- Sep 2024
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
approaches for translating each ESB to cities and businesses via the sequential steps of transcription, allocation, and adjustment.
for - cross-scale translation - via transcription - allocation - adjustment
- Jul 2023
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Ryberg et al. (2018) explicitly looked into the choice of sharing principles (also referred to as allocation principles or distributive principles in other literature).
- Definition
- sharing principles
- synonyms
- allocation principles
- distributive principles
- synonyms
- sharing principles
- Definition
- May 2023
www.doi.org www.doi.org
The policy provides a simple test of an RA’s competence: the ability to make a DOI Kernel Declaration, which requires that the RA has an internal system which can support the unambiguous allocation of a DOI name, and is fundamentally sound enough to support interoperability within the network.
{Competence} {Unambiguous Allocation}
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Approximately sixty formal URN namespace identifiers have been registered.
{Unambiguous Allocation}
- Feb 2023
iris-recherche.qc.ca iris-recherche.qc.ca
La mise en place d’une telle « allocation d’autonomie » est défendue en France91 depuis la Charte de Grenoble de 1946 par des organisations comme l’Union nationale des étudiants de France, mais n’a jamais été réalisée. La mesure a failli être adoptée en 1951, alors que « la commission de l’Éducation nationale de l’Assemblée nationale avait ainsi adopté à l’unanimité le rapport Cayol en faveur d’une rémunération étudiante92 ». Le refus d’adopter la mesure en France s’expliquerait notamment par l’influence croissante de la théorie du capital humain néolibérale qui présente l’étudiant·e comme un investisseur en lui-même93. Le salariat étudiant était encore revendiqué en 2018 en France (ainsi qu’au Québec par les Comités unitaires sur le travail étudiant94) et l’idée a été notamment reprise par le candidat présidentiel Jean-Luc Mélenchon à la suite de l’immolation d’un étudiant pour cause de précarité (celui-ci avait écrit un texte revendiquant le salariat étudiant avant de poser son geste). Mélenchon proposait dans sa plateforme une allocation de 800 euros par mois95.
- Aug 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Health Nerd. (2021, November 1). Ah yes, “randomization” From an RCT of vitamin D that was recently preprinted https://t.co/fHXJDRoIFF [Tweet]. @GidMK. https://twitter.com/GidMK/status/1455300177829326848
- Nov 2021
atoms.org atoms.org
Or the PIs who enjoy and excel at raising funds can do so and even re-deploy it to the right scientists, akin to founders who become angel investors and venture capitalists.
Sounds like a Self-Organized Funding Allocation (SOFA): https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol24/iss3/art29/
- Oct 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Sun, W., Liu, Y., Amanat, F., González-Domínguez, I., McCroskery, S., Slamanig, S., Coughlan, L., Rosado, V., Lemus, N., Jangra, S., Rathnasinghe, R., Schotsaert, M., Martinez, J. L., Sano, K., Mena, I., Innis, B. L., Wirachwong, P., Thai, D. H., Oliveira, R. D. N., … Palese, P. (2021). A Newcastle disease virus expressing a stabilized spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 induces protective immune responses. Nature Communications, 12(1), 6197. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-26499-y
- Aug 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Smith, M. J., Ahmad, A., Arawi, T., Dawson, A., Emanuel, E. J., Garani-Papadatos, T., Ghimire, P., Iliyasu, Z., Lei, R., Mastroleo, I., Mathur, R., Okeibunor, J., Parker, M., Saenz, C., Thomé, B., Upshur, R. E. G., & Voo, T. C. (2021). Top five ethical lessons of COVID-19 that the world must learn. Wellcome Open Research, 6, 17. https://doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.16568.1
- May 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Framework for equitable allocation of COVID-19 vaccine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25917.
