108 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Hints for a Happy Typewriter<br /> Bryan Kravitz, Nancy Gorrell, 1983<br /> https://typewriterdatabase.com/1983-Hints4HappyTypewriter.index.manual

      Some good, basic home care and use from 1983. Home mechanics in 2024 are probably capable of a bit more without the backstop of a typewriter mechanic.

      This guide suggest the use of solvents like alcohol or trichloroethane for cleaning type slugs and internals. Note that trichloroethane manufacture and use has diminished significantly since 1996 when it was identified by the Montreal Protocol as a contributor to ozone depletion.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. When it comes to measuring the ecological impact of chips during their operation in the end-product, it is difficult to come up with reliable and detailed data. One key challenge is that, according to the GHG Protocol guidance for scope 3, semiconductor manufacturers (both in front- and back-end manufacturing) do not need to report on their climate footprint, particularly with regard to emissions, as their products are classified as ‘intermediate products’ and are not directly sold as end-products

      Intermedia products don't show up in scope 3? That likely helps explain why there are so figures for making chips at all

  3. Sep 2024
    1. To GHG Protocol’s credit, the organization does ask companies to report location-based figures alongside their Rec-based figures. Despite that, no company includes both location-based and market-based metrics for all three subcategories of emissions in the bodies of their annual environmental reports.

      I don't think there is any concept of locationbased and market-based emissions in the other scopes right now - it's only a scope 2 thing.

  4. May 2024
  5. Apr 2024
    1. Grassroots Social Networking safety implies that each member can be held accountable to theirown utterances, as well as to utterances that they forward. As Grassroots Social Networking hasno controlling entity that can be held accountable in case members of the social network breakthe law, accountability and law enforcement in Grassroots Social Networking are more similarto real life then to the social networks we are familiar with.

      I.e., protocol creators are not responsible for how it's used.

  6. Mar 2024
  7. Feb 2024
    1. Pipet 100 μL of Starting Culture into Dilution 1. Discard tip. Do NOT pipette up and down. Vortex tube for 5-10 secs

      serial dilution method. Why should you not pipette up and down? Cells killed due to pipetting stress?

  8. Dec 2023
      • for: futures - neo-Venetian crypto-networks, Global Chinese Commons, GCC, cosmolocal, coordiNation, somewheres, everywheres, nowheres, Global System One, Global System Two, Global System Three, contributory accounting, fourth sector, protocol cooperative, mutual coordination economics

      • summary

      • learned something new
        • I learned a number of new ideas from reading Michel's article. He gives a brief meta-history of our political-socio-economic system, using Peter Pogany's framework of Global System One, Two and Three and within this argues for why a marriage of blockchain systems and cosmolocal production systems could create a "fourth sector" for the transition to Global System Three.
        • He cites evidence of existing trends already pointing in this direction, drawing from his research in P2P Foundation
    1. protocol cooperatives
      • for: definition - protocol cooperative, question - protocol cooperative

      • question: protocol cooperative

        • this seems to be the same definition as cosmolocal. Why not call it a cosmolocal cooperative?
  9. Nov 2023
  10. Sep 2023
    1. Systems such as DOI can thus support resolution mechanisms that are likely to be able to maintain the resolution of identifiers regardless of changes in technology or to one particular system.

      {Protocol Independence}

  11. Aug 2023
    1. In computing, the robustness principle is a design guideline for software that states: "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others". It is often reworded as: "be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept". The principle is also known as Postel's law, after Jon Postel, who used the wording in an early specification of TCP.


      Robustness principle: be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.

