7 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Mar 2023
    1. DeRosa, Robin. Interdisciplinary Studies: A Connected Learning Approach. Rebus Communities, 2016. https://press.rebus.community/idsconnect/.

      found via <br /> Sheridan, Victoria. “A Pedagogical Endeavor.” Inside Higher Ed, August 9, 2017. https://www.insidehighered.com/digital-learning/article/2017/08/09/robin-derosas-oer-pedagogical-endeavor.

      On first blush it looks like I've read portions of some of these chapters as blogposts on the authors' original websites. Should be interesting to see how those are linked/credited.

      Given the writing contained in the book it would be interesting to see Pressbooks and/or the Rebus Community allow support for having the lead of a project be credited as an "editor" on the front page rather than to default them as an "author".

  3. Feb 2020
  4. Nov 2019
    1. it’s important to embrace pedagogies that leverage synchronous (live) instruction.

      It is mention in this article that Arizona State University is on the right track regarding superior online services. this article point of view is about the online challenges for colleges and universities, such as, doing live videos, online services and supplying tech devices. this website "EdTech" is a online magazine education technology resource for both K-12 and higher education.

  5. Mar 2019
    1. As these examples suggest, activist educators attempt to understand and improve their practices while simultaneously developing new understandings and relationships.
    2. Activist teacher researchers, by contrast, begin with the assumption that there is much that they don’tknow about students. Like theorists who have highlighted the importance of regarding disability as “a social location, complexly embodied” (Siebers, 2008, p. 14) rather than an individual pathology, activisteducators take social location—their own and their students’—seriously. The normal curve model is by definition generic rather than local: Students are charted and evaluated from a distance