49 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. the food forests like this one behind me, this is a syntropic agriculture system, could become a model for a different kind of economy to grow food, medicine, textiles, construction materials, all the different things we need in this tropical environment can grow in a forest or an agroforestry system like the one behind me, which does not need international corporations, does not need advanced technology, and does not need plutocrats and billionaires.

      for - potential synergies - agroforestry regeneration - Unitree - adjacency - school of regeneration - bioregionalism - DIRMBI - Alley cropping - Fair share commons - cosmolocal strategy - TPF - Unitree

    2. I feel like sharing with you some of my observations as a frame analyst, as someone who analyzes semantic frames and how they structure a discourse to, in this case, to disempower us and keep us embedded within a conversation that is primarily about the actions of corporations and nation-states and that disengages us from direct grassroots action and taking power into our own hands

      for - adjacency / validation - for justifying Tipping Point Festival - TPF - bottom up, grassroots direct action Vs - top down, corporate, policy action - Joe Brewer - framing analysis - using cognitive linguistics

      adjacency / validation - between - ustifying Tipping Point Festival - TPF - - bottom up, grassroots direct action<br /> - top down, corporate, policy action<br /> - Joe Brewer - framing analysis - cognitive linguistics - adjacency relationship - We need both bottom up and top down section, but Joe's framing analysis provides an explanation why there isn't more bottom up direct action - It requires a lot of skill to find the leverage points as well as the weakness of people power is lack of money - To awaken the sleeping giant off the commons is the purpose of the Typing Point Festival (TPF)

  2. Nov 2024
    1. To effectively combat the roots of fascism, it is crucial to integrate both horizontal and vertical decentralized decision-making structures.

      for - commons - new definition - pathological conservatism - new definition - benign conservatism - new definition - beneficial conservatism - adjacency - citizen assemblies - cosmolocal - community organization - horizontal and vertical decision-making as cosmolocal - Fair Share Commons - FSC - pathological conservatism - hypocrisy of modern conservatism that cannot acknowledge first nations - TPF as a vehicle for citizen assembly in each ward and district of a city - to - Youtube - Trump won, now what? - Roger Hallam - to - Substack article - - A global history of societal regulation - metacrisis, polycrisis - role of the commons and cosmolocal coordination - Michel Bauwens

      adjacency - between - citizen assemblies - cosmolocal - community organization - citizen assemblies - horizontal and vertical - Fair Share Commons - FSC - town anywhere - TPF - one per city ward or district - progress traps - wicked problem - pathological conservatism - deep conservatism - ECOnomy is a subset of ECOlogy - Modernity has many forms of shallow, pathological conservatism - Indigenous and first nations peoples practice deep, beneficial conservatism - adjacency relationship - One of the biggest progress traps is pathological conservatism when - a technology has become popular and ubiquitous but an unintended consequence becomes exposed - In that case, incumbents who profit from the established supply chain will defend it at great cost, even if the harm it causes becomes increasingly obvious. - They will do this until it reaches a point that the harm is so great that it can no longer be defended. - Often, great harm is done before that point is reached, if it is reached. - Misinformation, gaslighting and fascism can emerge as a form of pathological conservatism in an attempt to preserve the harmful aspect of the status quo. - Fossil fuels, internal combustion engines and the climate change they cause are an example of this, creating a wicked problem in which those trying to solve the problem are also contributing to it - Citizen assemblies are a bottom up response and counterweight to centralized power that is driving pathological conservatism - In contrast to the pathological conservatism, environmental awareness is a practice of benign and beneficial conservatism - the conservation of our natural environment - In fact, many who call themselves conservatives and nationalists are hypocritical because - if they went further in their conservativism logic, they would have to acknowledge the first nations people who came before them - The natural resources that were part of indigenous peoples lives for millenia that colonialists have built their entire fortune on represents even greater degree of conservatism, yet the hypocrisy is that - modern conservatives often cannot acknowledge this reality of a deeper form of conservatism as it threatens their false entitlement - This brings into question their claim of practicing conservatism - pathological conservatives act as if the ECOlogy is subordinate to the ECOnomy when in fact, the ECOnomy cannot exist without a functioning ECOlogy - citizen assemblies can be implemented in each ward and district of a large city - On top of these, Fair Share Commons and community cooperatives can be built as formal structures to drive specific projects - In order for participatory democracy to work effectively requires education on Deep Humanity and conflict resolution, otherwise risks low resiliency due to internal conflicts and derailment of vision - In order to scale, it requires both horizontal and vertical components or organization. This implies a cosmolocal strategy: - horizontal decision-making with local group is local, whilst - vertical decision-making with non-local groups based on broader issues is cosmo - A global Tipping Point Festival that employs social tipping point theory to emerge a global network of citizen assemblies / commons assemblies / people's assemblies in each ward and district of a city to relocate healthy power back to the people