    1. At best, we will see new forms of collaboration among large numbers of people toward beneficial ends. The most obvious example is the changing nature of responses to largescale natural disasters. Perhaps we will see this spirit of volunteer and entrepreneurial cooperation emerge to address such pressing issues as climate change (e.g., maybe, the Green New Deal will be crowdsourced)
      • for: TPF, crowdsource solutions, climate crisis - commons, polycrisis - commons, quote, quote - crowdsourcing solutions, quote Miles Fidelman, Center for Civic Networking, Protocol Technologies Group, bottom-up, collective action
      • quote
        • At best, we will see new forms of collaboration among large numbers of people toward beneficial ends.
        • The most obvious example is the changing nature of responses to largescale natural disasters.
        • Perhaps we will see this spirit of volunteer and entrepreneurial cooperation emerge to address such pressing issues as climate change
          • e.g., maybe, the Green New Deal will be crowdsourced.
      • author: Miles Fidelman
        • founder, Center for Civic Networking
        • principal, Protocol Technologies Group
  12. Jul 2023
    1. ```js exports.handler = async (event) => { if (event.headers != undefined) { const headers = toLowerCaseProperties(event.headers);

          if (headers['sec-websocket-protocol'] != undefined) {
              const subprotocolHeader = headers['sec-websocket-protocol'];
              const subprotocols = subprotocolHeader.split(',');
              if (subprotocols.indexOf('myprotocol') >= 0) {
                  const response = {
                      statusCode: 200,
                      headers: {
                          "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol" : "myprotocol"
                  return response;
      const response = {
          statusCode: 400
      return response;

      };function toLowerCaseProperties(obj) { var wrapper = {}; for (var key in obj) { wrapper[key.toLowerCase()] = obj[key]; } return wrapper; } ```

  13. May 2023
    1. The reason for broadening them is that identifier resolution systems may be forced to change protocols over time and what is acceptable for one protocol may not be for another.

      {Protocol Independence}

  14. Apr 2023
  15. Mar 2023
    1. A core architectural building block of the Internet is the open protocol. A protocolis the rules that govern the transmission of data. The Internet consists of manysuch protocols, ranging from those that direct the physical transmission ofdata to those that govern the most common Internet applications, like emailor web browsing. Crucially, all these protocols are open, in that anyone canset up and operate a router, website, or email server without needing toregister with or get permission from a central authority.5 Open protocolswere key to the first phase of the Internet’s growth because they enabledunfettered access, removing barriers and bridging gaps between differentcommunities. This enabled and encouraged interactions between groupswith various interests and knowledge, resulting in immense creativity andidea-sharing.

      Internet built on open protocols

      The domain name registration isn't as much of an outlier as this author makes it out to be. DNS itself is an open protocol—any server can be queried by any client. The DNS registration process replaced manual host tables on each node, which quickly grew unscalable. There are similar notions of port registration, MIME-type registration, and other registries.

  16. Jan 2023
    1. Moreover, green urban ideas can spread virally on the web and often are the result of city interactions (a new network, CITYPROTOCOL, has become a global promoter of best practices). The bike-share idea began decades ago in Latin America, but today is a popular option in hundreds of cities on every continent.

      !- example : Cosmolocal organizations scaling city impacts - CITYPROTOCOL - https://cityprotocol.cat/ - The City Anatomy, an analogy to the human anatomy and its dynamic physiology, offers a common language describing the city ecosystem as three key system elements: - a set of physical structures (Structure); - the living entities that make up a city’s society (Society); and - the flow of interactions between them (Interactions).

  17. Dec 2022
    1. This goal caused TCP and IP, which originally had beena single protocol in the architecture, to be separated intotwo layers. TCP provided one particular type of service,the reliable sequenceddata stream, while IP attempted toprovide a basic building block out of which a variety oftypes of service could be built. This building block wasthe datagram, which had also been adopted to supportsurvivability. Since the reliability associated with thedelivery of a datagram was not guaranteed, but “besteffort,” it was possible to build out of the datagram aservice that was reliable (by acknowledging andretransmitting at a higher level), or a service which tradedreliability for the primitive delay characteristics of theunderlying network substrate. The User DatagramProtocol (UDP)13 was created to provide a application-level interface to the basic datagram service of Internet.

