30 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. The Catholic Church does not annul marriages. Its declarations of nullity, however, say that a sacramental marriage never existed between these spouses.
    1. Many of us, looking back, realize that God was simply not a part of our decision to marry. In my case, I never asked God, never gave God the chance to stop my headlong (and headstrong) determination to get married. And God was trying to get my attention.

      How well does this coincide with what Jesus mean by "God has joined together"?

  2. Mar 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:23:17][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une carte conceptuelle sur les conflits sévères de séparation, soulignant l'importance de distinguer entre la violence conjugale, l'aliénation parentale et les conflits de séparation. Elle met en lumière la complexité de la problématique et l'état actuel des connaissances, tout en insistant sur la prudence dans l'évaluation et l'intervention.

      Points forts: + [00:00:08][^3^][3] Introduction à la carte conceptuelle * Présentation de la carte conceptuelle * Aperçu de l'état des connaissances * Importance de la distinction entre les problématiques + [00:03:00][^4^][4] Défis de la construction de la carte * Identification des facteurs de risque et de protection * Organisation des facteurs selon le moment de la séparation * Reconnaissance des facteurs antérieurs et de leur influence + [00:10:06][^5^][5] Caractéristiques du conflit sévère de séparation * Évaluation de la sévérité du conflit * Conséquences du conflit sur l'adaptation de l'enfant * Facteurs médiateurs et leur impact sur l'enfant + [00:17:22][^6^][6] Facteurs précipitant et prédisposants du conflit * Contexte de la séparation et sentiments associés * Traits de personnalité et vulnérabilités personnelles * Importance de l'évaluation et de l'intervention ciblée Résumé de la vidéo [00:23:19][^1^][1] - [00:33:01][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde les défis des conflits parentaux sévères lors de séparations et propose des stratégies d'intervention basées sur la sévérité des conflits. Elle souligne l'importance de protéger les enfants de l'impact des conflits et de promouvoir une coparentalité saine.

      Points forts: + [00:23:19][^3^][3] Difficultés parentales * Impact des rôles parentaux sur la colère et les conflits * Effets des difficultés conjugales pré-séparation * Conséquences des violences et des grossesses imprévues + [00:25:03][^4^][4] Facteurs de risque et de protection * Identification des facteurs influençant les conflits de séparation * Utilisation d'un tableau pour évaluer la situation * Distinction entre caractéristiques du conflit et facteurs de risque + [00:26:40][^5^][5] Stratégies d'intervention * Adaptation des interventions au niveau de sévérité des conflits * Approches de médiation familiale et psychothérapie * Importance de la communication et de la collaboration parentale

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:25:30][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde les conflits sévères de séparation et leur impact sur les familles, en se concentrant sur l'évaluation des situations complexes et l'intervention auprès des familles affectées. Elle souligne l'importance d'une évaluation rigoureuse et d'une intervention adaptée pour protéger le bien-être des enfants et gérer les conflits parentaux.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction aux conflits de séparation * Définition multidimensionnelle et prévalence des conflits * Présentation du profil familial et psychologique des parents + [00:07:04][^4^][4] Prévalence des conflits sévères de séparation * Analyse des sous-groupes de parents séparés * Impact des conflits sur la sécurité et le développement des enfants + [00:15:02][^5^][5] Impact des conflits sur les enfants * Conséquences des conflits ouverts, chroniques et centrés sur l'enfant * Importance des pratiques parentales adaptées et des relations de qualité + [00:17:24][^6^][6] Intervention de la protection de la jeunesse * Défis rencontrés par les intervenants * Point de vue des parents sur l'intervention du DPJ Résumé de la vidéo [00:25:32][^1^][1] - [00:51:02][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo traite des défis liés à la séparation familiale, en se concentrant sur les difficultés de contact et la violence conjugale. Elle souligne l'importance d'une évaluation systémique pour comprendre la dynamique familiale et propose des stratégies pour aborder ces problèmes complexes.

