7 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Instead of one big code pile, activities will gently enforce a clean, standardized way for organizing code.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
I like the clarity of this approach instead of stuffing it in initialize.
- Jan 2021
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
By abstracting the cleanup process in the cleanUp function, the three callbacks — timeout, success, and error listener — look exactly the same. The only difference is whether they resolve or reject the promise.
- Sep 2020
I'm more likely to use it than alternatives in future projects - it's simple and clean
- Jun 2020
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I was just expressing that, even thought I like React, I dread having to still manually handle everything, instead of just using a directive, a la Vue.JS. This is what I consider boilerplate. Hence my comment on how I could leave React for Svelte just because of that. Clearly a Svelte side-by-side code comparison shows a much cleaner code for Svelte.
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
It allows the module code (and subsequently dependants on the module) to not use preprocessor hacks, source code changes, or runtime detection hacks to identify which code is appropriate when creating a client bound package.
It allows your source code to remain clean and free of hacks.