72 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. I'd like to tell a story about how Moiraescaped, for good this time. Or if I couldn't tell that, I'd like to say she blewup Jezebel's, with fifty Commanders inside it. I'd like her to end withsomething daring and spectacular,

      It is also Offred's inability to see Moira and the subjects of her past as any more than still images of nostalgia. In this way she resigns from her future, longs for her past, allows herself to be complacent in what happens so long as she can remind herself and keep the night to herself.

      There is also ironic recreation of the past, active structuring and processing. She is active, ironically, in the night. She is complacent in Gilead during the day. Which says something very odd and wrong about how one can only live in a sinful world -- too perfect and everything becomes stale... she is alive in the past.

  2. Aug 2024
    1. Somewhere good

      She can time skip, she begins to be able to control her memories -- it starts off with where she'd like to go, but she trips into distress with bad memories. Even her night is fading?



    1. 17:24 "Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature. The quaint old forms — elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest — will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial — but democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit."<br /> -- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958)

      aka: soft power. psychowar. aggressive exploitation of human stupidity.

      we have two worlds: public and private = day and night.<br /> everything in public life is optimized for idiots = neurotics = socialists and nationalists.<br /> smart people are forced to hide in private life = psychotics = communists and fascists.<br /> the basis for this division are personality types, which are inborn and stable for life.<br /> this means, idiots are physically trapped in their stupidity (in plato's cave),<br /> and all forms of "education" can only hide that stupidity.<br /> idiots are physically blind to conspiracies, high-level organized crime, slavery.<br /> so the challenge is to find a better symbiosis between stupid and smart people.

  3. Apr 2024
  4. Dec 2023
  5. Jun 2023
  6. May 2023
  7. Oct 2022
  8. Jul 2022
    1. with established worldwide fame and prestige, to step in his previous successes to write more-of-the-same books and convert all the attention in cheap money. Just like Robert Kiyosaki did with his 942357 books about “Rich dad”.

      Many artists fall into a creativity trap caused by fame. They spend years developing a great work, but then when it's released, the industry requires they follow it up almost immediately with something even stronger.

      Jewel is an reasonable and perhaps typical example of this phenomenon. She spent several years writing the entirety of her first album Pieces of You (1995), which had three to four solid singles. As it became popular she was rushed to release Spirit (1998), which, while it was ultimately successful, didn't measure up to the first album which had far more incubation time. She wasn't able to build up enough material over time to more easily ride her initial wave of fame. Creativity on demand can be a difficult master, particularly when one is actively touring or supporting their first work while needing to

      (Compare the number of titles she self-wrote on album one vs. album two).

      M. Night Shyamalan is in a similar space, though as a director he preferred to direct scripts that he himself had written. While he'd had several years of writing and many scripts, some were owned by other production companies/studios which forced him to start from scratch several times and both write and direct at the same time, a process which is difficult to do by oneself.

      Another example is Robert Kiyosaki who spun off several similar "Rich Dad" books after the success of his first.

      Compare this with artists who have a note taking or commonplacing practice for maintaining the velocity of their creative output: - Eminem - stacking ammo - Taylor Swift - commonplace practice

  9. Jun 2022
    1. More controversially, the laws restricted importation of “Saturday Night Specials”—the small, cheap, poor-quality handguns so named by Detroit police for their association with urban crime, which spiked on weekends. Because these inexpensive pistols were popular in minority communities, one critic said the new federal gun legislation “was passed not to control guns but to control blacks.”
  10. Jul 2021
    1. A satirical take on John Howard Griffin’s 1961 book Black Like Me

      <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Alan Jacobs </span> in Writing a Life | The Hedgehog Review (<time class='dt-published'>07/22/2021 12:15:27</time>)</cite></small>

    1. https://hedgehogreview.com/web-features/thr/posts/writing-a-life

      Jacobs suggests taking the idea of "walking a mile in another's shoes" to a higher level. He takes Herman Hesse's idea in The Glass Bead Game of the Castalian community's writing a Life in which people write an autobiography about seeing themselves placed in other times/places in history.