      Origin of UDP as the split of TCP and IP

      This is the center of the hourglass protocol stack shape.

    2. D. Clark. 1988. The design philosophy of the DARPA internet protocols. In Symposium proceedings on Communications architectures and protocols (SIGCOMM '88). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 106–114. https://doi.org/10.1145/52324.52336

      The Internet protocol suite, TCP/IP, was first proposed fifteen years ago. It was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and has been used widely in military and commercial systems. While there have been papers and specifications that describe how the protocols work, it is sometimes difficult to deduce from these why the protocol is as it is. For example, the Internet protocol is based on a connectionless or datagram mode of service. The motivation for this has been greatly misunderstood. This paper attempts to capture some of the early reasoning which shaped the Internet protocols.

  18. Nov 2022
    1. From a technical point of view, the IndieWeb people have worked on a number of simple, easy to implement protocols, which provide the ability for web services to interact openly with each other, but in a way that allows for a website owner to define policy over what content they will accept.

      Thought you might like Web Monetization.

    1. Donations

      To add some other intermediary services:

      To add a service for groups:

      To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:

      If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer

      Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.

    1. Something @chrisaldrich mentioned on Reddit as examples of someone selling niche Zettelkasten decks. Seem more like protocol-kasten decks to aid problem-solving in specific contexts.

    1. Zettelkasten as a product?! .t3_xsoaya._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }

      @chrisaldrich's post on "pip decks". They seem less like Zettelkasten decks and more like protocol-kastens (think of a better name for this)

      Seem poor for knowledge generation (Zettelkasten) and recollection (Anki), but may be useful for specific contexts of problem-solving (even in ill-defined problem spaces).

  19. Aug 2022
    1. It was first unveiled during a multimillion dollar heist which led to a hard fork of Ethereum. Reentrancy occurs when external contract calls are allowed to make new calls to the calling contract before the initial execution is complete.

      Reenter attack - The DAO. Basically withdrawal calls before the end of initial execution.

  20. Jul 2022
    1. Company Name: Āut Protocol Native, role-based membership & governance for DAOs. Total Prize Pool For All Bounties: $5,000 Bounty #1: Add a new DAO Standard Examples of DAO Standards are the Moloch contracts (you can see an example in our repo). Add and Integrate a new DAO standard in the Āut repo, so that our protocol can expand it. Choose your favorite DAO standard, build a MembershipChecker following the tutorial and write tests for it! There are two (2) prizes for this challenge, each of 1000 USD(C) - so potentially you can compete for both, as long as you provide two (2) different (and functional) solutions. Standards that we would like to see submitted (and we will prioritize) are: Colony DAOStack Aragon" Bounty Prize Amount(s): 2 equal prizes of 1000 USDC per successful solution Requirements: A well described pull request to the aut protocol repository. One must be able to integrate an existing DAO of the chosen standard and the membership checker should work accordingly. Well written tests for your work. The contract must work. Resources: Tutorial: https://docs.aut.id/v2/protocol/add-a-new-standard/add-new-dao-type Repo: https://github.com/Aut-Protocol/contracts/ General Docs: https://docs.aut.id Judging Criteria: Good code quality and functional contract Bounty #2: Use Āut for your DAO + DApp This goes to projects using one or more of āut products for the DAO + DApp. We're mainly interested in Creative DApps (i.e.: Art, Music, Poetry, ...) or Public Goods DApps (i.e.: ReFi, NGOs, governance, ...). Functional uses of Āut we will consider are: use āutID for Social Profiles, community analytics or role-based membership use dĀut decentralized authentication system for your DApp/Platform's login use Āut Dashboard + Āut bot for role-based community activities such as gatherings (calls) and voting routines (polls). Bounty Prize Amount(s): 1st prize: 1500 2nd prize: 1000 3rd prize: 500 Requirements: join Āut Hacker DAO & claim your ĀutID expand your new DAO with Āut, and give it the name of your project use at least one of the products in our product suite (āutID, dĀut, Dashboard) functionally in your DApp the integration needs to be functional and well described Resources: Join HackerDAO: https://autprotocol.notion.site/Hackers-Onboarding-7b9ff1613a2946d1a65810c7d693149e General Docs: https://docs.aut.id Āut Expansion: https://docs.aut.id/v2/product-suite/aut-exp. dĀut: https://docs.aut.id/v2/product-suite/daut Āut Dashboard: https://docs.aut.id/v2/product-suite/autboard ĀutID: https://docs.aut.id/v2/product-suite/my-autid Judging Criteria: Creativity and innovation of the solution: how unique is it? Technical value of the solution: how hard is it? Feasibility: how viable and scalable is it? Impact: how much value does it bring to your users/category/stakeholders? Completion: how refined and functional is the final delivery?
  21. Jun 2022
    1. Some digital notes apps allow you to displayonly the images saved in your notes, which is a powerful way ofactivating the more intuitive, visual parts of your brain.

