s just not [sic] gonna work.”
I'm confused about the use of "[sic]" here.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Sure but if the job listings are saying “College Degree in something” applicants without a degree are likely to get rejected well before interviews because it is an easy filter for HR.
Why do we never try to address how obviously inadequate most who are hired into HR are? Filter those.
nadia.xyz nadia.xyz
tech’s focus on prioritizing output over credentials
Is this even real? It feels to me, as someone outside the Bay Area, like something that is either a result of Bay Area parochialism (for lack of a better word) or a mistake: tech does prioritize "credentials"—they're just credentials in the form of résumé-driven data points related to tech stacks (e.g. React, Kubernetes, Docker...) and employment history, rather than academic credentials.
Crow and Dabars explain that most universities aspire towards offering a Michelin star experience to students, but what we actually need is a ‘fast casual’, Cheesecake Factory-like option that can provide an affordable, quality education to millions
I'm conflicted by this analogy, because I think that in a certain sense a fast-casual Cheesecake Factory for degrees is exactly what universities have turned themselves into. NB: that's "for degrees", not for "quality education" as nayafia relates here.
that does a disservice to what tech culture increasingly stands for today: a beacon for people who care about finding and spreading great ideas
Is this what the tech world achieves in practice?
you might remember ASU’s reputation as a party school for hot people. In 2002, Crow was appointed ASU’s 16th president, and he set about both developing and implementing a vision for reform. Today, ASU ranks as a top 100 research university worldwide [1], and has managed to do so while increasing affordable access to higher education. ASU is an example of what President Crow and his colleague, William Dabars, call the “New American University”, a model that they hope other public research universities will emulate. There are a bunch of interesting aspects to this model, but the most striking, in my view, has been to throw away the Ivy League playbook, rejecting the idea that a university’s prestige is defined by whom they exclude. Instead, ASU has significantly improved their rankings while accepting and graduating more students. Given the widespread critique of academia, especially within tech, I was surprised that, after asking around, none of my peers had come across ASU as a case study for reform, despite its reputation among university administrators. So I’m summarizing what I’ve learned about ASU here in hopes that it might help others learn
This raises an (un?)interesting issue: if ASU's ranking improves, but its reputation does not—because the news never reaches those who have internalized its status as a party school—what then? You can imagine someone returning to school now, picking ASU, and then showing up to a job interview or landing within a pool of coworkers or an after-work social event where attendance is dominated by B players who remain uninformed. It's not hard to imagine someone "losing" so many arguments on the basis that that person went to ASU, ASU is for dumb people, and ipso facto they are wrong.
So exclusion is the answer: we should seek to exclude the types of people for whom this strain of intellectually lazy argument is an attractive weapon, and ideally also exclude those who respond positively to its use.
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog
This is not a well-written blog post.
(That isn't to say it contains no insights or that the insights are not true. Only that it is not well-written.)
docdrop.org docdrop.org
a paper called the Open Data Model in 1998
Myers, Brad A. “The Case for an Open Data Model,” August 1998. http://reports-archive.adm.cs.cmu.edu/anon/1998/CMU-CS-98-153.pdf
If you look at your home, did you hire an interior designer to put everything in the right place in your house? Some people do but most people don't.
Important to note that what's also left out of this picture of software design being left up to designers is the staggering amount of software with positively bad UI and UX that people have forced on them all day in the form of e.g. awful enterprise software. The notion that the masses somehow need designers' (proper designers) involvement in software is just flatly contradicted by reality.
And on that note there's also the matter of choice—if you were to hire a designer who did something you didn't like, you'd get rid of them. Among all the software that people interact with every day, whether it's terrible enterprise junk or an iOS app designed with a self-anointed designer, there isn't one in which the user actually hired anyone to do the UI. The publisher/whomever just makes the thing and says, essentially, "here you go; take it or leave". That's what's really on offer in the world made too favorable to designers and not malleable enough to users.
ivory.idyll.org ivory.idyll.org
go sample from A gallery of interesting Jupyter Notebooks. Pick five. Try to run them. Try to install the stuff needed to run them. Weep in despair.
throwing the JavaScript world into temporary insanity
No. Throwing the NPM world into insanity. The author of the Guardian article got this right. (The slug is literally
.) There's no excuse for this sort of equivocation.Of all the stuff in the world, JS is the one thing that's closest to having the robustness values desired in this blog post. TC-39's motto is literally "Don't break the Web".
danielskatzblog.wordpress.com danielskatzblog.wordpress.com
our systems do not really support reproducibility, mostly due to software collapse issues as defined by Hinsen
So stop building within those systems (i.e. on crummy foundations).
