1,685 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. Kennon M. Smith Elizabeth Boling

      As a side note, Dr. Smith is an architect who did her doctoral degree in IDT and Prof. Boling is a graphic designer who worked at Apple designing all their fancy devices (she's also our alumni at TTU!). Prof. Boling is one of the gurus in design within our field so it will be nice for you to get to know her more by finding her work.

      From Dr. S

    2. educanonal technoloav. Volume XLIX Number 4 July-August 2009

      Look up the full issue?


    1. cerebellum and also in the supplementary motor area - both areas that are involved with fine motor control and performance of routine actions.

      Additional brain areas

      cerebellum and supplementary motor area

    2. This region is involved in a range of functions but potentially in things that could be linked to creativity, like visual imagery - being able to manipulate visual images in your brain, combine them and deconstruct them,

      precuneus and parietal lobe functions

    3. brain called the precuneus in the parietal lobe.

      Brain regions with more grey mater.


      Parietal lobe

    4. "The people who are better at drawing really seem to have more developed structures in regions of the brain that control for fine motor performance and what we call procedural memory," she explained.

      fine motor performance and procedural memory

      Look up research on these.

    5. artist's talent could be innate.


    6. Art and the brain

    1. The community college is the "true agent of upward mobility". Community college will take learners from all walks of life and take them in with open arms.

    1. Parenthood and Politics in the Era of Covid-19

      i hope this is good.

    1. free academic discourse.


    2. Princeton classicist, published an op-ed in the online magazine Quillette in which he referred to the Black Justice League, a student group, as a “terrorist organization” and warned that certain proposals in the faculty letter would “lead to civil war on campus.”


    3. Padilla turned his attention to arenas beyond classics. He and his co-authors — the astrophysicist Jenny Greene, the literary theorist Andrew Cole and the poet Tracy K. Smith — began writing their open letter to Princeton with 48 proposals for reform.

      Gotta check it out

    4. He compares the experience to a scene in one of Frederick Douglass’s autobiographies, when Mr. Auld, Douglass’s owner in Baltimore, chastises his wife for helping Douglass learn to read: “ ‘Now,’ said he, ‘if you teach that nigger (speaking of myself) how to read, there would be no keeping him. It would forever unfit him to be a slave.’” In that moment, Douglass says he understood that literacy was what separated white men from Black — “a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things.” “I would at times feel that learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing,” Douglass writes. “It had given me a view of my wretched condition, without the remedy.” Learning the secret only deepened his sense of exclusion.

      how upsetting we don't read HIM in high school.

    5. Historians stress that such ideas cannot be separated from the discourses of nationalism, colorism and progress that were taking shape during the modern colonial period, as Europeans came into contact with other peoples and their traditions. “The whiter the body is, the more beautiful it is,” Winkelmann wrote.

      whoop there it is.

    6. One of the most influential was Pericles’ funeral oration over the graves of the Athenian war dead in 431 B.C., recorded by Thucydides, in which the statesman praises his “glorious” city for ensuring “equal justice to all.” “Our government does not copy our neighbors’,” he says, “but is an example to them. It is true that we are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few.”

      This is just Reagan, "Shiny city upon a hill".

    7. Anthony Grafton, the great Renaissance scholar, put it this way in his preface to “The Classical Tradition”: “An exhaustive exposition of the ways in which the world has defined itself with regard to Greco-Roman antiquity would be nothing less than a comprehensive history of the world.”

      how fucking self-centered to ignore the Middle East and Eastern traditions.

    8. “This was definitely back in the day when the students didn’t even take notes,” one student said as she sat down. “Like, ‘My dad’s going to give me a job.’”

      they also...probably paid attention

    9. Frantz Fanon, Orlando Patterson and others working in the traditions of Afro-pessimism and psychoanalysis, Caribbean and Black studies.

      holy salami this guy is a commie

    10. “I believe in merit. I don’t look at the color of the author.”

      oh my god

    11. “It’s Western civilization. It matters because it’s the West.”

      spoken as a woman that misses the point.

    12. They have noted that in fifth-century-B.C. Athens, which has been celebrated as the birthplace of democracy, participation in politics was restricted to male citizens; thousands of enslaved people worked and died in silver mines south of the city, and custom dictated that upper-class women could not leave the house unless they were veiled and accompanied by a male relative.

      Well the people celebrating Athens as birthplace of democracy, might be aware of this and don't care. They are white supremacist, fascists after all. No sense in owning them with facts and logics.

    1. References Garrison, D. Randy, Terry Anderson, and Walter Archer. “Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education.” The internet and higher education 2, no. 2-3 (1999): 87-105. Orlov, George, Douglas McKee, James Berry, Austin Boyle, Thomas DiCiccio, Tyler Ransom, Alex Rees-Jones, and Jörg Stoye. “Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: It Is Not Who You Teach, but How You Teach.” NBER Working Paper 28022 (2020). Rienties, Bart, and Bethany Alden Rivers. “Measuring and understanding learner emotions: Evidence and prospects.” Learning Analytics Review 1, no. 1 (2014): 1-27.

      yay more reading references

    2. Student-led discussion groups

      peer led discussions!

    3. Student choice in writing prompts:

      they are asked to apply their information to short writing papers.

    4. Student choice in book selection

      Students have a choice on the topic.

    5. design a book group, consider goals, pedagogy, and disciplinary practice.
      • goals :: learning outcomes
      • pedagogy :: teaching strategies
      • disciplinary practice :: concept learning
    6. designing a book group

      design design design!

    7. Reading is emotional when books affirm our challenges, disrupt our identities, or foster empathy; it is social when we engage our voice and respond to other readers; it is intellectual when we dissect the author’s rhetorical techniques or analyze how issues presented in books play out in society. One page at a time, a well-chosen book can touch on these aspects of engagement, highlighting the value of book groups.