      Visual cues one can make in their notes and user interfaces that help to focus or center on these can be useful reminders for what appears in particular notes, especially if visual search is a possibility.

      Is this the reason that Gyuri Lajos very frequently cuts and pastes images into his Hypothes.is notes?

      Which note taking applications leverage this sort of visual mnemonic device? Evernote did certainly, but other text heavy tools like Obsidian, Logseq, and Roam Research don't. Most feed readers do this well leveraging either featured photos, photos in posts, or photos in OGP.

    1. A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.

      Gall's Law

      Gall's Law is a rule of thumb for systems design from Gall's book Systemantics: How Systems Really Work and How They Fail.

      It reminds me of the TCP/IP versus OSI network stack wars.

  22. May 2022
  23. Apr 2022
    1. EvoArch suggests an additional reason that IPv4 has been so sta-ble over the last three decades. Recall that a large birth rate atthe layer above the waist can cause a lethal drop in the normalizedvalue of the kernel, if the latter is not chosen as substrate by thenew nodes. In the current Internet architecture, the waist is the net-work layer but the next higher layer (transport) is also very narrowand stable. So, the transport layer acts as an evolutionary shield forIPv4 because any new protocols at the transport layer are unlikelyto survive the competition with TCP and UDP. On the other hand,a large number of births at the layer above TCP or UDP (applica-tion protocols or specific applications) is unlikely to significantlyaffect the value of those two transport protocols because they al-ready have many products. In summary, the stability of the twotransport protocols adds to the stability of IPv4, by eliminating anypotential new transport protocols that could select a new networklayer protocol instead of IPv4.

      Network Layer protected by Transport Layer

      In the case of IPv4 at the network layer, it is protected by the small number of protocols at the Transport Layer. Even the cannibalization of TCP by QUIC, that is still happening at the Transport layer: [QUIC] does this by establishing a number of multiplexed connections between two endpoints using User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and is designed to obsolete TCP at the transport layer for many applications, thus earning the protocol the occasional nickname "TCP/2"..

    1. The EvoArch model predicts the emergence of few powerful and old protocols in the middle layers, referred to as evolutionary kernels. The evolutionary kernels of the Internet architecture include IPv4 in the network layer, and TCP and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) in the transport layer. These protocols provide a stable framework through which an always-expanding set of physical and data-link layer protocols, as well as new applications and services at the higher layers, can interoperate and grow. At the same time, however, those three kernel protocols have been difficult to replace, or even modify significantly.

      Defining the "EvoArch" (Evolutionary Architecture) hour-glass model

      The hour-glass model is the way it is because these middle core protocols profile a stable foundation experimentation and advancement in upper and lower level protocols. That also makes these middle protocols harder to change, as we have seen with the slow adoption of IPv6.

