- Dec 2024
Countries with abundant natural resourcescan have poorer development and economic outcomes than countrieswith fewer natural resources – often referred to as the resource curse
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
The current global system of production and trade is reported to use three times more of its resource use for transport, not for making. This creates a profound ‘ecological’, i.e. biophysical and thermodynamic, rationale for relocalizing production
for - stats - motivation for cosmolocal - high inefficacy of resource and energy use - 3x for transport as for production - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Transition Resource Circle.
for - definition - Transition Resource Circle - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy
- Nov 2024
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
The presidency “clearly decided it would be OK to ‘stage manage’ the adoption” over India and Nigeria’s objections, whereas other interventions had not formally “objected”, said Dr Joanna Depledge, an expert on the international climate negotiations at the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance. S
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:24:34 Money is not the scare resource. Money is the organising tool that mobilises people and tangible resources to manifest a vision
32:12 Money is not a REAL resource. Money is a too invented by political authorities to organise and mobilise real resources
- Aug 2024
www.foreignaffairs.com www.foreignaffairs.com
the term “rare-earth minerals” is a misnomer: these elements are abundant and geographically dispersed. Eighty percent of the world’s lithium reserves, 66 percent of its nickel reserves, and 50 percent of its copper reserves are in democracies. Eighty percent of oil reserves, by contrast, are in OPEC countries, nearly all of which are autocracies
Useful stat
- Apr 2024
theconversation.com theconversation.com
resource-scarce language
This app seems to focus on Grade 3 isiZulu and then english.
- Mar 2024
crimsoc.hull.ac.uk crimsoc.hull.ac.uk
How are you feeling after last night? An autoethnographic understanding of liminality within rave.
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
one year ago finally when the project was set up in order to try to avoid this uh this crazy dynamic the name of the project is cicloter
for - Cycle Terre - https://www.cycle-terre.eu/en/ - https://circulareconomy.europa.eu/platform/en/good-practices/cycle-terre-excavated-soil-urban-areas-becomes-construction-raw-material - https://www.sme-enterprize.com/sustainability-stories/environment/cycle-terre/
description - The Cycle Terre project shifts perspectives - excavation material is no longer treated as waste to be disposed of, - but as a new raw building material for - compressed earth bricks - earth wall panels - earth coatings - https://www.cycle-terre.eu/mise-en-oeuvre/les-materiaux/ - The excavation of kilometers of tunnels to extend the Paris mass transit system will produce enormous amounts of raw feedstock for the Cycle Terre manufacturing plant.- 400 million tons!
in general countries tend to excavate enormous volumes of earth and this earth is incredibly considered as a waste material
for - circular economy - building - excavation waste - circular economy - construction - excavation waste - key insight - repurpose excavation waste as building material
key insight - She makes an pretty important observation about the inefficiency of current linear construction process - The excavation part requires enormous amounts of energy, and the earth that is excavated is treated as waste that must be disposed of AT A COST! - Instead, with a paradigm shift of earth as a valuable building resource, the excavation PRODUCES the building materials! - This is precisely what BC Material's circular economy business model is and it makes total sense!<br /> - With a simple paradigm and perspective shift, waste is suddenly transformed into a resource! - waste2resource - waste-to-resource
new meme - Waste-2-Resource
- circular economy - building - excavation waste
- waste-to-resource
- circular economy construction - excavation waste
- new meme - waste-to-resource
- waste-2-resource
- Cycle Terre
- new meme - waste2resource
- recycling excavation rubble
- Paris subway tunnel extension
- key insight - repurpose excavation waste as building material
- Dec 2023
Kaynağın verdiği bilgi ve önerisi: Sağladığı yemeklerin PSAKD binasından yüklenebileceğini, yakın yerlerde olursa taşımayı kendisinin yapabileceğini söylüyor. Fotoğrafını görebilirsiniz
Kaynağın verdiği bilgi ve önerisi: Sağladığı yemeklerin PSAKD binasından yüklenebileceğini, yakın yerlerde olursa taşımayı kendisinin yapabileceğini söylüyor. Fotoğrafını görebilirsiniz
Kaynağın verdiği bilgi ve önerisi: Sağladığı yemeklerin PSAKD binasından yüklenebileceğini, yakın yerlerde olursa taşımayı kendisinin yapabileceğini söylüyor. Fotoğrafını görebilirsiniz
Kaynağın verdiği bilgi ve önerisi: Sağladığı yemeklerin PSAKD binasından yüklenebileceğini, yakın yerlerde olursa taşımayı kendisinin yapabileceğini söylüyor. Fotoğrafını görebilirsiniz
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