      Yes yes yes yessss

    8. Emotional presence

      a key driver of online learning; it impacts student motivation, self-regulation, and academic success.

    9. Community of Inquiry Framework

      investigate further

    10. I can’t help but be reminded of my weekly get-togethers with my colleagues, virtually and sometimes in person, socially distancing in our backyards. With no structure for our gatherings or preconceived ideas of how it should be, yet with our shared disciplinary knowledge, we talked freely about what mattered to us: effective teaching.


  2. coi.athabascau.ca coi.athabascau.ca
  3. Jan 2021
    1. Select a few theories a week and read a little bit about them, make your way from the more well known to the least known.

      So Gagne, Bandura, Piaget, etc would be a good way to start.

      Book on learning theory is coming to me.

  4. Dec 2020
    1. EDIT 5316Foundations of Instructional TechnologyEDIT 5317Instructional Design FoundationsEDIT 5325Planning and Developing Instructional MediaEDIT 5370Foundations of Distance Education

    2. EDIT 5370: Foundations of Distance Education

      EDIT 5325 ✅

    3. Phase 2







  5. Sep 2020
    1. For Robinson, racial capitalism describes how “the development, organization, and expansion of capitalist society pursued essentially racial directions,” as did social ideology and political practice.

      How does this tie with whiteness as property. Speaking of which, I gotta finish that article!

    2. in the convening of the October 2017 Race and Capitalism: Global Territories, Transnational Histories symposium at the University of California, Los Angeles; and in Boston Review‘s Winter 2017 forum, “To Remake the World: Slavery, Racial, Capitalism, and Justice,” which featured writings from historians, political scientists, and Africana Studies scholars

      gotta get me access to their writings or recordings!

    3. a conceptual framework to understand the mutually constitutive nature of racialization and capitalist exploitation, inter alia, on a global scale, in specific localities, in discrete historical moments, in the entrenchment of the carceral state, and in the era of neoliberalization and permanent war.
    4. Modern U.S. Racial Capitalism

      Some Theoretical Insights

      by Charisse Burden-Stelly

    1. Check out the doc.drop version

      Graduate Writing Center

      Up to 3, one-on-one writing consultations Fall Hours:

      • M-TH 10:00 am to 7:00 pm,
      • F 10:00am- 2pm

      Writing Groups and Thesis and Dissertation bootcamps.

      Maintaining Productive Writing Practices Workshop

      Workshop Goals

      • Identify characteristics of productive practices
      • Grow awareness of our writing process and practices.
      • Strategies for setting goals, managing time, overcoming setbacks, and manage productivity.
      • Consider strategies for maintaining productive writing practices.

      mindful/reflect on what does and doesn't.

      in academia you write with a goal in mind.

      process-oriented, helpful to view the big picture, and know what steps are in the process.

      consistent and sustainable, if it's not sustainable it can't be consistent.

      what other characteristics?

      Collaborative. Get a second pair of eyes!

      Difficult and distracting times:

      Writing Reflection:

      A1: I try to be organized and thorough but it definitely feels like slow going, and there are distractions everywhere. My writing process has been writing a rough draft in notion coming from the annotations in hypothesi.s. I have attempted to make thorough organization of vocabulary definitions or concepts, a way to streamline the process

      A2: I feel like for the most part, they get the job done, but I sometimes struggle to get two to three sentences out in a row. And the distractions constantly pull me away from the writing.

      A3: I hope to learn about different strategies or ways to blockade my attention from constant phone notifications.


      Crunch time and missed deadlines are an issue.

      Preliminary outlines is an effective strat.

      Focus or lack thereof is a big issue.

      Mindfulness in Writing

      Think about your writing process and look at ways to change them so they work for you — I have been doing this recently, not just with writing but with reading.

      Hey I've been discussing my writing with faculty and colleagues to improve my writing! That's wild.

      Goal Setting

      Prioritize your project list. Budget time for writing, revision, regular breaks and account for unforeseen setbacks.

      • you have to make time for breaks because you have a wife and kid.
      • Writing usually (true!) take longer than we anticipate.
      • App recommendation: 2do, Due, and Remember the Mik | For me: Notion update notifications, iOS Reminders App, Google Calendar, TODAY habit (✅)

      Reflection: Right now, I only struggled with synthesis paper but that's partly because I had a lot of readings to include. My biggest problem right now is transferring what I've read, into my own words, not just my own words, but in a structured and effective way (at least in my own view).

      I think I am also doubting my own understanding of the assignments and causing myself more trouble. The biggest challenge is overwriting, and therefore having to clean up and organize my writing at the end.


      Eisenhower Decision Matrix

      • Important and urgent
      • Important but not urgent
      • Not important but urgent
      • Not important and not urgent

      Goal setting

      Embrace mini-sessions

      • pomodoro technique write for 25 mins, break for 5
      • write now, revise and edit later
      • divide projects into manageable sections
      • commit to at least three hours per week.

      be flexible | establish good habits

      Cut back distractions

      • Avoid unneeded internet time and put away your cellphone.

      Set this up in notion as a Koban table.

      I think unless the matrix is easy to set up, you might want to be mindful of not overcomplicating the process and have that take away from your writing.

      Consistency in Writing

      Daily writing practice:

      touch a writing project once a day, keep your hand moving, gradual progress.

      Hold yourself accountable

      virtual writing groups or writing partners | reflection - I have been doing this with Dr. Dagmar, my wife. But I'd love to get a writing group fo colleagues.

      Schedule time for writing and everything else

      Protect your writing time. Treat the writing time as sacred. Do not use this time to complete other tasks.

      Use Technology that supports your writing

      Study music on youtube Coffivity (ambient noise for writing) Rescue time (tracks how you spend time online) Google sheets for project management.

      reflection: I am using Notion for centralizing all of my writing work and resources.


      Consider your workspace.