      to - Youtube - Trump won, now what? - a love-based approach to replace power-based approach for dealing with fascism and polarization - Roger Hallam - https://hyp.is/wUDpaKsAEe-DM9fteMUtzw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiKWCHAcS7E - Substack article - A global history of societal regulation - metacrisis, polycrisis - role of the commons and cosmolocal coordination - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/wlywbqkTEe-ROXfhSmA3bA/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation

  3. Jul 2024
    1. you can't as one person you know solve a global problem like this it's you starts at a 00:34:58 CommunityWide level

      for - validation - cosmolocal community organization - validation - TPF - validation - Living Cities Earth

    2. we are going to need decentralized networks of communities figuring out how to support one another

      for - validation - cosmolocal community organization - validation - TPF - validation - Living Cities Earth

    3. if you could get everyone on the planet to do one thing what would it be and she said stay exactly where you are and figure out 00:33:30 what it is that you can do in your local

      for - cosmolocal movement - validation - Jay Griffith - leverage point - cosmolocal - validation - TPF - validation - Living Cities Earth

  4. Apr 2024
  5. Feb 2024
  6. Jan 2024
    1. So organized, initiatives can collectively co-evolve and co-emerge into a purposeful transformation system oriented towards whole system change

      for - quote - whole system change - bottom up whole system change - open function SRG/ Deep Humanity/ Indyweb / Indranet / TPF framework - definition - transformation catalyst

      quote - (see below) - A transformation catalyst is an actor who - brings together numerous initiatives and actors around a shared and co-defined set of interests - with an action agenda in mind. - The TC stewards these actors through a set of three general (dialogue- and action-based) processes that can be adapted - to the unique context, needs, and interests - of each system and its players. - So organized, initiatives can collectively co-evolve and co-emerge - into a purposeful transformation system - oriented towards whole system change in a given context (which could happen - locally, - regionally, - bioregionally, or even more broadly - depending on the actors and orientations involved

    1. We need to trigger exponential change across sectors and geographies by phasing out fossil fuels while taking advantage of positive social and economic tipping points.
      • for: quote - Johan Rockstrom, quote - positive tipping points, quote - social tipping points, social tipping points, stop, positive tipping points

      • quote: Johan Rockstrom

        • We need to trigger exponential change across sectors and geographies by phasing out fossil fuels while taking advantage of positive social and economic tipping points.
      • for: collaborative commons, rapid whole system change - governance, 3rd party, TPF, power2thepeople political power, criminal power

      -SUMMARY - A good article that - briefly traced the roots of the the major categories of power in modernity: - government - business - NGOs - and provides an argument for the emergence of a 4th power - the collaborative commons - it provide a model for the collaborative commons and a system diagram showing the various parts - I've critique I raise it that since it could only emerge within the technological mileau of the internet, it cannot be based upon an archaic, corporate and centralized power be structure. Even cryptocurrency is still centralized and there is generally a single point of failure. - When more important than decentralisation however, is that the current web id not people-centered and intertwingled with interpersonal - a necessary condition for a collaborative commons is their what we call a "flipped" web. - The indyweb and Indranet are being designed as an open function opens learning ecosystem for humanity at the level of trust networks - inter-operating with other larger systems, it can pay a role in creating the flipped web which can provide the human communication media for a collaborative commons

