- Jul 2024
Local file Local file
Found educational and psychometric instruments.
I created an expectancy-value-cost form.
- Jun 2024
Local file Local file
connect, contrast, and evaluate the predominant theories of motivation.<br /> explain methodologies<br /> Synthesize a variety of theories and empirical studies.
Discussion, research presentation, empirical research presentation, contemporary trends, research project paper, research project presentation - Post to substack, marguerite, and a few other people.
Make a 10 minute summary presentation about a research article.
Contemporary Trends - search and summarize five or more journal articles published in Journal of Educational Psychology. Educational psychologist, Contemporary educational psychology, british journal of educational psychology, and learning and individual differences. Ask Rachel Anth for this.
Research project paper and presentation - write a scholarly paper with approximately 10 pages to explore an aspect of the course in greater detail.
- Feb 2024
home.iitk.ac.in home.iitk.ac.in
Start reading like a scholar - skip much unless you need more supporting evidence.
- Jan 2024
classics.mit.edu classics.mit.edu
And the quarrels of the gods, noble Euthyphro, when they occur, are of a like nature?
it's important to remember that Euthyphro is in essence and at all times, the wrong one.
For such was the effect of cold and hunger and chains upon him, that before the messenger returned from the diviner, he was dead. And my father and family are angry with me for taking the part of the murderer and prosecuting my father.
what a way to die...
Definition of 'neologian' 1. a person who holds or tends to adopt novel views; a neologist. adjective. 2. holding or tending to adopt novel views.
- Aug 2022
Lemmy Server
- Jul 2022
educational-innovation.sydney.edu.au educational-innovation.sydney.edu.au
An article discussing the creation of custom HTML and CSS for blackboard
- Jun 2022
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
Twitter also has spaces (for now) where folks could join. You also want to look for SLACK groups that might relate to specific tools/approaches/or professional organizations.
Take a look at Tessa Davis' Twitter thread about how to use advanced search terms on Twitter to fine-tune what you are looking for
Another cool idea.
SIFT stands for Stop, Investigate, Find, and Trace
might be useful for the creation of our library module.
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
what all of these groups have in common is the original article about how the use of technology motivates them to try harder and helps them put information together.
The setting is a fifth-grade, self-contained classroom that is rathersmall given the thirty-four students assigned to this class.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
Unlike a term paper or more traditional response project, no two projects look exactly alike.
the implication of the projects not being traditional and therefore hard to compare against each other. Require a rubric with higher level concepts and goals as the way to measure.
- Apr 2022
johnganz.substack.com johnganz.substack.com
The Emerging Tech-LashThe Politics of Tech Oligarchy
- Feb 2022
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
good paper, just says to use online classes
Coffman never tries to correct it.
There is so much on this article!
Coffman’s detractors often imply that she doesn’t fit in on “en WP,” or English Wikipedia. They often assume that she is a visitor from German Wikipedia, “de WP,” because of her insistence on holding the Wehrmacht to account.
When she is done, typically, there is nothing left to the article—nothing to say about the person—other than the fact that he won an award. She then insists that an award isn’t reason enough for a stand-alone Wikipedia article. Without a reliable source telling your life story, you can’t be notable. Poof. Another Nazi legend bites the dust.
“Historians have a uniformly negative view of Nebe and his motives.”
the Americans were courting every anti-Communist ally they could find.
“there was all this other America” that lay beyond her experience—a place deeply scarred by a past she barely understood.
"The past is never dead. It's not even past." -Faulkner
Hitler’s Generals on Trial. Kiev: 1941. Soldaten: On Fighting, Killing, and Dying
When Ksenia Coffman started editing Wikipedia, she was like a tourist in Buenos Aires in the 1950s. She came to learn the tango, admire the architecture, sip maté. She didn’t know there was a Nazi problem.
Amazing opening to this article
- Dec 2021
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
This struggle echoes a complaint made by some employees in Cupertino, who’ve said that the employee relations team — Apple’s version of human resources — is more concerned with protecting the company than its workforce.
When are people going to realize that this is exactly the point?
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
So why are staffing firms hiring so many young Americans to sit around and do nothing?
Read bullshit joooobs!
- Nov 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
After the horrors of World Wars I and II and the Great Depression between them, there was rebuilding of democracies, including constructing a public sphere geared toward preventing the rise of fascism, an expanded safety net and great reductions in income inequality.
Such an eurocentrist view.
before the first Covid-19 cases were reported in China, the United States was ranked No. 1 out of 195 countries in pandemic preparedness by experts convened by Johns Hopkins University, The Economist and others.
Let's be real this was propaganda
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Most what the fuck opening paragraph I have ever read.
a Gen Z worker questioned why she would be expected to clock in for a standard eight-hour day when she might get through her to-do list by the afternoon.
It’s a fault line that crisscrosses industries and issues. At a retail business based in New York, managers were distressed to encounter young employees who wanted paid time off when coping with anxiety or period cramps.
better working conditions are distressing!
- Sep 2021
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
the grading load has increased compared to the automated proctored exams. But, going completely online has also removed some of the in-person responsibilities our instructional team used to do, such as in-person proctoring.