      • Find or designate a spot to work on writing. Create a space where you can be most productive, I keep trying to make the office productive but he keeps barging in there.

      Determine your working style

      • When are you most productive (I'd say the evening, might need to bump it up to the afternoon). What environment do you need to work successfully: peace and quiet.

      Lean on community

      • I have been leaning on Dr. Dagmar for this aspect, but I'd love to meet someone in the writing center!

      Know when to log off

      • Take a break! Find ways to relax and do some physical exercise and breathing exercises + mental health and guided meditation.

      GOOD QUESTION: Prioritizing reading vs. writing.

      Schedule reading time as much as writing time. Budget time for reading completion. Set a goal of time and pages read.

    1. Decades of social annotation research, but no tool has been researched and used as extensively as hypothes.is.

      research on how students perceive and value the tools for social annotations.

      they like using social annotations, helps to see other people's perspectives, share resources, and can also contribute productively to a sense of community.

      Another body on language learning, and reading.

      Also research on how to make meaning and knowledge construction.

      Open transcript

      • Remi Kalir

      Left off at 45:57

    2. related twitter conversation last week about what makes for really effective online discussion and particularly in the context of things like conventional 00:45:09 learning management system discussion boards and people talked a lot about aspects of access and equity who participates whose voices are welcome whose voices may be hidden even in asynchronous online discussion

      Does anybody have a link to this twitter discussion?

    3. i think about notions of of of distributed cognition of cognition that

      a topic to research and how it ties to annotation

    4. social annotation makes thinking visible and my thinking is not always precise my thinking can be flawed

      this is one of my favorite aspects of it.

    5. this is where reading expert annotation actually is very productive for learning it may also be productive in a civic space but there is an important difference between someone participating in social annotation and someone who has access to expert annotation of a text

      this is a type of activity that the instructor as the expert, could provide context and information on parts of the book and help the students with challenging topics and concept.s

    6. existed you know in print books you know in in you know in victorian england you know people would write in books and then pass them along to their neighbors as a way of sharing their thoughts with each other and that was of course happening hundreds of years ago

      Amanda Licastro talked about this on her AnnotateED presentation in 2017.

    7. putting together some publicly accessible research instruments these may be survey tools these may be interview tools these may be again things that other researchers can essentially pick up and then bring into their context as a way to again create more robust usefully empirically grounded research

      Fantastic, omg.

    8. to help other scholars and so that means developing things like um an easily accessible knowledge base of research about social annotation where might other researchers turn to to 00:20:36 get easy access to many many resources pertinent to social annotation we're for example putting together right now an open zotero bibliography so that anybody else who's writing about social notation can go there figure out what they need to know in terms of the literature

      How can we get access to this! This is amazingly perfect.

    9. social annotation does enable collaborative learning what are those qualities of collaborative learning what are those particular practices of

      avenue of research

    1. The Quarantine Stream: Ten Years Later, ‘The Social Network’ Has Become a Supervillain Origin Story

      Social Network as a supervillain origin story

    1. An instructional system can also be called a learning environment because both phrases refer to a set ofelements that interact in the process ofpromoting and sup­porting learning activities.

      So instructional systems are learning environments, where learning activities take place. Instructional systems design, is the creation of those environments.

    2. The systematic design process begins witl1 a goal and proceeds through an interconnected set of stages tliat build upon each otl1er by means of a series of inputs, processes, and outputs. The outputs of one stage become, together witli oilier relevant infomiation and products, inputs to oilier stages.

      the systematic design process starts with an endpoint. As a process it has various stages, the resources you create in the previous stage feed into the next (input/ouputs is the proper term).

    3. It is essentially a process ofidentifying a goal tliat may be based on a gap between the way tllings are and the way you want the m to be, or on a desire to reach out and accomplish sometliing new. As expressed by Koberg and Babrnall (1981), "Design is a proc-ess of making dreams come true."

      A little corny but design is the process of closing a gap between a goal and the way things are.

    4. TODO: Convert all public comments to EDIT 5316

    5. , it also requires creativ­ity in ide ntifying and solving instructional proble ms. I SD includes several phases, including analysis, design, developme nt, imple mentation, and evaluation, and is characte rized by the overarching concept of design

      It is a way to solve problems

    6. Instmctional systen1S design (IS D ) is the process for creating instructional sys­tems. It is both systematic and scientific in that it is d ocume ntable , replicable in its general application, and leads to predictable outcomes


      ISD is the process of creating Instructional Systems which are

      An arrangement, an organized approach, a set of resources and procedures.

    7. instructional systems can function in coordination with other human performance improvement syste ms, such as knowledge management systems, incentive systems, organizational developme nt syste ms, and personnel selectio n syste ms.

      the systems can coexist with other aspects of human activity.

    8. instructio nal systems are some­ti mes referred to as training systenlS

      Not quite correct. But we are falling again on the issue of contextual definitions for instructional system. Maybe take a different approach where I use one definition.

      • training systems: when it primarily on skill development.
    9. educational systems when they focus more on generalized inte l­lectual development and personal compete nce.

      a system tailored for generalized cognitive skills/educational systems.

    10. a variety of forms, ranging fro m narrowly focused technical training courses to loosely structure d student-focused learning enviro nments, and exist in virtually any institution with the express purpose ofdeveloping human capacities. These include public schools, universities, miJitary organizations, business and industry, public service, and no n­profit organizations.

      There can be a "natural" vs. artificial system. To take control of the process, you would start with an analysis of the whole.

    11. An i11Stmctional system may be defined as an arrangement of r esources and p roce­dures used to facilitate learning.

      An arrangement, an organized approach, a set of resources and procedures.

    1. History of settlers stealing land from native americans for the founding of universities.

    1. Louis AlthusserFirst published Fri Oct 16, 2009; substantive revision Tue Feb 13, 2018

      Read this entry!