      • comment

        • There night also be a bother 4th category of power not me- criminal mentioned - criminal power
      • epiphany: new slogan

        • power2thepeople has a double meaning
          • political power
          • physical power
        • since modern society runs on physical power, we need the people too control it rather than serving a small group of financial elites
    1. collaborative governance literacy
      • for: TPF, SoNeC, LCE, community hubs, 3rd party
      • for: SoNeC - SRG / TPF gamified rapid whole system change, SRG / TPF proposal

      • SRG / TPF project proposals for SONEC communities

        • Emerge candidates for a global 3rd political party with no money from special interests
        • Cosmolocal production network
        • Bootstrap local WEconomy via community owned cooperatives:
          • bioeconomy
            • concentrated organic produce production
            • agroforestry production
          • renewable energy
          • low cost desalinated water
        • Open citizen science project on local climate departure as proxy for economic impacts of climate change
        • Deep Humanity / BEing journeys
        • Gamified rapid whole system change via:
          • downscaled earth system boundaries and
          • doughnut economics
        • Cascading Social Tipping Point Theory
        • Youth afterschool climate activism clubs
        • Network of sustainable restaurants for meetings, talks and presentations
        • Local community economics to RELOCALIZE the economy
        • Jan 1, 2024 adders
          • Appeal to local north districts of cities
            • Wealth2Wellth program to show High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) living in wealthy local north communities climate change trends that are occurring in realtime to show present and near future sea level rise and forest fire impacts on their expensive beachfront and forest properties respectively
          • sister ward / sister city partnerships
            • create local north / south as well as global north / south partnerships for upliftment and
              • creating more wealth in local south communities as well as wellth
              • creating more wellth in local north communities
          • climate crisis / polycrisis education and motivational speaking from top thought leaders via global audience outreach to the SoNeC global network of youth and communty SoNeC hubs
            • many ordinary people do not realize the urgency of our situation or have become so jaded. Personal interaction with leading authorities can make a difference
  7. Dec 2023
    1. The potential impact of SoNeC
      • for: SoNeC - SRG/TPF impact

      • comment

        • present the SRG/TPF impact - cosmolocal - so local impact everywhere = global impact
      • for: SRG - community strategy, TPF - community strategy, epiphany - Indyweb Coalition fair attribution map for all stakeholders

      • comment

        • for SRG and TPF, the citizen launch is the optimal choice as it gives citizens the greatest autonomy.to get the correct framework established before approaching institutional partners for support
      • epiphany: Indyweb generates detailed and fair attribution and contribution map for all coalition member involved

        • Indyweb features will allow for granular attribution to all stakeholders and organizations within a collaborative project
        • All contributions are automatically tracked as part of Indyweb workflow via the provenance feature and can be automatically surfaced in granular detail as metadata emergent from the group Indyweb mindplex, the intertwingled shared mindplexs of all participants
          • In particular, by using Indyweb's provenance feature, it allows for automatically tracking the exact nature of the contribution
        • For a multi-stakeholder coalition like Living Cities Earth, this takes care of fair automatic attribution
        • The result is a fair attribution map that shows exactly who contributed and what they contributed
    3. the SoNeC approach could potentiallybring about results related to these areas, but not limited to these
      • for: good match - SONEC - TPF, good match - SONEC - downscaled earth system boundaries, good match - SONEC - doughnut economics
    4. he initiators
      • for: SRG TPF community initiator program

