7 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2023
histoireduticketdemetro.blogspot.com histoireduticketdemetro.blogspot.com
www.shlaglab.com www.shlaglab.com
- Jan 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
my movie ticket anecdote: I have a box of movie tickets from over the years and just holding each one I can tell you about that day, what theater I went to, a lot of details that would be totally lost with a bunch of markdown files. I really think the physical card aspect is crucial
movie tickets as stores of memory
- Feb 2022
Therefore, they were frequently used as lottery tickets, marriage and death announcements, notepads, or busi-ness cards.
With blank backs, French playing cards in the late 1700s were often used as lottery tickets, marriage and death announcements, notepads, and business cards.
- Dec 2016
Sure, we get bad bugs, but we have a ton of contributors who can immediately work with people who log them to educate them on better practices and treat it as an opportunity to educate. This is why we have documentation on writing good bugs, in order to educate contributors, not as a barrier to entry.Creating barriers to entry just reduces the number of people there’s a chance to identify, educate and potentially grow into greater contributors.
La frase final es clave:
Creating barriers to entry just reduces the number of people there’s a chance to identify, educate and potentially grow into greater contributors.