    1. Visual Literacy for Educators and Performance Specialist | Chapter 1


      Decorative Visual - a visual that does not have a strong association with instructional content. Added for aesthetic reasons.

      Educational Design - Similar to instructional design, but focusing on materials for learning and long term memory. Transfer knowledge to a new and novel situations is the ultimate goal.

      Electronic slides - Display software used in business and educational settings.

      Instructional Design - Design that encompasses educational and performance design; the art and science of solving instructional problems and identifying their solutions.

      Instructional Designer - A professional who analyzes instructional problems and their solutions and creates, implements, and tests appropriate interventions.

      Interface - The message or cue between a system and a user such as a link or button on a computer screen, or headings, and page numbers in a document. These cues tend to provide navigational assistance to the user/learner.

      Interpretive Visual- A visual that helps explain content.

      Job Aids - Performance tools that help people perform a task at the time of need.

      Just-in-Time- Instructional or task support available at the moment of need. E.g. instructions on the gas pump or automatic bank teller. Job aids are considered just-in-time support.

      Literacy - A broad term describing the ability to be knowledgeable about a particular subject, traditionally that of reading and writing. We also have visual literacy in this case!

      Organizational Visual - A visual that strengthens the structure and hierarchy of information and helps integrate information.

      Performance Design - Design that helps people perform a task or job immediately.

      Performance support - a tangible support that helps people do something at the moment of need (just-in-time). Maps, recipes, and instructions on a gas pump are types of performance support.

      Powerpoint- an electronic slide software tool from Microsoft.

      Representative Visual- A visual that carries the same information as the text or clearly identifies information to make it more concrete.

      Slide-ware - Electronic slide display software.

      Transformative Visual - Visuals that supplant new information into memory by making the information more memorable.

      Typography - the art and science of letterform.

      Universal Design - A usable design of products and environment, accessible to all people. Recently the term universal design has been used to address the larger context of design. Universal design employs principles (visual and otherwise) to create environments accessible to as many people as possible. Skills in visual literacy rely on a number of principles that also fall under the universal design umbrella.

      User - The receiver of a message, also considered the audience. Learners are considered users who interact with instructional messages.

      Visual Literacy - A group of acquired competencies for interpreting and composing visible messages. A visually literate person is able to (a) discriminate and make sense of visible objects as part of a visual acuity, (b) create static and dynamic visible objects effectively in a defined space, (c) comprehend and appreciate visual testaments of others, and (d) conjure objects in the mind's eye (Brill, Kim, and Branch, 2001)

      Visual Literacy for Instruction and Performance Support - The ability to work with tools (type, shape, color, depth, and space) and actions (contrast, alignment, repetition, and proximity) to influence learning and performance. More specifically this could be described as the tools and actions necessary to facilitate cognitive processes of selection, organization, and integration.

      Objc. becoming more visually literate on the composition sense. Creating compelling visuals is both art and a science.

      Providing clear instructions is worthwhile because it preservers the user's mental energy for the important information rather than wasting that energy.

      Questions to ask:

      What information is critical to this job? How do I make the information the focus of attention.

      The book uses the word Users as a way to identify the audience of each type of visual document.

      What Exactly is a Visual?

      • Semiotics and film/video conventions
      • signs, symbols, and icons
      • images and illustrations
      • multi-images
      • graphic representation

      Saunders' Definition

      • symbols (pictographic or abstract)
      • maps graphsdiagrams illustrations or rendered pictures (realistic to abstract)models composite graphics (multi-images)photographs
    1. Liquid Margins 009 | High School Social: Collaborative Annotation in Secondary EducationLM9 full

    1. Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Noam Chomsky, Howard Gardner, and Bruno della Chiesa Askwith Forum

      The Vatican II is the moment when the church went from the church of the persecutor to the church of the persecuted.

      The start of liberation theology. Preferential option of the poor. Chomsky always likes to talk about the historical roots and the U.S intervention. It clearly makes Howard Gardner uncomfortable.

      Priests and nuns were going to the hills and helping peasants to really read the Gospel not just recite it. Should we have a theological group in chapo.chat?

      Leonardo Buff and Gustavo Gutierrez | reading recs.

      the idea that the gospels are too radical and revolutionary

    1. It’s hard to object to the portions of the law that discourage the overthrow of the government.


    1. Jamarcus Glover and his associates operated a series of “trap houses,” where they stashed crack cocaine, marijuana and prescription pills.

      The problematic appropriation of these sorts of terms by white nerds.

    2. State and federal officials are investigating whether detectives had enough evidence to tie Ms. Taylor to Mr. Glover when they sought the warrant to search her apartment.

      They will probably argue that yes they did. Otherwise it'd weaken their own activities on all sorts of people.

      Tying innocent people into Drug operations allows the flipping of witnesses into the police's hands. If Breonna hadn't been killed, she would have been asked to flip.

    1. Atom & RSS Feeds for Annotations


    1. We use the em dash to create a strong break in the structure of a sentence. We can use these dashes in pairs, as we would use parentheses—that is, to enclose a word, or a phrase, or a clause (as we’ve done here)—or they can be used alone to detach one end of a sentence from its main body.
    2. on Hyphen, em dashes and en dashes.

    1. hyphen, em dash, en dash


      1. combine words making compounds.

      e.g., well-being advanced-level school-aged 16-year-old

      Em Dash

      Em is a typographical unit of measure.

      1. Use the em dash to create a strong break in the meaning and structure of a sentence. They can be used in pairs like parentheses, or alone as a way to detach the end or beginning of a sentence from the main body.

      En Dash means as "through", often used to describe a range of numbers 2–27, 30–35 years old.

      In the associated press style there is advice to use a space in between the dashes.

      When to use em dashes versus comma vs. em dashes.

      Parentheses, can sometimes be interpreted to downplay importance of information.

