- Sep 2024
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
for - earth system boundaries - safe and just earth system boundaries - cross translated - to cities and business - planetary boundaries - downscaled planetary boundaries - urban planetary boundaries - Johan Rockstrom - Xuemei Bao - Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - Earth Commission report
paper details - title: A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations - authors: - Joyeeta Gupta - Xuemei Bao - Johan Rockstrom - Diana M Liverman <br /> - Dahe Qin - Ben Stewart-Koster - et al - publication: Lancet 2024, Sept 11
- urban planetary boundaries
- Xuemei Bao
- Earth Commission Report 2024
- downscaled planetary boundaries
- cross scale translated earth system boundaries
- earth system boundaries - downscaled to cities
- earth system boundaries - cross-scale translation - to cities and businesses
- Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - 2024
- Johan Rockstrom
- Aug 2024
link.chtbl.com link.chtbl.com
for - Cities 1.5 podcast - guests - Xuemei Bai - earth system boundaries downscaled to cities - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
www.truthdig.com www.truthdig.com
he’s spent years grappling with barriers to retrofit existing cities.
for - urban planetary boundaries - barriers to transition - downscaled planetary boundaries - barriers to transition - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - barriers to transition - question - retrofitting cities to stay within the doughnut - what are the challenges?
- Jan 2024
- for: downscaled earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, TPF
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
for: recommendation - replace SDG with downscaled earth system boundaries / doughnut economics
- recommend syncing local actions to global impacts via downscaled earth system boundaries instead of just SDGs due to the urgent nature of the climate crisis
Examples for topics of sub-circles:
for: question - topics - downscaled earth system boundaries and micro-economies
- what kinds of questions need to be asked in order to align the communitiy's work to stay within downscaled earth system boundaries?
the SoNeC approach could potentiallybring about results related to these areas, but not limited to these
- for: good match - SONEC - TPF, good match - SONEC - downscaled earth system boundaries, good match - SONEC - doughnut economics
- good match - SONEC - downscaled doughnut economics
- recommendation - replace SDGs with downscaled earth system boundaries and doughnut economics
- good match - SONEC - TPF
- question - SONEC topics - downscaled earth system boundaries
- good match - SONEC - downscaled earth system boundaries
fennerschool.anu.edu.au fennerschool.anu.edu.au
for: earth system boundaries - downscaled to cities, earth system boundaries for cities, Xuemei Bai - downscaled earth system boundaries
- this paper is currently in review but provides earth system boundaries for cities
filipbiljecki.com filipbiljecki.com
- for: annotate, urban planning, downscaled planetary boundaries, downscale earth system boundaries
- Aug 2023
iopscience.iop.org iopscience.iop.org
the systemwide optimum population cohort for the climate action interventions is a community (P4) of 10 000 persons
for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
- 10000 to 1 million is optimum size
- question: investigate rationale
We suggest that prioritizing the analyzed climate actions between community and urban scales, where global and local converge, can help catalyze and enhance individual, household and local practices, and support national and international policies and finances for rapid sustainability transformations.
- for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
- key finding
- suitable cohorts and cohort ranges for rapidly deploying climate and sustainability actions between a single individual and the globally projected ∼ 10 billion persons by 2050 is:
- community scale between 10k and 100k
- for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
- title: Powers of 10: seeking 'sweet spots' for rapid climate and sustainability actions between individual and global scales
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: earth system boundaries, safe and just boundaries, planetary boundaries, doughnut economics, bend the curve
- title Earth System Boundaries for a Just World on a Safe Planet
- source
- Future Earth, Earth Commission
- date
- June 2023
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
with the Earth commission has taken up all this science a first attempt of being a kind of a community effort 00:14:53 scientifically to really give businesses and cities in the world quantitative boundaries to work with to operationalize as science-based targets
- for: downscaled planetary boundaries, earth system boundaries, bend the curve
- Mar 2023
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Our concept of ESJ assumes fair sharing of responsibilities among different actors, ensuring that those who are most responsible and capable do the most. For example, the Earth Commission has developed principles for sharing responsibilities for cities and companie
- Earth Commission has develop principles for sharing responsibilities for cities and companies.
- Comment
- This is implicitly a form of downscaling