  8. Sep 2023
    1. A parallel polis is not an escapist fantasy of retreating to communes and gated communities. It’s about building horizontal, convivial relationships with one another, which over time can give rise to a prefigurative new order. In a parallel polis, people can start where they are – with their local circumstances and personal talents and shared needs – and begin do what needs to be done.
      • for: TPF
      • comment
        • TPF has same goal
        • can use the language of parallel polis
    1. if we just make this a big, big, you know, parliament for every citizen in the world, which would be wonderful of course, you know, you wouldn't make much progress. 00:50:06 [KEVIN] No I certainly don't think that it's going to be driven by bottom-up. But I don't think top-down will do it unless it's dragged kicking and screaming by small... it will be small, catalytic, vociferous groups that are bottom-up
      • for: bottom-up action, top-down and bottom-up, TPF
      • comment
        • Kevin Anderson makes a good point. He agrees with Johan that a parliament of 8 billion people is not realistic. However, small vociferous and strategic bottom-up groups are needed to prod the top-down actors into action.
        • He makes the observation that the elite actors, the so called "Davos set" have effectively delayed any real climate action for the past 3 decades and if left to them alone, will do the same thing.
        • Anderson hopes for some kind of partnership between top-down and bottom-up actors to provide guidance to leaders to choose the most appropriate policy.
        • In fact, the last IPCC report actually reports on the important role of bottom-up action from societal actors
    1. Social tipping points and physical tipping points are interrelated. With environmental stress, the former could arrive before the latter, and then cascades develop. Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023: https://www.cliccs.uni-hamburg.de/results/hamburg-climate-futures-outlook.html
      • for: TPF
      • comment
        • Hamburg climate futures outlook 2023 report supports need for something on the scale of the planned TPF
  9. Aug 2023
    1. So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data. So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.”
      • for: smart cities, doughnut cities, cosmolocal, downscaled planetary boundaries, cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, TPF, community data, local data, open data, community data ownership, quote, quote - Garth Graham, quote - community owned data
      • quote
      • paraphrase
        • Innovation in the creation and sustainability of social institutions acts predominantly at the local level.
        • In the Internet of Things, for those capacities to emerge in smart cities, communities need the capacity to own and analyse the data created that models what they are experiencing.
        • Local data needs to be seen as a common, pool resource.
        • Where that occurs, communities will have the capacity to learn or innovate their way forward.
        • So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data.
        • So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.
      • author: Garth Graham
        • leader of Telecommunities Canada
      • for: rapid whole system change, TPF
    1. people from all different aspects all different kinds of business people in in governments not just the finance people but the environmental 00:20:09 section and so on they need to get together and discuss calmly and and productively what we can do to move it 00:20:20 to creating a new mindset foreign s but also our common sense and we can only work out a future economy if people come in from these different sectors and 00:20:41 talk together not in a controversial way but in a way of we must find a solution because humanity is not exempt from 00:20:53 Extinction
      • for: extinction, hope, futures, radical collaboration, indyweb, TPF, SRG
      • quote
        • people from all different aspects
          • all different kinds of business people
          • in governments
          • not just the finance people
          • but the environmental section and so on
        • they need to get together and discuss
          • calmly and
          • productively
        • what we can do to creating a new mindset
        • and we can only work out a future economy if people come in from these different sectors and
        • talk together
          • not in a controversial way but
          • in a way of we must find a solution
        • because humanity is not exempt from extinction
      • author
        • Jane Goodall
    2. what I'm advocating here isn't radical redistribution it's merely more 00:13:08 redistribution in a and structurally dependable manner that is fair that is inclusive and that allows for the poor and improvised Nations to be granted excess not just a vital strategic resources that are very much needed in 00:13:21 maintaining the quality of life at own citizens but also more importantly the ropes to climb the ladder
      • for: W2W, TPF, stats, inequality, wealth redistribution, wealth tax, quote, quote - wealth tax, quote - inequality, stats, stats - inequality, stats - wealth tax
      • quote
      • stats
        • An annual wealth tax of just 5% on multi-millionaires and billionaires
        • could raise US $1.7 trillion a year
        • enough to lift 2 billion people out of poverty
      • author Institute for Policy (2023)
      • comment
        • that breaks down to approximately $US 1,000 per person for 2 billion people from the 1% elites
        • this is pretty reasonable
        • W2W can begin with this simple VOLUNTARY ASK
        • if the multi-millionaires and billionaires do just this consistently, then it is so little from their coffers and they could avoid a wealth tax by simply stepping up voluntarily
        • Could W2W motivate them to?
    3. the victims that suffer under over consumption over 00:10:38 depletion and environmental degradation they don't really have a say so we want a fair World At Large we need to start with Fair countries and with Fair countries the prerequisite is fair cities what's needed here too is direct 00:10:51 mechanisms by which they're people can have their voices heard can hold Elites accountable and fundamentally have an opportunity to partake in the designing of the rules of the institutions and of 00:11:05 the outlying sort of overarching structures of their cities and therefore we move from cities to countries and countries to the World At Large
      • for: TPF, cosmolocal, community as building block, city as building block, W2W, quote, quote - Brian Wong, citizen assemblies, bottom-up strategy
      • paraphrase
      • quote
        • the victims that suffer under over consumption over depletion and environmental degradation don't really have a say
        • so we want a fair World
        • At Large we need to start with Fair countries
          • and with Fair countries the prerequisite is
          • fair cities
        • what's needed here too is direct mechanisms by which
          • the people can have their voices heard
          • can hold Elites accountable and
          • fundamentally have an opportunity to partake in the designing of
            • the rules of the institutions and
            • of the outlying sort of overarching structures of their cities and therefore
          • we move from cities to countries and
          • from countries to the World At Large
    1. aybe that's the most 00:06:49 important thing um where uh would just citizen science or participatory science dialogue with really uh inclusive participation play a role in the r d 00:07:05 programs of the future in what you're kind of thinking about yeah so so um i i i framed this this r d program that is it's conceptual at the 00:07:18 time it's not funded yet you know i'm hoping that we can secure funds but i frame it as a partnership between this global science community and local communities 00:07:29 so it's very so dialogue with the public and within the science community and among interested stakeholders is extremely important
      • for: earth system boundaries, cosmolocal, local movement, transition town, circular cities, TPF
      • comment
        • integrating science with local communities
        • this statement is key, to bring extra capacity to communities that are handicapped and don't have scientific, technological and engineering capacity -paraphrase
      • This project is a collaboration between the global scientific community and local communities to improve societal systems. It's not a one-size-fits-all process, but many different experiments.
      • TPF and SRG strategy is well aligned with Science-driven societal transformation ethos:
    1. Wave Farm’s executive director, Galen Joseph-Hunter, says the station grew from the organization’s core belief that “radio should be accessible to the people who live among it.”
      • for: communication, TPF
      • comment
        • radio can be an accessible and democratic form of communication to reach local communities
    2. KDNA is still on-air and continues its community-building tradition, as do many other independent and community radio stations nationwide. One unique example is WGXC in New York’s Upper Hudson Valley. A program division of the nonprofit arts organization Wave Farm, WGXC is the only station in the country that dedicates significant airtime to radio as an artistic medium.
      • for: communications, TPF, STP
        • community radio
          • KDNA
          • WGXC
      • for: emissions reduction, bend the curve, TPF, W2W, emissions reduction - cultural sector, bend the curve - cultural sector, TPF - cultural sector, W2W - cultural sector, carbon emissions - cultural sector, carbon inequality

