- Nov 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Cicero
- Jonathan Swift
- Blaise Pascal
- On Generation and Corruption
- accidental art
- Émile Borel
- Arthur Eddington
- statistical mechanics
- infinite monkey theorem
- De Natura Deorum
- William Shakespeare
- Aristotle
- R. G. Collingwood
- Mécanique Statique et Irréversibilité
- dactylographic monkeys
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Thomas Huxley
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
In the video for Walk on Water (2017), a song about art, aging, self-doubt, insecurity, criticism, and creativity, Eminem and his various clones use SMC Classic 12 typewriters to type random words in a nod to Émile Borel's 1913 analogy of dactylographic monkeys with respect to statistical mechanics.
The video closes with Eminem showing typed evidence of his creative genius: "So me and you are not alike / Bitch, I wrote 'Stan'".
Notice the overlap of the dactylographic monkey idea and the creation of combinatorial creativity in Eminem's zettelkasten practice. The fact that he's brilliant enough to have created Stan (2000) is evidence that he's not just a random monkey, but that there is some directed thought and creativity which he has tacitly created during his career. https://boffosocko.com/2021/08/10/55794555/