42 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. what really I was really interested in was the idea that Marx wasn't really Keen or was sort of hostile to the idea of equality which I'm guessing will come as a surprise to many people

      for - interesting perspective - Karl Marx - He wasn't principally interested in equality - book - Capitalism: the word and the thing - perspectival knowledge of - Michael Sonenscher - misunderstanding - modern capitalists - misunderstand Karl Marx's work - Michael Sonenscher - Karl Marx and Capitalism - Maximizing each individual's freedom while not trampling on the same aspiration of other individuals within a society

      Interesting perspective - Karl Marx wasn't principally interested in equality - Sonenscher offers an interesting interpretation and perspectival knowledge of Karl Marx's motivation in his principal work paraphrase - Marx's thought centered on is interest in individuality and the degree to which in certain respects being somebody who is free and able to make choices about his or her lives and future activities is going to depend on each person's: - qualities - capabilities - capacities - preoccupations - values, etc - For Marx, freedom is in the final analysis something to do with something - particular - specific and - individual w - What matters to me may not matter entirely in the same sort of way to you because ultimately - in an ideal State of Affairs, my kinds of concerns and your kinds of concerns will be simply specific to you and to me respectively - For Marx, the problems begin as is also the case with Rosseau - when these kinds of absolute qualities are displaced by - relative qualities that apply equally to us both - For Marx, things like - markets - prices - commodities and - things that connect people - are the hallmarks of equality because they put people on the same kind of footing prices and productivity - Whereas the things that REALLY SHOULD COUNT are - the things that separate and distinguish people that make each individual fully and and entirely him or herself and - the idea for Marx is that capitalism - which is not a term that Marx used, - puts people on a kind of spurious footing of equality - Getting beyond capitalism means getting beyond equality to a state of effect in which - difference , - particularity, - individuality and - uniqueness - in a certain kind of sense will prevail

      comment - This perspective is quite enlightening on Marx's motivations on this part of his work and is likely misconstrued by those mainstream "capitalists" who vilify his work without critical analysis - Of course freedom - within a social context - is never an absolute term. - It is not possible to live in a society in which everyone is able to actualize their full imaginations, something pointed out in the work of two other famous thought leaders of modern history: - Thomas Hobbes observed in his famous work, Leviathan, and - Sigmund Freud also made a primary subject of his ID, Ego and Superego framework. - Total freedom would lead - first to anarchy and then - the emergence within that anarchy of those which possess the most charisma, influence, self-seeking manipulative skills and brutality - surfacing rule by authority - Historically, as democracy attempts to surface from a history of authoritarian, patriarchal governance, - democracy is far from ubiquitous and authoritarian governance is still alive and well in many parts of the world - The battle between - authoritarian governments among themselves and - authoritarian and democratic governments - results in war, violence and trauma that creates the breeding ground for the next generation of authoritarian leaders - Marx's main intent seems to be to enable the individual existing within a society to live the fullest life possible, - by way of enabling and maximizing their unique expression, - while not constraining the same aspiration in other individuals who belong to the same society

  2. Sep 2024
    1. we are seeking a paradigm shift away from knowledge exchange facilitated by machine “understanding” to one where human understanding plays a more significant role in the creation and exchange of semantic addressable knowledge across decentralised knowledge networks and communities

      It also feels important that human MISUNDERSTANDING can act as a catalyst for COMPASSION

  3. Aug 2023
    1. Everything I'm saying to you right now is literally meaningless. (Laughter) 00:03:11 You're creating the meaning and projecting it onto me. And what's true for objects is true for other people. While you can measure their "what" and their "when," you can never measure their "why." So we color other people. We project a meaning onto them based on our biases and our experience.
      • for: projection, biases, bias, perspectival knowing, indyweb, tacit to explicit, explication, misunderstanding
      • comment
        • The "why" is invisible.
        • It is the thoughts in the private worlds of the other.
        • It is only our explication through language or other means that makes public our private world
        • We construct meaning in the world.
        • Our meaningverse is our construction. BUT it is a cultural construction,
          • it was constructed by all the meaning learned from others, especially beginning with the most significant other, our mother.
  4. Jun 2023
  5. Mar 2023
  6. Jan 2023
    1. And misunderstandings so easily occur here, when we're talking about encodings, but not those encodings, the other encoding, which is really charset. And it's especially hard because you can't visually tell the difference and in so many cases everything still works even though it is wrong.
  7. Oct 2022
    1. Unfortunately this is not what I am looking for. I know I can call block this way, but I need to use yield. b variable was used only to indicate that block is actually given.
  8. Sep 2022
    1. For example, let’s consider the type property. For most of the projects I am working on, it isn’t practical to have a webpage dedicated to each type of possible error.

      That's not required. The standard doesn't require this to be a URL locator — merely a URI! So you can just make up a URI and use it even if it's not resolvable. ... like you did for the URN below.