      Commas, okay to use unless you have more commas in the sentence, and doesn't draw particular attention to info — doesn't emphasize it enough.

      Em Dashes, indicate that information is important or are useful when commas don't work.

  6. Aug 2020
    1. Should we not, on the contrary, reproach it for not having used it freely enough?

      Allende won and decided not to arm the worker's councils.

    2. and if the victorious party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists.

      You win the revolution, how far will you go to keep it?

    3. They demand that the first act of the social revolution shall be the abolition of authority.

      2020 Anarchists

    4. A number of Socialists have latterly launched a regular crusade against what they call the principle of authority. It suffices to tell them that this or that act is authoritarian for it to be condemned.

      Somethings haven't changed.

    1. Food-rich America ha s the highest child povert y rate in the industrialized world, 20.8% (Statist ical Abstract, Table 739, 1997). Here, black and Hispanic kids are more than twice as l ike ly to live in povert y as are white kids (Statist ical Abstract, Table 737, 1997).

      what are some updated numbers?

    2. I could have us ed Maria Sweene y and activist pa rents in the '50s.

      oh the irony after listening to Nice White Parents

    3. Essenti all y, then, critical li teracy is langua ge use tha t questions the social constructi on of the self.

      Gender nihilism and the Gleeson essay were equally critical and questioning of language use define the self using social constructions of gender.

    4. i teracy is understood as social acti on through language use that develops us as agents inside a large r culture

      just language? this is revisionist from Freire's point of view?

    5. Critical li teracy, then, is an att it ude towards history, as Kenneth Bur ke (1984) might have said, or a dream of a ne w society aga inst the power now in power, as Paulo Fre ir e proposed (Shor and Freir e, 1987), or an insurrecti on of subjugated knowledg es, in the ideas of Miche l Foucault (1980), or a counter- he ge monic structure of fe eli ng, as Raymond Wil li ams (1977) theor iz ed, or a mult icultural resistance invented on the borders of crossing identities, as Gloria Anzaldua (1990) imagined, or langua ge used aga inst fit ti ng unexceptionably into the status quo, as Adr ienne Rich (1979) declare d.

      So here we have a wide variety of definitions. All of them are convenient made by people other than him, so if you are in disagreement with all, or some of them, take it up with Foucault or Freire.

      What critical literacy is not, is on the defensive, or static, or unchanging, or in power. It is the knowledge and groups of people that are subjugated or kept pressed down, it is the counter-culture, the dynamic opposition to the current cultures' attempt at a stable and fixated base. It will win, because a thing that tries to stay in one spot will not succeed.

    6. What is Critical Literacy?


      • expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art.


      • the ability to read and write
      • competence or knowledge in a specified area

      The education of individuals and groups in a way that lets them gain competence and knowledge in a specified field or area, while simultaneously being able to express or analyze the merits and faults of the current and previous works.

    1. Annotations on Speech by Kristen Ghodsee on her book "Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism".

      "We fix the USSR's history to Stalin's gulags and purges" but we don't allow for Capitalism's history to be reduced solely to Slavery and Jim Crow. In the America (the West) we allow Capitalism's history to be dynamic, changing.

      Countries have been heavily brutalized by the Global Economy. Project at Penn: Social impacts of Transition you can see by a variety of indicators not just economic but geographic and social, a lot of countries have not achieved the standard of living they had before the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s.

      The end of history and the success of capitalism didn't come true.

      If we look at our congress, our composition of our leaders, the median age is 65. There is a huge generational gap.

    1. trends and issues

      Another Subpage and tag.

    2. theories

      A Theory Page with various subpages (do I even have the time?!). I already have individual theory tags but I might need to review that from EDIT 5370.

    3. history

      timeline graph? / history or important date tags.

    4. terminology

      create a glossary note section/tag

    1. build cross-class, cross-racial, and cross-gender alliances, which are now referred to as “inter-sectional” movements, the more they will challenge and change the destructive status quo

      you cannot have cross-class solidarity. You can only have class traitors that stand with the oppressed.

    2. Eugene Matusovis a Professor of Education at the University of Delaware. He studied developmental psychology with Soviet researchers working in the Vygotskian paradigm and worked as a schoolteacher before immigrating to the United States.


    3. where he teaches composition and rhetoric.

      Lmao did I go into the wrong field?

    4. Ira Shor

      seems to be one of the most prominent Critical Pedagogist folks.



    1. For them, disruptive behavior, challenges to school authority, and low academic commitment largely represent the effects of poor (alienating and repressive) education-and, indeed, of a repressive cor- porate capitalist order that ultimately though not directly shapes the nature of schools

      More voluntary magnet schools?


    1. Apple’s Neo-Marxist Approach to Educational Reform

      Left off.

    2. n contrast, Apple suggests that in order to understand how reproduction occurs within schools we need to study the ideological and cultural practices that takes place inside classrooms. In other words, there needs to be a focus on how the “hidden curriculum,” the “overt curriculum,” and teachers’ work contribute to social reproduction.

      Por que no los dos?

    3. radical functionalist


    4. The publication of Schooling in Capitalist America (1976) by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, two prominent Marxist economists, set the stage for a renewed and revived interest in Marxist educational theory.

      reading rec



    1. Hughey / Pedagogy of Newton 2 1 9 the worlds of literature, science, and history. All they did was try to rob me of the sense of my own uniqueness and worth, and in the process they nearly killed my urge to inquire, (p. 22

      the oppressor's curriculum.

    2. ach, I merge these perspectives with the soci- ology of knowledge and culture that examine the social origins of Newton's pedagogy and the potential effect of those ideas as they support and rebel against the mainstream construction of kn

      a) what the fuck is phenomenological. But here he is communing with the people by naming their own oppression. b) he names and creates an opportunity for reflection of the problems with the schooling system. c) Newton poses problem to the people by connecting Black miseducation with U.S imperialism and the oppressors effect on the oppressed.