      Points forts: + [00:25:32][^3^][3] Difficultés de contact * Importance de l'évaluation familiale * Prudence avec le concept d'aliénation parentale * Six sous-types de difficultés de contact identifiés + [00:27:03][^4^][4] Dynamiques familiales * L'affinité et l'alliance entre parents et enfants * Impact de la séparation sur les enfants * Risques de conflit de loyauté et d'éloignement réaliste + [00:29:30][^5^][5] Aliénation parentale * Controverse et définitions limitées * Importance de détecter les comportements aliénants * Résistance des enfants face à l'aliénation + [00:37:31][^6^][6] Violence conjugale * Distinction entre conflit et violence * Modèles pour comprendre la violence conjugale * Importance de l'évaluation du risque associé Résumé de la vidéo [00:51:04]¹[1] - [00:57:54]²[2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo aborde les interventions auprès des familles en conflit sévère lors de séparations. Elle souligne l'importance d'une intervention précoce, centrée sur les besoins de l'enfant, et propose des stratégies pour minimiser le conflit entre les parents.

      Points forts: + [00:51:04]³[3] Évaluation des situations familiales * Importance de ne pas diagnostiquer hâtivement l'aliénation parentale * Nécessité de protéger les enfants et de poser les bonnes questions + [00:51:31]⁴[4] Stratégies d'intervention * Intervenir tôt pour prévenir l'aggravation des conflits * Se concentrer sur les besoins de l'enfant et éviter son instrumentalisation + [00:53:45]⁵[5] Gestion des transitions et communication * Utiliser des lieux neutres et des moyens technologiques pour les échanges * Évaluer si le maintien du contact est dans l'intérêt de l'enfant + [00:55:56]⁶[6] Approches prometteuses et interdisciplinaires * L'approche de négociation basée sur les intérêts * Le protocole de parentalité et l'importance de la communication transparente

      Source : conversation avec Bing, 19/03/2024 (1) undefined. https://www.education.gouv.fr/education-la-sexualite-en-milieu-scolaire-341103. (2) undefined. https://soseducation.org/docs/notes-etudes-entretiens-tribunes/education-a-la-sexualite-danger-ou-prevention-final.pdf. (3) undefined. https://www.planning-familial.org/sites/default/files/2023-11/LIVRE_BLANC_WEB.pdf. (4) undefined. https://www.

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:15][^1^][1] - [00:25:10][^2^][2]: La vidéo présente une discussion académique sur les conflits de séparation et leur impact sur les parents et les enfants. Catherine, doctorante en travail social, et Sylvie Drapeau, professeure à l'école de psychologie, explorent les trajectoires familiales et les services liés à la protection de la jeunesse. Elles abordent la définition des conflits sévères de séparation, l'impact sur les enfants, et la distinction entre conflit de séparation et aliénation parentale.

      Points saillants: + [00:00:15][^3^][3] Introduction des chercheuses * Catherine se concentre sur les parents en protection de la jeunesse * Sylvie étudie les conflits de séparation et leur impact sur les enfants + [00:01:27][^4^][4] Objectifs de la présentation * Définir les conflits de séparation et leur sévérité * Partager les réflexions sur les familles en situation de conflit + [00:03:45][^5^][5] Définition proposée du conflit sévère de séparation * Conflits affectant les enfants par leur nature, durée et intensité * Importance de l'impact observable ou supposé sur l'enfant + [00:07:01][^6^][6] Fréquence des conflits de séparation * Difficulté à quantifier en raison de définitions variées * Présentation de statistiques et d'études sur le sujet + [00:14:48][^7^][7] Perspectives des enfants et des parents * Analyse des récits familiaux et de l'évolution des conflits * Impact de la séparation sur le bien-être des enfants + [00:22:19][^8^][8] Conflits de séparation dans la protection de la jeunesse * Proportion de cas liés au conflit de séparation * Discussion sur les mauvais traitements psychologiques et la garde des enfants Résumé de la vidéo [00:25:20][^1^][1] - [00:49:29][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde les effets des conflits parentaux sur les enfants, en particulier dans le contexte des séparations et des divorces. Elle examine les impacts cliniques et psychologiques, les dynamiques familiales, et les stratégies de résolution des conflits. L'accent est mis sur l'importance de la coparentalité et la régulation émotionnelle pour le bien-être des enfants.