Almost by definition this would significantly alleviate poverty, as society’s resources will need to move from furnishing the relative luxuries of people like me (along with Elon Musk and Bill Gates) and be mobilised to decarbonise every facet of society. And all this in two decades tops
for: climate crisis - resource flow, carbon budget - resource flow, carbon budget - resource redistribution
- This is really a major change in the way resource flows
- The high consuming countries and individuals need to drop their consumption drastically and give those to the decarbonization effort and to the disenfranchised who need to be uplifted to a state of wellbeing
www.desmog.com www.desmog.com
Dokumentation zu den PR-Firmen, die im Vorfeld der COP28 damit beauftragt waren, Sultan Al Jaber, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und die Adnoc als Vorkämpfer einer ökologischen Wende darzustellen. Zu den Quellen des Artikels gehören die Offenlegungen, die das amerikanische Justizministerium von ausländischem Agenten verlangt https://www.desmog.com/2023/12/09/inoculate-from-criticism-a-closer-look-at-the-public-relations-companies-active-at-cop28/
I think there are opportunities for for 01:13:03 um reaching people in new ways emotionally powerful ways across those three emotional temperaments that we haven't exploited and I think people like James Cameron have an intuition for that they haven't either hadn't exploited yet
- for: adjacency art - leverage point - idling resource
-: adjacency between - art - leverage point - idling resource - adjacency statement - art is a powerful leverage point that is, unfortunately still an idling resource
- Oct 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Geplante Klima-Regulierungen der Labour-geführten Regierung Australiens würden es dem Guardian zufolge ermöglichen, dass zehn Kohlekraftwerke ihre Emissionen bis 2030 weiter steigern. Blieben sie unter den festgesetzten Limits, könnten sie Verschmutzungsrechte lukrativ an andere Unternehmen verkaufen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/03/labor-coalmine-safeguard-mechanism-climate-scheme-emissions-benefits
dans.knaw.nl dans.knaw.nl
Datafiles can be published with a suitable embargo period, forinstance to allow completion of publications or research basedon the dataset, or to respect contracts made by the depositorwith third parties concerning intellectual property rights.DANS encourages embargo periods of 6 months or less.
- Aug 2023
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to easily send output to the clipboard. How can I easily capture output from the Windows PowerShell console and send it to the Windows Clipboard so I can paste it into another program? The standard Windows utility clip.exe accepts pipeline output, for example: Get-EventLog application -Newest 1 | clip
Info:: send powershell ouput data to clipboard
- Jul 2023
- Title
- The Planet's Scarcest Resource is Time
- Source
- Description
- Interview with Lester Brown
- Title
- May 2023
Beim Bau des Geothermiekraftwerks Olkaria, das Bundeskanzler Scholz gerade gefeiert hat, ist es zu massiven Verletzungen der Rechte der dort wohnenden Maasai gekommen, verbunden mitRrepressionsmaßnahmen. Hintergrundbericht in der taz. https://taz.de/Investitionen-in-Erneuerbare-in-Kenia/!5933093/
- Mar 2023
revolutionpopuli.com revolutionpopuli.com
Flancian thought this was interesting.
- Feb 2023
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
International Journal of Designs for Learning ) and by publishing in design research journals .
International Journal of Designs for Learning ) and by publishing in design research journals . https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/ijdl
This is what I found about it:
"The journal provides a venue for designers to share their knowledge-in-practice through rich representations of their designs and detailed discussion of decision-making"
- Dec 2022
archive.nytimes.com archive.nytimes.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>John Mount</span> in Good Stationery as a Tool of Thought | MZLabs (<time class='dt-published'>11/30/2022 13:11:31</time>)</cite></small>
- Oct 2022
heinzwittenbrink.github.io heinzwittenbrink.github.io
Heinz on content strategy for degrowth. Referenced in my blog https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/10/10192/ this day in 2019.
library.nyu.edu library.nyu.edu
Bobst Collaborative Media Rooms
school resource
- Aug 2022
Local file Local file
s considered the resource—or at least the authoritative description of i
what does it mean "authoritative description" of a resource?
Theowner of a resource is by definition the one hold-ing the private encryption keys.
definition of "owner of a resource"
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
5 ERP system examples (who benefits from ERP?)
The term EnterpriseResourcePlanning (ERP) system refers to a large number of integrated softwaresuites used by companies to manage day-to-day operations and business workflows, including datamanagement, inventory control, accounting, CRM, and projectmanagement. Thus, in order to remain an effective contender in an era of digital commerce, ERP_systems are an important part of the business information technology infrastructure.
