773 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Spotify was filling some of its popular and relaxing mood playlists—such as those for “jazz,” “chill,” and “peaceful piano” music—with cheap fake-artist offerings

      well, here comes the a.i. in handy. admittingly, i welcomed this perspective in the nineties along with piratebay, napster and so on. but i had to realize, that this still is social science fiction: we have the technic but not the economy for this: under the given, we are killing our idols. luckily, we just can not use spotify and buy their albums, no?

  2. Jan 2025
  3. Dec 2024
    1. "goods"

      objects which can be valued in money and can therefore be subject of a commercial transaction

  4. Nov 2024
    1. Inspired by the discarded typewriters and the ubiquitous construction materials she saw all over Berlin, she created "Writer's Block," an art installation with rebar-caged writing implements placed in Bebelplatz, where in 1933 Nazis burned piles of books.

  5. Oct 2024
    1. Adrian Poisson grew up studying science and math by day and art after hours beginning at the age of five

      for - Adrian Bejan - constructal law - childhood - art and science - from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16

      Summary - Good explainer video about constructal theory and flow

      from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16 - https://hyp.is/Qt8IMI74Ee--f4O18QMPFQ/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/

    1. St. Francis de Sales is the patron saint of deaf individuals. He is also the patron of journalists and writers because of his many written religious works. Because of these publications, he is depicted with a book in the left hand and a quill pen in the right. His feast day is January 24th.
  6. Sep 2024
  7. Jul 2024
    1. Or as Leonardo da Vinci declared, “To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
  8. Jun 2024
    1. "No artist has ethical sympathies," Oscar Wilde once wrote. "An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style. All art is quite useless."
  9. May 2024
    1. American Art Collaborative. And this was a 2017 project to take 14 art museum collections together and use these sort of linked data principles that these things were built on to say, could you bridge across 14 institutions? Could you find connections? Could you provide a unified discovery environment for that many institutions at the same time? And what came out of that was a project that is called linked art. Rob Sanderson, who I'm sure many of you know, he's a regular here and a good colleague of mine. He and I worked together to create this data model called linked art based on the data model of the American Art Collaborative, which was the underlying sort of connective data tissue, building on years and years of work in the academic community under C-Dark to say, what if we had a tool that could bridge these things together?
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:22:11][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo présente une conférence de Guila-Clara Kessous sur l'utilisation de l'art pour combattre le harcèlement et la violence à l'école. Elle explique les dispositifs mis en place par le ministère de l'Éducation nationale, comme les ateliers périscolaires et les projets locaux d'éducation concertée (Plec), qui permettent de mesurer des avancées dans la prévention du harcèlement. Kessous partage également son expérience personnelle et professionnelle, y compris son travail avec des victimes de traumatismes et de génocide, et souligne l'importance de l'art dramatique dans la résilience et la reconstruction post-traumatique.

      Points saillants : + [00:00:00][^3^][3] L'art contre le harcèlement * Importance de l'art dans la prévention du harcèlement * Dispositifs éducatifs et ateliers artistiques * Mesure des progrès dans la lutte contre le harcèlement + [00:01:03][^4^][4] Expérience personnelle de Kessous * Utilisation de l'art dramatique pour le bien-être collectif * Travail avec des victimes de traumatismes et de génocide * Enseignement sur le théâtre et les droits humains à Harvard + [00:04:07][^5^][5] L'art dans le secteur public et privé * Coaching en communication et prise de parole * L'art comme outil de meilleure communication * Partage de temps entre artiste de l'UNESCO et coach + [00:11:00][^6^][6] Éducation artistique et culturelle * Importance de l'éducation artistique pour la démocratisation culturelle * Absence de mention du harcèlement dans les textes éducatifs * Nécessité d'intégrer la culture populaire dans l'éducation + [00:17:00][^7^][7] Initiatives concrètes * Ateliers périscolaires et pièces de théâtre pour sensibiliser au harcèlement * Théâtre forum pour un rôle catartique pendant le harcèlement * Utilisation de l'art pour la réintégration et la guérison post-harcèlement Résumé de la vidéo [00:22:13][^1^][1] - [00:41:14][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo discute de l'utilisation du théâtre participatif pour aborder le harcèlement et la violence à l'école. L'approche consiste à rejouer des scènes de harcèlement avec la possibilité pour le public d'intervenir et de proposer des alternatives. Les résultats montrent une diminution significative des tentatives de suicide et une augmentation de la libération de la parole chez les victimes de harcèlement. La vidéo souligne également l'importance de l'art dans la guérison et la prévention du harcèlement, en mettant en avant des ouvrages et des méthodes qui favorisent la communication non violente et l'expression positive.