      Points forts: + [00:25:20][^3^][3] Impacts des conflits sur les enfants * 42% des enfants témoins de violence conjugale * Importance de la médiation et des arrangements parentaux * Conséquences cliniques des conflits sur les enfants + [00:27:18][^4^][4] Études sur la séparation et le conflit * Variabilité des effets en fonction des contextes familiaux * Rôle des processus familiaux et de la coparentalité * Influence du conflit sur l'adaptation des enfants + [00:34:15][^5^][5] Parentalité et conflit dans les familles intactes * Comparaison avec les familles séparées * Effet des conflits sur les enfants dans différents types de familles * Stratégies de résolution des conflits et leur enseignement aux enfants + [00:40:04][^6^][6] Modèles théoriques de l'impact des conflits * Théories de la sécurité émotionnelle et de l'attachement * Importance de la perception de l'enfant sur le conflit * Effets de la triangulation et de la parentalité sur l'enfant Résumé de la vidéo [00:49:32][^1^][1] - [01:19:34][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde les défis rencontrés par les intervenants sociaux travaillant avec des familles en situation de séparation conflictuelle. Elle met en lumière les difficultés liées à la manipulation parentale, la représentation légale insuffisante, la pression médiatique et le manque de formation des intervenants. La vidéo souligne également l'importance de comprendre le contexte des conflits pour mieux soutenir les familles concernées.

      Points saillants: + [00:49:32][^3^][3] Défis des intervenants * Difficultés avec les familles en conflit * Manque de représentation légale adéquate * Pression des médias et manque de formation + [00:58:00][^4^][4] Comportements violents et santé mentale * Impact des problèmes de santé mentale sur les conflits * Présence de comportements violents dans les conflits + [01:07:51][^5^][5] Utilisation des services sociaux * Multiplication des allégations lors des séparations * Ressources importantes mobilisées par les services sociaux + [01:14:36][^6^][6] Motivations derrière les conflits * Inquiétudes concernant le bien-être des enfants * Stratégies des parents pour protéger leurs enfants

    1. taux de divorce brut c'est l'indicateur de 01:37:26 toutes les de tous les les mariages qui se sont déroulé dans une année et qui ont fini euh dans cette année donnée
  3. Dec 2023
    1. From 1976 to 1985, states that adopted no-fault divorce saw their overall domestic-violence rates plummet by a quarter to one-half, including in relationships that did not end in divorce. The number of women murdered by “intimates” declined by 10 percent. Female suicide rates also fell immediately in states that moved to unilateral divorce, a downward trend that continued for the next decade

      good lord

  4. Mar 2023
  5. Nov 2021
    1. Hopefully with all of the different works now on the market, the issues pertaining to marriage, divorce, and remarriage, will be- come clearer. When this happens, Chris- tians within the community will be better prepared to be supportive of those who have undergone the trauma of failure, whether they agree with the reasons for divorce and remarriage or not

      Christians will be better prepared to be supportive of those who have undergone trauma of marriage failure, whether they agree with the reasons for divorce or remarriage or not.

    2. Of vital importance in the success of these marriages is a loving, caring, supportive community of believers where true agape love (defined as “ desiring the highest good in the one loved even to the point of self- sacrifice” ) is evident. A church may, through such loving support, provide an atmosphere where success is more likely to be achieved

      A community of believers provide loving support and an atmosphere where success in marriages is more likely to be achieved.

