30 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. Surprisingly, the American author who is quoted most in the OED isnot Mark Twain or Emily Dickinson or Edgar Allan Poe, but rather EdwardH. Knight, a patent lawyer and expert in mechanics who wrote the AmericanMechanical Dictionary and The Practical Dictionary of Mechanics. Knight isthe seventy-fourth-most cited author in the Dictionary, quoted morefrequently than Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Eliot or Ralph Waldo Emerson(who comes in at 116, the next-most quoted American).
  2. Apr 2024
  3. Feb 2024
    1. Dr. Sheehy anecdotally explained his case to Mr. Bonzell, relating how [Howard] Hughes in the early 1960’s claimed the invention of the “ruby laser”, when factually the United States Army at Picatinny Arsenal built the first such device in 1958. The negligence of not seeking a patent for the invention cost the Department of Defense dearly.

      On 15DEC17, Dr. James Sheehy, Chief Technology Officer for the Naval Aviation Enterprise, wrote a letter to Phillip J. Bonzell, Primary Patent Examiner of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, requesting immediate action concerning a denied patent application by a certain Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an aerospace engineer at Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division. Dr. Sheehy anecdotally explained his case to Mr. Bonzell, relating how [Howard] Hughes in the early 1960’s claimed the invention of the “ruby laser”, when factually the United States Army at Picatinny Arsenal built the first such device in 1958. The negligence of not seeking a patent for the invention cost the Department of Defense dearly.

      The letter concludes with the marginally cloaked implication of United States’ National Security being severely jeopardized by the then current application’s rejection. Dr. Sheehy supported his position stating: ”Based on these initial findings [Dr. Pais’ supporting feasibility experiments] I would assert this will become a reality. China is already investing significantly in this area and I would prefer we hold the patent as opposed to paying forever more to use this revolutionary technology…”

      U. S. Patent Application 15/141,270 (PAX205)/B64G1/409 Unconventional spacecraft propulsion systems Patent Number 10,144,532, Granted 4DEC18, Adjusted Expiration 28SEP36

      What can we learn from this? 1) The history of the Ruby Laser needs to be rewritten, wikipedia and anything about the laser does not acknowledge what is being claimed here.

      2) The Navy has to use an example from 1958/1960 to avoid any issue but still make the point... "just like this other time we didn't patent what we built and therefor it was a mistake... we should patent this new technology... that we haven't made... but in case we did make it like the Ruby Laser, then let's patent it.

  4. Mar 2023
    1. Medicine shows became popular after the Civil War when patent medicine salesmen traveled the "kerosene circuit" in rural America. Flourishing until the passage of 1906 Fair Food and Drug Act made them obsolete, medicine shows provided entertainment to attract audiences and then used their intermissions to sell their products.

      This pattern would later be seen in later radio and television when product pitchmen sponsored entertainment in return for commercial time.

      (Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour, "Doctors," February 20, 2008 via http://www.oldhatrecords.com/)

      See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicine_show

      Also related to tent revival shows which featured music and religion as entertainment and socializing.

      Example in music: Neil Diamond's song: Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show

  5. May 2022
  6. Dec 2021
  7. Aug 2021
    1. Figure 23. The Frequency That NPEs Transferred Technical Knowledge in Addition to the Patent License, According to Respondents in the Computer Industry

      Grafik-grafik di ini adalah hasil utama.

    2. Based on our very preliminary evidence, the theory that NPEs facilitate innovation via patent license demands either through the creation of new products or by delivering actual technical know-how from inventors to implementers does not seem to hold water.

      NPE tidak berfungsi memfasilitasi inovasi.

    3. Patent trolls are the hottest topic of debate within patent law today.

      Jadi patent trolls di sini adalah Non Practising Entities (NPE), yaitu sebuah lembaga yang tidak menghasilkan produk (bukan industri) yang membeli paten yang kemudian dijual ke industri yang menghasilkan produk.