- Jul 2022
In RDF, used as URI of the collection resource.
One of the sad ironies of our time is that we have become very good at studying nature just as it begins to sicken and die under our weight. “Weight” is no mere metaphor: of all land mammals and birds alive today, humans and their livestock make up 96 per cent of the biomass; wildlife has dwindled to four per cent. This has no precedent. Not so far back in history the proportions were the other way round. As recently as 1970, humans were only half and wildlife more than twice their present numbers. These closely linked figures are milestones along our rush towards a trashed and looted planet, stripped of diversity, wildness, and resilience; strewn with waste. Such is the measure of our success.
As the Tel Aviv researchers who revealed the pattern of progressively overhunting the largest fauna to extinction, then turning to the next largest available fauna noted:
"We believe that our model is relevant to human cultures everywhere. Moreover, for the first time, we argue that the driving force behind the constant improvement in human technology is the continual decline in the size of game. Ultimately, it may well be that 10,000 years ago in the Southern Levant, animals became too small or too rare to provide humans with sufficient food, and this could be related to the advent of agriculture. In addition, we confirmed the hypothesis that the extinction of large animals was caused by humans -- who time and time again destroyed their own livelihood through overhunting. We may therefore conclude that humans have always ravaged their environment but were usually clever enough to find solutions for the problems they had created -- from the bow and arrow to the agricultural revolution. The environment, however, always paid a devastating price."
It seems humans have a built-in blindspot that prioritizes short term needs over long term survival. History shows us that we are continuously biased towards prioritizing the human environment over the natural one but future generations eventually pay the price for this myopia.
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Dr. Ben-Dor: "Our findings enable us to propose a fascinating hypothesis on the development of humankind: humans always preferred to hunt the largest animals available in their environment, until these became very rare or extinct, forcing the prehistoric hunters to seek the next in size. As a result, to obtain the same amount of food, every human species appearing in the Southern Levant was compelled to hunt smaller animals than its predecessor, and consequently had to develop more advanced and effective technologies. Thus, for example, while spears were sufficient for Homo erectus to kill elephants at close range, modern humans developed the bow and arrow to kill fast-running gazelles from a distance." Prof. Barkai concludes: "We believe that our model is relevant to human cultures everywhere. Moreover, for the first time, we argue that the driving force behind the constant improvement in human technology is the continual decline in the size of game. Ultimately, it may well be that 10,000 years ago in the Southern Levant, animals became too small or too rare to provide humans with sufficient food, and this could be related to the advent of agriculture. In addition, we confirmed the hypothesis that the extinction of large animals was caused by humans -- who time and time again destroyed their own livelihood through overhunting. We may therefore conclude that humans have always ravaged their environment but were usually clever enough to find solutions for the problems they had created -- from the bow and arrow to the agricultural revolution. The environment, however, always paid a devastating price."
This is a fascinating claim with far reaching consequences for modern humans dealing with the Anthropocene polycrisis.
Technological development seems to have been related to our resource overshoot. As we extirpated the larger prey fauna which were slower moving and able to be successfully hunted with crude weapons, our ancestors were forced to hunt smaller and more agile species, requiring better hunting technologies.
Agriculture could have been the only option left to our ancestors when there was insufficient species left to support society. This is the most salient sentence:
"we confirmed the hypothesis that the extinction of large animals was caused by humans -- who time and time again destroyed their own livelihood through overhunting. We may therefore conclude that humans have always ravaged their environment but were usually clever enough to find solutions for the problems they had created"
This is a disturbing finding as technology has allowed humanity to be the apex species of the planet and we are now depleting resources not on a local scale, but a global one. There is no planet B to move to once we have decimated the environment globally.
Have we progressed ourselves into a corner? Are we able to culturally pivot and correct such an entrenched cultural behavior of resource mismanagement?
In this way, according to the researchers, early humans repeatedly overhunted large animals to extinction (or until they became so rare that they disappeared from the archaeological record) and then went on to the next in size -- improving their hunting technologies to meet the new challenge. The researchers also claim that about 10,000 years ago, when animals larger than deer became extinct, humans began to domesticate plants and animals to supply their needs, and this may be why the agricultural revolution began in the Levant at precisely that time.
This is an extraordinary claim, that due to extirpation of fauna prey species, we resorted to agriculture. In other words, that we hunted the largest prey, and when they went extinct, went after the next largest species until all the large megafauna became extinct. According to this claim, agriculture became a necessity due to our poor intergenerational resource management skills.