    3. Flack (1978), Brown (1979), Adams (1980), Besson(1982) and Hocking (1983) all deal with the issues. They combine sensitivity to peoples’ needs with an awareness of human limita- tions, a knowledge of the effects of guilt, and a fear of failure which often accompany a second marriage. Their counsel is helpful and contains numerous insights into the plight, hopes and problems of those who seek happiness “the second time around.”

      It's good to read these books as well.

    4. Books for those entering into a second relationship are plentiful.

      many have wrote about remarriage.

    5. Remarriage, Hocking (1983) believes, should not take place without every effort being exercised to bring about a reconcilia- tion with the former spouse. In other words, where severe problems exist, separation is preferable to divorce and reconciliation is preferable to remarriage. There is always the chance that isolation will bring the recalcitrant, hard-hearted person to a place of repentance (Proverbs 18:2; 23:9; 26:4-11; 27:22). If this happens, then reconciliation is a possibility

      Separation is preferable to divorce, and reconciliation is preferable to remarriage.

    6. Hocking (1983) discusses the conditions under which a person may remarry. These, as might be expected, compare favorably with those of Swindoll (1980) and Stott (1978) discussed above. Even more percep- tive are his reasons for not remarrying: For example, (a) if past problems have neither been corrected nor resolved; (b) if the individual does not have a clear conscience about doing so; and (c) if one does not really have a strong desire to enter into a second marriage (pp. 29-34)

      Hocking discusses the conditions under which a person may remarry, but also gives his reasons for not remarrying.

    7. But there were many who misunderstood the fiine- tion of Law. Paul says in Romans that Law was in- tended to speak so clearly to man’s failure that “ every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. For no human being will be justified in his sight by works of the law, since through the law comes knowledge of sin” (3:19-20, RSV). This function of Law was missed by those like the Pharisees who attempted to use Law for self-justification, and who perceived Law as the highest possible moral stan- dard. But this is just the point that Jesus makes in Matthew 19 and that he has also made in Matthew 5! Law is not the highest possible moral standard! Law is in fact a reduced standard! God’s ideal is for a human- ity which so bears his likeness that anger and lust are eradicated. Law sets up standards that deal with the results of those inner passions—murder and adultery. God's ideal is for a humanity in which marriage is a perfect oneness state. Law, in recognition of the impact of sin on human relationships, actually permits divorce and remarriage! God in Law showed himself willing to accommodate his ideals to the reality of our tragic human condition. And this is grace

      Many of us misunderstand the function of the law. Paul says in Romans that the Law was given so that it shows us what sin is and how it measures to God's holiness. The Pharisees saw wrongly that the law was the highest possible moral standard. Jesus in Mathew 5, and 19 makes the point that the Law is actually a reduced standard. God's ideal for humanity is to be like Him, the Law sets up standards that deal with the results of human inner passions. The Law, in recognition of the impact of sin on human relationships, actually permits divorce and remarriage! It is God's grace that in the Law He showed Himself willing to accommodate His ideals to the reality of our tragic human condition.

    8. Men would sin, but the Law made provision for a covering sacrifice for sin until the ultimate offering might be made by Christ (Rom. 3:24-26). Thus grace, and faith expressed in the bringing of the sacrifice, operated under Law as well as in our New Covenant age

      Men would sin, but the Law made provision for a covering sacrifice for sin, until the ultimate offering might be made by Christ.

    9. Under Law there was consistent failure . . . but there was also provision.

      Under the Law, there was consistent failure, but there was always God's provision as well.

    10. In Galatians Paul argues that Israel’s relationship with God was always based on grace and promise. The Abrahamic Covenant was made some 400 years before Law was given! Whatever Law did, it could not invali- date the promise, or replace promise as a foundation for God/man relationships (Gal. 3:17). Under and through it all there must be grace

      Israel's relationship with God was always based on grace and promise. The Abrahamic covenant was established 400 years before the Law was given. So whatever Law was given, it would not invalidate the promise.