    3. gies, they often shy away from an emphasis on edu- cational references and the centrality of Lenin's impact of Newton's incorpo- ration of dialectical thinking as an educational im

      The impact of Lenin and dialectical thinking on Newton.

    4. Founded by Husserl in 1913, and extended by theorists such as Heidegger, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty, phenomenology is the study of the structures of consciousness that refer to objects outside it

      phenomenology is the study of the structures of consciousness that refer to objects outside itself.

      Read more about it.

    5. References to Newton's educational legacy are strikingly minimal in critical pedagogy literature. A few theorists such as Freire (1970/2000), Gardner (1995), Marable (1995, 1997), T'Shaka (1990), and White (1990) have cited contextual examples of non-Western and marginalized educa- tional leadership, yet Newton is conspicuously absent in these trea

      Freire leaves out African leaders or barely mentions the race construct and its effect on the oppressed. But it is certainly a factor of the oppressors.

    6. An African-centered pedagogy is concerned with the acquisition of self- determination and self-sufficiency for African people. It is ultimately con- cerned with truth and the 'Afrocentic mission to humanize the universe" -AgyeiAkoto (1992, p. 8

      absolutely tied to Freireian ideology.

    7. Activist Stew Albert (2001) wrote, In private conversation Huey was neither arrogant nor abstract nor high- pitched; he was painfully honest and down-to-earth about his unhappiness. As I remember our talk, he said, "I don't know about the Panthers. I don't know the members, the other chapters, around the country - are they right for the Party? I didn't recruit them. I didn't build them. Are they or this organi- zation any good? People expect me to work mira


    8. heroes. As Lowen (1995) has written, heroification can be "a degenerative process . . . turnfing] flesh-and-blood individuals into pious, perfect creatures without conflicts, pain, credibility, or human interest" (p

      i definitely see revolutionaries in that lens until you start studying their lives more seriously.

    9. I was out in California that summer when Huey P. Newton got out of jail, and I watched it when people from the community came up and talked with him, congratulated him for coming home and told him how much they missed him and supported him. And I saw that he couldn't talk to them. His conversation was gone ... he was a million miles away

      That's fucking rough, if you can't engage in conversation and therefore start a dialogue, then how can you commune with the people?

    10. asses, and (c) his perceived abandonment of Black Nationalism for a quasi-Leninist Intercom- munalism alienated many just becoming aware of

      Huey might have been aware of the limitations of Black Nationalism, but without raising the consciousness of the people just coming into a political awakening, he tried dragging them into Leninism, or Vanguardism. The result is sloganizing, control, domination. And that will prove ineffective.

    11. Third, Newton constantly reformed his ideology as needed, signifying his ability to meet the needs of the Black underclass while not contradict- ing larger goals. That is, programs like the BPP school were coupled with free breakfast and free shoe programs. This was an effective merger of day-to-day alleviations of suffering with the Utopian idealism of socialist overthrow.

      Newton and the party worked in communion with the people. In an effort to put theory into practice creating critical consciousness and alleviating the struggles of the poor.

    12. ose corps a c

      a fencing term of coming into close contact with each other.

    13. Culture is overwhelmingly flexible and provisionary of individual agency while it is also "a social structure with an underlying logic of its own" (Hays, 1994, p. 65). Giddens (1984) writes

      Culture as Paolo Freire writes is constantly changing.

    14. I elucidate an understanding of how Newton's revolutionary pedagogy was constrained and enabled by the political climate of both repression and social change from Giddens' (1984) notion of "structuration." The theory employs a recursive notion of how actions are perpetuated or restrained by structures that are produced and reproduced by that action. Consequently, this theory has been adopted by those with structuralist inclinations but who wish to situate such institutions in a poststructuralist stance whereby human practice is not reified as an ideal type or material property

      Newton's revolutionary theory was the product of his political climate but it was also constrained by the limitations there in.


    1. “The boundaries between subjects are really artificial constructs,” says the mathematician and author, whose new book is “X+Y: A Mathematician’s Manifesto for Rethinking Gender.” “Like the boundaries between colors in a rainbow.”


    1. xceedingly complex events. Amongst them, to mention onlyone, is the Quixote itself."

      left off.


    1. I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more No, I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more Well, I wake in the morning Fold my hands and pray for rain I got a head full of ideas That are drivin’ me insane It’s a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more
    2. Audrey Watters

      One of my favorite writers.

    1. A great deal of human misery has been relieved because those European thinkers began concocting this notion of perpetual discovery, perpetual change, perpetual improvement — and inventing tools for bringing about this transformation of the human condition.

      Oh. My. GOOOOD

    2. Introducing rationalism into human affairs and scientific enterprise was a noble vision, with many successes.


    3. The search for meaning in the stars or in the manipulation of magical symbols turned to the search for meaning in matter and the manipulation of mathematical symbols.


    4. People didn’t know how to think systematically about the material world until 17th and 18th centuries, despite millennia of attempts by philosophers to understand the nature of the energy and matter.


    5. Marx was just as deluded as Adam Smith when it came to understanding the real invisible hand that has influenced how humans work, live, and think for the past several centuries


    1. liberal


    2. Faculty in support of a moral teaching imperative — among them Henry Giroux, Michael Berube, and Bruce Wilshire — argue that a moral curriculum does not mandate a specific moral position.

      Especially as we are advocating critical pedagogy. You cannot have moral "banking method" of education. And the student has to engage with you and their peers to build their own reality.