A groundbreaking study by researchers from Tel Aviv University tracks the development of early humans' hunting practices over the last 1.5 million years -- as reflected in the animals they hunted and consumed. The researchers claim that at any given time early humans preferred to hunt the largest animals available in their surroundings, which provided the greatest quantities of food in return for a unit of effort.
Our ancestors had a bias to hunt the biggest game. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective but the unintended consequence of a species with better than average combination of cognitive, toolmaking and collaborative skills was resource overshoot, extirpation and extinction.
It seems we in modernity are simply repeating ancient cultural patterns of lack of foresight, exasperated by technological sophistication that shortens the cycle time for resource extraction and therefore for extirpation of prey species. Certainly, this is not universal as there are cases where our ancestors did manage resources much more effectively.
- Jun 2022
multilateral cooperation is key to accelerate such action that new and additional voices need to be heard and engaged with especially 00:10:11 those of youth women indigenous groups and local communities the need to centre action on the principles of reaching out to the furthest first and leaving no one behind something like gandhian talisman
There is a need to integrate top down, middle and bottom up actors into a grand synthesis to achieve the greatest efficacy in a Marshall plan.
The community is the building block of society. Community action is still an idling capacity, an untapped resource. There is a natural synergy between communities and youth, and the bridge is schools.
- Apr 2022
3 big questions about the Biden administration’s COVID response in 2022. (2021, December 30). PBS NewsHour. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/3-big-questions-about-the-biden-administrations-covid-response-in-2022
www.facetsjournal.com www.facetsjournal.com
Caulfield, T., Bubela, T., Kimmelman, J., & Ravitsky, V. (2021). Let’s do better: Public representations of COVID-19 science. FACETS, 6, 403–423. https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2021-0018
- Mar 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Yeah, Ubuntu also seems to be getting as resource intensive as Windows
I've been saying that Ubuntu is resource hungry for years.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @psychmag: This looks very interesting, and several of the speakers have contributed to our Covid coverage https://t.co/pOE34Vy94e and /…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 March 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1486007937818583055
- Feb 2022
www.vox.com www.vox.com
It’s the fear that having a kid in this day and age dooms that kid to a miserable life on a miserably hot planet.
That may be what some people believe, but there are other reasons too. Resource depletion, food shortages, and underemployment are big ones. Having fewer children isn't just about the climate; it's about creating a generally healthier society in the long term.
- Jan 2022
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
The USDA engaged the Soil and Water Conservation Society in 2005 to assemble a panel of university scientists and conservation community leaders to recommend the most effective, proactive, and scientifically credible CEAP activities—thereby ensuring that
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
The Conservation Effects Assessment (Mausbach and Dedrick 2004). Project (CEAP) is a unique, multiagency effort designed to quantify conservation effects and to determine how conservation practices can be most effectively designed and implemented to protect and enhance environmental quality (Duriancik et al. CeaP Goals The primary goal of CEAP is to strengthen the scientific foundation underpinning conservation programs to protect and enhance environmental Rangelands represent non-cultivated, non-forested land that is extensively managed with ecological principles. (Photo: David Briske) 2008). CEAP was jointly initiated in 2003 by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in partnership with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in response to requests from Congress and the Office of Management and Budget for greater accountability to US taxpayers following a near doubling of US Department of Agriculture (USDA) conservation program funding in the 2002 Farm Bill. These funds are allocated to multiple conservation practices through several USDA-sponsored conservation programs, including the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, Conservation Reserve Program, and NRCS Conservation Technical Assistance Program. This funding increase was concomitant with substantial modifications to
dblp.org dblp.org
rsbyrne.github.io rsbyrne.github.io
Welcome to the Australian Crisis Mobility Portal. (n.d.). Mobility-Aus. Retrieved January 10, 2022, from https://rsbyrne.github.io/mobility-aus/
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Krueger, P., Callaway, F., Gul, S., Griffiths, T., & Lieder, F. (2022). Discovering Rational Heuristics for Risky Choice. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mg7dn
- Dec 2021
calgaryherald.com calgaryherald.com