      Similar examples he includes:

      • Flannery O'Connor's story "Revelation" in which a woman chooses being remade as "white trash" or a Black woman.
      • Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin (1961)
      • White Like Me, a Saturday Night Live skit featuring Eddie Murphy
      • Soul Sister by Grace Halsell
      • Rachel Dolezal passing as black because she felt it was her identity
      • John Rawls' "veil of ignorance"

      Jacob suggests this could be a useful exercise for people to attempt, particularly as a senior exercise for university students.

  11. Oct 2020
    1. I began to understand that the goals of Wikity — and of any social software meant to promote deeper thought — began with increasing awareness of the ways in which our current closed, commercial  environments our distorting our reality.

      "Deep Thought" seems like a great product name for a wiki-like project!

      Related, but not, it's also reminiscent of "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy".

  12. May 2019
    1. Night owl - A person who stays up and is active late into the night.

      I have never used this idiom in writing before, but maybe I shall in the future.

  13. Apr 2018
    1. Crystal meth and ecstasy are the drugs of choice for these “instant parties” because of their psychotropic effects, and in the case of crystal meth, their ability to help people stay awake well into the night and prevent ejaculation during sex.

      This is an underlying secondary cause for the spread of HIV/AIDS. The sharing of these psychoactive drugs allows this disease to pass from individual to individual easier. For a while, society assumed it was only caused by sex among gay men. This allowed society to become more vulnerable because of their misinformation, allowing needles shared between individuals to disperse HIV/AIDS.

  14. Jan 2018
    1. Swastika Night has some obvious successors, notably George Orwell’s 1984, published 12 years later, Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle, and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.

      Hopefully, she'll join these others and become more widely known.

  15. Apr 2017
    1. Game Night

      Oxford College Library is offering a Game Night on April 14, 2017, 7-11 pm! We hope to see you there!

  16. Mar 2017
    1. This bird was thought to have been extinct for 100 years, with the creature passing into birding legend. Now, researchers have announced that they have found a population of the rare parrots hiding deep in the bush of Western Australia.

      Wow, incredible!!

    1. Arctic Circle

      The Region that lies beyond the 66.5 degree latitudinal line is widely accepted as the Arctic Circle. However, there are other indicators of an arctic region such as 10 degree celsius as the maximum air temperature, tundra to taiga biomes, or continuous permafrost. Despite these different labeling standards the Arctic Circle encompasses roughly 15% of the earths land area and 5% of the world ocean. Some areas in this region can go upwards of 130 days with out experiencing a sunrise. This period of time is known as a Polar Night, but is only experienced at latitudes north of 72degrees. Rather than Polar Night, much of the Arctic Circle experiences an extremely long twilight due to the gentle angle at which the sun rises and sets. As technology and globalization has improved, exploration in the Arctic Circle has increased substantially. The Arctic is an incredible asset to scientific researchers as we begin to increase our understanding of the region. Its variation in natural landscapes and ecosystems provide researchers with an extremely biodiverse system to study. This region is also home to an abundance of rich raw materials including gold and natural gas. As industrial interest in this region increase, there will also be an increased need for actors with stake in the region to communicate properly. With almost 30 different territories having claims in the Arctic and an estimated 200 million indigenous peoples living in the region, there are constant socioeconomic and political issues that need to be resolved.

      1)Burn, C.r. "Where Does The Polar Night Begin?" The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 39, no. 1 (1995): 68-74. doi:10.1111/j.1541-0064.1995.tb00401.x. 2)Marsh, William M., and Martin M. Kaufman. Physical geography: great systems and global environments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 3)Young, Oran R. Arctic Politics Conflict and Cooperation in the Circumpolar North. Hanover: Dartmouth College Press, 2000. 4)"Maritime jurisdiction and boundaries in the Arctic region ..." Accessed March 9, 2017. http://www.bing.com/cr?IG=3A1010B3AB3B42069672D55F84DE5213&CID=1CC31139A229699C242B1B79A318680A&rd=1&h=7tqBibkrhXoO_0f49soB5YPVU1UMalDfYlMRDxGhdv8&v=1&r=http%3a%2f%2fnews.bbc.co.uk%2f2%2fshared%2fbsp%2fhi%2fpdfs%2f06_08_08_arcticboundaries.pdf&p=DevEx,5071.1.

