- Last 7 days
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Disease: Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) type 1
Patient(s): 13 yo, female and 14 yo, female, both Italian
Variant: VWF NM_000552.5: c.820A>C p. (Thr274Pro)
Dominant negative effect
Heterozygous carrier
Variant located in the D1 domain on VWF
heterozygous carriers have no bleeding history
reduced VWF levels compatible with diagnosis of VWD type 1
increased FVIII:C/VWF:Ag ratio, suggests reduced VWF synthesis/secretion as possible phathophysiological mechanism
Normal VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio
Modest alteration of multimeric pattern in plasma and platelet multimers
plasma VWF showed slight increase of LMWM and decrease of IMWM and HMWM
Platelet VWF showed quantitative decrease of IMWM, HMWM, and UL multimers
In silico analysis:
SIFT, ALIGN, GVD Polyphen 2.0, SNP&GO, Mutation Taster, Pmut all suggest damaging consequences.
PROVEAN and Effect suggest neutral effect
according to ACMG guidelines this variant was classified as pathogenic
- Aug 2024
www.swissre.com www.swissre.com
cosystem services can beclassified as
for - ecosystem services - classification
ecosystem services - classification - provisional - fibre - textiles - construction - paper products - packaging - food - pollination - direct harvest - freshwater purification - medicine - regulative - disease management - climate regulation - freshwater purification - supportive / processes - nutrient cycling - pollination - soil formation - cultural / religious / spiritual - aesthetic - educational - recreational
- Jul 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The table below lists the general categories of bodies and objects by their location or structure.
- Apr 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
different 00:11:55 traditions in relation to these uh different styles of practice
for - classification table - types of Buddhist practice - nondual vs classical
two styles of mindfulness
for - two types of mindfulness
Buddhist classifcation - two types of mindfulness - classical - requires - memory of specific Buddhist teachings - dhammas mental framework<br /> - ethical consideraions - think of these things - don't think of those things - nondual - not distracted by anything - nothing in particular to focus on - no objject of attention
Local file Local file
ClassificationIV CLASSIFICATION98 Meanings To explain the meaning of the term classifica-tion, let us take a family of related terms andcompare the range of their meaning. The following will serveour purpose:to enumerate, to arrange, to class, to classify, to systemise,to organise.
you have to appreciate him differentiating his terms even if he's not coming to terms with others.
He's a professional librarian at the turn of the 20th century, so his definitions of words like enumerate, arrange, class, classify, systematize, and organize will be intriguing.
Classification work is however not quite as simple as it maylook, on the contrary, it is a rather tricky subject, for wemust give our classes a name, we must define them, we mustknow at any rate ourselves where they begin and where theyend. It would never do for the classes to interfere with each,other, they must be defined so that they neither overlap amongthemselves nor leave any ground of the organisation as a wholeuncovered. That is certainly a difficulty but it is not insur-mountable where patience and perseverance are brought to»bear.
Kaiser's idea of classification work bears close similarity to Mortimer Adler/Charles Van Doren's concept of coming to terms. There are subtle shades between ideas which must be differentiated so as to better situate them with respect to others.
Since a smaller number can be more easily 29of numbers controlled than a larger one, the aim of or-ganisation obviously is to reduce the numbersto a manageable compass so as to assure adequate control.That is done by dividing the numbers off into groups, depart-ments, classes etc. Thus we may have classes of materials,labour etc, or we may have classes of kinds of materials,labour etc, according to the nature of our business and theextent of our organisation. These classes provide us with thefoundation, the fixed points on which our organisation can bebuilt up.Classification — the mapping out of the various classes— is there- 30fore a subject of the greatest importance in all organisationwork.
- Mar 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Taxonomy allows for a structured classification system of genre, as opposed to a more contemporary rhetorical model of genre.
Meaning...? Genre isn't a taxonomy because taxonomy requires more structured classification?
- Feb 2024
www.librarything.com www.librarything.com
Melvil Decimal System (LibraryThing's equivalent of DDC, apparently in an attempt not to run afoul of the OCLC's Trademark.)
blog.librarything.com blog.librarything.com
Introducing Dewmoji: Emoji for Dewey Decimals®. A joke on Twitter about finding Emojis for every top-level Dewey Decimal class spun out of control and I ended up implementing something half-wonderful and half-terrible!