    11. It is very helpful to us here to bring a grace perspec- tive into our thinking on this passage [Matthew 19:3- 12], for this passage is one of the most significant in helping us understand how grace operated in Old Tes- tament times

      This passage helps us understand how grace operates in the OT.



    1. The minister has a complex task.. He is a preacher, teacher, counsellor, and pastor. Part of his work is to perform marriages. In doing this he is often asked to perform marriages where one or both parties are divorcees. He needs to decide then wh

      the pastor has a difficult task

  6. Oct 2021
    1. Richards (1981) also emphasizes the importance of grace in healing old wounds, accepting the sufferer into the church and, where there are biblical grounds for divorce, supporting the new couple so that they will feel loved and accepted by their fellow be- lievers.

      Grace at work in divorce and remarriage.

    2. Where remarriage is concerned, some writers (Small, 1975; Plekker, 1980) have taken a bold step and grounded their counsel in the nature of God. Having dealt gra- ciously with an adulterer such as David (cf., Psalm 51), Plekker deals insightfully and persuasively with the manner in which true repentance may be distinguished from shal- low conformity and, where it is present, be- lieves remarriage is permissible.

      Remarriage may be permissible

    3. Such an expediency, while widely prac- ticed within the Roman Catholic church to- day, takes authority from the Scriptures and places it in the hands of priests. Reliance is upon canon law and those who interpret it do so in light of changing social mores.

      Wide practice of allowing remarriage based on church traditions takes authority away from Scriptures and puts it in the hands of clergy. Reliance on canon law and those who interpret it do so in the light of changing social norms.

    4. A plethora of books has recently been is- sued describing the process whereby a church may set up a tribunal to hear the case of a divorced person who desires to marry again.

      Church tribunal for remarriage



  7. Jun 2021
    1. Anita: Let’s begin by you telling me a little bit about migrating to the United States.Luisa: Migrating to the United States: okay. My parents had an extremely bad divorce - very, very, very bad divorce. My dad's family is on the wealthier side and a little bit on the powerful side, and my mom has no money nor connections, and she's poor. When they were divorcing, by the end of their marriage—I think it was the most awful marriage that I've seen—he was threatening her with taking us away and completely … you know she would never see us ever, so like a thief in the night, she grabbed my two sisters and I and she moved us to the States.

      Migration from Mexico, Reasons, Violence, Domestic Violence

    2. My dad's family is on the wealthier side and a little bit on the powerful side, and my mom has no money nor connections, and she's poor. When they were divorcing, by the end of their marriage—I think it was the most awful marriage that I've seen—he was threatening her with taking us away and completely …

      Mexico/ Before the US, Mexican Childhood, Family; Migration From Mexico, Reasons, Domestic Violence

  8. Oct 2020
    1. What a weight!

      I like how much information can be packed into a few words "What a weight!". I wonder how a machine learning approach on summarizing the text , or finding and outlining those little phases, would perform. Although I am pretty sure there already is some kind of attempt to train a classifier using premade summaries of stories and notations. One of the challenges I would assume to be the correct identification of the actual borders of such notations by the classifier. One solution for that would be to assume that a notation is always one sentence long and work from there.

  9. May 2020
  10. Feb 2017
    1. custody of children to the husband.

      Interesting to see the social change that has occurred since then. Women are now more than 60% more likely to win custody if a divorce is filed. Sort of reminds me of the quote from Stewart, " look at many of the most worthy and most interesting or us doomed to spend our lives in gentlemen 's kitchens"

      As the kitchen is now one of the sexist jokes regarding where a woman belongs, that statement seemed odd to me. This seems like a similar situation, although I'm sure that few jokes revolve around custody battles.

  11. Jan 2017
    1. he regretted his multiple marriages and had forbidden his sons to take more than one wife. He is also educating his daughters.

      What did he do now that he regrets having multiple wives? Did he have major divorces?