  17. Sep 2016
    1. I wish he rest in peace and be free in heaven and not experiencing those hardships ever again. I hope he is happy now.

    1. I would like to add another climax which is the separation Elie and his family.He never saw his sisters and mother ever again. On themes I add,Struggles challenge faith's and belief of humans, Elie challenged the struggle so well and at the end of the book he somehow lost his faith because all those difficulties he went through.

    1. Since I read it in my English 9 class and we took the test,this is what I said on the question why Elie's book is called " Night" . It was interesting and I had same thought with this website.I mean this is common sense and make sense because during that time it was all dark no matter was physical or he mentality.

  18. Dec 2015
    1. THE CAMP looked as though it had been through an epi-demic: empty and dead.

      A. Death B. People find comfort when they are not alone C. Personification D. Wiesel states that the camp looked empty and dead which is personification. The personification here emphasizes the vacancy of the camp and gives foreshadowing into the fact that many were going to die.

    2. Birkenau.
    3. ARBEIT MACHT FREI. Work makes youfree.

      A. Slavery B. Slavery is being enforced upon them in subtly unsubtle ways to make them feel absolutely powerless C. Irony D. The irony in the inscription makes Wiesel feel hopeless as it seems to be that concentration camps where death is the norm is a lot better than a death camp. It is true, but having his life reduced down to the options of either death or inevitable pain and then death or miraculously survive is not anything any human should ever face.

    4. Comrades, you are now in the concentration camp Ausch-witz. Ahead of you lies a long road paved with suffering. Don'tlose hope. You have already eluded the worst danger: the selec-tion. Therefore, muster your strength and keep your faith. Weshall all see the day of liberation. Have faith in life, a thousandtimes faith. By driving out despair, you will move away fromdeath. Hell does not last f o r e v e r ... A nd now, here is a prayer, orrather a piece of advice: let there be camaraderie among you. Weare all brothers and share the same fate. The same smoke hoversover all our heads. Help each other. That is the only way to sur-vive. And now, enough said, you are tired. Listen: you are inBlock 17; I am responsible for keeping order here. Anyone with a complaint may come to see me. That is all. Go to sleep. Two peo-ple to a bunk. Good night."Those were the first human words.

      The motif of this quote is religion. The purpose is that even in bad situations where people know their future is bleak they should still trust in their beliefs and have faith. The stylistic device used in this quote is restatement, when the man talks about having faith. His restatement reinforces the purpose because he is trying to get the men to trust in their god and keep faith and the restatement helps emphasize what he's saying.

    5. One by one, the houses emptied and the streets filled with peo-ple carrying bundles. By ten o'clock, everyone was outside. Thepolice were taking roll calls, once, twice, twenty times. The heatwas oppressive. Sweat streamed from people's faces and bodies.Children were crying for water.Water! There was water close by inside the houses, the back-yards, but it was forbidden to break rank.

      A. Oppression B. The oppressed don't understand why they are being oppressed and for that reason will have little knowledge of what is going on. They will not ask questions as they are the oppressed and are in no position to do so. C. Imagery D. Wiesel uses imagery to depict the state of confusion and despair that they were in.

    6. Kabbalah

      Kabbalah is the study of how to receive fulfillment in our lives. - See more at: https://www.kabbalah.com/what-kabbalah#sthash.Rxd6xGfz.dpuf

    7. "I am too old, my son," he answered. "Too old to start a newlife. Too old to start from scratch in some distant l a n d ..."

      A. Attachment B. People can make different decisions due to their attachment over something C. Repetition D. Wiesel's father repeatedly says "I am too old" which emphasizes how attached his father is to his home making him stay instead of go to a different country

    8. The raid lasted more than one hour. If only it could have goneon for ten times ten h o u r s ... T h e n, once more, there was silence.