  24. Mar 2022
  25. Feb 2022
    1. Nick Mark MD. (2022, January 21). This FLCCC COVID protocol gets nuttier with each version. Now hydroxychloroquine is “preferred for omicron”? What?!🤯 Stuff that actually works (monoclonals & fluvoxamine) are 2nd line And steroids, which increased mortality in people NOT on O2 in RECOVERY, are recommended?😱 https://t.co/XXfn1eMTJt [Tweet]. @nickmmark. https://twitter.com/nickmmark/status/1484382662517137410

  26. Jan 2022
    1. Frame relay s

      Frame Relay is a standardized wide area network (WAN) technology that specifies the physical and data link layers of digital telecommunications channels using a packet switching methodology. Originally designed for transport across Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) infrastructure, it may be used today in the context of many other network interfaces.

      Frame Relay puts data in variable-size units called "frames" and leaves any necessary error-correction (such as retransmission of data) up to the end-points. This speeds up overall data transmission. For most services, the network provides a permanent virtual circuit (PVC), which means that the customer sees a continuous, dedicated connection without having to pay for a full-time leased line, while the service-provider figures out the route each frame travels to its destination and can charge based on usage.

  27. Dec 2021
  28. Nov 2021
    1. Standard cycling mode (primer Tm ³ 60°C)Step Temperature Duration CyclesUDG activation 50°C 2 minutes HoldDual-Lock™ DNA polymerase 95°C 2 minutes HoldDenature 95°C 15 seconds 40Anneal/extend 60°C 1 minuteTable 5 Standard cycling mode (primer Tm <60°C)Step Temperature Duration CyclesUDG activation 50°C 2 minutes HoldDual-Lock™ DNA polymerase 95°C 2 minutes HoldDenature 95°C 15 seconds40Anneal 55–60°C[1] 15 secondsExtend 72°C 1 minute[1] Anneal temperature should be set to the melting point for your primers

      qPCR cycling program (more and less than 60C)



  29. Oct 2021
    1. To use this, create the following bookmarklet in your browser:

      ** For roam-ref

    2. This protocol finds or creates a new note with a given ROAM_REFS:

      Protocol 2!

    3. To enable Org-roam’s protocol extensions, simply add the following to your init file:
    4. To test that you have the handler setup and registered properly from the command line you can run:
  30. Sep 2021
    1. Curators are subgraph developers, data consumers or community members who signal to Indexers which APIs should be indexed by The Graph Network. Curators deposit GRT into a bonding curve to signal on a specific subgraph and earn a portion of query fees for the subgraphs they signal on; incentivizing the highest quality data sources. Curators will curate on subgraphs and deposit GRT via the Graph Explorer dApp. Because this occurs on a bonding curve, that means that the earlier you signal on a subgraph, the greater share of the query fees you earn on that subgraph for a given amount of GRT deposited. This also means that when you go to withdraw, you could end up with more or less GRT than you started with.

      cryptoeconomics still amazes me, how everything can be an opportunity for 'investment'

  31. Jul 2021
  32. datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
    1. Relationship to TCP and HTTP _This section is non-normative._ The WebSocket Protocol is an independent TCP-based protocol. Its only relationship to HTTP is that its handshake is interpreted by HTTP servers as an Upgrade request. By default, the WebSocket Protocol uses port 80 for regular WebSocket connections and port 443 for WebSocket connections tunneled over Transport Layer Security (TLS) [RFC2818].
  33. Jun 2021
  34. May 2021
  35. Mar 2021
  36. Feb 2021
  37. Jan 2021
  38. Nov 2020
    1. διαδικασία Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary Jump to navigation Jump to search Greek

      Greek Noun

      διαδικασία • (diadikasía) f (plural διαδικασίες)