Calgary Herald. (n.d.). Calgaryherald. Retrieved December 21, 2021, from https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/anti-covid-vaccine-dad-loses-battle-with-ex-wife-over-whether-to-get-their-children-inoculated
- Nov 2021
Manning, W., & Dush, C. K. (2021). COVID-19 Stress and Sexual Identities. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/69gjs
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Sett, S., Ribeiro, C. dos S., Prat, C., Haringhuizen, G., Avšič, T., Batten, C., Beato, M. S., Bourhy, H., Caro, A. D., Charrel, R., Coutard, B., Drexler, J. F., Drosten, C., Fooks, A. R., Klempa, B., Koopmans, M., Klimkait, T., Günther, S., Manuguerra, J.-C., … Scholz, A. H. (2021). Access and benefit-sharing by the European Virus Archive in response to COVID-19. The Lancet Microbe, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2666-5247(21)00211-1
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
People ‘unvaccinated by choice’ in Singapore no longer can receive free covid-19 treatment. (n.d.). Washington Post. Retrieved 12 November 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/11/08/singapore-unvaccinated-medical-costs-health-care-covid-19/
- Oct 2021
www.nejm.org www.nejm.org
Covid-19 Vaccine Resource Center. (n.d.). Https://Www.Nejm.Org. Retrieved July 19, 2021, from https://www.nejm.org/covid-vaccine
- Sep 2021
www.alnap.org www.alnap.org
- Jul 2021
Ingale, M., & Shekatkar, S. M. (2020). Resource dependency and survivability in complex networks. Physical Review E, 102(6), 062304. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.062304
- May 2021
COVID-19 Breakthrough Case Investigations and Reporting | CDC. (2021, May 28). https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html
crookedtimber.org crookedtimber.org
I particularly enjoyed the California water commons, with its quiet nod to Elinor Ostrom’s original post-graduate research on emergent cooperation between county water-boards.
A quiet nod here in it's own right. Now I want to dig into Elinor Ostrom's research and work.
twitter.com twitter.com
Ryan McNamara 🧬 on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved 19 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/Ryan_Mac_Phd/status/1361435791004758018
- Apr 2021
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Sy, Karla Therese L., Laura F. White, and Brooke E. Nichols. ‘Population Density and Basic Reproductive Number of COVID-19 across United States Counties’. PLOS ONE 16, no. 4 (21 April 2021): e0249271. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0249271.
machinelounge.com machinelounge.com
Our advice is to let the neighborhood borrow the tool (you can also rent it out) since there is no value in having it lying idle for the larger part of the year.
- Mar 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Stoeckel, Luke E. ‘One Dad’s COVID-19 Diary 1 Year Later’. PsyArXiv, 14 March 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hcv46.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/BehSciAsk - Workshop hackathon: ReSearch Engine: Search Engine for SciBeh’s knowledge base & beyond. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved 5 March 2021, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciAsk/comments/jkz7jx/workshop_hackathon_research_engine_search_engine/
www.shapingtomorrowsworld.org www.shapingtomorrowsworld.org
Armaos, K., Tapper, K., Ecker, U., Juanchich, M., Bruns, H., Gavaruzzi, T., Sah, S., Al-Rawi, A., Lewandowsky, S. (2020). Tips on countering conspiracy theories and disinformation. Available at sks.to/countertips
- Feb 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. “Launching a New SciBeh Tool- the Video-Viewer: Https://T.Co/LhfABNTBJM Over the Pandemic, @SciBeh Has Suggested Many a Great Webinar, Video, Lecture or Interview. but on Twitter Material Is Gone in a Flash. So We’ve Collected It in One Place, to Search, and View. Enjoy!” Tweet. @SciBeh (blog), February 8, 2021. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1358798007341363203.
www.profweb.ca www.profweb.ca
online curation is:
The most prominent example of this type of online curation, in my personal experience as a teacher, is curating reading lists for my university courses.
In some cases (more "traditional"), this list is part of the syllabus and coursepack that I distribute ahead of the semester so it's something that I would do in the Summer or during a Winter break. Having taught several courses on a short notice (getting the contract a couple of weeks before the semester starts), I've fine-tuned my technique to be as efficient as possible. Some of my reading lists were better than others and a few were really solid. Teaching with such a reading list is quite a joy. Much more so than teaching from a textbook. At one point, I stopped having printed coursepacks. I simply give links to the fulltext articles available through #OpenAccess or through the databases to which the university's library is subscribed. A few students complained early on but it does mean that they don't have to purchase text material for the course. The reason it's important to me does have to do with the cost of higher education. It's also about shifting the role of text resources. We use these texts to do some work together. It's not like these texts are "transmitting the knowledge" to learners' brains.
So, that's my more traditional pattern: a syllabus with a list of links to articles (typically PDFs) that I distributed before the semester starts.