      A. The motif is hope B. I think "hope" because they are hoping for a longer time of "silence". Meaning that the soldiers aren't yelling at them or torturing them. C. Hyperbole D. By saying "If only it could have gone on for ten times ten hours" this is slightly unrealistic and an exaggeration but also hopeful that it would go on longer.

    9. Our tent leader was a German. An assassin's face, fleshy lips,hands resembling a wolf's paws. The camp's food had agreedwith him; he could hardly move, he was so fat. Like the head ofthe camp, he liked children. Immediately after our arrival, hehad bread brought for them, some soup and margarine. (In fact,this affection was not entirely altruistic; there existed here a veri-table traffic of children among homosexuals, I learned later.) Hetold us

      A.) Fear B.) The appearance of some people can strike fear into others. c.) He uses Imagery D.) The way he describes him shows the effect his appearance had on him.

    10. "Take care of your son. He is very weak, very dehydrated.Take care of y o u r s e l v e s, you must avoid selection. Eat! Anything,anytime. Eat all you can. The weak don't last very long around here..."And he himself was so thin, so withered, so weak..."The only thing that keeps me alive," he kept saying, "is to know that Reizel and the little ones are still alive. Were it not for them, I would give up."

      1. Staying alive
      2. Love helps one to stay alive.
      3. Repetition of the idea staying alive, and "take care".
      4. The repetition of taking care to stay alive emphasizes that fact he wants to stay alive, and connects the the fact he wants to stay alive for his loved ones. So the repetition of him wanting to stay alive shows just how much he loves his family, because he is doing so much just to stay alive for them.
    11. "Remember," he went on. "Remember it always, let it be graven in your memories. You are in Auschwitz. And Auschwitz is not a convalescent home. It is a concentration camp. Here, you must work. If you don't you will go straight to the chimney. To the crematorium. Work or crematorium—the choice is yours."

      1. Remembrance
      2. They must keep in mind that if they are danger, they aren't at home.
      3. Repetition
      4. The repetition of "remember" reinforces how the SS officer wants to remind them that Auschwitz is a camp, and if they don't work they will die.
    12. The Kapos
    13. The student ofTalmud, the child I was, had been consumed by the flames. Allthat was left was a shape that resembled me. My soul had beeninvaded—and devoured—by a black flame
      1. The motif is trauma
      2. This quote is saying that everything that he was put through had changed him as a person, and who he was before the traumatic events was no longer there.
      3. "My soul had been invaded--and devoured-- by a black flame." this is an example of personification
      4. The black flame that devoured his soul represents the terrible Nazis and the traumatic events that they put him through, and because he had to live through those inhumane experiences, he was forever changed as a person because his faith and innocence were completely lost.
    14. As for me, I had ceased to pray. I concurred with Job! I was not denying Hisexistence, but I doubted His absolute justice

      A) The motif in this quote is the denial of god/religion. B) The author is trying to tell you how Weisel is starting to deny god and religion because of what is happening to them. He is losing his hope. His belief in god is being changed because of the trauma going on. C) An allusion. He is referring to God and if you do not know that, you will be lost on who he lost absolute justice with. D)This connects to the theme because after the quote, Akiba talks about god testing them; trying to see who believes in this faith more.

    15. YOM KIPPUR. The Day of Atonement. Should we fast? The question was hotly debated. To fast could mean a more certain, more rapid death. In this place, we were always fasting. It was Yom Kippur year-round. But there were those who said we should fast, precisely because it was dangerous to do so. We needed to show God that even here, locked in hell, we were capable of singing His praises.

      Religion. Even when they are starving they're still considering fasting so that they can stay true to their religion. This is an example of rhetorical question because they are wondering if they should fast or not, but its not supposed to be answered. They are asking themselves if they should fast or not. They don't want to starve, but at the same time they want to stay true to their religion too.