- Jan 2024
vielmetti.wordpress.com vielmetti.wordpress.com
Noguchi Yukio 野口悠紀雄 argues that for the individual researcher, classification is an endless and fruitless task (1993, 1995, 1999, 2000), and proposes that library-type classification by subject be discarded in favor of chronological ordering (that is, ordering on the basis of what document has last been used). His method basically involves putting all material into A4 envelopes and placing the most recently used envelope at the end of the row.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
For example, I don't know how doing user research fits in, is it a task or this new "design" task.
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
The Aristotelian method dominated classification until the 19th century. His scheme was, in effect, that the classification of a living thing by its nature—i.e., what it really is, as against superficial resemblances—requires the examination of many specimens, the discarding of variable characters (since they must be accidental, not essential), and the establishment of constant characters.
taxonomy, in a broad sense the science of classification
www.azolifesciences.com www.azolifesciences.com
Taxonomy is the scientific classification of organisms.
Classification is the process of grouping organisms together either based on features they have in common, or based on their ancestry, or sometimes both. This results in the arrangement of living things into groups.
classroom.synonym.com classroom.synonym.com
Taxonomies are more concerned with providing exhaustive lists while classification is not exhaustive.
Both terms reflect the fact that we encounter large amounts of information in everyday life and our brains need some way to synthesize and contextualize that information.
"Classification" and "taxonomy" are two closely related words that some people find confusing.
- Nov 2023
www.librarything.com www.librarything.com
blog.librarything.com blog.librarything.com
schema.org schema.org
schema.org schema.org
web.resource.org web.resource.org
asistdl.onlinelibrary.wiley.com asistdl.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
- Oct 2023
www.dnb.de www.dnb.de
www.wipo.int www.wipo.int
- Sep 2023
openbiblio.social openbiblio.social
- Aug 2023
direct.mit.edu direct.mit.edu
cso.kmi.open.ac.uk cso.kmi.open.ac.uk
kitcat.bnf.fr kitcat.bnf.fr
rameau.bnf.fr rameau.bnf.fr
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Jul 2023
cv.iptc.org cv.iptc.org
show.newscodes.org show.newscodes.org
- Jun 2023
hal.archives-ouvertes.fr hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
campus.dariah.eu campus.dariah.eu
There are many different types of controlled vocabularies, the most common among them are: Thesaurus - a type of controlled vocabulary used in information systems that organizes concepts in hierarchical and/or associative relationships and provides their semantic definitions Classification schema - a system that based primarily on classifying things or concepts into groups or classes with a detailed explanation of those classification methods Subject heading list - a list of terms describing subjects in information system Taxonomy - a system that organizes things and concepts in groups based on their common characteristics and/or differences Terminology - a list of terms used to describe concepts in a certain domain Glossary - an alphabetical list of terms with their explanation used in a specific context
www.piaf-archives.org www.piaf-archives.org
dossierdoc.typepad.com dossierdoc.typepad.com
www.cs.vu.nl www.cs.vu.nl
publications-prairial.fr publications-prairial.fr
schema.org schema.org
schema.org schema.org
id.loc.gov id.loc.gov
id.loc.gov id.loc.gov
jakobib.github.io jakobib.github.io
link.springer.com link.springer.com
vocabulary.mimo-international.com vocabulary.mimo-international.com
vocabulary.mimo-international.com vocabulary.mimo-international.com
lab.cccb.org lab.cccb.org
blogs.pjjk.net blogs.pjjk.net
www.wikidata.org www.wikidata.org
asistdl.onlinelibrary.wiley.com asistdl.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
searchengineland.com searchengineland.com
accidental-taxonomist.blogspot.com accidental-taxonomist.blogspot.com
ceur-ws.org ceur-ws.org
- May 2023
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Hans H. Wellisch died on 2004-02-06.