      Masalahnya, paten yang diperjual-belikan ini adalah paten yang berpotensi mengganggu pasar industri yang menghasilkan produk sejenis.

    4. A critical factual assumption that underlies this debate is whether patent licensing by trolls is in fact a mechanism for technology transfer to the licensees and the creation of new products, or whether a request that a company take a patent license is simply a means of collecting money in exchange for agreeing not to sue.

      Disadari ada praktek ini.

    5. Patent trolls—patent-holding entities that do not make any products but sue or threaten others with patent infringement—are the subject of intense debate.

      Patent trolls atau NPE sebagai middle man.

    1. The disclosure of the invention is an essential consideration in any patent granting procedure.

      disclosure -> patent granting

    2. Traditionally, IPR is divided into two forms: industrial property rights and copyright. In general, copyright is a legal term describing rights given to creators over their literary and artistic creations, while the term ‘industrial property rights’ refers to certain exclusive rights regarding innovative ideas or distinguishing signs in the industrial or commercial field.

      ini pembagian yang sudah tegas antara HKI dengan paten. Jadi Hak Cipta adalah hak yang paling mendasar, sementara paten ada di bawah Hak Properti Industri.

    3. The life cycle of technologies can be divided into stages – from invention, through research, development and dissemination (RD&D) and market development, to commercial diffusion.

      Memang aneh ketika siklus hidup teknologi didefinisikan secara seragam seperti ini, khususnya di bagian akhirnya, commercial diffusion.

    4. A patent may be a powerful business tool allowing innovators to gain exclusivity over a new product or process, develop a strong market position and earn additional revenue through licensing.

      Persis paten akan terkait dengan eksklusifitas yang prinsipnya adalah ketertutupan. Menjadi eksklusif adalah modal untuk mendapatkan pendapatan.

  8. Jun 2021
  9. May 2021
  10. Jul 2020
  11. May 2020
    1. Although there were some patenting and licensing concerns with GraphQL, these have been resolved to our satisfaction by the relicensing of the reference implementations under MIT, and the use of the OWF license for the GraphQL specification.
    1. The most controversial issue in RAND licensing is whether the "reasonable" license price should include the value contributed by the standard-setting organization's decision to adopt the standard. A technology is often more valuable after it has been widely adopted than when it is one alternative among many; there is a good argument that a license price that captures that additional value is not "reasonable" because it does not reflect the intrinsic value of the technology being licensed. On the other hand, the adoption of the standard may signal that the adopted technology is valuable, and the patent holder should be rewarded accordingly. That is particularly relevant when the value of the patent is not clearly known before the adoption of the standard.
  12. Nov 2017
  13. Oct 2016
    1. Recent changes in the U.S. patent system have made it easier for companies with deep pockets to combat claims. Shipping & Transit has turned its sights on scores of small online retailers and logistics startups. It typically demands licensing fees of $25,000 to $45,000, amounts just small enough to discourage a legal battle, yet painful for businesses with only a few employees.


      Despite hundreds of lawsuits filed by Shipping & Transit and its predecessor, a court has never ruled on the merits of its patent claims, according to Lex Machina. CD Universe, of Wallingford, Ct., settled last month on confidential terms. “To fight it would have cost more than settling,” Mr. Nastri said.

  14. Jul 2016
    1. Amazon.com has started allowing Chinese suppliers to sell direct on the site. This has created a problem with counterfeit products, which can be dangerous.

      This post suggests that counterfeit physical products are one result of failure to protect intellectual property rights on the Internet. (It looks like a good site for arguments supporting intellectual property rights. It has a podcast.)

  15. Feb 2016
    1. A “notice” slapped on the outside of a package saying “single use only” continues to ensure a manufacturer selling you the product can sue for patent infringement should someone dare reuse its goods. This is what the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held on Friday, reaffirming its previous case law, despite intervening Supreme Court law and compelling arguments against its earlier case law.
  16. Jan 2016
  17. Feb 2014