How do you justify this to your instructors?
the concept of virtual proctoring was always something that invoked fear in students. There were concerns over privacy, anxiety about the unfamiliarity, and inequity with access to technology since students needed to have a strong Wi-Fi connection, working webcam/microphone, and were unable to use tablets/Chromebooks due to software requirements.
In the best of times, the bar exam is stressful—a two-day marathon that determines whether law school graduates will be able to practice the career they spent three years and a mountain of cash pursuing. But this year, test-takers say, it was nothing short of inhumane.
Nearly a dozen graduates who spoke to The Daily Beast described the exam—which many places administered online this year, for the first time ever—as a disorganized, glitch-filled disaster. Test-takers were locked out of the exam for hours, refused accommodations for their disabilities, and even sat in their own urine and feces for fear of leaving the view of the web cameras.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
in reality they impose additional burdens of tracking and assessing. Consider the scourge of learning management systems and how many instructor hours are wasted wrestling these systems into submission.
come to training!
Amplify, a company that promised to map learning for all students to measure their progress against a library of necessary knowledge, only to have its founder remark years down the road, “The map doesn’t exist, the measurement is impossible and we have, collectively, built only 5 percent of the library.”
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Inside higher ed - yes virginia there's a better way of grading. Specification grading. An article on specification. And badging (student achievements in blackboard).
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
ant Me, is subtitled A Sex Writer’s Journey Into the Heart of Desire
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Coming from the lady that is a frequent guest in chapotraphouse, making fun of chuds is like the prime directive of the show; but guilt by association is a cheap shot, so let's see what she writes.
But in asmuch as democracy is a shared vision—a collaborative dream about the kind of governance we’re capable of and the sort of future we could build—it’s crucial to keep its practices alive even when its functions have broken down. We don't live in a democracy, let alone a liberal democracy. The United States is a decidedly illiberal place, it has been for generations (since its foundation even, you could argue). To claim we can behave like liberals in a fundamentally illiberal context is to resign yourself to failure. This is a fundamentally ahistorical understanding of the united states. It obfuscates the reality of what's going on. That you cannot have a democracy when one group (the ruling class) has final veto on the demands of other classes (the working class, the marginalized communities, the racial minorities). There is only domination, bourgeois domination can be subtle or overt but it will subsume real demands and output token changes. A recent iteration of the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey asked unvaccinated Americans about their reasons for putting off or refusing vaccination against COVID-19, and allowed them to select more than one option, resulting in a set of ranked concerns for COVID-vaccine skeptics. No one is denying that there might reasonable arguments for being a vaccine skeptic. Changes to your menstrual cycle, kidney damage, myocarditis are all things you might consider weighting against the vaccine. But that has to be weighed against the very real and damaging consequences of getting ACTUAL COVID. 600,000+ people DEAD. People on dialysis for as long as they live. Systemic Organ failure. Cognitive impairment and brian damage. The weighting possible rare side effects versus chronic damage to your internal organs are absolutely demented. Another thing we could do is argue for the protection and funding of healthcare for anyone with vaccination-caused side effects. Probably the reason why so many people are hesitant to take this risk is that America's healthcare industry is ruthlessly run for profit. The New York Times recently reported that myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, is more common after COVID-19 vaccination; likewise, NPR featured a story earlier this month on university researchers looking into thousands of claims of menstrual changes following vaccination, and two days later Reuters ran a news article noting that European regulators were probing a skin rash and a pair of kidney disorders as possible side effects of the vaccines I think a condemnation ought to be made against the news outlets who have reported on this without providing or vetting the reporting through the scientific explanation of the probability of rare side effects. It is also a narrative of "Congrats we got a vaccine!" to "oh the vaccine might kill you" and that is only done to DRIVE UP CLICKS. , I called one of my uncles, who works in auto repair in North Texas. Chris is an honest, fair, and kind-hearted person, the easygoing one in a family of tightly wound people. When I asked him why he and his wife had chosen not to get a shot yet, he said they were still thinking about it....I felt good about our talk. I want him, my aunt, my cousins, my other uncle, and the rest of my extended family scattered across Texas and Louisiana to be all right. And I believe—but cannot prove—that wanting that for someone is more persuasive, somehow, than the darker, harder political emotions that dominate our discourse now. This is where I reached my most frustrating moment. All you did was talk to your uncle. He did not agree to vaccinate. Your persuasiveness did not make him get in line. All you did is talk. You are fundamentally a useless liberal. Your uncle might die before the other vaccines he is "waiting on" get approved. He could get the J&J vaccine right now and hasn't. This entire article was fundamentally useless. We do not live in a democracy. Liberal ideology lives in fucking la-la land. The very serious concern of the unvaccinated cannot really be weighed against actual fucking DEATH. And ultimately, when all it is said and done. We are not, to some extent asking people to get vaccinated for themselves. This is a COMMUNITY NEED. The individual does not, cannot supersede the need for community herd immunity. This is the failure of analysis. For the lack of vaccination, the allowed free speech of vaccination skeptics. The failure to maintain institutional legitimacy and trust in government institutions. We have now allowed hundreds of thousands of people to reach the final end, in agonizing and painful moments that nobody deserves. We are allowing the research and effort to drive up vaccinations to collapse with new, more virulent and more damaging variants. This is an utter fucking mess that is unresolved, even within your own case study. The Atlantic sucks. Everybody has lost their fucking minds. This is fucking ridiculous. What a fucking garbage article.