In other cases (my "enhanced" practice), it's something I do every week, based on what has happened in the course. And I do mean a full reading list each week. Class members choose the text on which they want to focus. Though several of them expect me to be "the sage on the stage" who will lead them to that one nugget of wisdom they will have to "retain", a shift happens once they take ownership of those reading choices. That practice is quite timeconsuming and it doesn't necessarily improves my teaching in obvious ways. It's rewarding in other ways. (I sometimes ask learners to find resources on their own, which really deepens the learning process. It requires a significant level of autonomy that they might not reveal during a given semester, even if they have significant experience as university students).
My routine of building weekly reading lists also means that I got quite a bit of practice at this.
Typically, I start the collecting with a "forward citation search" in Web of Knowledge, Scopus, or Google Scholar. I often know this one key article which is likely to have been cited by a number of authors more recently. I collect as many of those as possible and some patterns emerge. Quite frequently, there would be subtopics that I rearrange. It might send me in a "rabbithole". Which is ok. I'm in a discovery mode. And some of the texts which fall under my radar at that point become relevant at a further point.
In other words, I often cast a wide net during the collection phase.
The selection process is mostly a matter or rearranging the reading list so that the first few items cover enough of the range of subtopics. Sometimes, my lists remain quite long, which means that learners have more choice (which is uncomfortable enough to help them learn). It also involves an organization phase.
Summarizing the significance of the collection is the basis for my presentation of the list to the class. My description of the collection is the moment in a class meeting during which I switch to lecture mode. If I do it at the end of the class meeting (or just before the break), students are likely to pay less attention, even though it's typically short. If I do If I do it before discussing the items for the current week, it gets a bit confusing. So it often works best if I present this list after we've worked through the previous ones but before some kind of activity which links the two topics.
As for sharing in the cloud, I typically do this through the LMS I'm using in that institutions. I've tried more public methods but they weren't that effective.
All this to say... I could probably optimize my method.
blog.enkerli.com blog.enkerli.com
One of my early prototyping experiences in the OER field.
- Jan 2021
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
it's an absolute resource hog
Call me cynical, but is Snap possibly a resource hog as well?
- Dec 2020
www.joyofsvelte.com www.joyofsvelte.com
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Serhan, Y. (2020, December 8). Vaccine Nationalism Is Doomed to Fail. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/12/vaccine-nationalism-doomed-fail/617323/
- Oct 2020
outbreak.info outbreak.info
Outbreak.info. (n.d.). Outbreak.Info. Retrieved October 25, 2020, from https://outbreak.info/
masteringjs.io masteringjs.io
- Sep 2020
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
The RDF model encodes data in the form ofsubject,predicate,objecttriples. The subjectand object of a triple are both URIs that each identify a resource, or a URI and a stringliteral respectively. The predicate specifies how the subject and object are related, and isalso represented by a URI.
Basic description of Resource Description Framework
news.northeastern.edu news.northeastern.edu
If rich countries monopolize COVID-19 vaccines, it could cause twice as many deaths as distributing them equally. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://news.northeastern.edu/2020/09/14/if-rich-countries-monopolize-covid-19-vaccines-it-could-cause-twice-as-many-deaths-as-distributing-them-equally/
www.azdhs.gov www.azdhs.gov
- addendum
- public health
- COVID-19
- grouping
- care facility
- priority
- resource allocation
- scarcity
- scoring
- healthcare
- triage
- is:pdf
- lang:en
- treatment
- Aug 2020
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14 Essential Functions of the Human Resource Department Leave a Comment / Blog Contact According to Storey (1995), HRM is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an integrated array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques. An efficiently run human resources department can provide your organization with structure and the ability to meet business needs through managing your company’s most valuable resources – its employees. There are several HR disciplines, but HR practitioners in each discipline may perform more than one of the more than six essential functions. In small businesses without a dedicated HR department, it’s possible to achieve the same level of efficiency and workforce management through outsourcing HR functions or joining a professional employer organization. In this article, we will go over the 14 essential Functions of Human Resource departments and explain how they help move the organization forward. These functions are as follows: Human Resource Planning The first function of HR is all about knowing the future needs of the organization. What kind of people does the organization need, and how many? Knowing this will shape the recruitment, selection, performance management, learning and development, and all other HR functions. Human resources planning is similar to workforce planning. Both focus on where the organization is today and what it needs to be successful in the future. Recruitment And Selection Recruitment process outsourcing is the process of captivating, screening, and selecting potential and qualified candidates based on objective criteria for a particular job. The goal of this process is to attract qualified applicants and to encourage the unqualified applicants to opt themselves out. The recruitment and selection process is very important to every organization because it reduces the costs of mistakes such as engaging