    16. New suits, old ones, tornovercoats, rags. For us it meant true equality: nakedness.
      1. The motif is religion
      2. When people are put through traumatic events, some turn to religion to help them live though it.
      3. "New suits, old ones, torn overcoats, rags." This is an example of sentence fragments.
      4. The sentence fragments help support the motif of religion because when these people are thrown into this traumatic event they can only think in fragments because they are so scared, but when they think about religion it helps calm them down and lets them think.
    17. He was leaning against the wall, bent shoulders sagging as if under a heavy load. I went up to him, took his hand and kissed it. I felt a tear on my hand. Whose was it? Mine? His? I said nothing. Nor did he. Never before had we understood each other so clearly.

      Father/son relationship. All the events they have gone through together caused them to become closer to each other. This is an example of rhetorical question because he is asking whose tear it was, but its not supposed to be answered. They have grown so close to each other that it doesn't matter whose tear it was to each other, but only that they are still there for each other.

    18. "Don't rejoice too soon, son. Here too there is selection. Infact, more often than outside. Germany has no need of sick Jews.Germany has no need of me. When the next transport arrives,you'll have a new neighbor. Therefore, listen to me: leave theinfirmary before the next selection!"

      1)Death 2)When people are in tough situations they give up hope. 3)Repetition 4)Through the repetition of Germany and the idea of sickness and dying it reinforces the idea of hopelessness.

    19. "Blessed be God's name..."Thousands of lips repeated the benediction, bent over liketrees in a storm.Blessed be God's name?Why, but why would I bless Him? Every fiber in me rebelled.Because He caused thousands of children to burn in His massgraves?

      1)Faith 2) When people are placed in situations they don't have control over they tend to blame someone and it is usually some figure in power which they blame. 3)Personification 4)Through the use of personification with the phrases, "...lips...bent over like trees in a storm." and "Every fiber in me rebelled." they reinforce the blame of God that Elie produces as he sees others pray to God and exalt his name even though many have died and He hasn't done anything to stop it.

    20. Afterward, we were given permission to go back to our blockand have our meal.I remember that on that evening, the soup tasted better thanever...

      1)Food 2)When people are forced into situations that are hard for them to deal with they look for comfort. 3)Imagery 4)The idea of the best soup he has had in the camp reinforces the idea that people look for comfort during times of distress. Elie finds comfort in the soup even though it was most likely the exact same soup he has had every night in the camp.

    21. I stood petrified. What had happened to me? My father hadjust been struck, in front of me, and I had not even blinked. I hadwatched and kept silent. Only yesterday, I would have dug mynails into this criminal's flesh. Had I changed that much? So fast?Remorse began to gnaw at me. All I could think was: I shall neverforgive them for this. My father must have guessed my thoughts,because he whispered in my ear:"It doesn't hurt." His cheek still bore the red mark of thehand

      1). The motif is the loss of care among prisoners.

      2). Being constantly exposed to these actions leads to the loss of care among the prisoners.

      3). When Wiesel says "What had happened to me?.. Had I changed that much? So fast?" These are examples of rhetorical questions.

      4). This use of the rhetorical question helps us fully understand how Elie is deterring mentally. He says that the previous day he would have mauled another prisoner had they done that to his Father, but today he has changed from that motivation because of all the horrific actions that he sees every single day, he's so used to it that it doesn't even affect him anymore.

    22. "You...you...you..." T h ey p o i n t ed their f i n g e r s, t he w ayone might choose cattle, or merchandise.

      The motif for this is inferiority. The quote shows just how they were treated less than human. This is a metaphor to compare how they were treated to how cattle are treated. This reinforces how badly the prisoners were treated and how they were looked upon.

    23. The Kapo launched into a lengthy explanation of theimportance of this work, warning us that anyone who proved to belazy would be held accountable. My new comrades reassured me:"Don't worry. He has to say this because of the Meister.

      The motif for this is intimidation. The people who ran the camps tried to keep the inmates in constant fear so they would do what they were told without question. This sets a very dark tone and theme to show that the inmates had to live in constant fear of people who were seen as greater than they were.