I felt good about our talk.
But inasmuch as democracy is a shared vision—a collaborative dream about the kind of governance we’re capable of and the sort of future we could build—it’s crucial to keep its practices alive even when its functions have broken down.
You cannot have a functional democracy where one group (the ruling class) has final veto on the demands of the other classes. There is only domination or cooperation and a bourgeois liberal democracy is subtle or overt domination as its subsumes real demands and outputs token changes.
a practice that maintains the premise that liberal democratic politics can change, that they can respond to the shifting will of the people without violence or civil unrest.
which is, to some extents, wrong, ahistorical, and naive.
Elizabeth Bruenig
Ballsy move for a woman that is a frequent guest for Chapo Trap House to claim that mocking the dead is a serious thing.
- Aug 2021
www.michigandaily.com www.michigandaily.com
While professors should be blamed for assigning required textbooks that put an unnecessary financial burden on students, colleges can also play a vital role in ensuring students have access to the resources they need without draining their pockets.
Professors are influenced by publishers with things like extraneous LMS and other resources. Colleges overload and overwork faculty, making those choices seem more appealing. Students do not give bad reviews because of textbook cost, or don't know they can demand better from their institution. Because in public school they are not expected to have a say in their educational decisions.
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Secret IRS Files Reveal How Much the Ultrawealthy Gained by Shaping Trump’s “Big, Beautiful Tax Cut”
will read and get mad about one of these days
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
[The Marginal Syllabus] was established as a ‘geeky book club.’”
I really like that digital annotations opens the ability for book clubs to form quickly, asynchronously, and on-demand.
www.publicbooks.org www.publicbooks.org
www.thenation.com www.thenation.com
Davarian L. Baldwin’s work shows how universities exploit their local communities by suppressing wages and through land-grab gentrification schemes.
something to argue again the current organizational structure of universities.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Orange Prize for fiction
- Jul 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
"Local phase of a global problem"
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the horizontal struggle within the working class complicated by race but not reducible to it. We have yet to solve the conundrum of the working class voting against "its own interest".
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
arold Cruse, in his uneven but at turns insightful 1967 polemic, The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual,
www.polygon.com www.polygon.com
D&D’s Drizzt books were built on racist tropes, R.A. Salvatore wants to change that
“The future is symbiotic — teachers and A.I. working together.”
"[A] Teacher and A.I. working together"
The new automated system is a way of reaching more students than instructors could otherwise reach on their own.
Or, hear me out, wild thought here: You could hire more instructors?
the system provided 16,000 pieces of feedback, and students agreed with the feedback 97.9 percent of the time, according to a study by the Stanford researchers. By comparison, students agreed with the feedback from human instructors 96.7 percent of the time.
How much of agreeing with feedback is authority driven?
Dr. Finn and her team built a neural network, a mathematical system that can learn skills from vast amounts of data.
Data provided by humans, so essentially transferring de-centralized knowledge into a single entity or, if you want to be pessimistic, a single point of failure.
But they used techniques that could automate student feedback in other situations, including for classes beyond programming.
could is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.
Can A.I. Grade Your Next Test?Neural networks could give online education a boost by providing automated feedback to students.
What problem is AI solving in education?
www.learningforjustice.org www.learningforjustice.org
co-founder of the popular initiative Disrupt Texts, whose passion for reading and literacy, as well as some serious creativity and ingenuity, led to her new role as a teacher librarian.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Three Steps to Become a Better Artist Immediately
Checklist Squint to see basic Composition Simplify Lost and Hard and soft edges Paint thickly
Idea | Design | Technique = TONE
www.catholicworker.org www.catholicworker.org
When the CIO was being organized in 1936 there was many a communist organizer whoseskill and courage was made use of by non-Communist top brass, including Joseph Curranwho even testified as to this position before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.“Sure I accepted help from the Communists,” he stated flatly. (I was present at the hearingin Washington D.C. with Mrs. John Brophy, whose husband was vice president of the CIOand worked closely with John L. Levis.) “Who else gave us any help?
see Robin Kelley's book Hammer and Hoe.
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
This is really really boring.
www.theparisreview.org www.theparisreview.org
It happened to be through philosophy books that I found at a bookshop close to my house. The first book I read was Plato’s Republic. Then it was Descartes’s Meditations and a book of lecture notes of Wittgenstein’s called The Blue Book.
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog
Hard skills are typically the “technical” part of your role (e.g. writing code, version control, etc.), whereas soft skills, like communication and teamwork, are more difficult to quantify. By mentoring others, you are teaching hard skills using your soft skills, and both of you get a chance to improve.
I have seen a lot of discussion in all fields where hard skills are only second place to soft skills that makes working in a team successful.
When learning new skills, most people focus on the theory. They take a new course, follow a tutorial, and then think that’s job done. What far fewer people do is then move on to put that newfound knowledge into practice. Even fewer go on to teach others.
“You never really know something until you teach it to someone else.”
