- Sep 2024
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
for - earth system boundaries - safe and just earth system boundaries - cross translated - to cities and business - planetary boundaries - downscaled planetary boundaries - urban planetary boundaries - Johan Rockstrom - Xuemei Bao - Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - Earth Commission report
paper details - title: A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations - authors: - Joyeeta Gupta - Xuemei Bao - Johan Rockstrom - Diana M Liverman <br /> - Dahe Qin - Ben Stewart-Koster - et al - publication: Lancet 2024, Sept 11
- Johan Rockstrom
- urban planetary boundaries
- earth system boundaries - downscaled to cities
- Earth Commission Report 2024
- downscaled planetary boundaries
- Xuemei Bao
- earth system boundaries - cross-scale translation - to cities and businesses
- cross scale translated earth system boundaries
- Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - 2024
- Aug 2024
www.truthdig.com www.truthdig.com
he’s spent years grappling with barriers to retrofit existing cities.
for - urban planetary boundaries - barriers to transition - downscaled planetary boundaries - barriers to transition - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - barriers to transition - question - retrofitting cities to stay within the doughnut - what are the challenges?
- May 2024
sonec.org sonec.org
for: SONEC, neighborhood circles, downscaled planetary boundaries, earth system boundaries, community governance, neighborocracy, neighbourhood parliament, healthy power, toxic power
title: SoNeC: Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circles in Europe
- date: 2022
- authors:
- Barbara Sirauch
- Rita Mayrhofer
- Maria-Juliana Byck
- Orsolya Lelkes
- Johannes Zimm
- Pia Haerlinger
- Naya Tselepi
- Nathaniel Whitestone
- SONEC offers a framework for relocalization of the economy but it will require very careful planning to create the right conditions for the emergence of local wellbeing economies.
- One of the leverage points is the cosmolocal nature of SONEC, allowing the rapid, global sharing of good and best practices
- This will be important because if SONEC is to reach its potential to awaken the sleeping giant of citizens to drive the necessary changes to mitigate the worst of the current existential polylcrisis, we will need a global synchronization of collective action at the local level.
- Mar 2024
www.c40.org www.c40.org
C40 High Impact Accelerators - sustainable cities - downscaled planetary boundaries
- Jan 2024
- for: downscaled earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, TPF
- Dec 2023
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
- for: downscaled planetary boundaries, downscaling planetary boundaries
- annotate
www.arup.com www.arup.com
for: downscaled planetary boundaries, planetary boundary cities, ARUP - planetary boundary design
- There is no threshold information, just general design methods
filipbiljecki.com filipbiljecki.com
- for: annotate, urban planning, downscaled planetary boundaries, downscale earth system boundaries
- Aug 2023
iopscience.iop.org iopscience.iop.org
the systemwide optimum population cohort for the climate action interventions is a community (P4) of 10 000 persons
for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
- 10000 to 1 million is optimum size
- question: investigate rationale
We suggest that prioritizing the analyzed climate actions between community and urban scales, where global and local converge, can help catalyze and enhance individual, household and local practices, and support national and international policies and finances for rapid sustainability transformations.
- for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
- key finding
- suitable cohorts and cohort ranges for rapidly deploying climate and sustainability actions between a single individual and the globally projected ∼ 10 billion persons by 2050 is:
- community scale between 10k and 100k
- for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
- title: Powers of 10: seeking 'sweet spots' for rapid climate and sustainability actions between individual and global scales
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what are we gonna do with all these boundaries once this is their set right 01:43:58 what I always say that this esps really need to be linked to actors if they are going to have any bearing in real world and to guide the practice so we can do that by cross-scale 01:44:11 translation try to bring down this you know planetary level kind of our boundaries into actors cities and businesses in particular so when we talk about this cross-scale translation what we are talking about is if the boundary 01:44:24 is transgressed then what we are talking about is how do you allocate the responsibilities equal um equitably
- for: downscaled planetary boundaries, bend the curve, allocate responsibilities, fair share, science-based targets
- key insight
- downscaling to city scale and to business actdors
- based on Science based targets
- for: earth system boundaries, safe and just boundaries, planetary boundaries, doughnut economics, bend the curve
- title Earth System Boundaries for a Just World on a Safe Planet
- source
- Future Earth, Earth Commission
- date
- June 2023
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
with the Earth commission has taken up all this science a first attempt of being a kind of a community effort 00:14:53 scientifically to really give businesses and cities in the world quantitative boundaries to work with to operationalize as science-based targets
- for: downscaled planetary boundaries, earth system boundaries, bend the curve
- Mar 2023
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Our concept of ESJ assumes fair sharing of responsibilities among different actors, ensuring that those who are most responsible and capable do the most. For example, the Earth Commission has developed principles for sharing responsibilities for cities and companie
- Earth Commission has develop principles for sharing responsibilities for cities and companies.