accidental-taxonomist.blogspot.com accidental-taxonomist.blogspot.com
github.com github.com
$record) { if ($name<>"count" and $name<>"specials") { foreach ($record["site"] as $sitelink) { $site[$sitelink["dbname"]]=$sitelink["url"]; } } if ($name==="specials") { foreach ($record as $sitelink) { $site[$sitelink["dbname"]]=$sitelink["url"]; } } } /* Open files */ $fp = fopen('data/'.$entity_proc.'.ttl', 'w'); fwrite($fp, "@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .\n"); fwrite($fp, "@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .\n"); fwrite($fp, "@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .\n"); fwrite($fp, "@prefix wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/> .\n"); fwrite($fp, "@prefix wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/> .\n"); fwrite($fp,"\n"); fwrite($fp,"<http://www.wikidata.org/categories> rdf:type skos:ConceptScheme ;\n"); fwrite($fp," skos:prefLabel \"Wikidata categories\"@en .\n\n"); // echo $list_entities."\n"; $url = "https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=wbgetentities&ids=".$entity_proc."&props=labels|aliases|sitelinks&format=php&utf8="; $a = unserialize(file_get_contents($url)); foreach ($a["entities"] as $entity=>$data_entity) { fwrite($fp,"wd:".$entity." rdf:type skos:Concept ;\n"); fwrite($fp," skos:inScheme <http://www.wikidata.org/categories> "); if (isset($data_entity["labels"])) { foreach ($data_entity["labels"] as $label) { fwrite($fp,";\n skos:prefLabel \"".$label["value"]."\"@".$label["language"]." "); } } if (isset($data_entity["aliases"])) { foreach ($data_entity["aliases"] as $item) { foreach ($item as $label) { fwrite($fp,";\n skos:altLabel> \"".$label["value"]."\"@".$label["language"]." "); } } } foreach ($data_entity["sitelinks"] as $item) { if (in_array($item["site"],$array_sources)) { /* GET BROADER CATEGORIES */ $repeat_query=true; $cmcontinue=""; while ($repeat_query==true) { $repeat_query = false; $url_wiki = $site[$item["site"]]."/w/api.php?action=query&generator=categories&titles=".urlencode($item["title"])."&prop=pageprops|categoryinfo&format=php&utf8=".$cmcontinue; $b = unserialize(file_get_contents($url_wiki)); if (isset($b["continue"]["cmcontinue"])) { $repeat_query = true; $cmcontinue = $b["continue"]["cmcontinue"]; } if (isset($b["query"]["pages"])) { foreach ($b["query"]["pages"] as $broadcat) { if (isset($broadcat["pageprops"]["wikibase_item"])) { if (!isset($broader[$broadcat["pageprops"]["wikibase_item"]])) {$broader[$broadcat["pageprops"]["wikibase_item"]]=$broadcat["title"];} // fwrite($fp,"<http://www.wikidata.org/entity/".$entity_proc."> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#broader> <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/".$broadcat["pageprops"]["wikibase_item"]."> <http://www.wikidata.org/categories/".$item["site"]."> .\n"); } } } } /* GET NARROWER CATEGORIES */ $repeat_query=true; $cmcontinue=""; while ($repeat_query==true) { $repeat_query = false; $url_wiki = $site[$item["site"]]."/w/api.php?action=query&generator=categorymembers&gcmtitle=".urlencode($item["title"])."&gcmtype=subcat&prop=pageprops|categoryinfo&format=php&utf8=".$cmcontinue; $b = unserialize(file_get_contents($url_wiki)); if (isset($b["continue"]["cmcontinue"])) { $repeat_query = true; $cmcontinue = $b["continue"]["cmcontinue"]; } if (isset($b["query"]["pages"])) { foreach ($b["query"]["pages"] as $narrowcat) { if (isset($narrowcat["pageprops"]["wikibase_item"])) { if (!isset($narrower[$narrowcat["pageprops"]["wikibase_item"]]) or $item["site"]=="enwiki") {$narrower[$narrowcat["pageprops"]["wikibase_item"]]=$narrowcat["title"];} // fwrite($fp,"<http://www.wikidata.org/entity/".$entity_proc."> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#narrower> <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/".$narrowcat["pageprops"]["wikibase_item"]."> <http://www.wikidata.org/categories/".$item["site"]."> .\n"); } } } } } } } $prevalue=""; foreach ($broader as $target=>$value) { fwrite($fp,";".$prevalue."\n skos:broader wd:".$target); $prevalue=" # ".$value; } if ($prevalue!=="") {fwrite($fp,$prevalue);} $prevalue=""; foreach ($narrower as $target=>$value) { fwrite($fp,";".$prevalue."\n skos:narrower wd:".$target); $prevalue=" # ".$value; } if ($prevalue!=="") {fwrite($fp,$prevalue);} fwrite($fp,".\n\n"); fclose($fp); ?>```
schema.org schema.org
schema.org schema.org
developers.google.com developers.google.com
schema.org schema.org
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I went to that website and he mentions the Dewey Decimal Classification System. I have look around and only found examples/files that goes a few levels deep. He gives an example: 516.375 Finsler geometry BUT I can not find any DDC files that goes to that level of classification. The DDC is finer grain than the what the AOoD system goes so for me I am going with the DDC for possible keywords list.Any ideas where I can find a complete DDC listing I can download?