    24. "Bite your lips, little brother...Don't cry. Keep your anger,yourhate, for another day, for later. The day will come but notnow...Wait. Clench your teeth and w a i t ..

      The motif represented in this is revenge. This shows that the promise of revenge is what kept many prisoners going and living. Imagery is used because it gives you a mental image of how the revenge is keeping them alive and how.

    25. Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turnedmy life into one long night seven times sealed.Never shall I forget that smoke.Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whosebodies Isaw transformed into smoke under asilent sky.Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith for-ever.Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived mefor all eternity of the desire to live.Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my Godand my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned tolive as long as God Himself.Never

      This passage shows trauma. The purpose of this passage is to show the memories Elie will always have even if he doesn't want to remember how terrible it really was. There is repetition when it repeats "Never shall I forget..." many times. The author does this to emphasize that he will never be able to forget what happened.

    26. We believed in God, trusted in man, and lived with the illu- sion that every one of us has been entrusted with a sacred sparkfrom the Shekhinah's flame; that every one of us carries in hiseyes and in his soul a reflection of God's image

      God. He knows that god is with them, watching over. This is an example of Personification because everyone can't carries his eyes in his soul.

    27. I nodded, once, ten times, endlessly. As if myhead had de-cided to say yes for all eternity

      A)Fear B) The author included this text to emphasize how weak and fearful he was of receiving another flogging from Idek and felt as if his body was automatically answering Idek. The literary device used in this text is a simile. The device reinforces the author's purpose because Ellie represents his tiresome, submitted response to Idek's question as if his head had decided to answer for him for all eternity.

  19. Nov 2015
    1. I was afraid.Afraid of the blows.That was why I remained deaf to his cries.Instead of sacrificing my miserable life and rushing to hisside, taking his hand, reassuring him, showing him that hewasnot abandoned, that I was near him, that I felt his sorrow, insteadof all that, I remained flat on my back, asking God to make myfather stop calling my name, to make him stop crying. So afraidwas I to incur the wrath of the SS.

      A) Fear B) One can have so much fear that they can start to only care about their own survival and begin to have so much fear that they only care about self preservation. C) One literary device he uses is restatement. D) He uses restatement to emphasize how he was afraid of the SS.

    2. Dr. Mengele, the notorious Dr. Mengele
    3. We stood stunned, petrified.Could this be just a nightmare? An unimaginable nightmare?

      A) The motif for this quote could be fear. B) The theme for this quote could be fear can blur the lines of reality and fiction. C) The stylistic devise used in this quote is rhetorical question. D) By using a rhetorical question it allows a reader to see he is questioning himself. He is so scared that he believes for a second he is in a dream. He then questions himself wondering if it is just a horrible dream. This shows how sometimes in situations of terror we can feel as though it is not even reality.

    4. The baton, once more, moved to the left. A weight lifted frommy heart.

      A) The motif in this quote could be father/son relationship. B) A theme for this quote could be even in the most extreme situations love for you family still prevails. C) This stylistic device that is found in this quote is an idiom. D) When he says that a weight is lifted from his heart it shows that his heart was heavy from the thought of being split from his father. When his father is put into the same group as him and the weight seems to be lifted it shows that even in the situation they are in his father is the only thing that matters to him. Thus, connecting to the theme of love for your family prevailing through horrific times.

    5. By day I studied Talmud and by night I would run to the syna-gogue to weep over the destruction of the Temple

      This shows religion. You can do one thing while feeling different. He uses slang/dialect in words such as Talmud and synagogue. he does what he is supposed to during the day but lets his feelings out at night.

    6. Annihilate an entire people? Wipe out a population dispersedthroughout so many nations? So many millions ofpeople! Bywhat means? In the middle of the twentieth century!

      A. Genocide. Author wants people to realize how big genocide is. Rhetorical question. Makes people think about how bad the situation is.