    1. The origins of property rights in the United States are rooted inracial domination.1

      left off

    2. ee also PATRICIA J. WILLIAMS, On Being the Objectof Property, in THE ALCHEMY OF RACE AND RIGHTS 216, 223 (1991) (recounting the story ofMarjorie, Williams's godmother, who was given away by her mother at the age of six in orderthat her mother could "pass" and marry a white man); Gregory H. Williams, Neither BlackNor White: A Childhood on the Color Line 8 (i991) (unpublished manuscript, on file at theHarvard Law School Library) (describing the childhood of a law professor whose father passedfor white, a fact unknown to his son until the age of ten)

      Reading recommendations

    1. Qualities of Helpful Feedback

      1. Formative — it helps learners get better at a task or increase their understanding.

      2. Timely — it happens at a moment when it's possible to learn and change (e.g. revise).

      3. Descriptive, goal referenced and directed.

      As teachers our goals should be:

    2. Peer review is the developmental review in publishing, developmental editor working with the writer to the point it is ready for a copy editor.

    3. As Hattie and Timperley write, studies that demonstrated the most impact on student learning involved students receiving information about a task and how to do it more effectively.

      feedback on how to do something more effectively.

    4. one of the most powerful movers is feedback.

      Feedback rich classrooms are the classrooms where students really learn.

    1. We reject pedestals,queenhood, and walking ten paces behind. To be recognized as human, levelly human, is enough.

      We would women reject pedestals? Because it turns them into objects rather than subjects.

    2. amed themselvesafter a daring Union Army raid, led by Harriet Tubman, to liberate seven hundred and fty enslavedpeople in South Carolina.

      Origin of the name Combahee River Collective.

    3. Barbara Smith and her twinsister, Beverly Smith, as well as Demita Frazier, Cheryl Clarke, Akasha Hull, Margo Okazawa-Rey,Chirlane McCray, and Audre Lorde.



  7. Jul 2020
    1. George Kleiman
    2. Blaine Larson
    3. Berthold Schmutzhart

      Artist recommendation

    4. where she supported herself as a seamstress and a typist.[1] Abad studied painting at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C. and The Art Students League in New York City.


    1. “Tell me the story of home”: Afrofuturism, EricKillmonger, and Black American malaiseFelicia L. Harris

      UHD Professor.


    1. One of the most important questions will concern the ineptitude of the unions: tied to the whole of their history of struggle against the disciplines or within the spaces of enclosure, will they be able to adapt themselves or will they give way to new forms of resistance against the societies of control?

      They failed to adapt, for sure.

    2. Man is no longer man enclosed, but man in debt.


    3. Corruption thereby gains a new power. Marketing has become the center or the "soul" of the corporation. We are taught that corporations have a soul, which is the most terrifying news in the world.

      WE have killed and dethroned God and put a Golden Archways in its seat.

    4. in the present situation, capitalism is no longer involved in production, which it often relegates to the Third World, even for the complex forms of textiles, metallurgy, or oil production. It's a capitalism of higher-order production. It no longer buys raw materials and no longer sells the finished products: it buys the finished products or assembles parts. What it wants to sell is services and what it wants to buy is stocks.


    5. nineteenth- century capitalism is a capitalism of concentration, for production and for property. It therefore erects the factory as a space of enclosure, the capitalist being the owner of the means of production but also, progressively, the owner of other spaces conceived through analogy (the worker's familial house, the school). As for markets, they are conquered sometimes by specialization, some- times by colonization, sometimes by lowering the costs of production.

      Nineteenth century capitalism.

    6. We have passed from one animal to the other, from the mole to the serpent,

      from the pan to the fire huh

    7. perpetual training tends to replace the school, and continuous control to replace the examination.

      I can definitely see how this is not always a good thing. But I like learning...

    8. This is obvious in the matter of salaries: the factory was a body that contained its internal forces at a level of equilibrium, the highest possible in terms of production, the lowest possible in terms of wages; but in a society of control, the corporation has replaced the factory, and the corporation is a spirit, a gas. Of course the factory was already familiar with the system of bonuses, but the corporation works more deeply to impose a modulation of each salary, in states of perpetual metastability that operate through challenges, contests, and highly comic group sessions.

      Salaries and their variations prevent people from making unified demands, as someone might hate the pay but like the benefits, others might like the benefits but demand more pay, others yet might have good salaries but shitty work hours. They can't come up with unified demands.

    9. analogical

      based on an analogy. School is like a prison. The concept of prison is used to create a common language amongst various places.

    10. "Control" is the name Burroughs proposes as a term for the new monster, one that Foucault recognizes as our immediate future. Paul Virilio also is continually analyzing the ultrarapid forms of free-floating control that re- placed the old disciplines operating in the time frame of a closed system.

      So the society of discipline that translated the prison system to work, school and family, is now being replaced by a society of "control". That might be pharmaceutical, it might be giving people enough to feel attached to the nicetieis of life that they feel boxed in. To have this background knowledge that the "Feds" are watching, and have people self-police.

    11. The administrations in charge never cease announcing supposedly necessary reforms: to reform schools, to reform industries, hospitals, the armed forces, prisons. But everyone knows that these institutions are finished, whatever the length of their expiration periods. It's only a matter of administering their last rites and of keeping people employed until the installation of the new forces knocking at the door.

      Revolutionary forces.


      Gilles Deleuze (January 18, 1925–November 4, 1995) was one of the most influential and prolific French philosophers of the second half of the twentieth century. Deleuze conceived of philosophy as the production of concepts, and he characterized himself as a “pure metaphysician.” In his magnum opus Difference and Repetition, he tries to develop a metaphysics adequate to contemporary mathematics and science—a metaphysics in which the concept of multiplicity replaces that of substance, event replaces essence and virtuality replaces possibility. Deleuze also produced studies in the history of philosophy (on Hume, Nietzsche, Kant, Bergson, Spinoza, Foucault, and Leibniz), and on the arts (a two- volume study of the cinema, books on Proust and Sacher-Masoch, a work on the painter Francis Bacon, and a collection of essays on literature.) Deleuze considered these latter works as pure philosophy, and not criticism, since he sought to create the concepts that correspond to the artistic practices of painters, filmmakers, and writers. In 1968, he met Félix Guattari, a political activist and radical psychoanalyst, with whom he wrote several works, among them the two-volume Capitalism and Schizophrenia, comprised of Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980). Their final collaboration was What is Philosophy? (1991).