reply to drogers8 at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/13eyg8p/comment/jkaksn4/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
You can find some basic top level or second level DDC listings online, but to get the full set of listings, you've got to subscribe to the system which is updated every few years, something only library systems and large publishers typically do. To give yourself an idea of how deep this rabbit hole goes the DDC 23 is four volumes long and each volume is in the 1,000 page range. The DDC 23 self-identifies as 0.25.4'31-dc22. For most categories DDC generally only goes as deep as the thousands place (like Finsler geometry) though others will go slightly deeper usually to designate locations/cities. Most libraries only categorize to the tenths place, and sometimes these numbers can be found on the copyright page of books, often with the DDC volume number. I mentioned the UDC in that piece, but didn't give any links, but you could try:<br /> - https://udcsummary.info/php/index.php?lang=en - https://udcc.org/index.php/site/page?view=subject_coverage - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Decimal_Classification
Honestly, you're wasting time and making way more work for yourself to adopt one of these numbering methods for a Luhmann-esque zettelkasten. Try asking yourself this question: What benefits/affordances will I get in the long run for having my numbering system mirror the DDC or UDC? (Unless you can come up with a really fantastic answer, you're just making more work to look up headings/numbers on a regular basis.)
In practice the numbers are simply addresses so you can quickly find things again using your index. If you're doing threads of cards (folgezettel), you're going to very quickly have tangentially related ideas of things mixed together anyway. (As an example, I've got lots of science and even some anthropology mixed into my math section, so having DDC numbers on those would be generally useless at the end of the day.) If it helps, Nicolas Gatien has a pretty reasonable and short video which makes this apparent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdHH3YjOnZE.
Extended numbering and why use Outline of Disciplines at all? .t3_13eyg8p._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } Several things:Why are there different listings for the Academic Outline of Disciplines? Some starts the top level with Humanities and other start with Arts which changes the numbering?I am createing an Antinet for all things. Some of the levels of the AOOD has more then 9 items so Scott's 4 digit system would not work. For some levels I would have to use two digits. Thoughts?Why even use said system? Why is it a bad reason to just start with #1 that indicates the first subject sequence, #2 for a different subject etc..?
reply to u/drogers8 at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/13eyg8p/extended_numbering_and_why_use_outline_of/
Based on my research, Scott Scheper was the one of the original source for people adopting the Academic Outline of Disciplines. I've heard him say before that he recommends it only as a potential starting place for people who are new to the space and need it as a crutch to get going. It's an odd suggestion as almost all of the rest of his system is so Luhmann-based. I suspect it's a quirk of how he personally started and once moving it was easier than starting over. He also used his own ZK for showing others, and it's hard to say one thing in a teaching video when showing people something else. Ultimately it's hard to mess up on numbering choices unless you're insistent on using only whole numbers or natural numbers. I generally wouldn't suggest complex numbers either, but you might find some interesting things within your system if you did. More detail: https://boffosocko.com/2022/10/27/thoughts-on-zettelkasten-numbering-systems/ The only reason to have any standardized base or standardized numbers would be if you were attempting to have a large shared ZK with others. If this is your intent, then perhaps look at the Universal Decimal Classification, though a variety of things might also work including Dewey Decimal.
www.getty.edu www.getty.edu
schema.org schema.org
schema.org schema.org
schema.org schema.org
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="VisualArtwork"> <link property="sameAs" href="http://rdf.freebase.com/rdf/m.0439_q" />La trahison des images
A <span property="artform">painting</span> also known as <span>The Treason of Images</span> or <span property="alternateName">The Treachery of Images</span>.
<div property="description">The painting shows a pipe. Below it, Magritte painted, <q lang="fr">Ceci n'est pas une pipe.</q>, French for "This is not a pipe."
His statement is taken to mean that the painting itself is not a pipe. The painting is merely an image of a pipe. Hence, the description, "this is not a pipe."
Similarly, the image shown above is neither a pipe nor even a painting, but rather a digital photograph.
The painting is sometimes given as an example of meta message conveyed by paralanguage. Compare with Korzybski's <q>The word is not the thing</q> and <q>The map is not the territory</q>. </div>
- Artist: <span property="creator" typeof="Person"> <span property="name">René Magritte</span> </span>
- Dimensions: <span property="width" typeof="Distance">940 mm</span> × <span property="height" typeof="Distance">635 mm</span>
- Materials: <span property="artMedium">oil</span> on <span property="artworkSurface">canvas</span>
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="VisualArtwork"> <link property="sameAs" href="http://rdf.freebase.com/rdf/m.0dbwsn" />My Bed
My Bed, first created in <time property="dateCreated" datetime="1998">1998</time>, is an <span property="artform">installation</span> by the British artist Tracey Emin.