incompetent, unmotivated, and under-qualified employees. Firing the unqualified candidate and hiring the new employee is again an expensive process. Training and Development Employers must provide employees with the tools necessary for their success which, in many cases, means giving new employees extensive orientation training to help them transition into a new organizational culture. Many HR departments also provide leadership training and professional development. Corporate training may be required of newly hired and promoted supervisors and managers on topics such as performance management and how to handle employee relations matters at the department level. Employer-Employee Relations In a unionized work environment, the employee and labor relations functions of HR may be combined and handled by one specialist or be entirely separate functions managed by two HR specialists with specific expertise in each area. Employee relations is the HR discipline concerned with strengthening the employer-employee relationship through measuring job satisfaction, employee engagement and resolving workplace conflict. Labor relations functions may include developing management response to union organizing campaigns, negotiating collective bargaining agreements and rendering interpretations of labor union contract issues. Compensation and Benefits Like employee and labor relations, the compensation and benefits functions of HR often can be handled by one HR specialist with dual expertise. On the compensation side, the HR functions include setting compensation structures and evaluating competitive pay practices. A comp and benefits specialist also may negotiate group health coverage rates with insurers and coordinate activities with the retirement savings fund administrator. Payroll can be a component of the compensation and benefits section of HR; however, in many cases, employers outsource such administrative functions as payroll. Labor Law Compliance Compliance with labor and employment laws is a critical HR function. Noncompliance can result in workplace complaints based on unfair employment practices, unsafe working conditions and general dissatisfaction with working conditions that can affect productivity and ultimately, profitability. HR staff must be aware of federal and state employment laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the National Labor Relations Act and many other rules and regulations. Recognition and Rewards Rewards & Recognitions are a way of making employees feel worthy of their work as appreciation serves as the best motivation. recognitions and Rewards can be monetary or non-monetary. A task or goal or performance linked to rewards, and further evaluation and reward is usually the cycle.Rewards could be a sponsored vacation, raise in salary, bonus, performance-based pay. Recognitions could be a higher post, job security, growth opportunities, a good work environment, accolades, and offering credibility across the company. Rewards & Recognitions not only motivates employees but also helps to retain them. Long-term advantages of rewards and recognition are – Rewards and recognitions have a direct impact on attrition rates.Performance can be enhanced through rewards & recognitions.Higher loyalty standards can be established.Better teamwork can be best explored.Absenteeism and negative behavior can be curtailed.Employees are engaged and enjoy their work. Health and safety Health & Safety is a prime HR function in the entire landscape of Human Resource Management. Employees spend most of their time at work and to bring them a safe environment, that is amicable and guarded is the prerogative of the organization. Organizations should consider- Safety and health policies according to industry benchmarks.Safety and health training from time to time.Sexual harassment act for women employees.Health initiatives within the company premises. Companies should focus not only on a plush working environment too. From the health perspective, various drives, seminars and workshops are an undisputed need in the interest of the employees. Free health camps and paid medical insurance policies for employee& family are some of the initiatives companies can engage in for their employee health & safety. Maintaining Good Working Conditions It is the responsibility of the human resource management to provide good working conditions to the employee so that they may like the workplace and the work environment. It is the fundamental duty of the HR department to motivate the employees. The study has been found that employees don’t contribute to the goals of the organization as much as they can. This is because of the lack of motivation. Human resource management should come up with a system to provide financial and non-financial benefits to the employee from the various departments. Employee welfare is another concept which should be managed by HR team. Employee welfare promotes job satisfaction. Administrative Responsibilities Another function of HR is its administrative responsibility. These include personnel procedures and Human Resource Information Systems. Personnel procedures involve the handling of promotions, relocations, discipline, performance improvement, illness, regulations, cultural and racial diversity, unwanted intimacies, bullying, and so on. For each of these situations, policies and procedures need to be developed and followed to successfully comply with the requests, or overcome these challenges. Career/Succession Planning As an HR function, succession planning is an initiative towards monitoring and working an existing employees’ growth path such that he can be promoted within. Companies can identify bright and promising employees inside an organization and work on developing their growth path. Employees who feel assured of a promising work environment within the company will not leave. Companies should work out strategies for individual development, engage employees in grooming and challenging activities to develop them towards a higher role. Showing employees how their personal ambition can align with the future of the company helps to engage and retain them. For the organization, there are the benefits of better succession