  9. Apr 2022
  10. Feb 2022
    1. Nick Mark MD. (2022, January 21). This FLCCC COVID protocol gets nuttier with each version. Now hydroxychloroquine is “preferred for omicron”? What?!🤯 Stuff that actually works (monoclonals & fluvoxamine) are 2nd line And steroids, which increased mortality in people NOT on O2 in RECOVERY, are recommended?😱 https://t.co/XXfn1eMTJt [Tweet]. @nickmmark. https://twitter.com/nickmmark/status/1484382662517137410

  11. Jan 2022
  12. Sep 2021
  13. Aug 2021
  14. Jun 2021
  15. May 2021
  16. Mar 2021
    1. You might get the impression after reading David's article above that this trend arose from lazy developers who "forgot how to program", but the reality is that the tiny-module ecosystem on NPM was the intention from the beginning
  17. Feb 2021
    1. So, whenever you hear the medieval argument “Trailblazer is just a nasty DSL!”, forgive your opponent, you now know better. The entire framework is based on small, clean Ruby structures that can be executed programmatically.
  18. Nov 2020
  19. Oct 2020
  20. Sep 2020
    1. Personally for me, this is incredibly hard to read. Regex everywhere, nested objects with different rules and configurations that are very intuitive, multiple loaders that resolve backwards, built in loaders having obscure issues that require using third party loaders in between, separation of plugins and loaders, and so on.
  21. Aug 2020
    1. As a result, I end up quoting multiple people, sometimes quoting several people back-to-back, before even writing my reply. In those instances it feels like I'm not properly citing those individuals. I feel like it might seem I'm not providing new readers appropriate context for a given quote. It might also be implied that separate quotes are from the same person, leading to mis-attribution.
  22. Jul 2020
    1. The IAB Transparency and Consent Framework supports both Server-specific consent and Global consent. The former is given by the consumer to a Publisher or Vendor to access their browser and/or perform the requested processing purposes where a Publisher or vendor requires consent for their site

      Consent for the publisher to "access their browser"? Hmm. The Web is a pull-based, client/server, request/response model, not a push model. So it seems odd to me to talk about a publisher needing consent to "access" the user's browser. It is the user's browser (user agent) that made the HTTP request to the publisher's web server. Doesn't the publisher have the right, then, to send a response containing whatever content they wish, since the user requested the content? If the client wishes to filter/block/exclude some of that content, it seems like they have that right, but it seems the responsibility for that is on the client side, not the server side.

      Not that I like ads, but I wonder how much of these new policies are based on a misunderstanding of how web technologies actually work....

      Maybe the distinction is that the publisher of whom you requested content may dynamically load content (ads) from 3rd parties that the user did not specifically request content from? That too is just how the web works, and it is the publisher who controls what other content to load from other domains/sources. But it still may be a worthwhile distinction...?

    1. wrapping every callback function inside useCallback(): import React, { useCallback } from 'react'; function MyComponent() { const handleClick = useCallback(() => { // handle the click event }, []); return <MyChild onClick={handleClick} />; } “Every callback function should be memoized to prevent useless re-rendering of child components which use the callback function” is the reasoning of his teammates. This statement is far from the truth. Moreover, such usage of useCallback() makes the component slower, harming the performance.
  23. May 2020
  24. Apr 2020
    1. It seems kind of intuitively obvious that if you put something—whether it’s a scarf or a mask—in front of your nose and mouth, that will filter out some of these viruses that are floating around out there,” says Dr. William Schaffner, professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University. The only problem: that’s not effective against respiratory illnesses like the flu and COVID-19. If it were, “the CDC would have recommended it years ago,” he says. “It doesn’t, because it makes science-based recommendations.”
  25. Mar 2020
    1. Well, the checkbox type has nothing to do with AI, but I’ve read that the type where you have to select “Which picture is …” does collect data to train AIs. It seems dear Dave is confusing between the 2 types.
  26. Feb 2020
    1. CAC Isn’t Shipping Apps With Configs A shallow reading of configuration as code might lead you to add a configs folder to your release package and throw in the files. That approach would be wrong and dangerous. That solution means that a configuration change requires a release of the application. This meets the goal of adding an audit trail for configs but muddies the water by mixing them with code changes. If a new feature requires both a code and configuration change, this might make sense. But what if you’re only changing the configuration? What if you’re just increasing a cache setting in production?
  27. Jan 2020
    1. Some questions are only asked by people with a fundamental misunderstanding. The friends who walk into my office and ask, “have you read all of these” miss the point of books.
    2. Because we underestimate the value of what we don’t know and overvalue what we do know, we fundamentally misunderstand the likelihood of surprises.
  28. Nov 2019
  29. May 2017
    1. "It is because of these hostile activities on the part of the United States and South Korea that we strengthen our national defence capability, as well as pre-emptive strike capabilities with nuclear forces as a centrepiece."

      It is very understandable that the North Korea would see these hostile activities on the part of the United States and South Korea as a threat.

  30. Feb 2017
    1. This may explain why English departments focus today on analyzing texts that arc deemed aesthetically superior, and why lhcy devalue more practical forms of language arts instruction

      That moment when you choose to take teaching rhetoric in a new direction and everyone claims you undermined the importance of what rhetoric was