      Points forts: + [00:22:13][^3^][3] Théâtre participatif contre le harcèlement * Utilisation de scènes de harcèlement pour encourager l'intervention du public * Permet aux victimes de harcèlement de s'exprimer et de confronter les agresseurs * Réduction des tentatives de suicide et libération de la parole + [00:25:02][^4^][4] Guérison du harcèlement par l'art * Présentation de livres et méthodes pour une communication positive * Importance de l'art pour le bien-être et la prévention du harcèlement * Exemples de livres qui abordent le harcèlement de manière constructive + [00:33:00][^5^][5] Art et santé globale * Discussion sur l'approche de la santé globale qui inclut l'art thérapie * Exemples d'initiatives internationales intégrant l'art dans le soin * Témoignages sur l'impact positif de l'art sur la santé et le bien-être

    1. l'exposition à l'art a été démontrée comme entraînant le raisonnement cette cette cette 01:09:21 résistance à l'automatisme l' abstrait parce que justement l'art abstrait euh c'est un art qui porte plusieurs interprétations mais a je peux vous citer plusieurs dispositifs qui permettent le développement de la 01:09:34 capacité à assumer l'incertitude par exemple parler plusieurs langues c'est simple ça veut dire bah ça ça peut s'appeler de 50000 façons différentes selon les langues déjà ça apprend une flexibilité mentale euh il y a donc 01:09:46 l'exposition à l'abstrait moi je moi je pense voilà vous voyez ici que euh notre tolérance à l'ambigué la tolérance à l'ambiguïé qu'à l'enfant devant ce qu'il ne comprend pas tout à 01:09:59 fait diminue pardon augmente avec l'expérience de l'art et avec la pratique de l'art donc ça c'est je vous dis ce qui a été fait comme étude l'art on a 01:10:12 les différentes langues voilà la poésie ça ça développe cette capacité àcher l'incertitude
    1. There is no doubt that humans are an artistic species. We make music, television shows, and movies, plus we paint, draw, and sculpt. All of these things are art. Humans are able to think in the abstract. We imagine and create things that do not exist, such as unicorns, monsters, and superheroes. We also build upon the achievements of earlier periods to make art that is grounded in history but is also new.

      Human beings are naturally creative. We sing and use instruments, act out scenes, draw, paint, and express ourselves in unique ways that we may not even recognize as art. We use our imagination to portray fictional places and people, combine images to create a whole new composite image. We also admire or engage in some way with the art of others, past and present.

    1. theworksprescribed in earlier years were much easier and written as lead sheets rather than detailed notations for both hands, which gave the performers the opportunity to rely more on their improvisational and arrangement skills rather than their reading skills to successfullyinterpret the works.
    2. Articulation specifications such as the staccatomarkings in Ballad for Thomas(Example 2.2.2) and sempre legato in Two Studies for Piano(Example 2.2.3). •Scale patterns in the left hand in Example 2.2.1 bar 30 and Example 2.2.3 bar 2-4 in Two Studies for Piano. •The similarity of sudden change in time signature, which can be found throughoutAfrican Funk for Felix, Ballad for Thomas and Lutoslawski’s Two Studies forPiano.
    3. Reddy use Western art music notation devices similar to those used by Lutoslawski in Two Studies for Piano no.1(Example 2.2.3):•There are detailed dynamic markings in both Ballad for Thomas and Lutoslawski’s Two Studies for Piano, although African Funk for Felix does not have any dynamic markings. It is important to note that Reddy states in the preface to Ballad for Thomasthat the dynamic markings are a mere suggestion (Reddy 2005c).•The use of Italian expressions, for example crescendoin Ballad for Thomas (Example 2.2.2) and sempre legatoin Two Studies for Piano(Example 2.2.3).
  10. Apr 2024
    1. when we go to school, it's to get us to follow the rules. And in art, it's different, because the rules are there as a scaffolding to be chipped away

      for - quote - art vs non-art - Rick Ruben

      quote - art vs non-art - (see below)

