- Dec 2024
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields.
The entirety of this stanza is written from the first person perspective, most likely intended to be told from the fallen soldiers' point of view.
this suggests the fleeting window of life, and provides an indirect comparison to the poppies, as the soldiers are speaking of themselves as the poppies that grow in the field "currently" or had started growing after their deaths. "We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved…" are all things that the poppies do as they continue to flourish in Flanders fields. "We are the Dead… We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields" (McCrae).
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields.
The entirety of this stanza is written from the first person perspective, most likely intended to be told from the fallen soldiers' point of view. - this suggests the fleeting window of life, and provides an indirect comparison to the poppies, as the soldiers are speaking of themselves as the poppies that grow in the field "currently" or had started growing after their deaths.
"We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved..." are all things that the poppies do as they continue to flourish in Flanders fields. "We are the Dead... We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields" (McCrae).
- Jul 2024
lisahallwilson.com lisahallwilson.com
Best article on Deep POV I have ever read.
- Nov 2022
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
An exercise in reflecting on the differences between how others view us and how we view ourselves.
- Sep 2021
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
No rational being Can fear a thing it will not feel,
This statement is italicized to denote that Larkin does not share this point of view on fear. The format change highlights that these are not Larkin's words, they are those of the "specious."
I work all day, and get half-drunk at night. Waking at four to soundless dark, I stare.
The first-person narration being used here freezes time or carves out a specific moment in time for the narrator to really set up the what he/she is thinking before the sun comes up. More prominently, the phrase "I stare," slows down the poem and prepares the reader for what he is realy thinking.
Additionally, it is the only stanza with an "I" repeated three times, reminding readers that these are thoughts one person not a representation of others. First-person narrration is always personalised but in this poem, the contemplation of death seems so universal because everyone will face death eventually
- Feb 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
So, they do all sorts of stupid stuff, like walk into the middle of the road and get hit by cars, rub the bark off tree trunks and eat all our flowers.
This statement is passive aggressive and clearly establishes his stance in the article. It show that he believes that Trump and the situation in San Fransisco is "stupid". He maintains his light tone, which allows the reader to look forward to reading what could be seen as a not so entertaining topic.
like my deer, San Francisco’s school board has no political predators. Liberal Democrats dominate politics there, so there’s no serious threat from a conservative alternativ
He indirectly shares his position here by comparing it to the deer. He shows his idea that a lot of the problems happening in the world is because no one is stopping them. He shows that this is annoying by referring back to the deer.
- Jun 2016
hokament.teamhokama.com hokament.teamhokama.com
Even the most devout gun owners should be able to get behind keeping guns out of the hands of potential terrorists.
Here is the oppo view, pretty ugly. Hard to climb up that point of view, ain't it? Why can't we get along? Because some of these fuckers are just wrong. Wrong like below.