― John C. Maxwell, The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog
Useful advice for commenting code.
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
Brief summary of what AR Intervention and AR Induction means.
three locus of focus
...is lacking
When I tell my mom on the phone, she sounds so dejected I wish I could hug her. I should thank her anyway but instead I scold her. “Mom, you can’t mail this to me. It can’t stay fresh like this when there’s no air flow.”
I grieved how illegible her love for them was, for how they never felt loved and for never identifying the form their mother’s love took. How she didn’t know how to raise her children in a place that would not love them back. Estha and Rahel never understand how much Ammu loved them and instead remain estranged from her up until her death. Their estrangement feels inevitable and all the more tragic.
Ta-Nahesi Coates wrote something similar in the Between the World and Me, where he talks about Black parents and the things they do to protect their children from the cruel world outside their doors.
Wotengni—it’s a way of saying ‘I love you’ in Mandarin that translates to ‘I hurt for you.’ It’s as if the sinews of pain are embedded in the very language of loving and being loved.
“What have you experienced that has been so hard?” The phone is loud, and I turn down his voice with my index finger. “I don’t know.”
You dad.
Is this what we, the children of immigrants and the marginalized, inherit? Our parents’ failures and traumas? For the longest time I believed I inherited the worst parts of my parents—their tempers, their miserliness, their fears about the world.
Not letting children be children is a fact of immigrant life.
al-anon.org al-anon.orgS19.pdf1
Don't change yourself or obsess with the actions of someone else. That includes your father who has been in a self-destructive path all of his life.
al-anon.org al-anon.org
Bring these quotes into my journal and work and reflect on each of these.
If I replaced drinking with anger, I would have to answer yes on a lot of these questions.
www.vice.com www.vice.com
Scientists Studying Temperature at Which Humans Spontaneously Die With Increasing Urgency
This is infuriating.
Horton says “feels like” measurements are the closest many forecasts come to this—but units aren’t standardized across weather stations, and this can create confusion.
Vox also had an article where they discussed how temperatures denoted on weather reports are often taken at an airport. When in reality cities can have a 20-30 degree differential depending on where you are.
www.michellesprouse.com www.michellesprouse.com
Kalir & Garcia, 2021; Licastro, 2019; Reid, 2014
😎 Citing the folks I 100% recognize 😎
www.michellesprouse.com www.michellesprouse.com
trans - transfer context - providing additional information, making sense of in its specifics lizing - act of, doing.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Lilith’s Brood, a trilogy first published as Xenogenesis, details the long and seedy seduction of humanity by the Oankali, sluglike aliens that delight in genetic trade with other species. The story is set hundreds of years after the Cold War turns hot and obliterates the superpowers and most of humanity. The Oankali arrive after the war, abduct and resuscitate war-ravaged humans and plan to send us back to Earth — at the cost of merging our biochemistry with theirs.
“Parable of the Sower,” the first in a two-book series, is a slog. Lauren Oyamina, the teenage protagonist, offers few insights into the nightmarish setting of an America burning itself down, and the story is too shaped by her stilted, dry voice. PARABLE OF THE TALENTS is the masterpiece. The sequel retains the brutal atmosphere of its predecessor — severe economic inequality, climate disaster, lawless mayhem — without sacrificing momentum or texture.
LOVE LOVE these two books
Spanning continents and centuries, WILD SEED details a tense courtship between two African immortals, one a psychic parasite who can switch bodies, and the other a shapeshifter.
another TBR
The stories collected in BLOODCHILD move quickly, often laying out their premises and conflicts in a single exchange or sequence.
www.eesysoft.com www.eesysoft.com
Allow EesySoft to be used by a wider group of stakeholders within an organization by offering appropriate levels of access based on:Feature accessRead/write accessDepartment-specific access
OH this is good!
eesysoft Q1 updates
daily.jstor.org daily.jstor.org
Dashiell Hammett’s Red Harvest or Raymond Chandler’s The Long Goodbye.
American Tabloid
eesysoft.atlassian.net eesysoft.atlassian.net
How do I use campaign templates?
- May 2021
educatorinnovator.org educatorinnovator.org
A decade ago, Allan Luke described English education as a primary curricular space for “political interventions, struggles over the formation of ideologies and beliefs, identities and capital” (2004, p. 86)
The place for political interventions is everywhere except for the place for political interventions - the realm of capital and labor.
interactional ethnographic approach,
help.blackboard.com help.blackboard.com
Problem: how to create multiple answer questions with partial grading and discounts incorrect questions.
- Apr 2021
tophat.com tophat.com
“The COVID-19 pandemic has made it very challenging for colleges and universities to ensure that students finish the winter semester,” said Nick Stein,
One could argue that the difficulty colleges and universities have faced because of covid-19 are partly of their own making. Lack of disaster preparedness plans, lack of faculty training, overwhelmed faculty, working students, poor environmental conditions like low-speed or no access to internet.
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
I began using clickers to give kids a series of informal, formative assessments. There was a pretest before I taught a lesson, a post-lesson check-in a few days later, and a review before a chapter test.
using clickers for quick informal tests.