<div property="description"><cite>My Bed</cite> was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in <time datetime="1998">1999</time> as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize. It consisted of her bed with bedroom objects in an abject state, and gained much media attention. Although it did not win the prize, its notoriety has persisted. </div>
- Artist: <span property="creator" typeof="Person"> <span property="name">Tracey Emin</span> </span>
The artwork generated considerable media furore, particularly over the fact that the <span property="artMedium">bedsheets</span> were stained with bodily secretions and the floor had items from the artist's room (such as <span property="artMedium">condoms</span>, <span property="artMedium">a pair of knickers</span> with menstrual period stains, other detritus, and functional, everyday objects, including a <span property="artMedium">pair of slippers</span>). The <span property="artMedium">bed</span> was presented in the state that Emin claimed it had been when she said she had not got up from it for several days due to suicidal depression brought on by relationship difficulties.
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="VisualArtwork"> <link property="sameAs" href="http://www.pada.net/members/memPicFull.php/38/367" />Still Life under the Lamp
<span property="artform">Print</span> from <time property="dateCreated" datetime="1962">1962</time> by Pablo Picasso. Numbered from the edition of <span property="artEdition">50</span>, each signed by the artist in pencil, lower right: Picasso.
<div property="description"><cite>Still Life under the Lamp</cite>, from 1962, made when the artist was eighty years old, are counted among Picasso’s most important works in linocut, a technique that he explored in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The progressive proofs show the step by step sequence by which Picasso created his linocut images showing the development of the image into its final form.
</div>- Artist: <span property="creator" typeof="Person"> <span property="name">Pablo Picasso</span> </span>
- Dimensions: <span property="width" typeof="Distance">25 3/16 inches</span> × <span property="height" typeof="Distance">20 3/4 inches</span>
- Materials: <span property="artMedium">linoprint</span> on <span property="artworkSurface">paper</span>
- See also here and here.
schema.org schema.org
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="Painting"><span property="name">The Madonna with the Long Neck</span>
<span property="genre" content="http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300021143">Late Renaissance</span> painting by <span property="creator">Parmigianino</span>. </div>```
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="Painting"> <meta property="sameAs" content="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Church_at_Auvers" /> <span property="name">The Church at Auvers</span> by <div property="creator" typeof="Person"> <span property="name">Vincent van Gogh</span> </div>, depicts a church in <div property="contentLocation" typeof="AdministrativeArea"> <span property="name">Auvers-sur-Oise</span>, </div> but was created in <div property="locationCreated" typeof="AdministrativeArea"> <span property="name">Saint-Rémy-de-Provence</span>. </div> </div>```
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
popmec.hypotheses.org popmec.hypotheses.org
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
wdmapper.readthedocs.io wdmapper.readthedocs.io
databus.dbpedia.org databus.dbpedia.org
www.semanticscholar.org www.semanticscholar.org
eprints.rclis.org eprints.rclis.org
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Alternative numbering and classifications .t3_132o4w7._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } Although Wikipedia Outline of academic disciplines seems like an ok place to start, it seems not ideal. Are there any guides I could use to develop my own numbering? I'm a historian, so treating it as a subcategory is not ideal, especially given how diverse this field is when it comes to its scope (what I mean by that is that you can divide history into many subcategories by period, field, geography etc.) I've taken a look at Propædia, which provides some interesting categories, but again, some of which are no interest to me (in terms of making notes about them).TLDR; Do you have any times for developing personal numbering system for your notes using decimal system? I'm developing ideas for my thesis and future dissertation, so I could arrange my notes around categories that, but I'd like to still have place for notes outside this spectrum (ideas for future papers etc.).
reply to u/zielkarz at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/132o4w7/alternative_numbering_and_classifications/
Assigning random decimal numbers is more than adequate and is roughly what you'll have in the long term anyway... see https://boffosocko.com/2022/10/27/thoughts-on-zettelkasten-numbering-systems/ for some of what I've written on this before.
Because of the way that the topology of dense sets work in the real (decimal) numbers, any topic you give a number can be made arbitrarily close to any other topic you choose. As a result the numbers you choose are generally inconsequential, so simply choose something that you feel makes sense to you.
- Apr 2023
www.getty.edu www.getty.edu
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
- Feb 2023
stanfordmag.org stanfordmag.org