      Deleuze is noteworthy for his rejection of the Heideggerian notion of the “end of metaphysics.” In an interview, he once offered this self-assessment: “I feel myself to be a pure metaphysician.... Bergson says that modern science hasn’t found its metaphysics, the metaphysics it would need. It is this metaphysics that interests me.” [Villani 1999: 130.]) We should also point to the extent of his non-philosophical references (inter alia, differential calculus, thermodynamics, geology, molecular biology, population genetics, ethology, embryology, anthropology, psychoanalysis, economics, linguistics, and even esoteric thought); his colleague Jean-François Lyotard spoke of him as a “library of Babel.” Although it remains to be seen whether the 20th century will be “Deleuzean,” as his friend Michel Foucault once quipped, Deleuze’s influence reaches beyond philosophy; his work is approvingly cited by, and his concepts put to use by, researchers in architecture, urban studies, geography, film studies, musicology, anthropology, gender studies, literary studies and other fields.



    1. How to Select and Pair Fonts in your Design - Design Tips

      Certain guidelines you want to follow that will help with a cleaner and pleasant aesthetic design.

      Serif fonts have little strokes called serif attached to the main part of the letter - classic look is good for traditional projects, printed magazines and publications.

      Sans Serif, easier to read on computer skins, good for screens, considered clean.

      Decorative fonts are good for brief bits of typography.

      Typeface is a family of fonts, groups of fonts that are similar.

      Ways to vary up the look of a font.

    1. Beginning Graphic Design: Typography | Notes

      Serif fonts have little strokes called serif attached to the main part of the letter - classic look is good for traditional projects, printed magazines and publications.

      Sans Serif, easier to read on computer skins, good for screens, considered clean.

      Decorative fonts are good for brief bits of typography.

      Limit yourself to one or two per project.

      If you need more contrast, try repeating one of your fonts in a different weight, size, or style.

      Opposites attract.

      San serif with serif, short with tall, complex and simple.

      Common Typography Terms

      Essential for professional designs.


      Used to guide the reader's eye to whatever is most important.

      Establishing hiearchy is deciding which items you want the reader to notice first, and make them stand out.


      The space between lines of text (also known as spacing).


      The overall space between characters. Can create artistic effects, or fixed fonts that are poorly spaced.


      Space between specific characters, some fonts have bad kerning. IF a font you are using has bad kerning, it is better to switch to a different font.

      Well crafted typography is the difference between a ok design and an outstanding design.

    1. During the meeting—which it bears mentioning took place during a global pandemic, in the midst of a mass unemployment wave, and weeks away from a nationwide eviction crisis—the Committee members voted 125-36 against adding Medicare for All to the party’s platform. Proposals to expand Medicare to children and all people over 55 and to legalize marijuana also went down in flames—because why wouldn’t the Democrats want to avoid giving healthcare to the country’s most vulnerable citizens during a pandemic or meaningfully addressing the horrific problem of mass incarceration and lingering fallout from the government’s racist drug war during a massive popular uprising for Black lives?

      how is the democratic party even real.

    1. /u/smallbatchb

      Problem with some of the questions that are repeatedly ask is that no one wants to hear the answer.

      How do I get better?

      Hard work and practice.

      Why can't I get commissions?

      You haven't put enough effort to get people's attention. Your art work is not worth the money you are requesting. It is also a very competitive market.

      How do I make a living with art?

      Get into a big industry. There isn't a lot of money to be made from small in private art sales and commission. Become a freelance illustrator for corporations, professionals, small and large businesses, publications and other organizations.

      Why am I not getting followers / internet fame?

      It is extremely competitive out there and you have to make yourself standout. How often and when do you post, is also important, and that is something you are going to need to figure out on your own, depending on the audience you want to build.

      How do I get over burn out?

      You might be burned out. You might also be bored of your own work. Take a break, give yourself sometime to relax your creative muscles. Alternatively, go learn some new style, technique, paint a different type of subject. Anything to give yourself variety and stimulate you.

      I don't want to draw, I am not motivated to make art.

      You don't have to make art. The process of creating art should be an internal motivator, nobody should be trying to push you to make creative work. Maybe it is not your thing, maybe you are burned out. This is a matter of deep self-reflection that's going to require more than just us.

      I am dealing with depression or other mental illness and I can't produce.

      The myth of the tortured artist is a common trope in media. And it is decidedly not true. Please get treatment for your mental health, so you can come to art-making from a healthy place. While we cannot give any medical advice, we can put some resources for self-help:

      • Meditation
      • Sleeping Advice
      • Stress Management

      Everyone is better than me, how do I get over jealously?

      It is a fact of life that there is always someone better than you. Look at their work as an opportunity to learn from them. Maybe ask them questions you are curious about (most artists are probably less interested in praise than they are to talk about their work!). Also cut out social media when you are working. Put the phone as far away as possible before and after you draw. That way you won't feel bad about it.

    1. If the only sans serifs you have in your font library are Helvetica/Arialand Verdana (which was designed specifically for the screen, not print), thebest thing you could do for your design work is invest in a sans serif familythat includes a strong, heavy, black face.

      typography — use sans serifs like helvetica, arial and verdana for screen stuff.

    2. Slab serifs are often used in children’s booksbecause of their clean, straightforward look.

      good for children's books

      good for copy (although can darken the page).

    3. for extended amounts of body copy

      not good.

    4. The major rule to follow when contrasting type is this: Don’t be a wimp!

      Be BOLD.

    5. Strong contrast attracts our eyes, as you learned in the previous sectionabout design. One of the most effective, simplest, and satisfying ways toadd contrast to a design is with type.