      • When we go to school, it's to get us to follow the rules.
      • And in art, it's different,
        • because the rules are there as a scaffolding to be chipped away

      comment - To produce unique art, we are after something unique and different - not more of the same

    1. If people have no awareness of history, and society suffers because of it, they also have no awareness of art history. So no awareness of cabaret history either. Werner Schneyder

      Werber Schneyder on Cabaret, art and history.

      German-German history as reflected in political cabaret': ridiculed separately and laughed together. Cover poster: Klaus Staeck. The poster texts are accompanied by text panels. A version in Polish is available.

    1. Great Books tend to arise in the presence of great audiences. by [[Naomi Kanakia]]

      Kanakia looks at what may have made 19th C. Russian literature great. This has potential pieces to say about how other cultures had higher than usual rates of creativity in art, literature, etc.

      What commonalities did these sorts of societies have? Were they all similar or were there broad ranges of multiple factors which genetically created these sorts of great outputs?

      Could it have been just statistical anomaly?

  11. Mar 2024
  12. Feb 2024
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWVrz5oCt2w<br /> The meaning of Hand Gestures in Art History<br /> Amuze Art Lectures

      Middle and ring fingers together to represent modesty. (He doesn't say it, but it also could stand for "M" as in Medici??)

      Finger pointing at viewer may indicate a self portrait.

      Woman's hand on abdomen may represent pregnancy, a fertile marriage, or the desire to bear children.

    1. We strolled through the square at Spiegelgasse this Tuesday, visiting a pop-up gallery of the graduation projects of several students at https://www.zhdk.ch/ the ZH art academy. Turns out this place has history! It is where Dada started (and Lenin lived next door at the time!).

    1. SUNY Brockport’s Drake Memorial Library greets its userswith a typographically generated image of a card catalog:Your automated catalog, by DYNIX.Copyright (c) 1992 by DYNIX, Incorporated.

      A library card catalog drawn using ASCII art. :)

    2. And some undetermined but large fraction of thetotality is being sent to an artist named Thomas Johnston, atWestern Washington University.

      Card catalog cards being repurposed for art.

    1. The delight-inducing art piece, A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place, is featured in the two elevator cars on the north side of the building, accessible in the Tom Bradley Wing.One car has cards for the "Comprehensive" and the other for the "Complete" works of various authors and topics. When moving, the elevator cars expose cards in the shaft window that reflect books that are found on the floor the elevator is passing.Artist David Bunn was given nearly 2 million catalog cards to play with for his art installation, yet he only used a little more than 9,500 in the two elevator cars. He has, since the early 1990s, been creating art projects, found poetry, and sculptures with the remaining cards.
    1. The bad reader is lost amonggood books. He lacks the highest pleasure available to man,according to Mrs. Woolf. If she is right, none but a fool would refuseto learn to read as well as he can.



    1. y at il une place pour le thérapeutique dans l'éducatif par rapport à ses enfants à comportement perturbateur notre âme en notamment à travers l'art de thérapie à l'école
  13. Jan 2024
    1. After a bit of experimentation (and in a discovery that led us to collaborate), Southen found that it was in fact easy to generate many plagiaristic outputs, with brief prompts related to commercial films (prompts are shown).

      Plagiaristic outputs from blockbuster films in Midjourney v6

      Was the LLM trained on copyrighted material?

  14. Dec 2023
    1. Wish You Were Here - The “Great Lakes” Edition from Field Notes Brand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFemm4LjJbY

      The Newberry Library in Chicago, IL, maintains a collection of the Curt Teich & Co.'s Art-Colortone postcards from 1898 onward. It's stored in tab divided boxes using an alpha-numeric system generally comprising a series of three letters followed by three numbers. The company sold over a billion of these postcards.

