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  1. Last 7 days
  2. Aug 2023
    1. Under compound symmetry there is a limit to the information added by additional observations per subject, whereas for AR(1) there is no limit.

      This makes sense because under compound symetry, every measurement within a cluster is correlated in the same way with all other measurements. Therefore, adding another observation within cluster provides less information as the number of within cluster samples approaches infinity.

      However, when we have an auto regressive correlation structur, the further apart the time point, the less correlation there is between samples which means the sample tends toward zero.

    2. This induces a certain correlation structure within subject: the compound symmetric correlation structure.

      The random intercept model induces a symetric correlation structure that leads to the idea that the measurements within subject are exchange able.

      A random intercept model assumes that the correlation between any two measurements on the same subject is unrelated to the time gap between the two measurements.

  3. Mar 2023
    1. Virtual and Mixed Reality (VMR)

      I like this term better. I always mention VR but I try to say Virtual Reality Technology so I can be inclusive of Augmented Reality as a well, but I find "Mixed Reality" more inclusive as non-VR users can understand from the word alone.

  4. Oct 2022
  5. Nov 2021
    1. Combining organic farming and modern biotechnology could unleash important synergies, as both have their specific strengths in contributing to the SDGs. However, such combination would require a change in the EU law

      Conclusion / recommendation: combine organic and biotechnology

  6. Sep 2021
    1. Africanslavery lacked two elements that made American slavery the most cruel formof slavery in history: the frenzy for limitless profit that comes from capitalisticagriculture; the reduction of the slave to less than human status by the use ofracial hatred, with that relentless clarity based on color, where white wasmaster, black was slave.

      While we've generally moved beyond chattel slavery, I'm struck by the phrase frenzy for limitless profit that comes from capitalistic agriculture. Though we don't have slavery, is American culture all-too captured by the idea of frenzied capitalism to the tune that the average American (the 99%) is a serf in their own country? Are we still blinded by our need for (over-)consumption?

      Are we recommitting the sins of the past perhaps in milder forms because of a blindness to an earlier original sin of capitalism?

      Do we need to better vitiate against raw capitalism with more regulation to provide a healthier mixed economy?

    1. What happens to this graph when we overlay pure capitalism instead of a mixed economy? What if this spectrum was put on a different axis altogether? What does the current climate of the United states look like when graphed out on it. Which parts have diminished over the past 50 years with the decrease in regulation?

      four quadrant diagram of market goods, club goods, common goods, and public goods graphed along the axes of excludability and rivalry

      Some of these areas benefit heavily by government intervention and regulation.

      We need the ability to better protect both common and public goods.


      • rivalry: does use by one person physically preclude use by others?
      • excludability: do laws prohibit access to these goods?
  7. Aug 2021
  8. Jul 2021
  9. Apr 2021
  10. Feb 2021
  11. Dec 2020
    1. The company’s early mission was to “give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” Instead, it took the concept of “community” and sapped it of all moral meaning. The rise of QAnon, for example, is one of the social web’s logical conclusions. That’s because Facebook—along with Google and YouTube—is perfect for amplifying and spreading disinformation at lightning speed to global audiences. Facebook is an agent of government propaganda, targeted harassment, terrorist recruitment, emotional manipulation, and genocide—a world-historic weapon that lives not underground, but in a Disneyland-inspired campus in Menlo Park, California.

      The original goal with a bit of moderation may have worked. Regression to the mean forces it to a bad place, but when you algorithmically accelerate things toward our bases desires, you make it orders of magnitude worse.

      This should be though of as pure social capitalism. We need the moderating force of government regulation to dampen our worst instincts, much the way the United State's mixed economy works (or at least used to work, as it seems that raw capitalism is destroying the United States too).

  12. Nov 2020
    1. Linear mixed models are an extension of simple linear models to allow both fixed and random effects, and are particularly used when there is non independence in the data, such as arises from a hierarchical structure
  13. Oct 2020
    1. We need to debate what kind of hypermedia suit our vision of society - how we create the interactive products and on-line services we want to use, the kind of computers we like and the software we find most useful. We need to find ways to think socially and politically about the machines we develop. While learning from the can-do attitude of the Californian individualists, we also must recognise that the potentiality of hypermedia can never solely be realised through market forces. We need an economy which can unleash the creative powers of hi-tech artisans. Only then can we fully grasp the Promethean opportunities of hypermedia as humanity moves into the next stage of modernity.