Those mini-quizzes became a way for the students to differentiate what they knew from what they didn’t.
supplant homework assignments with just students telling you what they've learned
Read more FOSS
www.wsj.com www.wsj.com
Part of the genius of public markets is that they harness the human desire to gamble, in order to provide liquidity. This means there is usually someone willing to buy or sell when long-term investors need to put more money to work or cash in.
Turning an addiction into a cushion for markets to avoid crises of liquidity.
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
my online students first individually post a reflective summary of the content (e.g., pdf readings, my lecture videos) with a specific question they pose at the end of their summary. All of these end-of-summary questions account for the questions to be discussed in each online discussion.
I really like that EDIT 5325 made us moderate and hand in questions for each of our module topics.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
How to Take Smart Notes
book to read
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
Reading and annotations.
I circle terms which are being defined and write a D for Definition in the margin. When the author elaborates a model, I put an M or μ in the margin and maybe highlight key terms she uses. If I spot an argument, I put an A or α in the margin and sometimes draw a vertical line in the margin to designate the passage. Everytime I find a weakness in the argument or disagree due to a different starting point, I put a bolt glyph in the margin.
I will start doing this.
Umberto Eco states in How to Write a Thesis that you should use different colors for different questions, topics, points of view, and he says you should mark passages in color for revisiting the text. (1)1 According to Eco, it’s useful to color-code your marks and reflect this code in your notes.
how to use a highlighting system for reading and composing a thesis
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
When Should You Start a New Note?
note taking suggestions
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
Make writing a part of your identity. This requires to schedule time for writing, and to create lasting habits. How to become a better writer: A daily writing practice will help lower the hurdle to get started, for example. How to track your writing progress – define metrics and find out how well you perform. Counting your words is motivating and helps you stick to the habit of writing daily.
writing promises
A Zettelkasten improves your thinking and writing because it surprises us when we search for something. A Zettelkasten extends your mind and memory because its structure mimics the way your brain works. Learn faster: get coverage with good reading techniques, get practice by writing Zettel notes, and gain insights by connecting notes to your web of knowledge. You have to interpret your sources and then rely on your own thoughts henceforth to get the maximum benefit.
promised benefits
When your archive grows, you’ll add Structural Layers in your Zettelkasten through links. The levels are: Bottom Layer: Content Middle Layer: Structure Notes Top Layer: Main Structure Notes and Double Hashes (that is: special tags)
Structure layers
With time, you’ll notice multiple Layers of Evidence emerge. This means your notes will have different kinds of content. The layers are: Data description and patterns. Interpretation of descriptions and patterns. Synthesis of patterns, descriptions and interpretation.
Layers of zettels
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
DokuWiki DokuWiki is one of my favourite software solutions for managing a Zettelkasten. If you use DokuWiki, you could consider not making each Zettel its own wiki page. The design of the DokuWiki user interface is more tailored towards long(er) pages.
Notion has a wiki template, which I think might even be better than this option?
Goal, is to figure out if I can do this with Notion.
The zettel is the smallest unit, a note entered into the system. It requires a unique identifier, the body/content for the note, and footer/references.
Actively include citations to other Zettels.
Two types of structures depicted graphically
Luhmann’s hub notes served as fast tracks to navigate through the web of notes. The same is true for Structure Note.
So create a structure note where you can branch out into each specific subtopic
Luhmann had hub notes. These are Zettels that list many other places to look at for a continuation of a topic.
Hub notes are zettels that tell you where to look for additional info
One might think now that the links are placed for a good reason. However, if you create a web of thoughts where you cannot be confident that following a link will lead you to something meaningful, then surfing your own thoughts will give you a feeling of disappointment. Your future self will judge its past self (you!) as unreliable.
So you have to express the value of the link and why it is relevant and then include the link. If the link and writing is not valuable you will end up less determined to surf your own thoughts.
To make the most of a connection, always state explicitly why you made it. This is the link context. An example link context looks like this:
So ACTIVELY include the equivalent of citations to other ZETTELS.
If there are several possibilities, we can solve the problem as we wish and just record the connection by a link [or reference]. Often the context in which we are working suggests a multiplicity of links to other notes. […] In such cases it is important to capture the connections radially […], as it were, but at the same time also by right away recording [backlinks] in the slips that are being linked to. In this working procedure, the content that we take note of is usually also enriched. (from “Communicating with Slip Boxes”, emphasis mine)
1 : arranged or having parts arranged like rays. 2a : relating to, placed like, or moving along a radius. b : characterized by divergence from a center. 3 : of, relating to, or adjacent to a bodily radius. 4 : developing uniformly around a central axis.
I think you are allowed to put multiple connections and you should, but spread out(?)
To manage the references, use reference management software like BibDesk. It will contain the bibliographical data and provides you with citekeys. Citekeys are similar to IDs. They are identifiers by which you can point to the reference you are using (One common format for a citekey is [#lastnameYEAR]).
References and Citekey. I can use Zotero and be very judicious about what I include.
As a rule of thumb, you should always make something from the information you process. You should always translate information to knowledge by adding context and relevance.
Make something out of the information you are processing. So avoid being a hoarder.
