- Oct 2024
Local file Local file
H.S.WYNKOOP.-I have beeninterestedever sinceIhave beenMr.Wynkoop.inbusiness inthe lack ofstandardization in nearly everythingwehavehadtodealwith-notmerelyinthematterofthiscardsystemusedin theshop,but eveninourletterpaperandthevarioussizesofprints ordocumentsthatrunthroughtheoffice.SomeyearsagoItook thelettersheetusedbytheEdison GeneralElectricCompanyandusedthatasastandard,andImadeeveryformintheofficewhereIwasatthetimeeitherfull letter,halfletterordoubleletter,andsoon;anditwasastonishingtoseehow,whenthe employees got usedtotheidea ofstandard-sizedforms,every-thingfittedin,andfrommyownexperience Iwouldliketosecondthat ideaheartily.Wecould standardize in nearly everythingweconstruct inthewayof forms,shopstationery,and,verylargely,inour machines.Thestandardizationofelectricmotorsisre-ceiving greatattentionatpresent.
- May 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
One participant in particularsaid, “My favorite aspect of Blackboard is the accessibility of thegrades and find course documents–when professors followa standard layout.”
finding course documents with standard layout
developers.redhat.com developers.redhat.com
This is because Podman’s local repository is in /var/lib/containers instead of /var/lib/docker. This isn’t an arbitrary change; this new storage structure is based on the Open Containers Initiative (OCI) standards.
- Mar 2024
dev.iabtechlab.com dev.iabtechlab.com
Avoiding one-off, proprietary builds per partnership and policy, or just as bad, manual processes to reach out to partners for deletes, can save the industry real money and reduce room for error.
- Oct 2023
www.thoughtco.com www.thoughtco.com
Rules of proper usage are tacit conventions. Conventions are unstated agreements within a community to abide by a single way of doing things--not because there is any inherent advantage to the choice, but because there is an advantage to everyone making the same choice. Standardized weights and measures, electrical voltages and cables, computer file formats, the Gregorian calendar, and paper currency are familiar examples.
spec.commonmark.org spec.commonmark.org
commonmark.org commonmark.org
- Jan 2023
Laboratory practice has taught that whthe immediate results are important, the standardization of tmethod is more important, since the unexpected ultimate resultssometimes called by-products, are often by far the most valuableoutcome of the work.
- Aug 2022
Depending on the scope of the notes that need to be taken, one uses either the A6format, or the next bigger one, which is A5 (21 x 14.8 cm), or the double sized A4 (29.6 x 21cm). After filling them with words, sheets of A5 size will be folded once, A4 size twice, sothat they return to our basic A6 size.
This is the first time I've seen in the literature the suggestion to write notes on larger sheets and then fold them up. This is largely only recommended here because of the standardization of the paper sizes in such a way that folding an A4 makes an A5 and folding an A5 gives an A6 and so on...
- Jan 2022
drive.google.com drive.google.comview1
mohon dijelaskan kembali teknik standardisasi (bukan standarisasi), karena ada standardisasi dan ada normalisasi.
- Mar 2021
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
stedolan.github.io stedolan.github.io
jq uses the Oniguruma regular expression library, as do php, ruby, TextMate, Sublime Text, etc, so the description here will focus on jq specifics.
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
Don’t get me wrong — standards are great. Uniformity is bad.
We standardize on a finite subset of JS (such as asm.js) — and avoid the endless struggle through future iterations of the JavaScript language, competing super-sets and transpilers
asm.js and RPython sound similar (restrictive subsets)
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Instead of one big code pile, activities will gently enforce a clean, standardized way for organizing code.
- Feb 2021
www.python.org www.python.org
This PEP provides a standardized means to leverage existing tooling to package and distribute type information with minimal work and an ordering for type checkers to resolve modules and collect this information for type checking.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
provide interfaces so you don’t have to think about them
Question to myself: Is not having to think about it actually a good goal to have? Is it at odds with making intentional/well-considered decisions?  Obviously there are still many of interesting decisions to make even when using a framework that provides conventions and standardization and makes some decisions for you...
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
Additionally, if we ever want to standardize more of JSX we need to start moving away from some of the more esoteric legacy behaviors of React.
github.com github.com
@madbrain there has actually been various discussions around libraries needing to explicitly mention their target env as otherwise bundlers have no way of knowing which entrypoint to pick/env to start from. There is unfortunately no standard to this as package.json is not really standardised at all. There have been some proposals and parcel just tries to figure it out based on all semi-standardised fields like browserslist. Not sure why they don't wanna mention it. But they should.
- Aug 2020
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Zheng, Q., Jones, F. K., Leavitt, S. V., Ung, L., Labrique, A. B., Peters, D. H., Lee, E. C., & Azman, A. S. (2020). HIT-COVID, a global database tracking public health interventions to COVID-19. Scientific Data, 7(1), 286. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00610-2
- Jul 2020
rollupjs.org rollupjs.orgRollup1
It uses the new standardized format for code modules included in the ES6 revision of JavaScript, instead of previous idiosyncratic solutions such as CommonJS and AMD.
- Jun 2020
Brodeur, A., Cook, N., & Heyes, A. (2020). A Proposed Specification Check for p-Hacking. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 110, 66–69. https://doi.org/10.1257/pandp.20201078
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
One thing that would certainly be a game-changer would be some form of standardized RCS end-to-end encryption that allows secure messages to be sent outside Google Messages.
- Apr 2020
iapp.org iapp.org
Finally, from a practical point of view, we suggest the adoption of "privacy label," food-like notices, that provide the required information in an easily understandable manner, making the privacy policies easier to read. Through standard symbols, colors and feedbacks — including yes/no statements, where applicable — critical and specific scenarios are identified. For example, whether or not the organization actually shares the information, under what specific circumstances this occurs, and whether individuals can oppose the share of their personal data. This would allow some kind of standardized information. Some of the key points could include the information collected and the purposes of its collection, such as marketing, international transfers or profiling, contact details of the data controller, and distinct differences between organizations’ privacy practices, and to identify privacy-invasive practices.
Finally, from a practical point of view, we suggest the adoption of "privacy label," food-like notices, that provide the required information in an easily understandable manner, making the privacy policies easier to read.
- Jul 2019
scikit-learn.org scikit-learn.org
many elements used in the objective function of a learning algorithm (such as the RBF kernel of Support Vector Machines or the l1 and l2 regularizers of linear models) assume that all features are centered around zero and have variance in the same order. If a feature has a variance that is orders of magnitude larger than others, it might dominate the objective function and make the estimator unable to learn from other features correctly as expected.
- Apr 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The jōyō kanji (常用漢字, regular-use kanji) are 2,136 characters consisting of all the Kyōiku kanji, plus 1,130 additional kanji taught in junior high and high school[9].
常用(じょうよう)漢字(かんじ)means "daily use" kanji.
- Sep 2017
canvas.lauragibbs.net canvas.lauragibbs.net
In Canvas, the goal is clearly to stop anyone from having fun because everything is supposed to look exactly the same in every course everywhere all the time.