      Great ending. These words are as true today as they were 25 years ago.

    1. But that state of consciousness that permits the growth of liberalism seems to stabilize in the way one would expect at the end of history if it is underwritten by the abundance of a modern free market economy.

      Writers spend an awful lot of time focused too carefully on the free market economy, but don't acknowledge a lot of the major benefits of the non-free market parts which are undertaken and executed often by governments and regulatory environments. (Hacker & Pierson, 2016)

  14. Aug 2020
  15. Jul 2020
  16. May 2020
  17. Mar 2020
    1. one multispecies competition experiment and two pairwise competition experiments

      Do the multispecies experiments run parallel to the pairwise experiments?

      Is it possible that presence of other species affect the growth rates and R* values of the two species in the pairwise study by unknown interactions (symbiosis?) with other species in the mixed community? .

  18. Nov 2019
    1. Its ridership (and particularly bus ridership!) is up. Oh, and traffic is down.

      agrees nor disagrees with both sources

    2. Today, many regions have cheap gas, easy-come auto loans, Uber, Lyft, and now a new breed of bike- and scooter-share. So transit users aren’t riding like they used to.

      what caused this problem/source neither agrees nor disagrees, hence the "Don't Blame Uber" in the title

  19. Jul 2019
  20. Jun 2019
  21. varsellcm.r-forge.r-project.org varsellcm.r-forge.r-project.org
    1. missing values are managed, without any pre-processing, by the model used to cluster with the assumption that values are missing completely at random.

      VarSelLCM package

  22. Feb 2019
    1. mixed modes

      I think I'm figuring out the mixed modes thing. For Locke, a "mixed mode" refers to abstraction, words that attempt to represent concepts not found in the natural world. Or at least, there's not a one-to-one, sign-to-signifier relationship in the natural world for concepts like good or bad.

  23. Oct 2017
    1. applying networkand content analyses

      I came across this article while doing research for last week’s blog. I know this is not a straight forward SNA article, but I found it very interesting since it is a combination of SNA and content analysis. Considering this week’s readings on different data collection method, I found their approach of collecting data from Twitter very unique. In this context, content analysis refers to analyzing tweets and their content. Recently, content analysis is being used in various fields. Even social researchers are taking this opportunity of exploring already existing data. Do you think you can use the combination of both SNA and content analysis in your own research field?

  24. Feb 2017
    1. One can imagine a man who is totally deaf and has never had a sensation of sound: and music.

      Locke identifies a similar problem in his own writing, but unlike Nietzsche, refuses to address it further: "Words having naturally no signification, the idea which each stands for must be learned and retained, by those who would exchange thoughts, and hold intelligible discourse with others...Those [words] which are not intelligible at all, such as names standing for any simple ideas which another has not organs of faculties to attain; as the names of colours to a blind man, or sounds to a deaf man need not here be mentioned...for if we examine them, we shall find that the names of mixed modes are most liable to doubtfulness and imperfection."

      Although Locke doesn't delve much deeper into this, I do like how he notes that some words are used to describe "mixed modes" like music and color. Nietzsche addresses this concept below, saying that although a man might be deaf, he can still "feel" music (via vibrations) and therefore might understand sound in a way that is divergent from the conventional manner. I'm also reminded of Rickert's piece, in which he noted that Homer could never identify the color "blue" as we understand it today, instead calling the color of the sea "purple" or "wine red."

  25. Jan 2017
    1. mixed modes,

      "Mixed modes" comes up quite a few times throughout this excerpt, so I went looking for a definition...

      Here's a breakdown of "complex ideas" that might be helpful with some of the terminology used throughout this excerpt (modes, substances, and relations).

      Also, when I got to Book III, 18-20, I kind of wished those were earlier. They give a quick (and maybe useful?) explanation of simple ideas, simple modes, mixed modes, and substances.

  26. Oct 2016
  27. Sep 2016
    1. they are too racially mixed to settle on one of the government-sanctioned

      Many different types of people are not included