At this time (2020-05-20 09:14), I, Sascha, create the first draft of an article which has the working title “Zettelkasten – An introduction”.
example Zettel
The length of a Zettel is directly tied to what kind of hypertext you want to create. Do you want to create a web of excerpts? Then a Zettel should contain precisely one excerpt. Do you want to make a web of thoughts?
I guess I'd be interested in a web of thoughts.
The most important aspect of the body of the Zettel is that you write it in your own words. There is nothing wrong with capturing a verbatim quote on top. But one of the core rules to make the Zettelkasten work for you is to use your own words, instead of just copying and pasting something you believe is useful or insightful. This forces you to at least create a different version of it, your own version. This is one of the steps that lead to increased understanding of the material, and it improves recall of the information you process. Your Zettelkasten will truly be your own if its content is yours and not just a bunch of thoughts of other people.
If you enter the content in your own words you take active ownership. Also, as a grad student, you don't want the extra work of not only finding the reference you'd like to allude to but additionally having to rephrase it at the time of writing a paper or book.
You could also use the title of the Zettel as its ID. As long as it is unique, it can serve as an ID. Consequently, you cannot change the title unless you change any reference to it if you want to keep your links intact.
So you could use the subject/topic you are researching?
I kinda like the idea of TOPIC/# entry so I can also organize by various subject matters.
What does an individual note, a Zettel, look like? There are three components that each Zettel has: A unique identifier. This gives your Zettel an unambiguous address. The body of the Zettel. This is where you write down what you want to capture: The piece of knowledge. References. At the bottom of each Zettel, you either reference the source of the knowledge you capture or leave it blank if you capture your own thoughts.
The very first note is assigned the number 1. If you add a second note that is not related to the first note, it is assigned the number 2. But if you want to continue the first note, or inject something into its content, comment on it, or something along those lines, you branch off. That new note would get assigned the number 1a. If you continue with this new note, you would go on with 1b. If you then want to comment on the note 1a, you would create a note with the address 1a1. So, in short, whenever you continue a train of thought, you increment the last position in the address, be it number or a character from the alphabet. And when you want to expand, intersperse, or comment on a note, you take its address and append a new character. For this to work, you alternate numbers and characters.
Basic of how this works
t is necessary to make the actual lookup possible.
With notion i could do a tag, or entry classifier
We can be more productive. The Zettelkasten Method streamlines our workflow by giving clear guidelines on what to do. This, in turn, decreases friction. It is quite common to enter a stage of flow which further increases productivity. I even allocate two days per week to make Zettelkasten work my priority and allow Zettelkasten flow to happen.
so it helps trigger flow, according to this guy?
It is a hypertext that he could navigate the drawer cabinet containing all the paper slips with a reasonable amount of time and energy.
a software system that links topics on the screen to related information and graphics, which are typically accessed by a point-and-click method. "hypertext link" a document presented on a computer as hypertext. plural noun: hypertexts
A Zettelkasten is a personal tool for thinking and writing. It has hypertextual features to make a web of thought possible. The difference to other systems is that you create a web of thoughts instead of notes of arbitrary size and form, and emphasize connection, not a collection
luhmann.surge.sh luhmann.surge.sh
Communicating with Slip Boxes An Empirical Account Niklas Luhmann
Manual for the Zettelkasten method from the man himself.
Local file Local file
Start this in 2 weeks.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The default has just become video on
maybe if you work for psychopaths
“hyper gaze.”
another term, stands for being observed at all times.
www.wsj.com www.wsj.com
Why Zoom Meetings Can Exhaust Us
poseidon01.ssrn.com poseidon01.ssrn.com
Nonverbal Mechanisms Predict Zoom Fatigue and Explain Why Women Experience Higher Levels than Men
Training educators to acknowledge in themselves and others the process of zoom fatigue. Discussing the ratio and tolerance for zoom meetings, specially in mixed-gender classrooms. How many meetings? What is the policy for webcam use? A lot of these questions that could do wonders for people's mental health and learning process.
mitpressonpubpub.mitpress.mit.edu mitpressonpubpub.mitpress.mit.edu
Data Feminism | Code of Conduct
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Hypothesis Community Guidelines Hypothesis Community Guidelineslenazun2018-09-12T09:01:16-07:00
Hypothesis Community Guidelines also important to read through and discuss
mitpressonpubpub.mitpress.mit.edu mitpressonpubpub.mitpress.mit.edu
Annotation Guidelines
the online version of the book has an introductory annotation guidelines. Maybe copy or re-work this for perusall assignments, or to give students even more agency, have them come up with their own guideline/contract.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“no specific known threats related to the joint session of Congress.”
White supremacist militias are not inherently dangerous to the status quo, even if they are individually dangerous to first-responders and legislators.
lapses and miscalculations
what about deliberate sabotage?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, lifted the mask mandate and capacity limits on all businesses, starting March 10. Mr. Abbott said that this order ensures that “all businesses and families in Texas have the freedom to determine their own destiny.”
How fucking cruel.
www.timeshighereducation.com www.timeshighereducation.com
Paywalls are so lame
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Psalms 57.
57 Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.
2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.
3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth.
4 My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.
5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.
6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah.
7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.
8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early.