The bedrock choice is possible, as demonstrated by the military and NASA, but it also dramatically limits innovation, so it’s probably not appropriate for research projects
I think this is too curt of a dismissal. The browser environment, while not suitable for computationally expensive, long-run experiments, is certainly adequate for a great many things that could be "solved" by targeting it, even though they currently are not. Things like converting a simple assembly listing into a 512-byte program.
(Compare: https://www.colbyrussell.com/LP/debut/plain.txt.htm.)
our culture and our institutions do not reward reproducibility
This is a real problem/the real problem.
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
Unless all systems are to collect their own data directly from eachcitizen (an appalling prospect),
This is an interesting remark from the vantage point of 50 years in the future.
www.evanmiller.org www.evanmiller.org
I tried writing a serious-looking research paper about the bug and my proposed fix, but I lost a series of pitched battles against Pytorch and biblatex
www.teamten.com www.teamten.com
you start by (for example) importing Tomcat
Worth pointing out that this (Tomcat) comprises a component in and of itself. It is because this component was available that this step can be dashed off as "[just] importing Tomcat"—rather than "write a program that binds to port 80 and returns a 404 for any resource requested".
Local file Local file
It costs be-tween ½ and 2 times as much to build amodule with a clean interface that iswell-designed for your system as to justwrite some code
I believe it, but I would have liked to have seen a reference for this claim.
For the most part, component libraries have been a failure, in spite of muchtalk and a number of attempts.
It would be nice to hear a 20-year retrospective from Lampson on this, in light of the creation and rise of e.g. npm and other npm-like "language package managers". (He doesn't really acknowledge this in his 2020 omnibus report Hints and Principles for Computer System Design.)
only a small fraction of the features of each component, and your program con-sumes 10 or 100 times the hardware resources of a fully custom program, butyou write 10% or 1% of the code you would have written 30 years ago.
You use only a small fraction of the features of each component, and your program consumes 10 or 100 times the hardware resources of a fully custom program, but you write 10% or 1% of the code you would have written 30 years ago.
This is:
Lampson, Butler W. “Software Components: Only the Giants Survive.” In Computer Systems: Theory, Technology, and Applications, edited by Andrew Herbert and Karen Spärck Jones, 137–45. Monographs in Computer Science. New York, NY: Springer, 2004. <doi:10.1007/0-387-21821-1_21>.
www.microsoft.com www.microsoft.com
Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of software, precise and approximate, with the contrastinggoals “Get it right” and “Get it soon and make it cool.”
A different take on the "pick two" quip ({on time, within budget, bug-free})
This is:
Lampson, Butler. “Hints and Principles for Computer System Design,” November 2020. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/hints-and-principles-for-computer-system-design-3/.
The trend here wouldn't be so bad if, in practice, public libraries didn't become such hostile environments for the two classic use cases for libraries—that is, "places to: a) read quietly; b) study". It's unfortunate, then, that they have (at least in my experience).
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
We need to legally regulate remote attestation.
Hear, hear! This is a great response to anyone calling for regulation aligned with Google's Web Environment Integrity proposal (and similar forms of DRM): "Regulation? Okay, let's regulate you—so you cannot do this thing you're trying for."
It's like how copyleft was invented to allow the GPL to use copyright to work against the prurient interests of those normally wielding it.
joeyh.name joeyh.name
Google's new effort to DRM the web
Very concerning. "DRM the Web" is a very apt descriptor for what's at the end of that link. I seem to have missed the news.
gitlab.gnome.org gitlab.gnome.org
It really looks like this isn't related to libxml2's strlen implementation but that you're hitting a quadratic performance problem caused by naive string concatenation.
Yes, it does look like that, which is a little frustrating/baffling already, but the bug is "xmlStrlen is 2–30 times solwer than glibc strlen". That's a well-defined issue. Respond to that, not the context (which is out of scope). The bug is not, "help us speed up our application".
Local file Local file
The Web needs to be stud-ied and understood as a phenomenonbut also as something to be engineeredfor future growth and capabilities.
I'd rather we focus for now on maximizing it to its current potential as a more convenient digital equivalent for pre-Web physical resources. Just getting people to embrace URLs—truly embrace them—is a big enough task itself. It's been 30+ years, and not even Web professionals and other (ostensibly smart) people on the periphery (e.g. techies) reliably get this stuff right. Indeed, they're often the biggest offenders...
However, in many ofthese courses, the Web itself is treat-ed as a specific instantiation of moregeneral principals. In other cases, theWeb is treated primarily as a dynamiccontent mechanism that supports thesocial interactions among multiplebrowser users. Whether in CS studiesor in information-school courses, theWeb is often studied exclusively as thedelivery vehicle for content, technicalor social, rather than as an object ofstudy in its own right.
I'd argue that this is a good thing. I think the tech industry's navelgazing does perhaps some of the worst harm wrt the problems articulated earlier.