- Jan 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
"My rule is to behave equally toward all of my wives," he said. "But the first wife was very, very jealous when the second wife came. When the third arrived, the first two created an alliance against her. So I have to be a good diplomat."
This is huge con of having man wives
he regretted his multiple marriages and had forbidden his sons to take more than one wife. He is also educating his daughters.
What did he do now that he regrets having multiple wives? Did he have major divorces?
Many men in this region are forced into marriages when they are as young as 13
why are they forced into marriage so early??
wives if their first wives could not conceive sons.
This is another reason not based on power why some people practice polygamy
Ottoman period, when harem culture abounded and having several wives was viewed as a symbol of influence, sexual prowess and wealth.
Polygamy originally was thought as a symbol of affluence and power. This has changed quite alot nowadays
nation's bedrooms, leading him to back down.
even though the EU doesn't approve of polygamy, they still didn't appreciate when the Prime Minister "intervened" in peoples private lives.
criminalizing adultery
for many people they believe that polygamy is criminal like but for others it is a huge part of their culture and normal. This is an interesting balance
Because polygamous marriages are not recognized by the state -- imams who conduct them are subject to punishment -- the wives have no legal status, making them vulnerable when marriages turn violent. Yet the local authorities here typically turn a blind eye because the practice is viewed as a tradition.
Why do the women have no legal status???
effort to modernize the Turkish republic and empower women,
reasons why polygamy was banned originally
God commands us to be fruitful and multiply."
Was god the only factor in convincing him to practice polygyny?
who outlawed polygamy in 1926, is prominently displayed.
it was outlawed before but know he changed his thought process. I wonder why? Was it just soleful for the purpose to get more power?
"Marrying five wives is not sinful, and I did so because to have many wives is a sign of power,
Maybe marrying more wives in other places is sinful. Other places that practice monogomy might believe this is bad
With his 5 wives, 55 children and 80 grandchildren, 400 sheep, 1,200 acres of land and a small army of servants, Aga Mehmet Arslan would seem an unlikely defender of monogamy
This is completely different to most people in our country today. This shows the total difference in cultural beliefs and social norms
- Sep 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
added a sentence spelling out that “Hispanic origins are not races.”
Census is trying to help include people that have Hispanic origins
Some studies have found that African-Latinos tend to be significantly more supportive of government-sponsored health care and much less supportive of the death penalty than Latinos who identify as white, a rift that is also found in the broader white and black populations.
Alejandro Farias, 23, from Brownsville, Tex., a supervisor for a freight company, sees himself simply as Latino. His ancestors came from the United States, Mexico and Portugal. When pressed, he checked “some other race.”
This is a problem because so many people are not getting recognized and many don't even take the test.
they are too racially mixed to settle on one of the government-sanctioned
Many different types of people are not included
At a time when many multiracial Americans are proudly asserting their mixed-race identity, many Latinos, an overwhelmingly blended population with Indian, European, African and other roots, are sidestepping or ignoring questions of race.
Since people keep assuming and getting things wrong, some latinos try to ignore the question of race in order to stop the disagreements.
When respondents do not choose a race, the Census Bureau assigns them one, based on factors like the racial makeup of their neighborhood, inevitably leading to a less accurate count.
This is incredibly stupid. I think this would lead to many riots and fights because people are being judged and Census is using cultural bias to put people in a box. Not only is this not accurate this is also racist.
“Whenever you have people who can’t find themselves in the question, it’s a bad question,”
want people to fit in and connect with one of the options.
they are wrestling with how to get more Latinos to pick a race. In 2010, they tested different wording in questions and last year they held focus groups, with a report on the research scheduled to be released by this summer.
Why do they want to force latinos to pick one race?? There are so many different microcultures and sub groups that latinos are included in, the Census would have to add so many more options.
language or customs.
these are examples of explicit culture. Something in a culture that you can't actually touch or feel but helps you learn about the culture for example language and traditions.
because, as the census guide notes, “people of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin may be of any race,” and more than a third of Latinos check “other.”
They feel like their race isn't included and they aren't being respected.
race, which typically refers to a set of common physical traits.
Definition of race
Many Latinos argue that the country’s race categories — indeed, the government’s very conception of identity — do not fit them.
Some Latino people think that the country's race categories are not an accurate depiction of what they identify with. This could be seen as extremely racist.
Census Bureau
"is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, responsible for producing data about the American people and economy."
definition found from : https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=define%20census%20bureau
lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com
ulture is the learned, shared knowledge that people use to generate be-havior and interpret experience.
Meaning of culture
sten to students discuss the classes they hoped to get, and visit departments to watch faculty advising students on course selection. She would want to observe secretaries typing, janitors sweeping, and maintenance personnel plowing snow from walks.
ethnographers have to experience many different points of view and they have to observe everyone in the culture.
three fundamental aspects of human experience: what people do, what people know, and the things peo-ple make and use
main things relating to culture
cultural artifacts,
A cultural artifact is an item that shows information about a certain culture or its people.
because these cultural rules were so different.
An ethnographer has to learn all these different cultural rules in order to not be involved in a huge miscommunication like with these policeman.
Ethnography is the study of both explicit and tacit cultural knowledge
Meaning of Ethnography
cultural anthropologists
The study of humankind. Can be social, political, archaeology, physical etc..
First, and perhaps most difficult, she would have to set aside her belief in naive realism, the almost universal belief that all people define the real world of objects, events, and living creatures in pretty much the same way. Human languages may differ from one society to the next, but behind the strange words and sentences, all people are talking about the same things.
People Subconsciously use naïve realism and judge. Even if you try to ignore ethnocentrism (The belief and feeling that one's own culture is the best) it still exists inside everyone and may influence research.
the learned, shared knowledge that people use to generate behavior and interpret experience".
Ethnographic fieldwork is the hallmark of cultural anthropology.
Ethnography is the "The process of discovering and describing a particular culture"
A person who writes down culture and lives with people and experiences there way of life.
the nature of tacit cultural knowledge
" cultural knowledge that people lack words for"
There are no word or ways to learn tactic culture. Instead tactic culture is learned through behavior and social observations.
Explicit culture
"Cultural knowledge that people can talk about"
If people have a language or words for different culture aspects then its easier for anthropologists to observe or examine different cultures
The concept of culture as acquired knowledge has much in common with sym-bolic interactionism, a theory that seeks to explain human behavior in terms of mean-ings.
A theory that social communication is made up of words and symbols that are agreements and known things in society.
In order to discover the hidden principles of another way of life, the researcher must become a student.
Researchers have to learn the insiders view of a culture. Observe from native perspective.
This means participating in activities, asking questions,
Anthropologists actually go to where people live and do fieldwork. They experience first hand the culture and traditions.