      • comment

        • well written article on the carbon emissions challenges of the cultural sector
        • this is related to the carbon emissions of the luxury industry as well
      • question
        • same question as asked about luxury, since there is overlap with culture industry and luxury
        • Given that the 1% have the same carbon emissions as the bottom half of humanity, does the sustainability impacts of the decarbonization efforts of the luxury aspects of the culture industry measure up to stay under earth system boundaries in time?
      • reference
    1. there is a critical tipping threshold of 35% of the population, for plausible distributions of risk/conformity preferences and expectations.
      • for: social tipping point, STP, social norms, 35% threshold, 25% threshold, TPF
      • question
        • is this result contradicting Centola's 25% threshold finding?
    2. Can policy promote beneficial norm change? The model suggests that effective interventions lower the tipping threshold.
      • for: social tipping point, STP, TPF, social norms, complex contagion, lowering threshold
      • policy changes can lower tipping point thresholds
  10. Jan 2023
    1. The posture of democratic citizenship is avowal of rights and obligations of membership in a civic community. The rationale for this is the moral and political goodness of a civic way of living and the shared promise of human self-realization through interdependence. As such it is the exemplary, most inclusive form of membership; it is a precondition for the sustainability in the modern secular era of other expressions of membership in our lives—social, economic, kinship, familial, and intimate.[17] Again, citizenship avows—makes a vow, takes on a trust—on behalf of a future of moral and political potential toward which it is reasonable to strive. Citizenship is iterative and ongoing; it provides continuity and provokes innovation; each generation of democratic citizens begins a new story of the demos and continues an ongoing one.[18]