    1. I think there are opportunities for for 01:13:03 um reaching people in new ways emotionally powerful ways across those three emotional temperaments that we haven't exploited and I think people like James Cameron have an intuition for that they haven't either hadn't exploited yet
      • for: adjacency art - leverage point - idling resource

      -: adjacency between - art - leverage point - idling resource - adjacency statement - art is a powerful leverage point that is, unfortunately still an idling resource

    2. could art in the very general sense 01:10:39 story et cetera be used as one of those tools it's a great question and the answer is absolutely
      • for: leverage points - art
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20231206090650/https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/dec/05/wizard-of-ai-artificial-intelligence-alan-warburton-dangers-film

      20 min 'documentary' about what AI does to artists, made with AI by an artist. ODI commissioned it. Does this type of thing actually help any debate? Does it raise questions more forcefully? I doubt it, more likely reinforcing anyone's pre-existing notions. More a curiosum, then.

  15. Nov 2023
    1. there's things in the 10th Century in what we think of as now as broadly Western and Central Europe 01:13:46 that are beginning to show up particularly in art and architecture and poetry and music not an accident the musician we know that artists are often people who sense 01:13:59 things and are ahead of a culture they give the first articulation to a set of ideas and so if you today if next time you're in Ottawa I invite you to go to the 01:14:10 National Gallery because the National Gallery in Ottawa has one of the world's best collections of European northern European art and it starts about 1300 01:14:22 there's some before that but their collections of that's old enough to get you into it and it works through historically as you work through the rooms and at least it used to last time I brought it was there it brought you 01:14:36 out into a post-modern into postmodern art as if what's beyond what we think of as Modern Art uh into post-modern art
      • for: BEing journey - history of art from 10th century to present
    1. “This is the science that concerns itself with plants in their local association in the various climates. This science, as vast as its object, paints with a broad brush the immense space occupied by plants, from the regions of perpetual snows to the bottom of the ocean, and into the very interior of the earth, where there subsist in obscure caves some cryptogams that are as little known as the insects feeding upon them.”

      —Alexander von Humboldt, 1807 “Essay on the Geography of Plants”

      Cave paintings/art were known of in Humboldt's time certainly if he's using them to analogize.

  16. Oct 2023
    1. The art of the biblical narrative, Alter hypothesized, was finalized in a late editorial stage by some unifying creative mind — a figure who, like a film editor, introduced narrative coherence through the art of montage. Alter called this method “composite artistry,” and he would also come to use the term “the Arranger” — a concept borrowed from scholarship on James Joyce — to describe the editor (or editors) who gave the text a final artistic overlay. It was a secular and literary method of reading the Hebrew Bible but, in its reverent insistence on the coherence and complex artistry of the central texts, it has appealed to some religious readers.
    1. In Beijing and Shanghai, new art complexes have been built following European and American standards, showing that they are considered global standards
    2. "curiosities," which had historical significance as unique and unclassifiable objects.


    3. British army had specific procedures for legalizing plunder
    4. Plunder was seen as a natural part of war, and it was managed by categorizing it as "prize"
    5. no laws
    6. evelopment of a field of art history on China. The objects had various meanings, representing the British army, the humiliation of the Chinese emperor, and the global discourse on non-European curiosities. The sell-off of imperial art in East Asia was influenced by war and revolution. Recently, mainland Chinese companies intervened to repatriate some of the plundered objects.
    1. Listed in late summer/early fall 2023.

      Art Metal Company card catalog (drawer sizes maybe 6x9" index cards? with 32 3/4 W x 38 3/4" H x 18 1/2" D). Possibly sectional with top and short leg sections, two sections of 3x2 drawers and a storage section with two doors. Nice patina.

      Listed originally at $1,200 and put on sale in early October 2023 for $960. Local pick up in Savannah, GA.