- Comment
- This is implicitly a form of downscaling
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
future work should calculate the Planetary Boundaries globally for each ecosystem first, and then downscale them by country.
- Comment
- In fact, Johan Rockstrom, one of the principal founders of the concept of planetary boundaries is currently working with the Earth Commission to effectively downscale fair share planetary boundaries to cities.
- reference: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=SBT+for+cities
By synthesizing knowledge around these questions, we aim to reveal the obstacles that still prevent the application of these important concepts at wide scale in the real world. Such insight also helps to identify ways to overcome the obstacles.
- Paraphrase
- The aim of the study is to:
- reveal the obstacles that still prevent the application of = downscaled planetary boundaries and = downscaled doughnut economics at wide scale in the real world and in so doing
- help identify ways to overcome the obstacles
and even at smaller scales
No mention of Hachaichi's work
- Mohammed Hachaichi References https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=hachaichi
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Yet few cities and companies currently have such targets.
- Paraphrase
- Few cities currently have science-based targets (SBT)
- Only 22 of 500 top greenhouse gas emitting companies set targets in line with SBT (Bloomberg Terminal)
- Only 110 of the top 200 cities with the highest emissions had "net zero" pledges aligned with Paris Agreement.
- Numbers are lower or missing for biodversity or other ESBs.
- Comment
- Setting such SBTs for cities is in effect downscaling Planetary Boundaries.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
- Key Finding
- This paper uses machine learning to overcome unavailable carbon footprints inventories of the Global South
- which are usually hampered by:
- lack of local urban emissions data,
- reduced climate footprint, and
- shortages in climate finance.
using these algorithms, the author estimates 24,110 cities' carbon footprints of the Global South
- to provide a comprehensive analysis on a planetary scale,
- while allocating responsibilities according to the cities' regions and sizes.
- Mohammed Hachaichi
- Key Finding
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Highlights•Downscaling seven of nine planetary boundaries indicators to the city scale-level.•Extended-Environmental Input-Output analysis is used to estimate cities’ footprints.•The Planetary Boundaries framework is a controlling tool for cities footprints.•City-level carbon footprint is higher than the national-level by 17%.
- Highlights
- Downscaling seven of nine = planetary boundaries indicators
- to the city scale-level
- for 62 major cities in the = Middle East North Africa (MENA) region
- Extended-Environmental Input-Output analysis is used to estimate cities’ footprints.
- The Planetary Boundaries framework is a controlling tool for cities footprints.
- City-level carbon footprint is higher than the national-level by 17%.
- Downscaling seven of nine = planetary boundaries indicators
- Highlights
- Dec 2022
earthcommission.org earthcommission.org
what are the challenges of translating global scale targets into concrete and actionable targets for local actors?
!- key question : what are the challenges of translating global scale targets into concrete and actionable targets for local actors? - in other words, how do we downscale global indicators such as planetary boundaries?
- Nov 2021
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
Sustainability window analysis is based on the advanced sustainability analysis (ASA) approach. The ASA approach was developed in Finland Futures Research Centre [31,32,33] providing a general framework for analyzing sustainability.
Include this in a comparative analysis of other methodologies such as Hoornweg, Hachaichi, R3.0 Thresholds and Allocations, etc.