      !- key finding : citizenship is a trusteeship - in which the individual takes on responsibility to participate in upholding the mutually agreed principles and promises leading to collective human self-realization - the individual works with others to collective realize this dream which affects all individuals within the group

      !- implement : TPF / DH / SRG -implement this education program globally as part of Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity training that recognizes the individual collective entanglement and include in the Tipping Point Festival as well

    2. As I use the term here, “governance” is not limited to the official activities of government alone. Governance in the broad sense is an interlocking system of collective action steering mechanisms ideally guided by impartial rules of law and comprised of the administrative and representative political institutions of government, economic and sociological institutions, and cultural systems of norms, meanings, and relationships. In a democracy, the steering of these systems of collective action is ultimately subject to judgments concerning the justice and legitimacy of current and proposed future governance by a discursive participatory citizenry. This citizenry continually engages in a process of pluralistic debate refereed by reason and the persuasive force of the better argument. Such participatory dialogue is often referred to as the civic or “public sphere” of society. It is a place of norms and ideals—a declarative place of what is the case, and a subjunctive place of what could be the case.

      !- role of participatory democracy : governance

      !- comment - this is what bottom-up rapid whole system change relies upon - Indyweb / SRG / TPF aspires to create such a global space

  11. Sep 2022
    1. “Exactly at the moment when we need a resilient biosphere, we are losing it. If we get too far from planetary boundaries, feedbacks from Earth will start to amplify our trajectory irreversibly toward a four-, five- or six-degree world.” Long pause.

      !- for : Tipping Point Festival inspiration

  12. Jun 2022
    1. Those communities that reject business as usual and cut their energy spending and all the materialist values that go with it, just might survive the long emergency and write a different ending to this story.

      Unfortunately, our fates are collectively tied so we must collectively do this at scale to prevent tipping points. The motto of the Tipping Point Festival: Reach Social tipping points before planetary ones are breached.

  13. May 2022
    1. In 2022, the focus is exploring and envisioning the hyper-response and embarking on this mission. It will involve engaging and energizing people, analysis, planning, and some early actions. The “E” in PLAN E stands for “Earth,” “everyone,” “everything,” and “everywhere.”

      The global, open access Tipping Point Festival can be launched as a zero marginal cost festival (ZMCF) or a netfest for bottom-up, rapid whole system change to synchronize the ordinary citizens of the globe to deal with the hyperthreat.

    2. Its success hinges on not only communication of the problem but also the capacity for humans to undertake synchronized action toward the same goal. Coordination, cooperation, teamwork, and leadership skills become significant to survival capacity.  

      A global syncrhonizing event such as a regularly held Tipping Point Festival (TPF) to promote and accelerate social tipping points, leverage points and idling resources amongst ordinary citizens and an open wisdom commons, open knowledge commons, open research commons for massive open online collaboration at zero marginal cost is what is required to support this. It would allow global syncrhronization and high efficacy discoverability of openly shared knowledge and solutions.and rapid dissemination and localized clean production for clean provisioning systems appropriate to each community on the planet. Such a system we have tentatively called the Indyweb, where data is privately owned and secure and any data made public is stored immutably. Indyweb becomes an asset owned by humanity itself, with no centralized authority claiming ownership. The technology now exists to make this feasible.