9 I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations.
10 For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds.
11 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth.
www.nybooks.com www.nybooks.com
Holbein’s Faces
to read
english.northwestern.edu english.northwestern.edu
White Negroes (Beacon, 2019)
- Mar 2021
www.nybooks.com www.nybooks.com
to know?
This was a fantastic read and I am absolutely glad I took the time to check it out! <3
Lauren Michele Jackson
Lauren Michele Jackson is an American culture critic and assistant professor of English and African American studies at Northwestern University. Her first book, White Negroes, is a nonfiction collection of essays that explores cultural appropriation. Wikipedia
in·e·luc·ta·ble /ˌinəˈləktəb(ə)l/ Learn to pronounce adjective unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable. "the ineluctable facts of history"
figure of speech consisting of the use of the name of one thing for that of another of which it is an attribute or with which it is associated (such as "crown" in "lands belonging to the crown
(a Vine reference)
Megan Thee Stallion chatting with a slight, white, jittery, bespectacled classical music scholar. The gag is that she has to explain her lyrics. She defines big ole treat, skeet, bae, brazy. He is shaking with embarrassment.
Wikipedia tells me his autobiography includes this sentence: “If there was anything I hated, it was investigating the organs of the female pelvis.”
“I have the honor to present to the Academy the genital organs of this woman prepared in a manner that leaves no doubt about the nature of her tablier,” Cuvier said
what a violation of someone's privacy even after death.
Stephen Jay Gould’s The Flamingo’s Smile (1985). Great title. I click it and perform the various contortions required to read a Google Books preview on my phone. Gould is telling a story I’ve heard before, about Saartjie Baartman, also known as the Hottentot Venus, a Khoikhoi woman who was exhibited at “freak shows” across nineteenth-century Europe because of her buttocks and breasts.
Sarah Baartman (Afrikaans: [ˈsɑːra ˈbɑːrtman]; also spelled Sara, sometimes in the diminutive form Saartje ([ˈsɑːrtʃi]), or Saartjie and Bartman, Bartmann; c.1775 – 29 December 1815)[1][2]:184 was the best known of at least two[3] South African Khoikhoi women who, due to the European objectification of their buttocks, were exhibited as freak show attractions in 19th-century Europe under the name Hottentot Venus—"Hottentot" was the name for the Khoi people, now considered an offensive term,[4] and "Venus" referred to the Roman goddess of love and fertility.
scientific racism
Julien-Joseph Virey used Sarah Baartman's published image to validate racial typologies. In his essay "Dictionnaire des sciences medicales" (Dictionary of medical sciences), he summarizes the true nature of the black female within the framework of accepted medical discourse. Virey focused on identifying her sexual organs as more developed and distinct in comparison to white female organs. All of his theories regarding sexual primitivism are influenced and supported by the anatomical studies and illustrations of Sarah Baartman which were created by Georges Cuvier.[33] In cartoons and drawings Baartman's features were often exaggerated to highlight her difference from European females.
Āfer (feminine Āfra, neuter Āfrum); first/second-declension adjective (nominative masculine singular in -er)
from Africa (the region of modern-day Tunisia)
Systema Naturae (1735)
Systema Naturae (originally in Latin written Systema Naturæ with the ligature æ) is one of the major works of the Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) and introduced the Linnaean taxonomy. Although the system, now known as binomial nomenclature, was partially developed by the Bauhin brothers, Gaspard and Johann, 200 years earlier,[2] Linnaeus was first to use it consistently throughout his book. The first edition was published in 1735. The full title of the 10th edition (1758), which was the most important one, was Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis or translated: "System of nature through the three kingdoms of nature, according to classes, orders, genera and species, with characters, differences, synonyms, places".
The tenth edition of this book (1758) is considered the starting point of zoological nomenclature.[3] In 1766–1768 Linnaeus published the much enhanced 12th edition, the last under his authorship
www.encyclopedia.com www.encyclopedia.com
Deviant bodies.
the use of the word deviant here is so heavily loaded.
Dr. Lucey said the experts would need to produce a breakthrough in order to demonstrate credibility.
So they either have to be extremely harsh on china or find a "breakthrough" to retain believability?
Chinese officials heavily promoted the idea that the virus came from abroad at the news conference on Tuesday, arguing that the search for the origin of the virus should focus on places outside China.
“The numbers are not so important. What is important is that we don’t really know how reliable serology testing is to detect antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 more than a year after infection,” Dr. Embarek said. Another WHO researcher, microbiologist Fabian Leendertz, said the probability of finding antibodies that late would be low.
Marion Koopmans, a Dutch virologist on the WHO team, echoed that concern. “From what we know about serology, out of 92 cases you would at least have some positives,” she said. “Antibodies do clear. The levels go down, but less so in cases of severe infection.”
If the 90 cases included Covid-19 infections, it could help explain suspected coronavirus cases that researchers believe occurred in Europe and possibly the U.S. in November and December 2019.
In a recent study, Italian researchers found evidence of Covid-19 infection in a 4-year-old boy from the Milan area who was treated for respiratory symptoms and vomiting on Nov. 30, 2019. Researchers found RNA exactly matching part of the Covid-19 virus while retrospectively testing a respiratory specimen from the boy, along with specimens from other patients.