      Cost per drawer: $85.71 ($68.57 on sale)

    1. Plex is my very life - and has been all along, I suspect. From a creative and in-quisitive childhood, sampling all the arts, crafts, and sciences, through a strongliberal-arts background, to pure mathematics and electrical engineering - I foundmyself swept into the very exciting dawn of the computer age in my first graduate-student summer job, in 1952. Just as my marriage to Pat in the January breakof my senior year at Oberlin had been the perfect choice, my change to part-timeSpecial Student status, while embarking on my full-time professional career atMIT, can be seen as inevitable, when viewed from today's vantage point. Thereis an exquisite economy in the doings of nature, and for a long time, now, I havebeen firmly convinced that, whoever I may really be, my role in the scheme ofthings has been to initiate the discovery of Plex, not by chance, but as what Ido, simply because I'm me

      I can see him struggling with this concept at this point I dont think we had greb the concept of arts as not something you do but a part of expressing what you have to say

      There are many techinical people that are into arts and we think of that as an oddity but art is technology

    1. You have not graspeda complex unity if all you know about it is how it is one. Youmust also know how it is many, not a many that consists of alot of separate things, but an organized many. If the partswere not organically related, the whole that they composedwould not be one. Strictly speaking, there would be no wholeat all but merely a collection.

      This is also an art of putting notes together to make an article or book.

    2. The rules of such learningconstitute the art of unaided discovery.

      There always seems to be a duality of "rules" and "art" I see in almost every representation of the idea of art.

      Thesis: To practice an art, there are always rules which one is following. Often the rules may be unwritten or hidden, but they are being followed on some level.

      Is there art which doesn't have any rules?

      • for: Indyweb, unenclosable carriers, future - of communication, Art Brock, Arthur Brock, Holochain

      • summary

        • Art Brock demystifies Holochain by discussion unenclosable carriers, the essence of Holochain.
        • Art provides an excellent, lay-person-friendly explanation of unencloseable carriers that helps contextualize
          • just how critical unencloseable carriers are to a healthy society
          • just how far away we are, even including blockchains, from a healthy society
        • this is the first of a series of 3 articles. The second article discusses how unenclosable carriers benefit major provisioning systems such as
          • food system
          • energy system
          • planetary health
  17. Sep 2023
    1. Art is the hook that engages students…. The subjects are familiar so that students have much to recognize but they also contain elements of mystery so students have observations, ideas, and emotions to puzzle over [my emphasis]. (p. 24)

      Right, so the modern equivalent would be to design a game or an 3d animation in an intuitive way, yet the integration of pipeline in this systems makes it so that not even experienced professionals in the area cn develop a short film or an interactive experience through art that eases people into coding.

      I think we need to do a better job at this. If the system that allowed us to design the processes also taught it to people then we wouldn't have to chose between improving the learning curve and the system there should all be one. why did we stop shipping manuals with our tech..? ahh it was because we stopped caring about what the people that designed the tool thought.

  18. Aug 2023
    1. https://collections.si.edu/search/record/edanmdm:nmah_1218385

      Phyllis Diller's gag file appears to have been made of 16 standard three-drawer beige Steelmaster (Art Steel Company, Inc.) index card files which were stacked in two columns and enclosed in a matching beige external frame which was mounted on casters. Having overflowed the 48 available drawers, there was an additional 3-drawer file added on top as an expansion.

      The Smithsonian dates the files from 1962 to 1994, but perhaps the digitized version can be searched by date to determine the actual earliest and latest dates on included cards as most had at least a month and a year.

    1. Adam Philips’ expression, “if the art legitimates cruelty, I think the art is not worth having.”

      for: quote, art, quote - art, Adam Philips - quote - if the art legitimates cruelty, I think the art is not worth having. - author - Adam Philips

    1. we've actually initiated a pilot study to look to see whether we could use art-induced awe to facilitate toleration. 00:12:55 And the results are actually incredibly positive. We can mitigate against anger and hate through the experience of awe generated by art.
      • for: art for healing, art for conflict resolution
  19. Jul 2023
    1. In traditional artforms characterized by direct manipulation [32]of a material (e.g., painting, tattoo, or sculpture), the creator has a direct hand in creating thefinal output, and therefore it is relatively straightforward to identify the creator’s intentions andstyle in the output. Indeed, previous research has shown the relative importance of “intentionguessing” in the artistic viewing experience [33, 34], as well as the increased creative valueafforded to an artwork if elements of the human process (e.g., brushstrokes) are visible [35].However, generative techniques have strong aesthetics themselves [36]; for instance, it hasbecome apparent that certain generative tools are built to be as “realistic” as possible, resultingin a hyperrealistic aesthetic style. As these aesthetics propagate through visual culture, it can bedifficult for a casual viewer to identify the creator’s intention and individuality within the out-puts. Indeed, some creators have spoken about the challenges of getting generative AI modelsto produce images in new, different, or unique aesthetic styles [36, 37].