www.who.int www.who.int
WHO SAGE values framework for the allocation and prioritization of COVID-19 vaccination. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2021, from https://www.who.int/publications-detail-redirect/who-sage-values-framework-for-the-allocation-and-prioritization-of-covid-19-vaccination
- Jan 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Benjy Renton. (2020, December 5). Launching a new dashboard to track local news reports and state press releases on how many vaccine doses will be allocated to each state, since there seems to be no public federal effort. Browse each state’s allocations and a map of doses per capita. Https://t.co/CUP2W2ph7X [Tweet]. @bhrenton. https://twitter.com/bhrenton/status/1335306082693083137
- Dec 2020
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Serhan, Y. (2020, December 8). Vaccine Nationalism Is Doomed to Fail. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/12/vaccine-nationalism-doomed-fail/617323/
twitter.com twitter.com
A Marm Kilpatrick. (2020, December 8). FDA Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine efficacy results are great, but aren’t nearly as great as presented for severe infections. Everyone has seen fig below on cases in vaccine (blue) & placebo (red) over time. Thread. Https://t.co/vlZyZgJ7hr https://t.co/9ZWeWCko1x [Tweet]. @DiseaseEcology. https://twitter.com/DiseaseEcology/status/1336446195284070400
- Sep 2020
www.azdhs.gov www.azdhs.gov
- triage
- public health
- lang:en
- care facility
- healthcare
- COVID-19
- is:pdf
- scarcity
- grouping
- treatment
- resource allocation
- priority
- scoring
- addendum
- Aug 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Pathak, P. A., Sönmez, T., Unver, M. U., & Yenmez, M. B. (2020). Leaving No Ethical Value Behind: Triage Protocol Design for Pandemic Rationing (Working Paper No. 26951; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w26951
- Jul 2020
osf.io osf.io
La, V.-P., Pham, T.-H., Ho, T. M., Hoàng, N. M., Linh, N. P. K., Vuong, T.-T., Nguyen, H.-K. T., Tran, T., Van Quy, K., Ho, T. M., & Vuong, Q.-H. (2020). Policy response, social media and science journalism for the sustainability of the public health system amid the COVID-19 outbreak: The Vietnam lessons [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/cfw8x
Younes, G. A., Ayoubi, C., Ballester, O., Cristelli, G., de Rassenfosse, G., Foray, D., Gaule, P., Pellegrino, G., van den Heuvel, M., Webster, B., & Zhou, L. (2020). COVID-19_Insights from Innovation Economists [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/b5zae
osf.io osf.io
Rosati, G., Domenech, L., Chazarreta, A., & Maguire, T. (2020). Capturing and analyzing social representations. A first application of Natural Language Processing techniques to reader’s comments in COVID-19 news. Argentina, 2020 [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/3pcdu
osf.io osf.io
Lyttelton, T., Zang, E., & Musick, K. (2020). Gender Differences in Telecommuting and Implications for Inequality at Home and Work. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/tdf8c
Shah, C., Dehmamy, N., Perra, N., Chinazzi, M., Barabási, A.-L., Vespignani, A., & Yu, R. (2020). Finding Patient Zero: Learning Contagion Source with Graph Neural Networks. ArXiv:2006.11913 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.11913
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Buckwalter, W., & Peterson, A. (2020). Public Attitudes Toward Allocating Scarce Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wuvta
- May 2020
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Mehrotra, S., Rahimian, H., Barah, M., Luo, F., & Schantz, K. (2020 May 02). A model of supply-chain decisions for resource sharing with an application to ventilator allocation to combat COVID-19. Naval Research Logistics (NRL). https://doi.org/10.1002/nav.21905
- Aug 2017
tedunderwood.com tedunderwood.com
Computer scientists make LDA seem complicated because they care about proving that their algorithms work.
- Jan 2014
blogs.msdn.com blogs.msdn.com
Having made these points many times in the last few years, I've realized that the fundamental problem is in the mistaken belief that the type system has anything whatsoever to do with the storage allocation strategy. It is simply false that the choice of whether to use the stack or the heap has anything fundamentally to do with the type of the thing being stored. The truth is: the choice of allocation mechanism has to do only with the known required lifetime of the storage.
The type system has nothing to do with the storage allocation strategy; the choice of allocation mechanism has to do only with the known required lifetime of the storage.
blogs.msdn.com blogs.msdn.com
If we’re in that situation when new memory is allocated then the “high water mark” is bumped up, eating up some of the previously “free” portion of the block. The newly-reserved memory is then usable for the reference type instance that has just been allocated. That is extremely cheap; just a single pointer move, plus zeroing out the newly reserved memory if necessary.