planning, higher productivity, and a stronger employer brand. Industrial Relations Industrial Relations as a HR function is primarily practised in manufacturing & production units. Unions rule industrial units with a motive that collectively speaks of the goodwill of the employees. A company in the production & manufacturing domain should have prevalent Industrial Relations practises and should continuously engage in talks with unions to maintain an amicable situation. Industrial Relations aims towards a continuous production process, reducing production time and resource wastage, reduce serious disputes including strikes and protests, better and safer working conditions, meeting wage standards and expectation. Industrial Relations if handled sensitively can avoid lawsuits, protests, walkouts, loss of production time, and money.Unionization is still very prevalent in Europe. In 2015, 92% of employees in Iceland were a member of a union, followed by Sweden (67%), Belgium (55%), Italy (37%), Ireland (27%) and Canada (27%). Maintaining good relations with unions will help to spot and resolve potential conflicts quickly and will also be beneficial in more difficult economic times when layoffs or other actions are required. Performance Management Performance management is essential in ensuring that workers stay productive and engaged. Good performance management involves good leadership, clear goal-setting, and open feedback. Performance management tools include the (bi)annual performance review, in which the employee is reviewed by his/her manager. It also includes 360-degree feedback tools in which peers, managers, subordinates, and sometimes even customers review the employee’s performance. These kinds of tools can be very helpful in providing feedback. Ideally, employees should be reviewed on a 360-degree scale, where peers, subordinates, seniors and even customers offer feedback on an employee’s performance. The performance management system is effective in identifying the gaps in performances that can be filled with training and skill enhancement. Performance management system, in the long run, is a profitable affair. Clear accountabilities, better productivity, reduced conflicts, job satisfaction and enhanced productivity levels all, in the long run, materialize to lesser attrition. Function Evaluation Function evaluation is a more technical role of HR that involves comparing various functions in terms of qualification, the quality, and availability of workers, job location, working times, the economic situation, job responsibility, and how much value this job adds to the organization. The idea behind function evaluation is that similar jobs should be rewarded similarly. There are different ways of internally ranking functions: Ranking Method: a method in which subject matter experts rank functions in terms of how much they contribute to the organization as a whole. Functions are paired and raters have to decide which one is more valuable. This is done with all functions and based on the outcome, a ranking is established. Classification method: jobs can also be classified in different categories using classification methods. In this case, jobs are categorized and then ranked within these categories to come up with a ranking. Categorizations can include education, experience, the degree of specialized skills needed to do the job, the degree to which these skills are in-demand, and so on. Points method: jobs are categorized according to the factors the organization believes contribute most to its success. Points are then awarded to each category for every job. These categories can include key competencies, like problem-solving, technical knowledge, communication and influencing skills, innovative capability, business acumen, and so on. These competencies will differ per organization Personal method: in this method, the job itself is not evaluated but the person doing the job is. Here, employees are rewarded based on their personal skills and competencies. Apart from the above, the HR function involves managing change, technology, innovation, and diversity. It is no longer confined to the culture or ethos of any single organization; its keynote is a cross-fertilization of ideas from different organizations. Periodic social audits of HR functions are considered essential. HR professionals have an all-encompassing role. They are required to have a thorough knowledge of the organization and its intricacies and complexities. The ultimate goal of every HR manager should be to develop a linkage between the employee and the organization because the employee’s commitment to the organization is crucial. The first and foremost role of HR functionary is to impart continuous education to employees about the changes and challenges facing the country in general and their organization in particular. The employees should know about their balance sheet, sales progress, diversification plans, restructuring plans, sharp price movements, turnover, and all such details. The HR professionals should impart education to all employees through small booklets, video films, and lectures. I hope this article helped you in finding out what main purposes do the HR have and you found out ways to accomplish those. All the best!
The function of Human Resource department is one of the most important parts of a business, HR Department helps the business in managing employees. These are the 14 essential Functions of the Human Resource department.
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From the point of view of the administrator, I see that public servers Matrix are unsuitable for federation. Matrix server used - 10 000 MB RAM for 50 online users. (200 mb/user) XMPP used - 400 MB RAM for 1000 online users. (200 kb /user)Give AwardshareReportSavelevel 2logicSnob1 point · 10 months agoIs it an optimization issue that can be fixed?Give AwardshareReportSavelevel 3404-city1 point · 8 months ago · edited 6 months agoThis is not an optimization problem, it is a protocol problem. Need to trim functions to XMPP level. XMPP is already used at high loads, so to be afraid to add “killer cool for servers” matrix features to the protocol.
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