      Traditional artforms (direct manipulation) versus AI (tools have a built-in aesthetic)

      Some authors speak of having to wrestle control of the AI output from its trained style, making it challenging to create unique aesthetic styles. The artist indirectly influences the output by selecting training data and manipulating prompts.

      As use of the technology becomes more diverse—as consumer photography did over the last century, the authors point out—how will biases and decisions by the owners of the AI tools influence what creators are able to make?

      To a limited extent, this is already happening in photography. The smartphones are running algorithms on image sensor data to construct the picture. This is the source of controversy; see Why Dark and Light is Complicated in Photographs | Aaron Hertzmann’s blog and Putting Google Pixel's Real Tone to the test against other phone cameras - The Washington Post.

    1. Interstellar was particularly praised for its scientific accuracy, which led to the publication of two academic papers.[118][119] The American Journal of Physics called for it to be shown in school science lessons.
      • knowing how to suffer, allows you to suffer less, having understanding and compassion (see my idea on madness, understanding it, knowing how to be mad)
      • we always run away from suffering (like avoiding to face the dragon)
      • using technology, like tv, to run away from suffering (see my idea on media controlling attention), also other coping like eating etc.
      • embrace and face suffering (facing the dragon), understanding will arise, you become compassionate (that will heal you), because you understand that other people suffer (see idea on not having enemies, understanding others, looking not only at yourself, but others)
      • (see above) now you want to help others
      • practice of looking into one owns suffering, and then looking at others suffering (thinking of self, then others, see idea)
    1. To compare the Garnett and the Pevear-Volokhonsky translations of “The Brothers Karamazov” is to alight on hundreds of subtle differences in tone, word choice, word order, and rhythm.“These changes seem small, but they are essential. They accumulate,” Pevear said. “It’s like a musical composition and a musician, an interpretation. If your fingers are too heavy or too light, the piece can be distorted.”“It can also be compared to restoring a painting,” Volokhonsky said. “You can’t overdo it, but you have to be true to the thing.”
  20. Jun 2023
    1. There are many things that we have to take on trust; everyminute of every day we have to accept the testimony and the guidance of thosewho are in a position to offer an authoritative view.

      Perhaps there is a need for balance between the two perspectives of formal and progressive education. While one can teach another the broad strokes of the "rules" of note taking, for example, using the zettelkasten method and even give examples of the good and the bad, the affordances, and tricks, individuals are still going to need to try things out to see what works for them in various situations and for their specific needs. In the end, its nice to have someone hand one the broad "rules" (and importantly the reasons for them), so that one has a set of tools which they can then practice as an art.

    1. It certainly would have by now,were it not for the multitude of volunteer sheriffs of the information highway who ride aroundpatrolling the thing day and night.

      This piqued my interest because I wonder how there are so many volunteers on Wikipedia. It raises questions like, why are they willingly patrolling the site and making sure there is no vandalism or inaccurate information? What is in it for them? Since it says volunteers I assume there are so rewards for these people so is it just good morals or boredom? I attached a picture of a chart showing the increase in editors after COVID. I think during COVID many people were bored so they decided to take on volunteering on Wikipedia and afterwards maybe it became a hobby.

    1. Second, the social life of annotation is of greater importance than individual reader response. Annotation must be studied and promoted as a social endeavor that is co-authored by groups of annotators, with interactive media, spanning on-the-ground and online settings, and in response to shared commitments.

      When will we get the civil disobedience version of Mortimer J. Adler's How to Mark a Book?

  21. May 2023