    7. Days went by. Then weeks and months. Life was normalagain.

      A: Overwhelmed B: To show how different it was and how easily it changed. C and D: Sentence fragments are used to reinforce the idea of showing how fast and easily their lives changed.

    8. I wanted to run away, but my feet were nailed to the floor. Idek grabbed me by the throat.

      Fear. He knew he wouldn't be able to run away from Idek. This is an example of hyperbole because his feet weren't literally nailed to the floor. He could have ran away from Idek, but the fear was holding him down from running away.

    9. "Yisgadal, veyiskadash, shmey raba...May His name be cele-brated and sanctified..." whispered my father.

      Religion. They are in a tough time and are seeking to religion to help themselves and their people. It makes them feel more safe and comfortable in a dangerous environment. This is an example of restatement because the quote is shown in two languages. They keep repeating religious quotes in memory of their people.

    10. she looked like a withered tree in a field of wheat

      A) The motif or subject that is continuously repeated is depression B)Traumatic events can lead to people being depressed and hopeless C)The stylistic technique used in this quote is a simile D)This simile reinforces the purpose of the quote because it's stating that the character is "withered" or worn out and depressed, from these traumatic events.

    11. I remember that night, the most horrendous of my life:...Eliezer, my son, comehere... I want to tell yousomething...Onlytoyou...Come, d o n 't l e a ve me a l o n e ... E l i e z e r ..

      Father/Son relationship: Because of these quotes it's telling us that family member care for each other, even if it's they'er last day of living. This quote is using connotation, to show the emotion of how the dad feels about the son.

    12. I let the SS beat my father, I left him alone in theclutches of death. Worse: I was angry with him for having beennoisy, for having cried, for provoking the wrath of the SS

      Father/Son: the authors purpose is to show these harsh conditions changed people, it caused them to do anything to survive, even if it meant family was left behind. It uses imagery to show how he was split from his father, and the brutality of it. This device helps reinforce the topic, because it shows that to survive, he left his father when he was dying. It shows how he was willing to leave his flesh in blood behind, out of fear.

    13. "Yisgadal, veyiskadash, shmey raba...May His name be cele-brated and sanctified..." whispered my father.

      Religion When all seems hopeless, people need something to lean on so they feel not all is lost. Earlier in the book the father was not religious at all and even discouraged Elie to read and study religion, but once in the death camp he prayed and recited their book of religion.This an example of repetition of how he repeats it to insure that it works somehow. He repeated it in jewish and in english.

    14. The wind of revolt died down

      Trauma; People were flustered during this time yet were forced to get over it to stay focused; Personification; People were in disgust and fear for what they'd just witness of the vital babies being thrown into the fire.

    15. Was it to leave behind a legacy of words, of memories, to helpprevent history from repeating itself?

      Denial; Because of a piece of writing, these actions shouldn't take place again; Rhetorical Question; I highly doubt that the action of writing a novel about the genocide would prevent the world from repeating these horrific actions. If so, I believe the Holocaust would not have triggered after .. slavery, a genocide itself.

    16. People thought this was a good thing. We would no longerhave to look at all those hostile faces, endure those hate-filledstares. No more fear. No more anguish. We would live among Jews, among brothers...

      Denial People didn't want to have to live with the reality that their world was crumbling before them. so they tried to make the best out of it in order to see the positive side instead of what it really was. This is parallelism as the he was shortening the sentences to get across the main, simple point of how they were belittling their problems and not taking it in the serious, ground shattering way that it was.

    17. My father was a cultured man, rather unsentimental. He rarelydisplayed his feelings, not even within his family, and was moreinvolved with the welfare of others than with that of his own kin.The Jewish community of Sighet held him in highest esteem; hisadvice on public and even private matters was frequently sought.

      A) Father/Son relationship B) I believe that this is just giving some background information on his relationship with his father, and showing how his father interacts with the rest of the family. It's saying that you might see your parents in an entirely different way than how the community sees them. C) A small bit of repetition when he tells his father's traits D) This helps show the theme/motif by really showing how his father acts towards the family, but then is completely different towards people outside of the family.