5 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2024
mail.cyberneticforests.com mail.cyberneticforests.com
Another pleasure of an aesthetic experience – at least for Kant – is the absence of a clearly defined category for which to connect and identify that experience.
- May 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Lewis argues that ecstasy and possession are basically one and the same experience, ecstasy being merely one form which possession may take. The outward manifestation of the phenomenon is the same in that shamans appear to be possessed by spirits, act as their mediums, and even though they claim to have mastery over them, can lose that mastery
Ecstasy and possession (enthusiasm) as being the same.
Ecstasy, trance – In ecstasy the believer is understood to have a soul or spirit which can leave the body. In ecstasy the focus is on the soul leaving the body and to experience transcendental realities. This type of religious experience is characteristic for the shaman.
Ecstasy and trance as religious experience
- Feb 2024
06:17 Ecstasy is stepping into an alternative reality. Stepping out of ordinary routines (see Greek word translated)
- Apr 2018
www.michaelshouse.com www.michaelshouse.com
Crystal meth and ecstasy are the drugs of choice for these “instant parties” because of their psychotropic effects, and in the case of crystal meth, their ability to help people stay awake well into the night and prevent ejaculation during sex.
This is an underlying secondary cause for the spread of HIV/AIDS. The sharing of these psychoactive drugs allows this disease to pass from individual to individual easier. For a while, society assumed it was only caused by sex among gay men. This allowed society to become more vulnerable because of their misinformation, allowing needles shared between individuals to disperse HIV/AIDS.