      1. procedure, process, method, protocol
      2. (computing) function, subroutine, procedure
  39. Oct 2020
    1. Repeated freezing and thawing of the supermix is not recommended. DTT should be aliquoted to multiple tubes and stored at –20°C to minimize freezing and thawing
    1. Knight, S. R., Ho, A., Pius, R., Buchan, I., Carson, G., Drake, T. M., Dunning, J., Fairfield, C. J., Gamble, C., Green, C. A., Gupta, R., Halpin, S., Hardwick, H. E., Holden, K. A., Horby, P. W., Jackson, C., Mclean, K. A., Merson, L., Nguyen-Van-Tam, J. S., … Harrison, E. M. (2020). Risk stratification of patients admitted to hospital with covid-19 using the ISARIC WHO Clinical Characterisation Protocol: Development and validation of the 4C Mortality Score. BMJ, 370. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3339

  40. Sep 2020
    1. What we need instead is a spatial meta layer for notes on the OS-level that lives across all apps and workflows. This would allow you to instantly take notes without having to switch context. Even better yet, the notes would automatically resurface whenever you revisit the digital location you left them at.

      Dit is een interessante gedachte. Ik heb eerste ideeën hoe dit als protocol kan samenhangen met Webmentions, Micropub en Microformats.

  41. Aug 2020
  42. Jul 2020
  43. Jun 2020
    1. MQTT

      Message Queuing Telemetry Transport MQTT protocol -> publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices, usually through TCP/IP

      Protocol defines 2 network entities:

      1. message broker -> receives messages from clients and then sends them to any clients subscribed to topic.
      2. a number of clients ->
      <table style="border: 1px solid black;"> <tr> <th style="border: 1px solid black;"> MQTT un-encrypted port </th> <th style="border: 1px solid black;"> MQTT encrypted port </th> </tr> <tr> <td style="border: 1px solid black;">**1883** </td> <td style="border: 1px solid black;">**8883** </td> </tr> </table>
    1. e present a protocol for secure online com-munication, called “off-the-record messaging”, which hasproperties better-suited for casual conversation than do sys-tems like PGP or S/MIME.
    1. In 2013, the Signal Protocol was introduced, which is based on OTR Messaging and the Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol (SCIMP). It brought about support for asynchronous communication ("offline messages") as its major new feature, as well as better resilience with distorted order of messages and simpler support for conversations with multiple participants.[11] OMEMO, introduced in an Android XMPP client called Conversations in 2015, integrates the Double Ratchet Algorithm used in Signal into the instant messaging protocol XMPP ("Jabber") and also enables encryption of file transfers. In the autumn of 2015 it was submitted to the XMPP Standards Foundation for standardisation.
  44. May 2020
  45. Mar 2020
  46. Sep 2019
  47. Feb 2019
    1. Research methodologies and methods used must be open for full discussion and review by peers and stakeholders.

      So does this mean totally open? As in publish your protocols open?

  48. Jan 2019
  49. Mar 2018
    1. It would be fair to characterize Beaker as “a novel application of Bittorrent’s concepts to the Web platform.” If Beaker had been started in 2006, it would be using Bittorrent as its primary protocol. However, as of 2016, new variants have appeared with better properties.
  50. Aug 2017
    1. A Technical Perspective in Modern Tree-ring Research - How to Overcome Dendroecological and Wood Anatomical Challenges

      microtome-generated sections along the entire length of wood core samples for anatomical studies

  51. Jun 2017
  52. May 2017
    1. Antoine Amarilli fait remarquer le d ́es ́equilibre apparent de la situation actuelle, o`ul’association devrait payer ORCID pour avoir le droit de leur fournir des donn ́ees. L’AGdemande si d’autres acteurs se trouvent dans une situation analogue `a la nˆotre. Anto-nin Delpeuch rappelle que les outils de gestion de recherche vendus aux universit ́es lesplacent dans une sitation similaire `a la nˆotre ; `a leur ́echelle, cependant, le montant dela cotisation `a ORCID ne repr ́esente pas un probl`eme de la mˆeme ampleur.

      Solid which is a decentralised authentication protocol may be of interest.