There might also have been a few cases of Covid-19 in the U.S. as early as in December 2019, weeks ahead of the first confirmed U.S. case on Jan. 19, 2020.
This theory is different from a widely discredited one pushed by some Republicans in the United States, which claimed that a lab in China had manufactured the virus for use as a bio-weapon.
Dr. Ben Embarek said it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus might have leaked accidentally from a laboratory studying bat coronaviruses in Wuhan.
This was literally a conspiracy theorist repeated by the likes of Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton at the start of the pandemic and was debunked or its validity rescinded multiple times.
One visit is not enough time to do a thorough investigation,” he said. “They’re doing all the work within the parameters set by the Chinese government.”
we didn't get the result we wanted, so we need to try and try again
Some scientists worry that shifting attention to other countries could cause the investigation to lose its focus
which scientists? who is saying this? Why would a scientist not want to cover every option/avenue?
the experts pledged to investigate reports that the virus might have been present outside China months before the outbreak in Wuhan in late 2019, a longstanding demand of Chinese officials.
There were some reports mid-2020 that claimed it was in europe much earlier than reported, so why is this so controversial?
an inquiry could draw attention to the government’s early missteps in handling the outbreak
Honestly, I find it amazing that they managed to control their outbreak and still feel embarrassed at the initial response.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
CONTROLLING THE NARRATIVEIn the hunt for the virus’s source, the World Health Organization let China take charge.
lmao what a biased fucking sentence.
“We’ve got real concerns about the methodology and the process that went into that report, including the fact that the government in Beijing apparently helped to write it,” Mr. Blinken said in an interview that aired Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
As opposed to hoping internal and external pressure by your government made them change the report?
The Biden administration has expressed concern over the Chinese government’s role in drafting a forthcoming World Health Organization report about the source of the coronavirus pandemic.
www.revolutionarydemocracy.org www.revolutionarydemocracy.org
Public Education in the U.S.S.R.
Fascinating topic
liberatedtexts.com liberatedtexts.com
The purpose of Makarenko’s pedagogy of the collective was to instil a sense of community and duty to each other, of humility and mutual respect, of interdependence and communal self-governance. In short, it was itself a revolution against the arrogance and individualism that so characterises capitalist ideology. From this perspective it becomes clearer why Makarenko’s counter-hegemonic methods have gone largely unacknowledged in the Western world.
Why do communities struggle with humility and mutual respect and self-governance? In the western individualistic hegemon.
Because men are historical beings, incomplete and conscious of being incomplete, revolution is as natural and permanent a human dimension as education. Only a mechanistic mentality holds that education can cease at a certain point, or that revolution can be halted when it attains power. To be authentic, revolution must be a continuous event. Otherwise it will cease to be revolution, and will become sclerotic bureaucracy.9Paulo Freire, The Politics of Education: Culture, Power, and Liberation, (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1985), 89.
Trotsky's idea of permanent revolution
Maxim Gorky
Alexei Maximovich Peshkov (Russian: Алексе́й Макси́мович Пешко́в or Пе́шков;[1] 28 March [O.S. 16 March] 1868 – 18 June 1936), primarily known as Maxim Gorky (Russian: Макси́м Го́рький), was a Russian and Soviet writer, a founder of the socialist realism literary method, and a political activist.[2] He was also a five-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature.[3] Prior to his renown as an author, he frequently changed jobs and roamed across the Russian Empire; these experiences would later influence his writing. Gorky's most famous works were The Lower Depths (1902), Twenty-six Men and a Girl (1899), The Song of the Stormy Petrel (1901), My Childhood (1913–1914), Mother (1906), Summerfolk (1904) and Children of the Sun (1905). He had associations with fellow Russian writers Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov; Gorky would later mention them in his memoirs.
Gorky was active in the emerging Marxist communist movement. He publicly opposed the Tsarist regime, and for a time closely associated himself with Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Bogdanov's Bolshevik wing of the party. For a significant part of his life, he was exiled from Russia and later the Soviet Union. In 1932, he returned to the USSR on Joseph Stalin's personal invitation and lived there until his death in June 1936.
Part one opens with four short biographical sketches from Professor Y.N. Medinsky (author of Public Education in the USSR).
Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“I don’t have a lot of friends in real life who actually read,” Ms. Juan said. But she and Ms. Velez both live in the Los Angeles area, and they’ve talked about maybe, once it’s safe, talking books in person. “I’m always like, when the pandemic is over and both of us get vaccinated,” Ms. Juan said, “I’ll come see you.”
One of the things I found really exciting in Tiktok is people reading books outloud!
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Before the pandemic, when she could afford a babysitter, Kate Baer would write from a Panera Bread near her home in Hummelstown
Studying for my graduate program, it was Starbucks down the street.
theanarchistlibrary.org theanarchistlibrary.org
Friend recommended it
docdrop.org docdrop.org
hey felt that annotation did increase their confidence and did increase their sense of belonging in class which felt really exciting but that has kind of uh opene
this is something that has to be reciprocated by the instructor but just having the ability to chat in the margins with your classmates ought to be excellent!
reappropriate.co reappropriate.co
To read later
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Read Luster